September 2013
Compiled, edited and constructed by Russell Dames... Updated every Sunday at 2 p.m.
Volume 10 © 2011
1st September , 2013 Welcome to |
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CHRISTIE IN WASHINGTON: it was a rare favour granted to a Prime Minister and Head of Government outside the United States. Prime Minister Perry Christie was asked to speak at the observances of the Martin Luther King Jr. “ I Have A Dream” speech, the 50th anniversary of which was celebrated last week on Wednesday 28th August 2013. Mr. Christie spoke to the struggle with which The Bahamas identifies. In fact, the founding Prime Minister of our country the late Sir Lynden O. Pindling participated in the march in 1963. Mr. Christie was therefore on good ground to speak. The only other Caribbean leader there was Kenny Anthony, the Prime Minister of St. Lucia. He did not speak. Then after Mr. Christie came Junkanoo in all its splendor. It wowed the crowd. Mr. Christie for his part was shot in this bound to become iconic photo at the American Lincoln Memorial as he delivered his address on Wednesday 28th August. You can click here for the video of the |
Two Cubans were released into the custody of the United States government on Friday 30th August. This was the same day that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Bahamas Fred Mitchell was headed to Miami to meet the staff at the Consulate General in Miami. For weeks there have been protests in Miami about the alleged abuse of detainees at the detention centre in New Providence for housing illegal migrants. On the day Mr. Mitchell was scheduled to appear in Miami the protestors got a permit to demonstrate again.
Mr. Mitchell appeared at the Consulate. There were no signs of any protestors. It turned out that later in the day well after the meeting was over, two people showed up with placards.
Put two and two together and the answer is this. The only reason for the protests was the concern that the two men who were released to the United States on Friday 30th August were being held and not released to the United States. Bottom line is this: if the protestors had used their supposed and considerable influence on the United States, they could have had the people back with them long time. The fault in this matter was not with The Bahamas.
Their anger and protests were directed at the wrong people. That much is now clear. After this, you won’t hear from them again. They have no interest in the wider issues just these two people. Now that they have them . Good riddance to this.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 31st August 2013 up to midnight:142,114
Number of hits for the month of August up to Saturday 31st August 2013 up to midnight:565, 465;
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 31st August 2013 up to midnight:4, 822, 459
The Cuban Ambassador to The Bahamas Ernesto Soberon Guzman made an unusual intervention into the public debate last week. He clarified the business of what is driving the illegal migration into The Bahamas by Cuban nationals. The U.S. Government encourages Cubans to leave Cuba and enter other countries including their own illegally by the double standard which is applied between Cubans and other migrants seeking to live in the United States. That is the position put by the Ambassador. He also challenges the assertions made by two local politicians one FNM Dr. Duane Sands and the other DNA Branville McCartney that Cubans are not free to leave their country. The letter was released to the press
Response from the Ambassador of Cuba, H.E. Ernesto Soberón Guzmán to the statements made by Mr. Branville McCartney, Leader of the Democratic National Alliance and Mr. Duane Sands, Deputy Chairman of the Free National Movement.
Dear Mr. McCartney and Mr. Sands:
Regarding your recent comments related with Cuba, I will like to comment some of the points highlighted in your statements.
I don’t know if you are aware that since January 14th, 2013, Cuba started implementing new regulations made to its Migratory Law, allowing any Cuban national to travel abroad with the only requirement of having an updated passport and the visa of the country that person is visiting. Cuban nationals travel abroad freely as any individual around the world.
Now, it happens to be that, in relation with those Cuban nationals that want to visit United States something very different takes place. Unfortunately, most of the times, the requests of visa to travel to United States is denied by the American Office of Interest in Havana, and it happens more than one time to a single person, mostly if that person is not a high qualify professional . This fact pushes some to try to reach American territory illegally and by any means.
Why Cuban nationals continue to be willing to travel illegally to the United States, despite knowing all the dangerous experiences they may go through during their journey? The answer is simple: the United States has a privileged migratory policy addressed only to Cuban migrants.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the “Wet Foot, Dry Foot Policy”. Like you know it is the name given to a consequence of the 1995 revision of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that says, essentially, that anyone who fled Cuba and got into the United States would be allowed to pursue residency a year later. A year later!!! So the questions are ¿Are Cuban immigrants better than any other immigrants? ¿Are there better and worse immigrants? I could continue giving you details on the American migratory policy towards Cuban nationals by that´s something we can deal with some other time.
None of the Cuban illegal migrants that arrive to Bahamian territory or anywhere else are political refugees, none of them. What takes them to go travel abroad is their individual will and desire of improving their economic situation, something that is not typical of these times we are living. Migratory movements, whatever their objectives, is a historic issue, experienced by all societies so far.
In relation with the fate of those Cuban nationals involved in Repatriation processes from the Bahamas to Cuba. Allow me to said that even Congress officials from Florida and the most bitter media have recognized that Cuban nationals does not experience any kind of persecution or imprisonment once they return to their country. You can follow up this issue in recent declaration to the press of the officials I am referring here.
On this regard, I continue waiting for any individual or the media itself, to give me a name of a single Cuban national that has suffered persecution or imprisonment after being return to Cuba through a repatriation process.
One more point, concerning the Repatriation process between Cuba and the Bahamas, let me make clear that all of them, have been performed under both, Memorandum of Understanding on Illegal Migration signed between Cuba and The Bahamas in 1988 and 1996, and each and every single of these exercises have been taking place since then, including the period in which Mr. McCartney was serving as the Minister responsible for Immigration, during the last FNM government.
The staff at the Cuban Embassy to The Bahamas is very aware of the Cuban nationals at the Detention Center and their living conditions. This can be proved through the many requests to visit the Detention center made to the Department of Immigration as well as to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas. Only in 2013, our Embassy has paid 8 visits to that facility besides dealing with the huge amounts of emails and phone calls from the relatives that are housed there. Moreover, our Embassy maintains constant communication with the proper Bahamian authorities on this subject of common interest.
Dear Mr. McCartney and Mr. Sands, your consideration and appreciation are returned since I also have both of you in high esteem. Remember that anything that can damage the image of Cuba to the world will always be used and over exaggerated by the political right wing in Florida. It will be very naïve and mistaken to emit comments on the Cuban reality without living in our country or, more important, without knowing the history of the relationship between Cuba and the United States in depth.
As I said before, we can talk about it a lot more whenever you wish.
Sincerely yours,
H.E. Ernesto Soberón Guzmán
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
PS: Almost forgot, one more tiny detail, every year the majority of Cuban nationals that travel by legal means abroad returns to Cuba. Why would they want to go back to a communist country that continuously harasses its inhabitants?
The Prime Minister Perry Christie was the only Caribbean Prime Minister invited by the King family to address the gathering at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D C on 28th August as the people of the United States marked the 50th anniversary of the I Have A Dream Speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963. The photos of the event were taken by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services. The Prime Minister was joined by his wife Mrs. Christie and the Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe. The delegation also included the press from The Bahamas amongst them Julian Reid, a presenter from ZNS and Debbie Bartlett of Gems Radio and Ghandi Pinder of Gems Radio.
You may click here for the full address of the Prime Minister
Following the Prime Minister Perry Christie’s address and participation in the observances of the Martin Luther King I Have A Dream Address in Washington D. C. on Wednesday 28th August, there was a reception at the Willard Hotel for guests of the Prime Minister in honour of Bernice King, the daughter of the late Martin Luther King. Ms. King acknowledged the connection with The Bahamas. She said her father was connected to Bimini in particular and that next year will be the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Nobel Prize to Dr. King, the acceptance speech for which he wrote in the mangroves of Bimini. The photos at the reception were taken by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services. Fred Mitchell, the Foreign Minister, attended the reception organize by Consul General Paulette Zonicle.
New York
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MINISTER AND AMBASSADORS: Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell (seated) is pictured at Bahamas House in New York on Tuesday, August 27, with, standing from left, Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador to the United States; Mr. Forrester J. Carroll, Consul General to New York; Ms. Sandra McLaughlin, Vice Consul; and Dr. Elliston Rahming, Bahamas Ambassador to the United Nations and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS). Mr. Mitchell was in New York to introduce Dr. Rahming as the new Ambassador to the United Nations to staff members of the Bahamas Mission to the U.N. On Monday he introduced Dr. Newry as the new Ambassador to the United States to staff members of the Bahamas Embassy, 2220 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. |
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Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell is pictured with staff members of the Bahamas Embassy in Washington, D.C. during a meeting at the Embassy on Monday, August 26, to introduce Dr. Eugene Newry as the new Bahamas Ambassador to the United States. Pictured seated from left are Dr. Newry; Mr. Mitchell; Dr. Elliston Rahming, newly appointed Ambassador to the United Nations and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS); and Consul General Paulette Zonicle. Standing from left are Christine Dean, Custodian; Inga Dean, Consular Assistant; Colleen Isaacs, Senior Accountant; D. Hettiarachchi, Chauffeur; Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of Mission; Jasmine Lightbourne, Private Secretary; OswaldT. Brown, Press, Cultural and Information Manager; Nesta Pathirana, Private Secretary; Cameron Ferguson, Registry Supervisor; and Tershira McDonald, Information Officer. |
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MIAMI, Florida -- Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell is pictured with staff members of the Bahamas Consulate in Miami on Friday, August 30, 2013. While in Miami, the Minister thanked the staff for their resolution on behalf of the country in the face of provocations from Cuban-American protestors. Pictured from left are: Vernell Thompson, Dulcie Green, Rashard Ferguson, Consul General Ricardo Treco, Caron Greene, Jamal Horton, Minister Mitchell, Consul Andre Thurston, Rudolph Green, Deputy Consul General Sandra Carey, Maxine Ferguson, Claire Claridge, Jacinta Stirrup, Jennifer Johnson, Nicole Gibson, Darnell Bosfield, and Vice Consul Wayne Woodside. |
The Bahamas in 2013 is a country whose stock in trade is tourism. We make our bread and butter, and our livelihood is derived from being hospitable to the people who arrive in our country. Given that simple reality, is it in the national interest to mistreat Cuban migrants that were interdicted at sea? Do our collective values condone the ill treatment of strangers within our gates? No. We believe if a man is thirsty, we give him drink; if he is hungry, we give him food: these are the values we hold dear as Bahamians.
Dr. Hubert Minnis, leader of the FNM, found it necessary to assert to the world that the government of the Bahamas was engaged in a cover up of mistreating Cuban migrants at the detention centre in Nassau. I have said it before that Dr. Minnis’ judgment and temperament as a new generation leader is sadly lacking. His political acumen is almost non-existent when it comes to identifying issues. He further lacks the gravitas to inspire those around him. Dr. Minnis has done well for himself economically that has caused him to become proud, and at times, reckless. The question is, how does his revelation help the FNM, and finally, the cause of the Bahamas? What was his goal, other than, to inflict damage? Dr. Minnis has unwittingly inflicted harm to our national brand, the Bahamas. He has troubled his own house, and does not appreciate that politics ends at the border, the high water mark.
We are a democratic country with the entrenched beliefs in the rule of law; and we further believe in the democratic process. With general elections not scheduled until 2017, when the collective will of the people will judge Dr. Minnis at the ballot box. What will this train wreck waiting to happen leader do next? At what point will the FNM party stalwarts and elders step him and bridled the behavior of their leader.
Prime Minister Perry Christie will know well the biblical story of Nehemiah of old. Our walls have been breached Prime Minister by forces from within. The breach must be repaired, while at the same time, the wall must be defended. A call to arms is necessary to defend our interests. We must now go in to an election campaign mode to end the political folly of Dr. Minnis.
The post script of Cardinal Thomas Wosley, 1473-1530, is an instructive lesson to all those up and coming politicians. He said that if I had served my God, as I have served my King, then I would not have been left desolate in my old age. To chairman, Darren Cash, do not defend nonsense.
Brian Seymour
It is difficult to maintain one’s temperament and equilibrium in the face of all of the foolishness that has been going on in The Bahamas over the past two weeks over this issue of Cuban detainees. It is like some Bahamians have lost all reason. It is easy to understand one supposes the political tomfoolery of the political loony tunes like Eileen Carron, Sharon Turner, Kevin Evans and Larry Smith but the difficulty you have is that some people in the population become like lemmings and start running over the cliff behind these loony tunes. Fred Mitchell has said with respect to the loony tunes that no one in their right mind would pay any attention to what they have to say. Eileen Carron for example is a bitter biddie, sitting up in Camperdown with nothing to do but nurse ancient grudges against the PLP. There is not a rational bone in her body. Doesn’t matter what the PLP does, she is against it. The others fall in a similar category and disposition. So why should the PLP pay any attention to them. Except that they have the capacity to confuse the issue because what they say appears in print. But we want to tell people that appearing in print does not make it true. Here you have a hapless and hopeless doctor who has ended up by an accident of history as the Leader of the Opposition Hubert Minnis and he is busy blowing his chance. He has adopted the Eileen Carron approach of scorching the earth. That resulted in him locking step with the foreign protestors against the Bahamian people. When that backfired on them, they then got more desperate and leaked documents to the press. We are informed that the leaks of these documents purportedly of the state of the detainees allegedly beaten by Royal Bahamas Defence Force Officers was done through the offices of Dr. Duane Sands and the office of former Leader Hubert Ingraham, using FNM sources in the hospital and in the Defence Force. We agree with Wendell Jones though. He gives the RBDF the benefit of the doubt. No Cubans were demonstrating when they put the life of the officers at the detention centre at risk by burning down the buildings. So let’s not have any crocodile tears over these events. The FNM should apologise for their conduct in this matter. They are deliberately for political reasons seeking to sabotage The Bahamas. That as someone has said is treason.
27th August 2013
The Tribune says it will publish this morning a report from the Opposition's spokesman on Foreign Affairs Hubert Chipman about some reports which he alleges have been made into allegations of abuse at the detention centre. I described the actions of the FNM earlier as sickening. This continued drumbeat that they are on, is yet another instance of sabotaging the ongoing effort to craft a fair, reasonable and transparent policy around these issues, without prejudice to any inquiry and its results. Any public comment or disclosure is premature and may be prejudicial. Once again the conduct of the FNM is shameful. I will not be a part of their tomfoolery. In publishing their latest allegations, they show once again that the FNM sides with those who would damage the The Bahamas.
The Nassau Guardian claimed that it spoke yesterday to the anti Bahamian protest group in Miami and their alleged leader claims that he wants to make peace with The Bahamas. I was not aware that there was a war. I find that comment shocking The Bahamian people are a peaceful people and we have been defamed. The protesters once again are condemned for their anti Bahamian attitudes.
There is an investigation into the matters of which there have been complaints and there is nothing more to say at this stage.
On Current Discussion On Cuban Detainees
28th August 2013
Yesterday, I had an interesting off the record exchange with one of the reporters from The Bahamas. That reporter could not understand the notion of prejudicing a case by publicity in advance about a matter.
Even if the government is in possession of all the facts as they are known in a matter, if the matter is going to end up as a court case or some kind of disciplinary hearing, the government has to be very careful what it says for fear that the evidence in the case is contaminated by what it says in advance about the case.
Supposed the so called confessions are untrue. Supposed they don’t exist. Supposed if they did exist they were improperly obtained. Supposed the photos are doctored. This is not tested evidence now in the public domain. Courts carefully guard these kinds of things and a government must deal carefully with the matters at hand.
Suppose it turns out that the people who are involved in this are paid provocateurs. Supposed they are engaged in a vendetta because of factors which we do not understand. We will understand it by and by and upon review.
On the other hand, if it is true, the truth will not die because there is a proper process to test the evidence.
Thus we have been studiously saying that notwithstanding all the information in the public domain, we cannot comment on this matter until the investigation is complete and the appropriate course of action pursued. That is the right position and we must move to ensuring that people get the jobs that they need and this economy starts ticking again.
Nevertheless, people get carried away in their zeal for information and salacious gossip and in this case promoted by the Leader of the Opposition to possibly pollute the issue with these lurid stories that appear to get more exaggerated as the day grows long.
The Bahamas government says let the chips fall where they may. Fayne Thompson did an excellent job I am told in seeking to explain this to people yesterday and it is an important point. I wish he and other talk show hosts would make the same point again today.
We need to continue to make the case that the government will not say and cannot say anything that is prejudicial as this investigation goes on.
I think once again that the Opposition Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis should apologise for his conduct in this matter.
Thank you.
Fred Mitchell Minister of Foreign Affairs
For immediate release
29th August 2013
Brent Symonette, the former Deputy Prime Minister should be ashamed to open his mouth in this country after his tenure as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. That tenure was characterized by studied silence and indifference to The Bahamas’ reputation abroad. Now suddenly after five years of silence he is concerned about our reputation. This comes from a former Minister of the FNM government who is now in lock step with the characters in Miami who are seeking to defame our country. When did he find his voice?
Perhaps he might find his voice to explain to the Bahamian public the wealth creation that took place during his time in office since he is in a talking mood. The government has been anything but silent on this. In fact his colleagues in the FNM have criticized the government for being too forthright. Now he says we are silent. You cannot approbate and reprobate at the same time. Typically the right hand of the FNM does not know what the left hand is doing.
Brent Symonette served as the Minister with responsibility for the detention centre for five years. He was silent when the detention centre went up in flames in 2008 and silent when allegations of conditions at the detention centre were made in 2009. Further, he and his cabinet colleagues did not release the findings of the investigation into the events of his time. Brent Symonette should be the last person to open his mouth on this issue.
We are constrained again to point out that those, like the FNM, who are busy leaking documents whose authenticity and accuracy cannot be vouched for, must bear the responsibility at the end of the day if the inquiry into this matter is compromised by what they have done. There are clear legal principles at stake here.
A government must be reasonable, logical and professional in its approach to these matters. It must act in the best interest of all, not flying off the deep end rushing to judgment and making accusations that have not been tested by anything other than lurid and sensational headlines in the newspapers. It is most regrettable.
By its reckless behavior, it is the FNM that seeks to damage the reputation of The Bahamas, to jeopardize this ongoing investigation and to put our public safety at risk all in the name of politics.
The FNM, the leakers and the Miami protestors should give a full, contrite and unqualified apology for their irresponsible actions aimed at defaming the international reputation of The Bahamas.
This government has been consistent to date on the Cuban detainee issue. We have nothing to hide. Time will not dim the truth. The chips will fall where they may. This is a law enforcement issue; the government of The Bahamas does not condone the abuse of detainees or wards of the state and will investigate and take appropriate actions where specific claims of abuse are made. The laws of the country will be enforced with regard to illegal migration and due process during an investigation will protect the rights of all involved.
No amount to posturing, political bluster and diatribe from the FNM or the protestors will deter or distract this government from its constitutional responsibility of ensuring the prevalence of the rule of law.
Brent “Silent” Symonette finally finds his voice
Has Brent “Silent” Symonette, a character who as a minister in the former FNM government was silent for five years, suddenly and conveniently found his voice?
As the Minister with responsibility for the detention center, he was silent when the detention center went up in flames in 2008 and silent when allegations of poor conditions at the detention center were made in 2009. Further, he and his cabinet colleagues conspired together to “silence” the findings of the abuse investigation and refused to rebuild the dormitory. Why then should anybody now listen to him on any issue?
I do not recall Mr. Symonette as being particularly interested in the reputation of the Bahamas, protecting its image or standing up for this country and its people.
I recall him as a character who used his position and influence as a cabinet Minister to enrich himself, his family and friends through both the Bahamas Hot Mix and the container port relocation. He was roundly criticized for his apparent conflict of interest on both accounts.
Additionally, I know of no foreign policy initiative he advanced or philosophy he crafted to amplify our standing in the world while he served as Foreign Affairs Minister with additional responsibilities for immigration.
His idea of diplomatic relations was to say that since he and the US Embassy charge were neighbours, The Bahamas somehow enjoyed better diplomatic relations with the United States. In my view he never demonstrated an understanding of diplomacy or international relations.
Under his watch the policy of the FNM government was to release detained Haitian nationals from the detention center in the wake of the earthquake in Haiti with no apparent mechanism in place to account for or manage their movements.
His department, the department of immigration, was accused of the indiscriminate granting of huge amounts of citizenships in the run up to the 2012 general elections to bolster the re-election chances of his party at the polls.
These events collectively define Mr. Symonette’s brand as a politician – malfeasance, self-serving and indifference are a few of the adjectives that come to mind.
So Brent Symonette can return to the back stage of political irrelevance, as he never made a meaningful impression nor did he seem to care when the Bahamian people placed him on the world stage to represent their interests.
Mr. Symonette and the FNM can remain in lock step with the Miami protestors in spewing hatred and contempt for Minister Mitchell and defaming The Bahamas all they want, but it is clear that the Minister is enforcing our laws and standing up for The Bahamas.
Charles David Rolle
In The Bahamas, the United States Embassy led by Charge John Dinkelman marked the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the delivery of the I Have A Dream Speech by Martin Luther King Jr. with observances in Nassau on 28th August. Alfred Sears, the Chair of the College of The Bahamas, delivered the address to those gathered at the College. The photos appeared on the U S Embassy’s Facebook page.
You may click here for the full statement by Mr. Sears.
THE PINDLING ROOM Sir Lynden Pindling Room opens at COB |
NASSAU, The Bahamas -- Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie thanked Dame Marguerite Pindling and other family members of the country's first Prime Minister, the Late Sir Lynden Pindling, for donating documents and memorabilia from his life to the College of The Bahamas.
![]() Family The late Sir Lynden Pindling's family attend the Official Opening of the Sir Lynden Pindling Room at the Harry C. Moore Library and Information Centre, College of The Bahamas, Monday, August 26, 2013. Seated from left: Wife of Sir Lynden, Dame Marguerite; Monique Pindling-Johnson (daughter); Obie Pindling (son); Michelle Pindling-Sands (daughter) and Leslie Pindling (son). (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay) |
Prime Minister Christie said Sir Lynden believed that with greater education Bahamians could in time build one of the best countries in the region.
The Prime Minister added that Sir Lynden also believed in the College of The Bahamas and played a great part in its creation and was desirous of seeing it become the university.
He said as the country celebrates 40 years of independence, an important part of continuing the journey and preserving the nation's legacy and history, as a strong Bahamian people is to further the education of the country's youth.
“The Sir Lynden Pindling Foundation has made a significant contribution to the College of The Bahamas to ensure there is continued support for education.”
He quoted the words of Sir Lynden's vision for the country. “I wish for The Bahamas to be wealthy and proud, brave and sovereign; a country where every Bahamian stands tall, independent and free, a country where there is opportunity for all (not just PLPs), and a secure future for each soul bold enough to grasp it.
“A land where excellence is cherished and hard work is a thing of pride. A nation disciplined and strong.”
Prime Minister Christie said, “You cannot articulate a vision more enriching, with more impact, and more futuristic in terms of the incentives and inspiration you would wish to lead your people into.”
Dame Marguerite; Dame Marguerite and Sir Lynden's children: Obie, Leslie, Michelle Sands and Monique Johnson; grandchildren and other family members and friends attended the opening with other distinguished guests including Cabinet Ministers.
![]() Family - The late Sir Lynden Pindling's family attend the Official Opening of the Sir Lynden Pindling Room at the Harry C. Moore Library and Information Centre, College of The Bahamas, Monday, August 26, 2013. Seated from left: Wife of Sir Lynden, Dame Marguerite; Monique Pindling-Johnson (daughter); Obie Pindling (son); Michelle Pindling-Sands (daughter) and Leslie Pindling (son). (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay) |
By Brian Seymour
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is a disciplined force. They are headed by a Commodore. Its officers and members respond to orders without question. There is a chain of command. They are charged with the policing and protection of our borders. The area under their charge is approximately one hundred thousand square miles from great Inagua in the south, to Abaco in the north. The force has a staff complement of fifteen hundred seamen, a figure that is grossly inadequate, but given our economic circumstances, we make do. It has air capability of three aircrafts, and, a fleet of ten large vessels that have the ability for long range patrols. Augmenting these vessels are a host small harbor patrol crafts. That is our reality given our economic constraints.
The assets mentioned form the basis of our defense system; that is, to protect us from incursion of poachers on our fishing grounds, illegal migrant smuggling from the south and west, drug trafficking from the south, human trafficking, and the smuggling of illegal arms. This is the mandate to protect and defend these islands.
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is a disciplined force, for that reason, if any member of that force is found to be in breach of the force’s code, then that member will be disciplined.
The spirit of Sanballat and Tabiah (from the story of Nehemiah) was alive and well this week. The loyal opposition and some members of the fourth estate yoked themselves together with forces outside this country in a concerted and relentless attack on the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. Their purpose of this assault was to undermine the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and the government of our commonwealth. The thirst for power has so blinded these misguided individuals that it seems they will make a deal with the devil to achieve political power. My earlier admonition of politics ends at the border has fallen on deaf ears. The fact that the Royal Bahamas Defence Force is an institution and our defense mechanism meant nothing in attempting to undermine it. The only thing was power and its pursuance.
The Cuban-American democracy movement in South Florida has as its goal to assist their brothers and sisters still in Cuba to reach South Florida. In pursuance of that goal, if they are able to intimidate and undermine the government of the Bahamas, the Defence force, and the Immigration department, their objectives would be made easier. When Cuban migrants are intercepted by the U.S. Coast Guard in Bahamian waters, the course for repatriation to Cuba is borne by the Bahamas government. The Bahamas with scarce resources cannot afford to change our policy of repatriation. If we capitulate, the Bahamas could very well find itself swamped with an uncontrollable number of Cuban migrants. The fact that we have Bahamians collaborating with foreigners shows the level of disloyalty that has been allowed to slip in. This is a sad commentary on Bahamian life. The Haitians who we look down on, no matter their educational level, will never say a disloyal word about Haiti, a fact Bahamians will do well to take heed of.
There are sleeper cells among us, insurgents, they comprise of individuals from the old UBP guard who have never gotten over the defeat of 1967 when majority rule was ushered in. They have joined in common cause with young educated professionals whose ambition has driven them blindly down the wrong road. To these disloyal Bahamians, history will judge them harshly when it is found out who you are.
In closing, I leave with them, the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear, only love can do that. Hatred paralyzes life, love releases it, hatred confuses life, love harmonizes it, hatred darkens life, light illumines it.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell on Monday, August 26, introduced newly appointed Ambassador to the United States Dr. Eugene Newry to staff members of the Bahamas Embassy, 2220 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. during a meeting held in the Embassy’s conference room.
Dr. Newry was The Bahamas’ Ambassador to the United Nations, but as announced in an official statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 20, his appointment as Ambassador to the United States was made on the advice of the Prime Minister in the aftermath of the Dr. Elliston Rahming, who had been Ambassador designate to the United States, withdrawing his name from consideration and asking to be reassigned.
Dr. Rahming has been reassigned as the new Ambassador to the United Nations and he was introduced to his staff in New York by Foreign Affairs Minister Mitchell on Tuesday. He will continue as The Bahamas Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS).
Dr. Newry previously served as the ambassador to Haiti from 2002-2007 under the first Perry Christie administration.
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Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell is
pictured with staff members of the Bahamas Embassy in Washington, D.C. during a
meeting at the Embassy on Monday, August 26, to introduce Dr. Eugene Newry as
the new Bahamas Ambassador to the United States. Pictured seated from left are
Dr. Newry; Mr. Mitchell; Dr. Elliston Rahming, newly appointed Ambassador to
the United Nations and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American
States (OAS); and Consul General Paulette Zonicle. Standing from left are
Christine Dean, Custodian; Inga Dean, Consular Assistant; Colleen Isaacs,
Senior Accountant; D. Hettiarachchi, Chauffeur; Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of
Mission; Jasmine Lightbourne, Private Secretary; Oswald T. Brown, Press,
Cultural and Information Manager; Nesta Pathirana, Private Secretary; Cameron
Ferguson, Registry Supervisor; and Tershira McDonald, Information Officer.
Henry Cooper says The Tribune lacks all credibility: nursing grudges from the 1950s
Dear Editor,
The Tribune has lost all credibility as far as being a responsible newspaper is concerned. This once highly respected publication no longer even attempts to disguise the fact that it is insanely biased in favour of the FNM.
One reason for this is that Tribune Publisher Eileen Carron, as someone once described her, is a “senior citizen groupie” of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham’s, a fact that she demonstrated in an editorial she wrote shortly after the May 7, 2012 general election when she thanked Ingraham “for his many years of service” and claimed that Bahamian voters “showed the depth of their ingratitude” to Ingraham because they concluded that he had done a poor job as Prime Minister and exercised their democratic right to vote him out power.
As I recall, in that same editorial her racist and egalitarian outlook on life as far as black Bahamians are concerned also surfaced when she mentioned her father Sir Etienne Dupuch’s defeat in the 1956 general election and condescendingly he “was replaced by a plumber.” This, of course, was in reference to the stunning victory of the late Sammy Isaacs in the Eastern District. Isaacs was one of six Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) candidates elected in that election, the others being Lynden Oscar Pindling, Milo Butler, Clarence Bain, Cyril Stevenson and Randol Fawkes.
So it would seem as if this “humiliation” of her father by a plumber has seared an indelible degree of hatred for the PLP in Eileen Carron’s mind and it really does not matter to her that her newspaper has lost a great deal of respect among Bahamians.
What is even more disturbing to me is the totally irresponsible stance The Tribune has taken in the current controversy surrounding the alleged abuse of illegal Cuban immigrants at the Detention Centre by Royal Bahamas Defense Force guards. Despite the fact that Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell has assured the nation that a thorough investigation into the allegations is being conducted and he has made it quite clear that the results of that investigation will be made public when it is completed, both The Tribune and The Guardian decided to print allegations from a “leaked” report on an investigation conducted by the Defense Force.
But The Tribune has been the more egregious of the two major daily publications in repetitiously printing stories on the alleged abuses and the demonstrations by Cubans in South Florida, almost as if they are intentionally attempting to do further damage to the country’s already fragile economy. Of course, the clear motive behind such unpatriotic and callous behavior by Eileen Carron and the decision-makers at The Tribune is their entrenched hatred for the PLP government. Clearly they deserve the condemnation of all Bahamians who love this country.
Yours sincerely,
Henry Cooper
Randy At The King Memorial
Lynden Pindling was the Leader of the Opposition Progressive Liberal Party in 1963 when he joined the march on Washington with the civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. His footprints are immortalized in Atlanta at the King Centre and Memorial. Randy Rolle, not yet born in in 1963, is today the Consul General in Atlanta and he visited the site of Sir Lynden’s footprints to mark the occasion of the I Have A Dream Speech delivered 50 years ago on 28th August 1963. The visit of Mr. Rolle took place on 28th August 2013.
The Anglican Priests In Training
This is a picture of the young people of the Anglican Church who set off for Codrington College in Barbados for training in the priesthood. From the looks of it, the future of the Church is bright indeed.
Brent Smells Blood In The Water—It’s Red Dye Though
Last week, Brent Symonette made a second intervention into the public debate in as many weeks. The first time he opened his mouth after months of silence was to intervene on the choice of the Bahaman Ambassador to the United States. Last week, he was in the news again talking about the detainees at the detention centre. ( see story above). The talk is that he is thinking about coming back. His public interventions are overshadowing the shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Hubert Chipman, who also has the seat that Mr. Symonette held in Parliament. Mr. Symonette and the FNM think they have an issue with this Cuban Detainee matter. It has them all hyped up. They think they smell blood in the water. The problem is, it’s only red dye.
Mitchell With The PYL
Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs at his press conference last week on Sunday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Progressive Young Liberals.
Lady Sheila Butler Buried
The wife of Sir Arlington Butler, the former Speaker of the House of Assembly, Sheila Butler was buried on Friday 30th August. Rest In Peace.
New Assistant Director In Freeport
This note was posted by Athama Bowe on the web. The photo of the Minister for Grand Bahama with James Rolle, the New Assistant Director on Grand Bahama for Immigration is by Vandyke Hepburn of the Bahamas Information Services: “Recently the Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, informed the Nation that changes at the leadership level at Immigration, was imminent. It is inspiring to see Asst. Dir. James Rolle, at a level which can ensure that the policies of this PLP Government, will be carried out and the interests of Bahamians and the Nation, will be protected. This is a believer’s moment.”
Pastor Myles With The Speaker
The Speaker of the House of Assembly Kendal Major is in South Africa for a Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. While there he met his pastor Myles Munroe of the Bahamas Faith Missions who is on a tour of several countries including South Africa. They posed for this photo which appeared on the Speaker's Facebook page with their wives.
Happy Independence Anniversary
We congratulate the people of Trinidad and Tobago on the 51st anniversary of their independence. Best.
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THE PM’S LLOYD BARNETT LECTURE: Lloyd Barnett Q C is one of the preeminent lawyers in the region and senior counsel in Jamaica. He is known throughout The Bahamas for having rescued many a figure from one political/legal disaster or another. He is a PNP, that is a Government supporter in Jamaica but along with people like the late Rex Nettleford part of the intellectual underpinning of the Jamaican ethos. His bailiwick is the law. In the photo we show today in this place on this site, he is sitting on the far left of the photo. The Prime Minister Perry Christie is at the centre of the photo, sitting somewhat upright with his wife beside him. This photo was taken the night of Thursday 5th September as the University of West Indies sponsored the Lloyd Barnett Lecture. Mr. Barnett as we said was there. The Prime Minister was the speaker. His topic: “Contemporary Constitutionalism and the Consent of the Governed” We report more fully on the speech below. But for now it’s the photo of the week: the Prime Minister, his wife, Mr. Barnett and the members of the Cabinet all arrayed for the Lloyd Barnett Lecture and they looked as if they were having a mighty good time. The photo is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services. |
(changing the subject after defeat on the Cuban detainees)
After two or more weeks of railing on about Cuban detainees and their alleged abuse, the Free National Movement suddenly realized that they had to let the subject go. You will see below the latest salvo from Fred Mitchell MP in response to their nonsense about it but the battle over that one is really over. The Cubans have been repatriated to their home country. The people who were adjudged to be eligible for asylum are in a third country. The delegation from The Bahamas that went to Cuba last week has returned hopefully with a new modus operandi to avoid these situations in the future. Work is being done at the detention centre to upgrade it. An investigation is to commence into the matter.
After all that stuff they threw at Fred Mitchell, about resigning and who knew what when, it was all a puff of smoke. They gave it up like the ghost and were on to something else without so much as a by your leave. That was evidenced by the fact of the startling headline and novel proposition from the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Hubert Minnis that we must fight crime by starting to hang people. They say where ignorance is bliss, it is truly folly to be wise.
Why does an educated man like him persist in talking nonsense? He puts himself now into the category of other also rans like Rodney Moncur who keep running on with this stuff. The fact is the Privy Council which they so love has mandated the way the death penalty can be carried out. So far no case in The Bahamas has met the test of being the worst of the worst which would cause that person to be eligible for the gallows. The Bahamas is in catch 22 situation on this one because of its own prejudices. They don’t want to change to the court which may be friendlier to local jurisprudence but yet they rail against the existing court because it won’t facilitate easy executions. So here we are stuck with a would be populist like Dr. Minnis talking fool. That is a very serious thing.
What we know is that crime is at a very serious level. There were said to be 11 homicides in 12 days, the murder count for the year is said to be alarmingly close to where it was last year. The programmes on the issue seem to be in tatters. The Minister announced a new raft of measures to fight crime. The population is panicked as it appears that there is vigilante justice setting in.
In the face of that, you would have thought that a responsible Leader Of The Opposition would say what ideas his party has to fight crime should they become the government. But no: hanging is the answer. This is a real shame that we cannot depend on them. The problem is they had to get off the issue of the detainees because they are now known as the party who sided with foreigners against The Bahamas.
In basketball, we think it’s called a pivot. You just switch and you’re on to a new move. That won’t help them. They are still condemned for siding with enemies of the state.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 7th September 2013 up to midnight: 151,682
Number of hits for the month of September up to Saturday 7th September 2013 up to midnight:151,682
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 7th September 2013 up to midnight: 4,987,368
Prime Minister Perry Christie was the guest lecturer at the Lloyd Barnett Lecture put on by the University of the West Indies in Nassau on Thursday 5th September. The Prime Minister’s topic: Contemporary Constitutionalism and the Consent of the Governed. The Prime Minister’s address centred around the difficulty that governments throughout the region have been having at amending the constitution in order to make them relevant to today’s realities. It appears that there are difficulties getting the consent of the governed. The bottom line though he said is that a way must be found to amend if that is in the best interest of the country.
You may click here for the full statement by the Prime Minister.
As the Prime Minister Perry Christie was leaving the lecture at the British Colonial Hilton on Thursday 5th September following his lecture on the constitution, he was ambushed by a Tribune reporter. The reporter said that they had some questions to put to him on crime. The Prime Minister responded that he was a tired. The Tribune that had beat the doors down all day for a copy of what the Prime Minister had to say, insisting that it had to get it before five o’clock in order to make its deadline, translated that answer by the Prime Minister given quite near ten o clock p.m. into the headline PM TOO TIRED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT CRIME. What a bunch of lousy unethical sods. There is a problem. We have enemies everywhere. Eileen Carron has a stack of British journalists at the head of the Tribune. They are muckrakers and hacks. They come from that tradition in journalism. Nasty, petulant, filled with their own self-importance and certainly no loyalty to The Bahamas. It appears they would do anything to sell papers, even if it means destroying The Bahamas. No one in their right mind would believe that the Prime Minister was too tired to answer questions about crime. The fact is the headline and the questioning was done deliberately to entrap and to create sensation. Then they had published in the inside of the paper a list of questions they said they wanted to ask the Prime Minister. In one of the questions, they had some question about a comment Fred Mitchell made about enemies of The Bahamas and they wanted to know whether one of the enemies was the Cuban American Senator Marco Rubio. What utter rot? This is also a case of trying to trap people by asking a stupid question. What we know is that one of the enemies of the Bahamian state is The Tribune and these hacks that they have running it. The PLP has seen this run before with a fellow named John Marquis. Yellow journalism appears to be the stock in trade these days of The Tribune, trying hard to compete with Ivan Johnson at the down market Punch. Instead of Eileen Carron and her band of merry men at The Tribune concentrate on planning her son’s wedding they are busy seeking to destroy The Bahamas for a couple of pennies. What a shame. We hope that these Bahamians who work for these people don’t get infected with this nastiness and disloyalty to their country, to do anything for money.
( Editor’s note: In response to an orgy of criminal violence in The Bahamas last week ( eleven homicides in 12 days) and particularly violence in the urban centres of New Providence, the government responded by announcing a raft of measures to augment the work of the police. Minister of National Security Bernard Nottage spoke at a press conference on 6th September and Bahamas Information Services released this press story written by Matt Maura. The programme is called “Boots On The Ground”.)
Friday, September 6, 2013
One hundred and fifty pairs of boots of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force were deployed Friday to execute “sedentary and other duties normally carried out by members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force” so that the maximum number of police officers who have been trained to fight crime and enforce law, are deployed to the front line.
Law enforcement officials say the deployments will allow law enforcement and national security officials to “deal quickly and precisely” with persons connected to, or participating in, transnational criminal activities such as drug running and arms dealing.
Minister of National Security, Dr. the Hon. Bernard J. Nottage, said guns, firearms and drugs that remain in the country through the transshipment process, have been central to the gang violence and turf wars impacting the country.
Dr. Nottage said the weapons have also fuelled the “scourge of robberies, murders and assaults on law-abiding citizens of the country.”
“We must and will flush out from among us the criminals along with their illegal firearms and drugs which seem to be fuelling crime,” Dr. Nottage said. “I impress upon all who are in possession of illegal guns and firearms to turn them in to the Police. I also impress upon members of the public who may know of anyone that is in possession of illegal guns and firearms to inform the police with the assurance that their identity will be kept in strictest confidence.”
Dr. Nottage said the Government of The Bahamas, like all law-abiding citizens, is “deeply troubled” by the murders that have taken place in the country and what appears to be the “wanton disregard” for human life and law and order.
“The situation cannot continue like this without a response commensurate with the wanton acts of violence and lawlessness,” Dr. Nottage said. “It must be a response that will halt the current spike in criminal activity in general, and murders in particular, in the shortest possible time.”
The National Security Minister said the deployment of Defence Force “boots on the ground” is part of a coordinated plan of action to address and halt that spike in crime and criminality in The Bahamas.
The Plan involves all of the country’s various national security and law enforcement agencies.
As another part of that coordinated Plan, the Government will provide the Royal Bahamas Police Force with additional vehicles over the next few weeks to extend the saturation patrol initiative across the island of New Providence.
“A considerable amount of work has been done to improve the coordination, collaboration and cooperation among the various national law enforcement agencies. This has led to operations that are more effective and has improved the ability of local enforcement agencies in effectively fighting crime,” Dr. Nottage said.
“Let me express my sincere appreciation to the Police Force, the Defence Force, the Departments of Immigration and Customs, and the community, for the successes we have experienced in the war against crime.
“It is recognised that continuous communication and partnering between the Police and the community are fundamental requirements in the fight against crime in The Bahamas. This is critical because the community is ultimately responsible for ensuring the ambience and what makes The Bahamas unique, is protected and preserved.”
The National Security Minister had a final warning for criminal elements.
“There is going to be no let-up in our fight against crime. We will not allow criminal violence and anti-social behaviour to subvert the economic development of the country and the well-being of our people.
“We are going to remain focused, even as we maintain the fullest deployment of our law enforcement and other agencies,” Dr. Nottage added.
Notwithstanding the homophobia which is rampant in the Caribbean from Bermuda to Trinidad, the question of homosexuality and same sex marriage continues to seep its way into the national conversations. The most recent intervention was one made by the Prime Minister of Barbados Fruendel Stuart as he addressed the opening of the Anglican Synod for the Province of the West Indies last month. We know that prior to winning the election the Prime Minister of Jamaica Portia Simpson Miller had indicated that she would consider altering the sodomy laws in Jamaica. But the population there recently attacked two gay people in a widely circulated video on You Tube which resulted in the police having to escort the two people out of the neighbourhood. This is a difficult issue with people who are normally quite rational, getting quite exercised about this, not seeing it as a rights issue but rather as a moral one. Now the conversation has gone even farther on the official level with Dr. Denzil Douglas, the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis tackling the subject head on in his press conference on Wednesday 28th August. Here is some of what he had to say in his own words:
"Let us be open minded about this matter, let this matter be discussed among our people among the stakeholders. The government is not saying what its own views are at this time because the time has not yet come but we are saying we support the fact that there should be open frank and honest discussions, because homosexuality is taking place. People of St Kitts and Nevis of the same sex are getting married in North America and in Europe, they are getting married. I can point to at least two to three people of this country who we all know who have been so called married. So I think let us not get away from this, this is already happening here in our country.
"To a large extent, it gets down to also involving the attorneys general from the Caribbean region, can we look at the present legislation with regard to buggery or homosexuality… the buggery law as people call it. Prostitution laws. How can you engage your own communities before it gets to the parliamentarians… engage them in discussing these matters as a human rights issue, because people have the right to determine their own sexual preferences and sexual orientation."
Well Kevin Rudd lost the general election in Australia on Saturday 7th September and is no longer Prime Minister of Australia. But this video still makes good sense to listen to the leader of a civilized country make a reasoned argument.
The following statement was issued by the Bahamas Information Services in response to comments made by Loretta Butler Turner criticizing the visit of the Foreign Minister to the United States and to the criticism by Opposition spokesman on Foreign Affairs Hubert Chipman that Fred Mitchell must answer to questions on the alleged abuse of Cuban detainees.
For immediate release
It is a great pity that the FNM and its leadership cannot recognize when they have lost an argument and lost a battle. Their statements to the press about the matter of my conduct as Minister of Foreign Affairs are silly and shows that they are thick as molasses and living in cloud cuckoo land.
There is no nexus between my personal conduct and that of the events about which they complain with regard tor the detainees.
In the matter of the visit to the United States , Ms. Butler's comments are the usual propagandistic drivel from the FNM.
The real issue is this: the FNM must answer why it has linked arms with the enemies of The Bahamas against their own country in this matter of the detainees.
That is the only question that needs to be answered.
Fred Mitchell MP and Foreign Minister spoke at a press conference at the Lynden Pindling International Airport upon his arrival in Nassau last Sunday. He gave a statement to the press and answered questions. The press conference is about 12 minutes long. The statement appears below. The video of the conference was supplied by the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas.
1September 2013
I want to say that I had a very successful and fruitful mission in the United States over the past week. I visited the offices in New York, Washington, Atlanta and Miami as promised and met with officials at the United States State Department.
At each stop, I took the opportunity to apprise the staff of the changes in our diplomatic missions and the new leadership there. I introduced the new Ambassadors to their respective staffs. I also thanked them for their support of the Government and its work over the past one year and half since we have been back in office. I am happy to report that the patriotism and love of our country remains strong among them.
Today as promised a delegation leaves The Bahamas headed by the Permanent Secretary Philip Miller and the Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Roderick Bowe to Havana, Cuba to begin talks on the modalities of a more efficient return of Cuban migrants to their home country. This is part of the initiatives approved by the Cabinet and which we announced shortly before my departure last week.
I plan to have discussions directly with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba in the Grenada during the course of this week.
I want to say with regard to migration matters that I am pleased with the progress that has been made thus far in resolving all the outstanding matters that have so exercised the public over the last weeks.
I want to thank again publicly the Consul General Ricardo Treco, the Deputy Consul General Sandra Carey and all the staff for their hard work and dedication during a stressful and provocative period. The promised demonstration in Miami on Friday last fizzled and work went on unhindered as it has during this whole matter.
Once again I reaffirm my commitment and dedication to our country and its institutions and processes and I thank all true blooded Bahamians for their full and continued support of the policies which we are pursuing to protect our country from harm.
The Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald addressed the country last Sunday on the eve of the opening of the public school year. The address is about 23 minutes.
(Editor’s note: Our warmest congratulations.)
Mr. Craig Anthony Gomez, CPA, Managing Partner of Baker, Tilly and Gomez Chartered Accountants was elected the 7th President of The Bahamas Red Cross Society during the 35th Session of the Central Council and confirmed by the 27th Session of the General Assembly of the Society. The election process was observed by members of the society, and Representatives of partnering government agencies recently.
Mr. Gomez joins the new team with nearly a clean sleight of executives, which include, Dr. Evaneth McPhee (Deputy President), business woman Ms. Darnel Bain (Deputy President), Attorney Adrian Hunt (Chancellor/Legal Advisor), Mr. Don Bourne (Treasurer), Mrs. Jacqueline Hunt (Deputy Treasurer), Former Ambassador/Executive Director of Junior Achievement Bahamas, Mr. John Ronald Darville (Executive Member), and Mrs. Terez Curry, Dr. Cindy Williams-Rahming, Mrs. Helen Albury, Mr. Byron Clint Glinton and Mrs. Tessa Nottage (Principal of the Bahamas Red Cross Centre for the Deaf). Additional representatives from the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Ministry of Social Services and Community Development, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Ministry of Tourism will be named in the coming weeks.
President Gomez and his team will coordinate the affairs of the Society for a period of (2) two years which will lead into the next General Assembly set for June 2015. The President has made a commitment to aid the ongoing charitable work of the National Society, and other strategic undertakings in partnership with NEMA as an auxiliary to Government in times of emergency and disaster, and other relevant partners in the area of healthily lifestyles promotion, and other programmes and activities that would assist in the elimination of human suffering and vulnerability.
The Director-General, Mrs. Caroline Turnquest, and the Senior Managers of the National Society is pleased to welcome this new team and look forward to the establishment of a new brand for the National Society.
The first order of business is orientation protocols, and preparations for high-level national stakeholder consultations on the agenda for the upcoming Worldwide General Assembly of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies scheduled for November 2013 in Sydney, Commonwealth of Australia.
Additionally, Mr. Gomez comes committed to aid the National Society business plan development process which will help to reduce the ongoing financial challenge, as is commonly faced by all not-for-profit organizations.
The Bahamas Red Cross welcomes Mr. Gomez to the Executive Management of the Society in its 41st Year of operations as an independent National Society, with constitutional auxiliary status, supporting the Government with relief services.
WASHINGTON, D.C.--The garden area of the Bahamas Embassy at 2220 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., recently was transformed into a setting reminiscent of the popular Cat and Fiddle night club in New Providence in the 1960s as more than 150 guests responded to an invitation from THINGS TO DO DC to spend “an evening in The Bahamas.”
Claiming to have a membership of “150,000 to 200,000 local young professionals,” THINGS TO DO DC promotes itself as “the premiere organization for socializing and networking with fellow young professionals.”
“From black tie galas to embassy affairs, informational seminars to outdoor adventure, nightclub parties to exotic weekend getaways, TTD combines 30 years of event planning experience with dynamic imagination to provide something for every young professional,” the company notes in its promotional brochure.
It regularly sponsors functions at the various embassies in D.C., and following the recent party-style event at the Bahamas Embassy, THINGS TO DO DC CEO Gregory Bland said the objective “is to introduce the culture of the countries to young professionals through the embassies.”
“This is the second best thing to actually visiting the country,” Bland said. “The Bahamas is very well known and is one of the top tourist destinations in the region, and I personally go there every year, so this was something I definitely wanted to do.”
Guests were “welcomed to The Bahamas” by Dr. Elliston Rahming, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) and newly appointed Bahamas Ambassador to the United Nations, during very brief remarks, and Deputy Chief of Mission Chet Neymour likewise gave a brief talk on investment opportunities in The Bahamas and The Bahamas in general.
It was quite a lively atmosphere as guests danced to music from The Bahamas and other Caribbean countries and dined on cuisine from the Caribbean.
CEO Bland said THINGS TO DO DC will soon hold a similar function at the Embassy of Barbados.
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WELCOME TO THE BAHAMAS -- Dr. Elliston Rahming, centre, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) and newly appointed Bahamas Ambassador to the United Nations, welcomed guests to the “Night In The Bahamas” sponsored by THINGS TO DO DC at the Embassy on Saturday, August 31. At left is Gregory Bland, CEO of THINGS TO DO DC, and at right is Deputy Chet Neymour. |
HOW LOW CAN YOU GO--It was a lively atmosphere as the “Night In The Bahamas” sponsored by THINGS TO DO DC at the Bahamas Embassy on Saturday, August 31. Guests danced to music from The Bahamas other countries and some even participated in a limbo contest. |
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Two guests are seen holding up a sign of The Bahamas at the “Night In The Bahamas” event held at the Bahamas Embassy on Saturday, August 31. |
Congratulations are in order upon the election of the new Chair of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), the party formed after Branville McCartney bolted from the FNM just before the last election. The new Chair’s name is quite familiar. He is a businessman Andrew Wilson. Mr. Wilson should be in the PLP and we wonder why it is that he is where he is but that’s life. Here is his message following his election to the office. The problem for third parties is that unless there is proportional representation, they struggle to remain relevant.
September 4, 2013 at 1:10pm
First of all I would like to thank the Leader, Mr. Branville McCartney, the Deputy Leader, Mr. Christopher Mortimer and all members of the Executive Council for their support. I look forward to working with all of you as we chart a brighter future for our Bahamaland.
I would like to assure all of you and the over thirteen thousand Bahamians who bravely elevated the DNA to the status of a major party, and the people of this great Commonwealth that I intend to utilize my talents and years of experience to advance the mission of the DNA, which is:-
1) To ensure that the needs and aspirations of the Bahamian people – to be owners and decision makers in the political cultural, and economic development of the Bahamas.
2) To uphold, protect, and deepen the democratic rule of law by promoting openness and accountability in governmental affairs, social justice and equality.
As we are now in the middle ofthe 2nd year of this new administration, Bahamians now see undeniable proof that they are two sides of the same coin, with no innovative, clear, game-changing solutions to the challenges facing our nation.
Look around our country:-
1) Crime continues unabated, despite the petty bickering of the PLP and FNM
2) Unemployment continues to increase, while our economy continues to disintegrate.
3) Bahamian middle class is disappearing, dire poverty is on the rise and thousands of Bahamians are losing their homes.
I signed on with the DNA when it was first formed because I believe that the PLP and FNM are two sides of the same coin.
Thousands of Bahamian voters agreed with us on election day! And now, sixteen months later, thousands more have come to the same conclusion that THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLP & FNM. And we as Bahamians for the sake of our children must chart a new course for our Bahamaland.
I look forward to working with all well intentioned Bahamians. In the immortal words of Timothy Gibson, as We Lift up our Heads to the Rising Sun, March on Bahamaland our great Banner Waving High.
Andrew Wilson
DNA Interim Chairman
We present some photos from the funeral service of the late Cheryl Burke Gomez, the wife of Andy Gomez, the accountant at Grant Thornton. She was well known and beloved by the community. She was one of the pretty girls of yore and beautiful women of the country: in looks and in personality. She appeared to have it all but then cancer struck and well you know the end of the story. In the midst of life there is death. All of us go down to the dust. Our condolences but we especially wanted to show the beautiful women and the society crowd that attended the funeral which was held on Tuesday 4th September at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. The Prime Minster Perry Christie was there with many of his Cabinet members. The Chief Justice Sir Michael and Lady Barnett were there. The President of the Senate Sharon Wilson spoke as did Phyllis Albury and Edda Dumont. The photos are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services. She is survived by her husband Andy and her children:
The following statement was issued by the Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands on 4th September in response to the seizure of the ruling party’s headquarters by the British government:
Rufus Ewing the Leader of the Progressive National Party can confirm that the Cabinet and I were advised by the Acting Attorney General, Mrs. Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles, during Cabinet this morning, that the AG’s Chambers has made a move and had the locks changed on Progressive House, the Progressive National Party Headquarters this morning. This comes as a result of the recent court decision that ruled the land on which Progressive House now sits belongs to the Crown and is deemed a government property.
I am extremely disappointed in the actions taken by the Attorney General’s Chambers, and we as the Progressive National Party are still very much in active discussions with Edwards Wildman Palmer, of the Civil Recovery Team, with regards to negotiations of a settlement and just three weeks ago made an offer in this regard. While we have received acknowledgment of receipt of our offer, we have not received a counter offer and we, therefore, are surprised and disappointed that a decision was taken to have the locks on Progressive House changed while negotiations are ongoing and while we are still expecting a counter proposal.
We firmly believe that this was a deliberate act intended to frustrate the Progressive National Party and our members of Cabinet and that it is in response to my open and verbally expressed disapproval of the re-appointment of Huw Shepherd as the Attorney General of the Turks & Caicos Islands. As the Premier, I have written to the Governor requesting that he rescind his decision in Cabinet, a decision which I am expecting today in Cabinet.
This is an injustice to democracy as there can be no civility without respect, and the lack of respect shown to me, and my members of Cabinet, further confirms that the Attorney General cannot be fair & just and his re-appointment, therefore, is undesired and totally unacceptable.
Huawei Marine Networks Co., Ltd. (Huawei Marine) announced that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) has selected Huawei Marine Optix BWS 1600S to upgrade the Bahamas Domestic Submarine Network International (BDSNi).
The BDSNi system links more than 20 sites between Bahamas and Haiti, and stretches across about 3,500 kilometers, the longest section of which is 343 kilometers. It has played an important role in ensuring a robust telecommunications network to meet the expanding requirements of e-Commerce, e-Education, e-Trade, and e-Government on these islands.
Huawei Marine will enable BDSNi to deliver more flexible and cost effective services with the implementation of this upgrade capacity, providing 640 Gbps through the application of proven enhanced Raman technology. This connectivity and the ability to implement the new services between the main islands of the Bahamas and Haiti, will provide a future proof platform to enable BTC to service expanding regional demand. The application of the Optix BWS 1600S with in-service upgrades and a compact footprint will enable BDSNi to capitalize on a small footprint thus providing further operational benefits.
”I appreciate the trust that BTC has placed Huawei Marine’s exemplary project experience. We have been honored to support the BDSNi system in this effort,” stated Nigel Bayliff, CEO of Huawei Marine. ”With our equipment, technology and expertise, we have been enthusiastic about providing BDSNi with a comprehensive and cost-effective undersea solution that enables scalable, high-speed bandwidth service delivery.”
5th September 2013.
Issued by the Ministry of Education
Friday 6th September
Nassau, Bahamas - The Department of Education wishes the public to know that it is legally responsible for the management of all public schools in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and is committed to ensuring that students receive a quality education. We are steadfast in our mission and hence, we will not engage in a “tug of war” with the Bahamas Union of Teachers in public, concerning the management of schools.
The BUT has made claims suggesting that the Department of Education has in the case of Anatol Rodgers High School, infringed on its rights to hold meetings with its members. We categorically dispute this claim and direct the public’s attention to key provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Government of The Bahamas and the Bahamas Union of Teachers:
Article 8.25 states:
The Union may request, upon giving reasonable notice and subject to receiving approval from the Principal or any one acting in such capacity, a meeting of teachers at the work location, provided that the meeting does not interfere with the direct instruction of students and does not impede the daily operation of the work location.
Additionally, article 7.9 states in part that “… The Union will respect the right of the administrative staff to exercise management functions in accordance with their statutory functions and terms of appointment.
The Principal’s reluctance to allow the Union on campus during the lunch period is a result of previous episodes where the BUT has been permitted to do hold meetings with teachers but refused to terminate those meetings at the stipulated time. In those instances, teachers did not return to classes and the operation of the school was disrupted for the remainder of the day. Recognising this recent trend by the BUT, we believe it is in the best interest of our students for the Union to hold its meetings after school has been dismissed so that they can discuss their matters without disrupting our students’ education.
Given these provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the public will agree that we are doing what is in the best interest of all parties, particularly the nation’s children. Anatol Rodgers High School has had a stellar record since its doors opened in 2008; this year is no exception. It was recognised for its success in the 2013 BJC and BGCSE Examinations, therefore the Department supports the Principal’s action.
The photo shows the Prime Minister of Grenada Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell accepting the letters of introduction of the High Commissioner to Grenada Picewell Forbes MP for South Andros on 6th September 2013. The letters came from Prime Minister Perry Christie.
World Outreach Day
New Covenant Baptist Church
8th September 2013
Check against delivery
We are in an interesting place in the country in these days and times. We are marking this year 40 years of our independence. It is a time of great pride. People are proud of our accomplishments as a nation and so we should be, having prevailed with limited resources over the past 40 years.
I recall an address that Pericles Maillis, now an attorney in private practice, then an attorney at the office of the Attorney General. He was speaking at the funeral of the late George Stuart who had been one of the early employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Maillis gave an insight into what it was to start from scratch to design systems from the start. He said that the British would give you impression that when they left The Bahamas, they left everything neatly in place for us just to carry on. The reality was something different. The early civil servants in The Bahamas had to design so many things for which there was nothing left in place.
Since 1973, the following people have served in the job as Minister of External Affairs and then Minister of Foreign Affairs: Sir Lynden Pindling, Paul L. Adderley, Sir Clement T. Maynard, Charles Carter, Janet Bostwick, Sir Orville Turnquest, Brent Symonette and I.
Each of those individuals have been the face of this country to the world.
In discharging the responsibility of this office, the greatest responsibility is to discharge it with dispatch, with equanimity and with rationality. This is not a job for emotional pitches from left to right. This is not the job of an activist. This is the face to the world and the job is in part to defend this country.
I say that against the backdrop of much of what has been said and transpired over the past few weeks from critics about the allegations of abuse at the detention centre for which the government has said there will be an investigation.
After all the hullabaloo and ill-informed commentary, the storm is over. It has proven to be a storm in a tea cup. Nothing when compared to the issues of unemployment and the fight against crime. The results of the policies on this show yet again the victory of rationality over irrationality. But it is a lesson slowly learned.
I sent an exchange this morning to one of the talk show hosts this morning, who said publicly that he was embarrassed by the actions of the government in this matter. What could provoke such a misconceived reaction?
The government was not engaged in any abuse or cover up and at all material times indicated that an investigation into the allegations would continue and be done.
In the meantime, certain parties wanted the government to jump all the way from the allegations and pronounce parties guilty without any due process. Then having not gotten their way, they polluted the issue with tendentious material of uncertain origin, then purported to act as judge and jury, pronouncing the government guilty when the government is not on trial. So one asks oneself whether the commentary on this was not politically motivated. And if so should politics cause you to support those who would attack the country?
The matter continued with one of these folk, purporting to ambush the Prime Minister at the end of a long day and using a purported remark that clearly was off the record to paint a picture of him and the government that was not true.
It gets worse though. In speaking with the Prime Minister this morning, he told me that he actually never spoke to any Tribune reporter and so could not have uttered those words to any Tribune reporter. He said the whole thing is simply an outrageous fabrication.
We see now why in other countries access to leaders of countries are severely circumscribed to avoid this kind of unethical behavior. It appears that some people mistake access and civility as a sign of weakness. This often happens when some of the controlling factotums in some of your media establishments are not nationals of your own country. One is never certain whose agenda is being pursued.
The Bahamas sits in the middle of two countries, both whom are our friends. We have a difficult a balancing act between them. One country is extremely powerful and dominates the discussion and the terms of interaction and trade. The other is an important influence in the world and a country of ten million citizens who will one day be fully integrated into the world community. Their government now provides considerable assistance to our country.
It is only a matter of time before the two countries will be reconciled and we must prepare for that time by remaining calm, friendly and rational with all.
Our place in the world is not being in any ideological fights. We have our views about what is right and wrong and we stand by those views. However, in international politics and affairs, the job of the government is to ensure that wherever Bahamians go around the world, they have a seamless experience.
It is therefore with regret that we see how some have joined 40 years into our national independence to disrespect so many of our institutions by not recognizing that we must uphold them even as they must stand up to the structures of international scrutiny. The Bahamas is all we have. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is all we have. The Bahamian public service is all we have. We must uphold what we have. That is what I continue to pledge to do: to defend our country. It is nothing more or less than that.
Thank you so much this morning for inviting me here.
My special thanks to Bishop Simeon Hall as the standout in understanding this public duty of all Bahamians in this matter. It is not about upholding wrong doing . It is about standing up for our country against those who would do us harm.
God bless you and God bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
Anglican Priests In Training All In White
Last week, we showed the Anglican priests in training at Cordrington College in Barbados. They are all in their first year. Last week, they were dressed in black. This week they are dressed in white. What was that about in the moment in the twinkling of an eye… we shall be changed. From left to right:
lEric Miller-St. Agnes Parish, Dave Thomas-St. Agnes Parish, Chitan Thompson-St. Matthews Parish, Bryton Ward- St. Matthews Parish, Travis Fernander- St. Christopher Parish.
C.O.P. Wasting Time On Web Shops
The Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade is a smart man but really sometimes, you should not be provoked into saying something that does not make a lot of practical sense. He promised in the midst of a crime wave of homicides that he will be raiding the Web Cafes in Nassau to stop the illegal numbers racket. He said he will do so when the time is right. Really now.
Loretta Tells Trib Leadership Vote Done In My Absence
The things you sometimes find out when you read the press and in between the lines not just the front pages. Loretta Butler Turner, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition FNM, has been on a p. r blitz now for the past week. Always has something to say on some thing or other. So no surprise that she found her way on the inner pages of the Trib last week holding forth on of all things whether a woman can be Prime Minister. Answer, yes but the important things is not what the gender is but whether the person is competent. Good answer. We say yes a woman can be Prime Minister just not that woman. But the real gem from the piece was the fact that the fellows who got elected to the House for the FNM did not wait for her to get to town from Long island the day after the election before holding the vote for Leader. She asked them to wait she said because her plane would not get to Nassau in time for the ten o clock meeting they planned. They wouldn’t wait. By the time she got there at eleven o clock, they had already voted and Dr. Hubert Minnis became the Leader. But she added she supports him anyway. Put on that red dress mama. Things that make you go hmmm.
Errol Bodie Dies
Statement 3rd September From The Grand Bahama Sports Council:
The sporting community in the Bahamas, particularly that of Grand Bahama, awoke this morning to the sad news of the passing of an icon in the coaching arena, Errol Bodie of track and field fame. Errol was challenged by health issues in recent times, but the news of his passing still struck home to many stalwarts of the sporting fraternity.
On behalf of the Grand Bahama Sports Council, officers current and past, its member bodies, and the many lives he modeled and positively influenced, I extend to his wife Cecile, and children, Clifford and Mia, our deepest sympathy during this your time of bereavement.
We pray that, no matter what situation you find yourselves in during these difficult times, know that, beyond the shadow of doubt, it is one in which you can thrive. All you need to do is make that choice; cling to God and to His Word and choose life’s blessings!
As we go through life people who come into our lives, some, the good people, give happiness; the bad people give experiences; the worse ones give you lessons, and the best people, they give you memories. Errol gave us many memories.
May his soul rest in Peace.
Forrester Carroll At Work In New York
OPEN-DOOR POLICY: Having established an open-door policy for Bahamians living in the New York and visiting the city, Bahamas Consul General in New York, the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll, is pictured with Ms. Ashlee Smith, who paid a courtesy call on the Consul General on Wednesday, September 4, at Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street. Ms. Smith is a student at Dominican College in New York City, where she is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.
Winston Pinnock Gets An Award
Congratulations to Winston Pinnock for being chosen as one of Forty (40) Men being honored at the upcoming 40th Anniversary National Men’s Awards. He was born in West End, Grand Bahama. He received his early education in Jamaica where he graduated with honors in Electrical Technology. After returning home from school in 1987 he joined the Royal Bahamas Police Force where he served as a Police Officer until 1994. In June of 1994 his vision to establish a link between the Jamaican and the Bahamian cultures gave birth to Jamaica Bahama Imports, a wholesale grocery company. The company has grown from its humble beginning of importing six food products from Jamaica to now importing over one hundred products from more than 17 countries worldwide. Mr. Pinnock was appointed to serve as Deputy Chairman of the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation between July 2007 and June 2009. He was later appointed as a director of Bahamas Development Bank between July 2009 and June 2011.
The 40th Anniversary National Men’s Awards is being hosted by Real Men Ministries International Bahamas and is scheduled to be held on Sunday September 15th at Bahamas Faith Ministries Diplomat Center beginning at 7:00PM. Please make plans to attend. Admission is FREE.
Murders More Bizarre: Argument Over Classifications
There is a mini argument, but a bizarre one about whether there are 81 murders or 81 homicides in the country for the year. The FNM and Opposition folks say when the officials say homicide, they are trying to doctor the figures and cover up for the number of murders. Of course homicide is a generic term for any killing of human being by the hands of another human being. Murder adds to that physical element the intention to kill. It is a legal definition. But as they say in the Lion in Winter, we never heard a corpse complain about how it got so cold. The fact is the person is dead and the figures are too high.
The Reason The Cuba Caricom Meetings Are Important
The photos show the Foreign Ministers of Caricom in a formal shot and a not so formal shot at their concave in Grenada at Calvigny Island on Friday 6th September. They dutifully issued their declaration after the meeting. The question is what does it accomplish, condemning the blockade by the U.S. of Cuba and pledging to work together on international issues when all of us are so small. We have to build coalitions of course and it is good to talk so that we can lobby the greater powers for more equity. There is also value in making sure that bi-laterally we all get along so our citizens can move about his old world seamlessly.
Mitchell And Forbes At The Wall Where Bishop Died
Fred Mitchell MP and Minister of Foreign Affairs seen with High Commissioner to Grenada Picewell Forbes at the wall where the late Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop died at the hands of his former compatriots during a coup in 1983. The coup led to the invasion of Grenada by the United States armed forces.
Official Portrait Of New UN Ambassador
OFFICIAL UN PORTRAIT: This official portrait of Dr. Elliston Rahming, new Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to the United Nations, was released today (05 September 2013) by the United Nations, New York. (UN Photo/JC Mcllwaine)
Signing The Book Of Condolences In Grenada For Sir Paul Scoon
Fred Mitchell MP and Minister of Foreign Affairs as he signed the book of condolences for the former and late Governor General of Grenada Sir Paul Scoon, who called in U S troops following the assassination of the Prime Minister Maurice Bishop in 1983.
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WE HAVE SEEN THE FUTURE: with Prime Minister Perry Christie recently reaching his 70th birthday, not so old these days but in the scheme of things up there, the younger ones in the PLP come more sharply into focus. The Prime Minister himself seems to talk more about end of life experiences and transition. So it’s only natural that this engaging photo taken in his office with his two Ministers of State should show us what the future holds, all things being equal. So we thought to share it with you, from the chronicler of our times in photos Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information services, our photo of the week that of Ministers of State Michael Halkitis on the one side, Khalis Rolle, the Minister of State for Investments in the middle and the Prime Minister looking on. Would we have been a fly on that wall? |
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In the work by E Clement Bethel called Sammy Swaine, Belinda is the figure who is the object of attraction that is the cause of Sammy Swaine going off the rails. Jerome Fitzgerald, the Minister of Education, would do well to remember the Legend of Sammy Swaine as he deals with yet another manufactured crisis by FNM aligned interests in the public system. Belinda Wilson is the President of the Bahamas Union of Teachers and she led a wild cat strike last week, with 200 teachers, in the road bellowing at the top of her and their lungs at their bosses at the Ministry of Education. The Jamaicans have an expression for it: butu. The websites of the Bahamian youngsters called it “jungalist”.
And yet these are the people who are teaching the children of The Bahamas. Absent from school without leave. Loudly and boisterous in the face of rationality and reason. No wonder we are faced with the issue we have with these kids that we are raising. You cannot even have peaceful day at school, with your own teachers in a state for revolt.
The prescription for this in the first instance is the resolute behavior which the Minister has displayed. He explained in a detailed press release reported on this site last week what this issue is about. The tail does not wag the dog. The Ministry manages the schools. The teachers including Belinda Wilson have to follow the rules. Because she was not allowed to walk willy nilly into the campus of the school, Ms. Wilson has decided that the principal of the Anatol Rodgers School is not a fit and proper person. The religious amongst us would say: the devil is a liar.
After the protest failed because most of the teachers even those at Anatol Rodgers stayed at work; after the Minister told them that their pay would be cut for missing school and to go to the union that has two million dollars in a strike fund to get their money a back; after all of the loud and unseemly behavior, Ms. Wilson did what she should have in the first place and that was to file a trade dispute with the Ministry of Labour. She has done that and now the process of rationality might begin.
Some people just have a hard head and just like to grandstand in the press. The problem is that it is the children that suffer.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 14th September 2013 up to midnight:171,596
Number of hits for the month of September up to Saturday 14th September 2013 up to midnight: 338,623
Number of hits for the year 2103 up to Saturday 14th September 2013 up to midnight: 5,174,309
Inspector Dwight Smith is the Head of the Police Staff Association. There is some confusion it appears in his mind about what his role is supposed to be. He thinks that he is to take on the Commissioner of Police at every turn, challenging the commissioner’s right to manage the Force. Again as with the teachers we say, the tail does not wag the dog. The Commissioner of Police answered the public criticism of the staff association’s Chair on the issue of the 12 hour shift which he has implemented in order to fight crime.
I have no obligation to Smith, (Police Staff Association Executive Chairman) and all police officers are subject to the law outlined in the Police Force Act. I will speak with Smith today to remind him of his role. Inspector Smith and all officers are subject to the policies and procedures mandated by the commissioner. They are an association not a union. My policing plan for 2013 is clear, and all police officers are to be guided by it. I wish for all well-meaning citizens to join us to restore peace to our communities”.
Monday 9th September on Facebook
Youri Aramin Kemp made this comment as two policemen escorted a suspect to the courts on Monday 9th September. He is entirely right, all these obese policemen. If a criminal breaks off running, how in the hell are they going to catch them?
Listen: If you're gonna put more police officers back on the streets (from the police band and re-activate desk duty officers), then make sure they are physically fit to at least help.
Watched ZNS this evening. The officer in all blue that was escorting the guy accused of shooting and killing the bus driver had to be three times my size. And I'm NO lightweight. Did you see him? Geezus!!!
Look, I'm no Adonis. I gat some extra pounds that I would like to shed and have a 2-pack that could (should) be 4-pack IF I decide do the extra mile and then the 10 extra sit-ups. But that dude was beyond morbidly obese. He was hideous. He shouldn't even be on the force if he's that fluffy. Dude looked sick (he may be, and if he is, forgive me... but JAM!!!)
Doesn't he at least run a mile? Go to the gym? At least lift weights? Boxing? Judo? Something?!?!
C'mon, son!!!! That was just nasty. Too much time at the Burger King and not enough time on the track!
Didn't COP Greenslade institute a strict fitness policy?
Now, most of the officers on the force- particularly the younger officers- are in pretty decent shape. I have to admit. But, that guy I saw tonight had NO BUSINESS, NONE, on the force in that condition.
(btw: The special forces officer along for the escort, while a little more muscular, wasn't exactly that fit either. I chalked it up to the bullet proof vest he had on PLUS it seems as if he, at least, lifts weights.)
( Editor’s note: we thought that we ought to present this video of a performance by the Mighty Sparrow, the Grenadian born Trinidadian Singer whose proper name is Francisco Slinger. He who produced: Good Morning Mr. Walker; Jean and Dinah and Melba. He is in a coma in New York where he lives with his wife and is not expected to recover. Enjoy. Thank you Sparrow, you are a genius and you gave us all great joy.
On Wednesday, September 11, the United States Embassy held the official opening of a three-day conference on “Autism – Promoting Inclusion, Advocacy and Early Detection” at The College of The Bahamas’ Harry C. Moore Library. On hand for the event, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires John Dinkelman, Prime Minister of The Bahamas, The Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis, Minister of Social Services, Melanie Griffin, Minister of Health, Dr. Perry Gomez, College of The Bahamas President Dr. Betsy Vogel-Boze along with other senior U.S. and Bahamian government officials and the U.S. Embassy’s invited speaker, Dr. Valerie Karr, Ph.D., an expert on autism detection and early intervention strategies.
The three-day conference includes workshops for public and private school teachers who have limited, if any special education training. Dr. Karr will also meet with local psychologists and therapists; officials from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Social Services; and education professors and students from the College of The Bahamas.
Although there are no figures on the number of people affected by autism in The Bahamas, experts believe that the prevalence rates mirror the United States with approximately 1 in 88 American children on the autism spectrum. In his remarks, Chargé Dinkelman highlighted that the Embassy’s support of conference came to fruition after Prime Minister Christie expressed his desire to address the issue of autism – especially with a focus on training teachers and care-givers. The goal is to help Bahamian teachers, social workers and therapists recognize the early signs of autism and to provide an overview of basic early intervention activities that could potentially be incorporated into a school’s curriculum.
The Chargé expressed his efforts to support the enhanced capability of Bahamian parents and teachers to meet the needs of children impacted by autism. He added that importance of information sharing and experiences to address the disorder.
“This conference is not meant to be a one-stop effort at addressing the myriad of issues related to autism, but rather to be another step in the ongoing effort to promote autism awareness in homes, school, medical offices and among the general population”.
The goal of the three-day autism seminar is to help raise awareness about the early signs, needs and treatment options of children with developmental delays among teachers, counselors and social workers, and to encourage support services for Bahamian families affected by autism.
NEW YORK -- A major initiative aimed at encouraging Bahamians in the Diaspora to participate in organized group visits to their homeland has been launched by Bahamas Consul General in New York, the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll.
Plans for the ambitious undertaking were discussed on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at a meeting hosted by Mr. Carroll at the Bahamas Consulate, 231 East 46th Street in New York. A number of Bahamians who are long-time residents of New York as well as New Yorker Frank Minaya, who was a well-known businessman in The Bahamas for many years as owner of the popular Banana Boat night club in the 1960s and early 1970s.
Also participating in the meeting was Mr. Tyrone Sawyer, Director of Airlifts with the Ministry of Tourism in Nassau, who has been assigned by Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe to help coordinate the visits.
“Before leaving The Bahamas to take up my post as Consul General in New York, I promised in an interview with Sabrina Brown of ZNS in Freeport that I would vigorously promote tourism and business from New York to The Bahamas,” said an obviously elated Mr. Carroll, a successful Grand Bahama businessman. “We had a very productive meeting.”
Mr. Carroll said he has discussed his proposal in meetings with “leading members of the Bahamian Diaspora” every Tuesday since I arrived in New York.
Noting that he is “targeting at least four trips a year if possible,” Mr. Carroll added, “Those trips include one around Junkanoo time, the regattas and into Freeport for fly fishing. I know it will not be easy, but goals must be set and then the effort to achieve those goals must be made after those goals are defined.”
He said that although Bahamians living in New York are presently being targeted for the trips, he hopes to coordinate efforts with Consul General Paulette Zonicle in Washington, D.C., and Consul General Randy Rolle in Atlanta for similar trips to be organized in those areas.
Mr. Carroll said he also plans to host a business Seminar early in 2014.
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Pictured at a meeting held at the Bahamas Consulate in New York to discuss plans for group visits to The Bahamas by Bahamians living abroad are, standing left to right: Mr. Wendell Edgecombe, Bahamian American Cultural Society; Mr. James McKinney; Mr. Colin Fox, Fox Travel and Tours; Mr. Barry Cox; The Hon. Forrester J. Carroll, Consul General; Mr. Tyrone Sawyer, Director of Airlifts, Ministry of Tourism; Mr. Frank Minaya, Samana College, Dominican Republic; The Hon. Kenneth L. Thompson Jr., Justice of the Supreme Court, Bronx, New York; Mr. J. Crestwell Munnings, Chair/Board of Director, Bahamian American Association; and Mr. Craig Powell, Bahamas Mission to the United Nations. Seated from left: Mrs. Dale J. Johnson, Bahamas Consulate; Mrs. Beryl Edgecombe, Bahamian American Cultural Society; Mrs. Sandra McLaughlin, Vice Consul; and Mrs. Carolyn Young-Miller, Bahamas Consulate. |
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island – 10th September 2013 – The Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited (GBPA) and Port Group Limited (PGL) wish to announce the resignation of Ian Fair as Chairman and Director of both Companies.
Ian Fair was appointed Director of GBPA and PGL in August 2011, and the Boards of Directors appointed him Chairman in April 2012. After serving both Companies for eighteen months, Mr. Fair has resigned effective today.
Ian Fair stated “The reasons for the decision at this particular stage are both personal and professional. I can no longer continue to devote the time that is needed to discharge my responsibilities. I have a considerable number of other business commitments, many of which go back over twenty to forty years and I must continue to give them attention. My family is not able to relocate to Grand Bahama and frankly I miss being away from them so much”.
Sarah St. George, Vice Chairman of The Grand Bahama Port Authority shared "During his tenure as Chairman of the Companies, Mr. Fair brought with him a vast pool of knowledge and experience which has set the path for the Companies to a brighter future. I am now confident that both The Grand Bahama Port Authority and Port Group Limited are now ready to take full advantage of the signs of recovery. We would like to thank Ian for the last eighteen months of dedication and hard work and we wish him well in his future endeavours".
Sir Jack Hayward, Honorary Chairman of The Grand Bahama Port Authority expressed “Mr. Fair has done a tremendous job in both companies and he leaves us in a stronger position than he found us. Thanks to his corporate governance and business expertise he now departs a Group better prepared to take on the challenges that lie ahead. We thank him for his commitment”.
Both Sir Jack Hayward and Sarah St. George confirmed that there are no immediate plans to replace Ian Fair as Chairman of The Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited and Port Group Limited.
Mr. Fair also serves as Chairman of the Bahamas First Insurance Group and was recently appointed Chairman of Butterfield Trust (Bahamas). He has a number of other board appointments and charitable involvements. He was the founding Chairman of The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) and is currently Chairman of The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX).
Police are warning drivers that they will be cracking down on vehicles with illegally tinted windows and obscure license plates and will handing out tickets when they find windows that are too dark.
The warning comes as police launched a major crackdown on vehicle window tinting that police suggest is not only dangerous, but can unnerve other drivers as well as hamper police work.
More importantly, this infraction has serious adverse implications for law enforcement and allows criminals to move about without being detected by law enforcement officers and the general public.
It is the responsibility of every driver to adhere to these regulations. Therefore Police are urging all owners of vehicles to be aware of these laws pertaining to vehicle window tinting and license plate coverings.
The Royal Bahamas Police Force takes the opportunity to thank the members of the general public for their continued cooperation and support.
Police are appealing to anyone with information regarding any crime to contact his or her local police station or Crime Stoppers Hotline at 328-TIPS (New Providence) or 300-8476 (Family Islands)
Minister Pinder Officially Opens National EPA Implementation Unit |
For Immediate Release
10 Sept 2013
Fox Hill supports Government's new crime initiatives.
Hon. Fred Mitchell MP (Fox Hill)
Foreign Affairs Minister
On behalf of the people of the Fox Hill constituency, I wish to thank the Government and the Ministry of National Security and its Minister Bernard J Nottage for the most recently announced crime initiatives.
It is an axiom of faith that the tail does not wag the dog and it is high time that the criminal minority in this country be told where to get off at and be put in its place. I know that my constituents fully support the fight against crime and the measures of putting more boots on the ground.
We in Fox Hill urge all people of goodwill to work with the authorities to bring calm to our society and ensure that law and order are maintained.
The Commissioner of Police and the men and women of the Force; the Commodore of the Defence Force and the men and women of that Force have my full support and I am certain the people of Fox Hill as well.
For Immediate Release
11 September 2013
Today The Bahamas issues a note to the Government of the United States by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark the 12th anniversary of the events of 11 September 2001 in New York City and Washington DC where the World Trade Center and the Pentagon came under terrorist attacks.
The Government of The Bahamas expresses our concern that those events are not repeated.
We once again recommit our country to working with the world community in a spirit of cooperation to ensure a safe and secure world for all people.
By Arthia Nixon, Press Secretary
Bahamas Consulate General Atlanta
(Atlanta, Georgia)… In an effort to lure Bahamians back home to render their skills in the tourism and business sector, Baha Mar and the Bahamas Consulate Office of Atlanta are teaming up to host a Discovery Day Mixer in the city. The event, set for October 11 from 6 – 9p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on 265 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, will target Bahamian professionals, students, and more.
According to Bahamas Consul General Randy Rolle, this direct approach will assist in combating what many have deemed a ‘brain drain’ in the nation, where many students opt to stay in the country they receive their education as opposed to returning home with their degrees to assist in the development of their country and communities. It will also help fill an estimated 8,000 positions at the $3.5 billion development when it opens in December 2014.
“There are many Bahamians families who sacrifice to send their children off to school and after years of training, graduating top of their class, many of them return home discouraged because there are no jobs,” stated Rolle at a recent press briefing. “As a result of that, many people feel inadequate and there is a feeling of despair amongst our young people. Why should we encourage them to invest in getting a first class education if there is a feeling that their skills, training and education will never be fully utilized. With Baha Mar coming to Atlanta, which along with Florida and New York has one of the highest populations of Bahamians abroad, they are directly targeting potential employees before they come back home so they can know what The Bahamas has to offer. At the same time, it can also serve as a great way for Atlantans to see what we have to offer in The Bahamas in terms of investment.”
Rolle added that by inviting Baha Mar to the area, it coincides with the Bahamas Consulate General’s mandate of continuing to seek opportunities for Bahamians at home and within his jurisdiction which covers Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Tennessee.
Meanwhile, Vonya Ifill of Baha Mar feels that the Discovery Day mixer is a great opportunity to introduce Bahamians to their brand partners Rosewood, Mondrian, Grand Hyatt and The Baha Mar Casino & Hotel and also to all of the jobs that will be available in the various hotels.
“We will be filling 8,000 jobs so in addition to the local outreach we need to find Bahamians wherever they are abroad and bring them back home,” she said.
She revealed that outreach events were held in Florida and London so far and that Canada and New York are other target areas after Atlanta. Additionally, there will be socials in The Bahamas targeting Bahamians who are visiting home for the holiday in December. Ifill added that it was inevitable that they would collaborate with the Bahamas Consulate in Atlanta to directly get the word out to Bahamians in the area.
“Baha Mar, the largest single-phase resort development in the Western Hemisphere, has become a powerful driver of the Bahamian economy, and accounted for an estimated 5 percent of the Commonwealth’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2011 and 2012, according to a comprehensive updated economic impact report (EIR) by Oxford Economics,” Ifill stated. “The report shows that since 2005, Baha Mar has accounted for an average of 3.2 percent of the Bahamian economy. This accounts for a total of $2.1 billion between 2005 and 2012. Once the $3.5 billion integrated gaming resort is up and running, it is expected to account for 12.8 percent of Bahamian annual GDP on average. From 2005 to 2012, Baha Mar has generated $719 million in additional employment income. Through direct and indirect impacts, Baha Mar has supported an average employment count of more than 3,000 jobs on a full-time-equivalent (FTE) basis.”
“Attendees can expect to get an inside scoop of what Baha Mar will look like once it’s complete,” said Ifill. “We will be exposing them to the brands and meet brand representatives from Mondrian, Rosewood and Grand Hyatt. Overall, we want them to leave having a better idea of the ideal candidate that Baha Mar is looking for so they can come to the event to learn more about how they would fit.”
For more information contact e-mail: or call (404) 214 – 0492.
The following assessment was issued by the Royal Bahamas Police Force last week following their newly announced anti-crime strategy: boots on the ground:
The Royal Bahamas Police Force launched a major assault on crime and violence over the weekend by conducting a serious of operations throughout New Providence.
The operations saw police officers from various policing divisions fan out across New Providence targeting problem locations and persons engaged in criminal activities such as, murder, armed robbery, rape, shootings, stolen vehicle, firearms, drugs and a number of minor offences.
The operations produced the following results:
One hundred and twenty (120) persons were arrested for various offences such as murder, armed robbery, stolen vehicle, housebreaking, causing damage, possession of stolen property, dangerous drugs, as well as a number of minor offences and outstanding criminal warrants.
Five hundred and sixty-four (564) drivers were cited for various traffic violations Two (2), Stolen vehicles were recovered A quantity of dangerous drugs were found at two (2) locations Police credits the success of this ongoing major assault on crime to excellent team-work, intelligence led policing, precise execution of its policing plan and support from members of the public.
(Although, he is supposed to be a soldier of Christ, Zhivargo Laing, the former Minister of State for Finance, is still fooling with the business of man and getting into political matters. He cannot resist it one imagines and was commenting on the fight against crime on Facebook. It appeared in the FNM’s hate zone on Facebook. It was of course self-serving in that he was seeking to defend the misdeeds of the Free National Movement when they were in office—Editor)
Zhivargo S. LaingThe No Spin Zone
It should be unequivocally clear to all now that the so-called crime problem in The Bahamas was not as a result of the FNM government being in power or being incompetent. Billboards about murder previously mounted by the PLP now proven asinine. The present administration is having no greater success with the issue of crime than the FNM did, no matter how many announcements are made by the Ministers of National Security or Commissioner of Police about how much crime is down. In fact, their announcements only further frustrate the situation because they try to give a hope that is haplessly false. Throwing more hours of work on police officers to work hours that police officers were working all along is not the answer. A few Defence Force officers on duty is not the answer. We must stop being so shallow and pedantic in our approaches to this nasty plague on essentially the island of New Providence and more particularly in the urban districts of that island. This problem calls for genuine scholarship in assessing its sociology, greater intelligence to gather information leading to the prevention of crimes and an extensive public education campaign aimed at motivating a new culture of respect for law, order and morality amongst us all. This tendency to engage in ego masturbation by patting oneself on the back for achievements that are neither real or impressive is an affront to human intelligence. Let's be dissatisfied with ourselves until we achieve genuine results and let us hold each other accountable for our lapses. How do you have a talk show on crime and then have a commercial with a persons involved with a crime for years telling people that "crime does not pay"? What does it matter that you personally do not believe that numbers dealing is a crime. The Bahamian state made it a crime and until it changes that is remains a crime. Our hands are dirty and they are not cleaned by closing our eyes but by putting them in water and washing them. To hell with niceties, public relations and police politics or politics politics. Gunshots respect neither. We need a genuine academic study of the sociology of this problem, greater police intelligence in seeking to prevent crimes and an intense and sustained public relations campaign aimed at changes hearts and mind, especially in the inner city of Nassau. You are free to hate the messenger!
(The FNM and its supporters have such a visceral hatred of the PLP that they say the most odious and hateful things. All pretence of civility is out of the window. Nowhere is that more evident than on Facebook which gives them full vent to all their nastiness. Someone writing under the name Shenell Mott in the FNM site The NO Spin Zone called PLPs monkeys. Of course it takes a monkey to know a monkey –Editor)
Shenell MottThe No Spin Zone
I would just like to congratulate every idiot who decided that a cabinet of monkeys was good enough to run this country (albeit into the ground) for the next 5 years, I laughed at today's headlines where FIRE FIGHTERS are now being made to "fight crime".....ready on day one!! Well, keep believing people. Good day
( If you believed what former Senator Desmond Bannister had to say , you would believe that all things are smooth sailing. His version of the facts, he served for one year as he promised he would to the Leader of the FNM when he took the job after the general election. The year is up so he is moving on. No there is no fight in the FNM and things are going well. The Leader of the Opposition Dr. Minnis is doing a good job in holding the government’s feet to the fire. All good propaganda, except not a word of it is true. They are fighting like cats and dogs, with Dr. Duane Sands nipping at Mr. Minnis’ heels and Loretta Butler Turner every day in the papers trying to outflank her leader. Some on Facebook reminded us of something else about Senator Bannister.-- Editor)
This is not the first time Desmond Bannister resigned from the senate, statement issued on his last resignation.
Mr. Bannister has written to Senate President Sharon Wilson resigning from the Senate with effect from April 30, 2005, a statement from the FNM said.
He has reportedly indicated that a number of personal and business issues have arisen which require that he gives them his full attention.
Mr. Bannister was first appointed to the Senate on 21 May, 2002 following the May 2002 general elections.
He told The Bahama Journal on Tuesday that preparing for Senate debates is time-consuming.
The following statement was issued by Bradley B Roberts, Chair of the PLP on the resignation of Senator Desmond Bannister.
Nassau, Bahamas - (11th September 2013) The following is a statement on the resignation of Senator Desmond Bannister made by Bradley B. Roberts, National Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party:
Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis is shown speaking in Grand Bahama at the opening of the Lewis Yard Urban Renewal Programmes new offices in Lewis Yard in Grand Bahama. The programme is headed by Michele Wreckly, the Deputy Director of Urban Renewal. The opening of the office took place on Friday 13th September in Freeport. Also attending were Michael Darville, the Minister for Grand Bahama, Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Senator Tanisha Tynes and Greg Moss, the MP for Pineridge.
The photo is by Vandyke Hepburn of the Bahamas Information Services.
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export), in collaboration with Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Service Industries (TTCSI) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH commenced the fifth Management Consulting Symposium in Trinidad on Tuesday.
The meeting of over 75 CARIFORUM management consultants and consulting firms from Europe, South America and Africa concluded on Thursday.
The importance of the management consulting industry to the Caribbean was laid clear by chief operating officer, Anthony Bradshaw who stated that “Globally the management consulting industry is one of the fastest growing sectors and in a 2010 study commission by the Agency, the global market for consulting services was expected to reach US350 billion” and thus is a priority sector for the Agency.
While in Trinidad, Senator Gomez has an opportunity to attend a session of the Senate where he was formally introduced to members of the Senate by the Senate President. Senator Gomez also had the opportunity to meet with the Bahamas Honorary Consul in Trinidad, Dr. Monica Davis to discuss investment and trade opportunities available to Bahamians in Trinidad.
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From left: Marjorie Straw (Manager – Special Projects, JAMPRO), Nirad Tewarie, (CEO, TTCSI), Ramesh Ramdeen (CEO, TTMA), Daniela Tramacere (Chargee d’Affaires, Delegation of the EU, Trinidad & Tobago), Anthony Bradshaw (COO, Caribbean Export), Senator The Hon. Vasant Bharath (Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment), Ullrich Kinne (Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy), Rainer Engels, Executive Project Director (GIZ), Vasantha Chase (President, CICMC) and Senator The Hon. Jerome Gomez. |
Did The Tribune’s Foreign Managing Editor Rewrite Khrisna’s Story
It was not the truth. The story was written by a writer who is normally accurate and truthful but this time it was riddled with untruths. The Tribune has been going on and on about a promise to release a report on Cuban detainees, along with their criminal allies in Miami who continue to with the help of The Tribune defame The Bahamas. The latest is a story penned by Khrisna Virgil Tribune Staff reported on 12th September which said that Dr. Bernard Nottage failed to fulfill his promise to release details into the investigation of the Cuban detainees and that Fred Mitchell had promised to release the full report. Neither assertion is true. In fact the facts will show that the Tribune’s assertions in the article is patently false. The problem however is that you have a Managing Editor who is on a witch hunt because he and his publisher are smarting it appears from Immigration issues. They have it seems determined that they will personally attack Fred Mitchell at every turn, even to the point of making up lies. This is par for the course and again a sign of unethical conduct of that newspaper. They ought to be collectively ashamed of themselves but also they are shameless. At another point in their paper last week, they used a photograph with a caption that said demonstrations were being held by teachers outside the Prime Minister’s office. Of course there were no such demonstrations. Again unethical conduct and lies. The Tribune and The Punch now seem to belong in the same garbage can.
Demetrius Pinder Loses His Gold Medal
The Tribune reported the following on Friday 13th September about Demetrius Pinder, the gold winning Olympic athlete from The Bahamas:
Pinder was referring to the medal being removed from the console of his 2011 Dodge Ram 1500 that was parked outside of his Springs at Palma Sola Apartments on Wednesday morning. The Police Department have launched an intensive investigation and his story has been carried extensively through a number of media and social networks.
“I’m really disappointed because it was a medal that I had dedicated to my sister,” said Pinder of his older sister, Claudia, who died while he was in a training camp in England preparing for the games. “But I’m not going to let this get me down. I’m going to use this as a motivation for next year.
“You can expect for me to do some big things. I’m having some great training sessions right now. I’ve gotten over the injury and my legs are feeling much better now. So I’m really looking forward to coming back next year and turning things around for the Bahamas.”
You know what we are really disappointed in; that someone can be so careless with something so valuable. It is a real shame and no excuse. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has posted warning after warning about leaving valuables in parked cars in Florida. People keep talking about crime in The Bahamas but it is clear that Florida is not a crime free zone either. But you know it only goes to show, these young fellows need a lot of support. You get a once in a life time opportunity and you lose something valuable simply by your carelessness. Jesus Christ!
A Lot Of Silly Commentary Over VAT
When you read the local press about the coming of Value Added Tax (VAT), you would get the impression that this is a new tax, invented for the first time in The Bahamas, and about which nothing is known. This shows how silly and bankrupt of ideas the private sector in this country often is. Clearly, there is no disaster coming down the road with VAT. It is nothing new. It has been implemented throughout the region and is well known in the United Kingdom which these people like so much. What we suspect is that there is a political agenda, to make life seem so complicated that in the face of the demands for revenue in the country, the government must do nothing.
Fred Mitchell Not Invited To Robert Carron’s Wedding
The photo from the Facebook page of Paul Turnquest, the Tribune writer, shows Robert Carron, the son of Eileen Carron and the late Roger Carron. Mr. Carron is the heir apparent to the Tribune empire. He got married to a British woman named Elizabeth in the mid afternoon at St. Anselm's Church in Fox Hill. Rev. Monsignor Preston Moss officiated at the wedding. Curiously, the MP for Fox Hill Fred Mitchell was not there, after all St. Anselm’s is the Catholic church in Fox Hill. We wonder why wasn’t there given the propensity of The Tribune to spend all its time attacking him, and trying so sell papers using his name. Good thing though because the report is that if the church had burned down, the FNM would have lost half of its membership. There wasn’t a PLP to be found in the church. The widow of Butch Kerzner, the late friend of Robert of Carron, was also not invited to the wedding. Things that make you go hmmmm!
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The Trib’s Noelle Nicholls On Eleuthera Heritage Site
Those Miscreants In Miami Are At It Again
The miscreants in Miami who call themselves the Democracy Movement but who are anything but democratic were at it in Miami. Their paid for hire demonstration took place on Friday 13th September outside the Bahamian consulate. This time it was a silent protest they said because a woman alleged that she was raped in the Detention Centre in Nassau. No complaint was ever made about the matter. Here we go again, just make any old allegation against The Bahamas. This whole thing is now motivated by the fact that they were discredited in their last demonstration about The Bahamas. The only thing they wanted was their friends back in the United States. Having gotten them back into the States, they have no interest. They were so ashamed at the barrage of criticism over that now they have to show they actually have an interest. They need to go take a rest and back to their domino games and black bean soup.
Daria Rhaming In Freeport
The Bahamian opera singer who is the daughter of sports icon Pancho Rahming was in Freeport Last week on Friday 13th September to provide some exposure and training for Kevin Tomlinson’s Grand Bahama Youth Choir. Some of the kids had never heard an opera singer before and were bowled over by it. Mr. Tomlinson continues to make strides in the development of his music and the development of culture in Grand Bahama. There are some in officialdom who are hostile to it but he continues to persevere nonetheless. Prime Minister Perry Christie personally arranged for Mr. Tomlinson to have a position in Grand Bahama which would allow him full time and with the support of the government to do the work he is doing. The community loves his work and the children have had exposure in way that they never would. Thankfully, he has the support of the Minister for Grand Bahama Dr. Michael Darville. He should be encouraged and not frustrated. Ms. Rahming gave a performance in Freeport on Saturday 14th September to raise funds for Mr. Tomlinson’s programmes.
The Men’s Awards From Myles Munroe’s Church
These are the forty men that are being honoured by Myles Munroe’s church for their contribution to the development of The Bahamas. See if they actually match up to your list of those who helped to develop The Bahamas:
Sir Albert Is Back In The Bahamas
He was in the intensive care at the Rand Hospital and then airlifted to Florida for further evaluation. He is now back and resting comfortably at home in Freeport. We wish Sir Albert Miller well.
Memorials and Funerals Errol Bodie and Caleb Hepburn
Caleb Hepburn, the former Comptroller of Customs, was memorialized in an Anglican mass at his second home in Freeport. He was earlier buried in Nassau. The memorial service took place at the Pro Cathedral in Freeport Christ The King on Friday 13th September. Fred Mitchell Minister of Foreign Affairs and Michael Darville, the Minister for Grand Bahama, attended the service which was conducted by the Rev. Canon Harry Bain. Fred Mitchell, also attended a memorial event for the late coach Errol Bodie, who was buried in Freeport on Saturday 14th September. At the memorial held at Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Auditorium, Mr. Mitchell was joined by Obie Wilchcombe , the Minister of Tourism and Senator Tanisha Tynes. Mr. Bodie was lionized by Harvey Tynes Q C a contemporary who said that he was the kind of man that people in Oodle Corner wanted to grow up to be.
Tribune Attacks Mitchell On 12 Hour Shift
The Tribune on Thursday 12 September published from the archives a story about Fred Mitchell that was written in 1998 about the 12 hour shift and his disagreement with that shift in 1998. They put this on the front page as if they had found some major policy initiative. What a set of jackasses. Even if that was the position then, circumstances always alter policies. Easy enough to get an answer if they didn’t understand. But no it was simply designed again to be nasty and of course they lack ethics. The article also called Mr. Mitchell an FNM Senator. Wrong again. Mr. Mitchell was never a member of the Free National Movement. That’s when you have people not familiar with the Bahamas running your paper, they then suffer from absorbing uncritically the blandishments of the FNM propagandists.
22nd September , 2013 Welcome to |
Interesting Places... |
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CHRISTIE WITH FELLOW FINANCE MINISTERS: all gathered in Nassau for a conference on the development and sustainability of the economy of the region. These are the captains of public finance. Some of them are Prime Ministers including our own. Joining him in Nassau on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th September was the Prime Minister of St. Lucia Kenny Anthony. He sits beside him in the photo, which is our photo of the week at the IMF sponsored conference on the region and its economy with Prime Minister Perry Christie and Prime Minister Kenny Anthony of St. Lucia and all the other Ministers of Finance of the region. The photo is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services. |
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Last week a young playwright, 27 years old Adrian Wildgoose, using principally his network of old pals from the College of The Bahamas and his Facebook page mounted a play at the National Centre For the Performing Arts. The play was called Trapped. It was worth seeing. It is not a professional performance but that fact makes its sociological importance all the more revealing. It captured in our view the feelings so many of our citizens, men and women have about their lives and about the direction of their lives.
What strikes you in particular is how it describes the lives of young men, a constant struggle without relief from expectations to deliver something out of their reach; the violence in their lives and the casual nature of the extreme threats which come into their lives; the young immigrant male (or more correctly first generation Bahamian) who is disaffected in this country by prejudice and the fact of the illegal origins of his parents in the country; the women who inflict illnesses on themselves by poor diet and other habits and the list is endless; the alienation of young men because they do not know their fathers; they can’t get a job because of a criminal record which is unforgiving. It was a window into another world.
On the one hand his may look like despair but it is probably best looked at as a cry for rescue or an explanation for patience. Whatever it is, the society folks who missed it, missed a good play.
What is also good about it, is that the work is self-generated. When you look at his Facebook page, you will see that this is not the first time that he has written and produced from scratch a work of this kind. He has a fairly extensive list. It looks like his cast is an ensemble, like the regulars like James Catalyn and Friends who work together on different projects. He promises a new work next year. In a reply to a message on Facebook, Mr. Wildgoose talked about not being daunted by costs. He said you have to go ahead and get it done. Good man. No complaining get it done. In real life he works at the Atlantis Resort.
So here’s the point. The play to become a professionally cast work requires support: a dramaturge, an editor and some set design. One wonders if that will spoil it all. The more important point is that the society needs to support people like Mr. Wildgoose, people like Kevin Tomlinson in Grand Bahama struggling with the Grand Bahama Youth Choir, just as they in another generation supported Winston Saunders and today James Catalyn, Cleophas Adderley and Ian Strachan. These artists are the chroniclers of our times. They give the younger people hope.
One would guess that those young men who looked at that play might see that someone understands their plight and embraces their expectations.
One would also guess that in contrast to the perp walk and the Bank Lane shuffle, this says much about what the future of young men can be if there is hope, and training and opportunity and forgiveness.
Congratulations on a job well done.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 21st September 2013 up to midnight:125,481
Number of hits for the month of September up to Saturday 21st September 2013 up to midnight:464,104
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 21st September 2013 up to midnight:5,299,790
The Tribune reported the following in a story penned by Khrisna Virgill on 20th September. The sentencing took place the day before in Freeport on 19th September. Now we ask The Tribune and we ask Loretta Butler Turner, the FNM MP and Deputy Leader what she has to say about this. She slapped another Member of Parliament Andre Rollins simply because she got upset at words spoken. The point is we now know the kind of penalty that this attracts in the courts is one year in jail. It also is supposed to be a signal to the country at large that this kind of imperious, impetuous and biggity behavior is unacceptable. The Tribune who supported Mrs. Butler Turner herself has much to think about:
A GRAND Bahama parent who attacked the Principal of Jack Hayward High School was sentenced to one year at Her Majesty’s Prison yesterday.
According to police, Latoya Denise Williams, 34, was arraigned before Magistrate Debbye Ferguson where she pleaded guilty to four charges, including causing harm, disorderly behaviour, resisting arrest and causing damage. The sentence was handed down in Court one.
Six months in prison was the result of the causing harm charge with a month for resisting arrest to run concurrently.
Williams was also fined $25 for disorderly behaviour and $684 in compensation to Principal Yvonne Ward, including $200 punitive damages. Williams was ordered to pay the fines by 3:30 pm yesterday, but she was unable to. That resulted in an additional six months at Her Majesty’s Prison.
The school’s principal complained to authorities on Tuesday about the incident that resulted in her being briefly hospitalised.
Why is it that each night on the ZNS National News cast airs it begins with a Black Bahamian man in handcuffs? Why are we constantly selling the image of dysfunctional men? How do we expect the "consciencelessness" of our community to change if we keep enlarging negativity? Please! Please! Where is the positive news in our nation? It is time for this to change.
The Free National Movement is floundering, having made a serious error in judgment with regard to supporting the foreign protestors in Miami over the Bahamian people and nation. We agree with the sentiments of the Progressive Liberal Party’s Chair that there ought to be some serious examination of what the FNM did with regard to this crisis that was manufactured by the Free National Movement. We have now a situation where Bahamian national interests appear to be at risk and we have the FNM now under the microscope as having helped the foreign protestors create this problem. It was for short term political gain that this was all done. The Leaders of the FNM thought that they could embarrass the government by helping to leak unsubstantiated information to the press and then take advantage of and reap benefits for their perfidy. They did not count on the Bahamian people responding the way they did. The Bahamian people turned on them. So then they tried to do an about face by saying in their latest press release that they did not agree with the protestors that they should attack Bahamian economic interests in Miami. Well that did not last long, that fig leaf, because the next morning the protestors exposed the FNM by simply saying we will follow their advice. So what is the Bahamian public to think then? Was this whole thing just manufactured by the FNM? Darron Cash, the Chair of the FNM, says that the suggestion by the PLP that they are collaborators is a sick one. But sir not as sick as siding with the enemy.
NEW YORK – His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming, Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS), last Friday presented his credentials to UN Secretary General His Excellency Ban Kim-moon in an impressive ceremony at UN Headquarters in New York. Dr. Rahming, former Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, Prison Superintendent and Opposition Leader in the Senate, becomes the ninth Bahamian to serve as UN Ambassador since 1973.
A tornado touched down at LPIA 17th September suspending service for a few minutes. The breaking news developed as dark clouds swirled around the nation's gateway. No one was injured.
Rev Fr. Sebastian Campbell and Rev. Fr. Crosley Walkine were installed as Canons of the Cathedral of Christ Church in Nassau on Tuesday 17th September by the Anglican Bishop Laish Boyd. They were installed in the stalls of St. Augustine of Hippo and St David of Wales respectively. The wife of the Governor General lady Joan Foulkes and the Prime Minister Perry Christie with the Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis along with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell, Minister of National Insurance Shane Gibson and the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Hubert Minnis attended the service. Congratulations to the new Canons.
The photos are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
UKRAINE RECEPTION -- Bahamas Consul General to New York the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll and his wife, Dr. Valencia Carroll, are pictured with the Hon. Yuriy A. Sergeyev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, and Mrs. Sergeyev at a reception held recently at the Ukraine Consulate, 220 East 51st Street, New York, N.Y. The occasion was the observance of Ukraine’s 22nd anniversary of its Independence. Pictured from left: Dr. Valencia Carroll, Mrs. Sergeyev, Ambassador Sergeyev and Consul General Carroll.
RECEPTION FOR CONSUL GENERAL -- Mrs. Delores Scott, a native Bahamian, hosted a reception for Bahamas Consul General to New York the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll and Dr. Valencia Carroll at her residence in Norwalk, Connecticut, on Saturday, September 14, 2013. Mrs. Scott is the aunt of Mrs. Cyprianna McSweeney, wife of former Attorney General Sean McSweeney. Guests at the reception included Norwalk Mayor Richard A. Moccia, Connecticut State Senator Bob Duff, Vice Consul Sandra N. McLaughlin and Mr. Canute Mclaughlin. The atmosphere reflected Bahamian culture at its finest. Pictured from left to right: Mrs. Delores Scott, Dr. Valencia Carroll, Mayor Moccia, Senator Duff, Consul General Carroll, and Mr. Andy Pierce, a teacher at Columbus Magna School, Norwalk, CT.
Bahamas Attorney General meets with Bahamian law students in the UK
LONDON, England - Sen. The Hon. Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs; and Sir Michael Barnett, Chief Justice; met with Bahamian students currently studying Law in the UK at a Reception hosted by H.E. Eldred Bethel, High Commissioner, at Bahamas House on Monday 16 September 2013.
The students were welcomed to Bahamas House - their 'home away from home' and encouraged to enjoy their time abroad, to study hard and take advantage of the opportunities presented to them. They were further afforded the opportunity to raise questions to the Attorney General and Chief Justice and also received an update on the forthcoming Constitutional Referendum scheduled to take place later this year.
MIAMI, Florida – Bahamas Consul General to Miami, the Hon. H. Ricardo Treco, visited The Faith Center Ministries International on Sunday September 15, 2013. Consul General Treco was welcomed to The Faith Center by Bishop Henry Fernandez and the Bahamian community in attendance at the church service. Consul General Treco was accompanied by his wife Jennifer, Deputy Consul General Sandra Carey, Vice Consul Wayne Woodside and Ministry of Tourism Officer Linville Johnson. After the service Consul General Treco greeted Bahamian nationals who are members of The Faith Center Ministries and later attended a reception the home of Bahamian national Darlene Davis Hord and her husband Pastor Horace Hord. Pictured from left to right: Consul General Treco, Mrs. Jennifer Treco, Pastor Henry Fernandez and Mr. Linville Johnson, Religious Tourism Officer.
Minister Darville tours the renovations of the Reef Hotel in Freeport. Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon Michael Darville, checks out one of the finished rooms with Ian Rolle, President of Grand Bahama Port Authority; Project Manager Turnquest; Derek Newbold, Business Manager, and Ginger Moxey, Vice President. (BIS Photo / Vandyke Hepburn).
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Deputy Prime Minister along with Bahamian champions for the Lex Caribbean Interviewing Competition; Senior Tutor 2 at the Eugene Dupuch Law School Clive Guy, Anastacia Hepburn, Hon. Philip ‘Brave’ Davis and Crystal Rolle.
Nassau, The Bahamas – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development the Hon. Philip Brave Davis admonished students of the Eugene Dupuch Law School to be true to their calling. “To be true to your calling, you cannot casually abrogate your responsibility. The law is a wonderful calling but it is more than a simple means of making a living,” he said.
Mr. Davis addressed the orientation exercise for first and second year students on the topic “The Attorney at Law: A Servant of the People” at the School of Hospitality on Wednesday, September 18.
Providing an illustration, Mr. Davis said a person who seeks to become a pastor must be about serving the whole man or he/she is not being true to the calling. “If it just about the pulpit, then they are in the entertainment business. Entertainment is certainly not bad, but it is certainly misleading to someone who needs to come to a pastor for help only to have a fleeting feel good moment,” he said.
“The same applies to you in the law. If all you do is sell your talent to the highest bidder with no reference to the underlying principle of the law, which is justice, the same justice referred to in the Biblical stories, then you are not being true to the calling; rather, you would have been guilty of abusing the profession.”
The students were told that their job is to offer the best service in protecting their interests and leave judgment to the court. “Every citizen is entitled to legal representation,” said Minister Davis who is also a practitioner. “This means that sometimes your client will be someone who is subsequently judged to have been guilty of criminal acts.”
He urged them to respect the rights of citizens to true representation and always give of their very best. To do less, is to commit a crime of accepting payment and giving them less than agreed upon, which equates to stealing.
“You know stealing is against the law for which you could, in ordinary circumstances, face jail time. You are at the next stage in your lives where you begin, in earnest, the transition from student to practicing professional,” Minister Davis added.
He recalled that as a law student/articled clerk, he viewed the law as something mystical. However, after becoming a member of parliament, he fully appreciated that most laws are created by generally well-intentioned men and women, who hope to craft something, which would serve to assist people in their lives.
“The law is like anything else in life, imperfect but essentially designed for good,” he said.
Despite their entitlement to make a “good” living, the law students were encouraged to aspire to the high ideals of the practice of the law.
“I know that this is an over-used and abused term, but you must strive to practice your law as a true ‘servant of the people’. This is what will bring honour to your practice as an attorney-at-law. This is the nobility of our profession,” the Minister added.
You may click here for the full statement by the Deputy Prime Minister
The following statement was issued by the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party Bradley Roberts:
19th September 2013
For immediate release
The admission by the leader of the Cuban protesters of accepting and acting on the advice of the opposition FNM raises serious and troubling questions about the extent of their apparent collaboration and the depth of their subversive relationship in defaming the international reputation of The Bahamas and targeting our number one industry and economic lifeblood.
From the onset of this saga, the FNM and the Miami protesters were in lock step together in their pronouncements about the events surrounding the Cuban detainees and their actions together were harmful to the reputation and economy of The Bahamas.
Dr. Hubert Minnis and Cuban protester Ramon Sanchez, the new bobsie twins were in agreement and repeated each other’s lie that the government of the Bahamas was involved in a cover up when it was patently clear that the claim of abuse was under active investigation.
Later, Dr. Minnis called for the resignation of the Hon. Fred Mitchell over this same bogus concoction of a cover up and as sure as night follows day, Mr. Sanchez repeated the same call.
Sanchez now claims that he is “taking the advice of the opposition” about protesting near the Miami International Airport. The salient questions are these: Was Sanchez following the advice of the FNM when his organization erected the defamatory claim on the 40 foot trailer at the entrance of the Miami International Airport with the intent of causing harm to our economy? Did Hubert Minnis and the FNM collaborated with Sanchez to pose a specific safety threat to the Bahamas Embassy in Miami, to target cruise visitors travelling to The Bahamas and to target specific economic interests in The Bahamas called economic blackmail?
Further, Dr. Minnis and the FNM leadership could not have thought that a leak of a classified report during an active investigation and accusing the state of a cover were helpful to the investigation, the parties involved or the reputation of The Bahamas. His behavior was clearly reckless and his intent was malicious because there was no nexus between his claims and the conduct of a Minister of The Bahamas government with regard to the Cuban detainees.
It is clear that Dr. Minnis’ intent was consistent with that of the Miami protesters which was to cause harm to The Bahamas. How far are Dr. Minnis and the FNM willing to go destroy this country in the name of narrow self-interest?
I warn Bahamians that the decision making skills of Dr. Minnis are questionable at best and pose too great a risk to the country because he doesn’t appear to think before he speaks or acts – a risk the Bahamian people can ill afford to take.
Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie, bids "safe journey" to the delegation from the Ministry of Social Services and Community Development that will represent The Bahamas at the United Nations in New York. The delegation will be headed by Minister of Social Services and Community Development. the Hon. Melanie S. Griffin and include Ms. Mellany Zonicle, Director of Social Services, Department of Social Services and Mrs. Iris Adderley, Consultant, Disability Affairs Unit. Pictured (from left) are: Minister of Labour, the Hon. Shane Gibson who will act as Minister of Social Services in Minister Griffin's absence; Mrs. Barbara Burrows, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Services and Community development; Minister Griffin; Prime Minister Christie; Mrs. Iris Adderley; Director Zonicle and Mr. Alan Strachan, Under Secretary, Ministry of Social Services and Community Development. (BIS Photo/Peter L. Ramsay)
NASSAU, The Bahamas — The Bahamas will become a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the U.N. Headquarters in New York (on Tuesday (September 24), joining Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Jamaica, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada.
Minister of Social Services and Community Development, the Hon. Melanie Sharon Griffin, who will sign the Convention on behalf of the Government and people of The Bahamas, said signing onto the Convention will be a precursor to the enactment of Disability Legislation in The Bahamas.
The proposed Draft Bill is expected to get Cabinet consent before reaching Parliament “within the next few weeks.” Officials anticipate that the Draft Bill will be Tabled and Passed in both the House of Assembly and the Senate by December 3, 2013 – a date that is observed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Mrs. Griffin, along with a “small delegation” that will include Ms. Mellany Zonicle, Director of Social Services, Department of Social Services, and Mrs. Iris Adderley, Consultant, Disability Affairs Division, are expected to travel to New York this weekend to attend a United Nations High Level Meeting and to sign onto the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Mrs. Griffin, along with Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie, met with members of the media Wednesday to inform them of the significance of Mrs. Griffin’s New York trip.
“The signing of this Convention, and the enactment of legislation, were two of the commitments made by the Christie Administration and God willing, by next week, this commitment would have been fulfilled,” Mrs. Griffin said.
“I am certain that the community of persons with disabilities is extremely pleased that the Convention will be signed at last (even though) it has taken much longer than they would have wanted to.”
Mrs. Griffin said the “next stop” is the enactment of legislation to protect the rights of persons with disabilities. She said Government, Ministry, Non-governmental and other officials are “actively working on this matter.”
“While there have been consultations with some non-governmental organisations on this matter, I expect that the national consultations on the Draft Bill will commence very soon,” Mrs. Griffin said.
“The enactment of legislation for persons with disabilities is also a commitment of the Christie Administration and God’s willing, this too, will soon be fulfilled,” Mrs. Griffin added.
Minister Griffin met Monday with leaders of several key non-governmental organisations representing persons living with disabilities in The Bahamas ahead of this weekend’s United Nations visit.
The Informational meeting with the groups representing persons living with disabilities in The Bahamas was held to apprise those representatives of the Minister’s agenda during her stay in New York.
Mrs. Griffin said the informational meeting is part of the process of informing key groups about visits to the United Nations, prior to, and following those visits.
Minister Griffin discussed a wide-range of topics with the representatives, among them, the High Level Meeting, the signing onto the Convention, Upcoming Legislation and the appointment of a Task Force for a Facility for post School-Aged Children Living with Disabilities.
Representatives from those groups attended Wednesday’s Press briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister.
The High Level Meeting is scheduled to take place Monday, September 23, 2013 while the signing onto the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will take place on Tuesday, September 24. Mrs. Griffin and her delegation will return to The Bahamas on Wednesday, September 25, 2013.
Mrs. Griffin said representatives from countries attending the High Level Meeting are expected to adopt “a concise, action-oriented document” in support of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the realisation of the Millennium Development goals for persons with disabilities.”
Twenty students received Dell Computers at the launch of the Urban Renewal G.E.D. Programme in Grand Bahama, Sept. 16. Pictured from left: Algernon Allen, Co-chairperson for Urban Renewal Commission; Dr. Michael Darville, Minister for Grand Bahama; Mrs. Michelle Reckley, Deputy Director of Urban Renewal; Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie; and student, Anfernee A. Tate. (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)
FREEPORT, Bahamas – Prime Minister the Rt Hon. Perry Christie, was in Freeport, Grand Bahama, Sept. 16, for the official launch of Urban Renewal’s G.E.D. Programme.
Urban Renewal 2.0 Grand Bahama office, headed by Deputy Director Mrs. Michelle Reckley has teamed with Terreve College in this new initiative.
The G.E.D. which is often called the GEHSED (General Education High School Equivalency Diploma) is designed for those students and individuals who did not graduate from high school or did not achieve or obtain their high school diploma.
The programme is planned for one year and three months and students will be offered courses in Computers, English, Maths, Biology, History and Life Management Skills.
All students must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average in each subject and upon completion of the programme will receive their diploma with the college’s seal and pertinent signatures.
Prime Minister Christie, the brainchild behind the Urban Renewal Programme said he fully endorses the programme and any such initiatives which give Bahamians a second chance at obtaining success.
Before a large audience assembled at the Grand Bahama Yacht Club on Monday, the Prime Minister told the 20 participants in the programme and the many supporters present that it was a second chance opportunity that enabled him to achieve success, after being kicked out of high school.
“Let me tell you about me,” he told the audience. “I made my mommy and daddy happy, happy, happy, when I passed for Government High School. Students from all over The Bahamas had to take an exam and those who excelled were admitted to the school.
“After two years in the school I was put out, fourteen years of age, and the judgment was I could not learn. I went home that day and saw my mother and father with tears in their eyes, ashamed because in The Bahamas they had seen their oldest child expelled from school because quote on quote, he was dumb.
“I had to go back to the school I had parted from and I remember walking into the assembly when the children were saying, oh he got put out of school. I could never forget the shame, the disgrace,” the Prime Minister recalled.
Continuing, he told the students and guests assembled how a popular teacher named Donald Davis came and told his parents that mistakes were made about their child and that he could learn.
The Prime Minister also recalled his days as an athlete and how he also used that to show fellow students his worth and his ability to be a team player, on the relay squad. He then went on to become a triple jumper and recalled building a pit in their yard to practice.
Mr. Christie remembered watching a number of persons jump, who had been selected for the Bahamas national squad, including popular sportsman Keith Parker and felt that he was better than them.
He said that despite the squad being selected, Tommy Robinson and Lester Byrd, a former Antigua Prime Minister (then a student) told Paul Adderley who was President of the Bahamas Amateur Athletic Association, at the time, that Christie could beat those fellows who were selected.
“So they had a special jump-off for me and I qualified and they put me on the team. I became the second Bahamian to win a medal in international competition. I didn’t give up, I didn’t give in,” he stated.
The nation’s leader also recalled back then going to night school, and his desire to be someone special and to engage himself with individuals who had the same ambition in life.
He recalled his time at night school and the competition that existed between him and his sister, who was taking O’ Levels at Government High School.
Mr. Christie said he passed four or five O’ Levels on that one occasion, and the man who was headmaster at the time, H.M. Davies, saw the results that he passed from night school, and said he should not have been put out of school and would you like to come back into school?
He also touched on his decision to study in London and how he entered the debating competition at the university and won.
The Prime Minister said he showed his parents that he was never going to give up and they watched him become an attorney, and then being elected to the House of Assembly over and over from 1977. Unfortunately, he said, his parents did not live to see him become Prime Minister.
He told those assembled to look at this boy who was considered a failure, who had to start over three years after the people he went to school with.
Turning to the students assembled, Mr. Christie said, “I am telling you this story because in your own life you have to decide right now, I gat it in me.”
Continuing, he told his audience “because I am who I am, I believe in the redemptive power of second chance. There are thousands of Bahamians who did not have the opportunity, men and women, but who are brilliant and our job is to be able to inspire them to get up off the ground if they have been knocked down and to know that the test is not how many time you get knock down. The test is how many times you get back up.”
He said that if one looks at the history of our country and that of Grand Bahama and the other Islands, one would see “what I have described year after year as the indomitable spirit of the Bahamian, meaning that I am not going to allow my circumstances to cause me to get on the ground and grovel. I am going to get up.”
Mr. Christie told the students that God has given them the same ability that He gave him, and that he was knocked down in the same way as they were.
He told the gathering that Urban Renewal can help promote a better way for living and that he got the Police involved so that they can go with social workers and others into the various trouble spots and try and bring relief to those persons.
The Prime Minister went on to inform of two special projects designed to assist mothers whose children need special care, which his government will soon implement.
He said every child in The Bahamas has a right to participate in the resources of the country.
“Those who cannot speak for themselves and have parents who cannot speak for them, the state, and I represent the state, must place itself in a position to do for them what they cannot do for themselves.”
The Grand Bahama Progressive Liberal Party Council wishes to remind the FNM and others that since 2005, five persons have been appointed Chairman of the Grand Bahama Port Authority group of companies; namely, Julian Francis, Hannas Babak, Felix Stubbs, Eric Christianson and Ian Fair. None of these persons was engaged in that position for more than 2 years. In addition, four Bahamians served as President/Director of those companies at different periods over the last twenty-five years.
Clearly, given the history of the short-lived engagement of former Chairpersons of the Grand Bahama Port Authority Group of Companies over the years, we fail to understand the reason for the FNM silly advice to the shareholders, to urgently recruit a “qualified Bahamian” Chairman for their companies. In our opinion, what is needed are new owners of the GBPA Group of Companies, owners who have personal financial means and who are prepared to invest in the immediate development of the new cruise port, development of additional tourist resorts, second home development and joint ventures with other investors in the heavy industrial and maritime areas of Freeport.
The Government’s interest in Freeport remains the same as it is for the rest of the Bahamas, which is to provide opportunities for Bahamians and opportunities for foreign direct investments to be successful in our Country.
We are pleased this week to present to you a lecture in full delivered by Gilbert Morris, a well known commentator and analyst, about the Turks and Caicos islands. It is interesting in that it argues for a bold simplicity and strategic thinking that if implemented by the Turks and by extension The Bahamas could cause those two countries to lift weights far above what would be expected for their sizes. Read and digest. It is interesting for anyone interested in public policy.
You may click here for the full address.
Teachers in the Bahamas generally receive eight-weeks paid summer holiday. During this time, some teachers use this period to go back to school and study new concepts in teaching and learning. Others use the time to recharge and regenerate their minds for a fresh start for the new school year. These nation builders accept that theirs is a thankless profession; they further appreciate that their financial remuneration is not what it should be given the awesome task that is set before them. Nevertheless, they embrace this rewarding and fulfilling profession. I know this because I have close family members that are a part of this noble profession.
Ms. Belinda Wilson is the “all powerful” B.U.T. (BAHAMAS UNION of TEACHERS) President. She has no equal and, thus far, fiercely fought off all challenges. Her presidency can best be described in the words of Eddie Minnis’ song People to People “It was bad before, but now it’s worse.”
On Monday, September 3rd, 2013, that marked the first day of back to school for all students, her television performance outside the gates of the Anatol Rodgers School did not reflect her better angels instead it showed a woman poorly socialized. Outside the gates she declared:
The police can’t stop me;
The security can’t stop me; and
The Minister can’t stop me.
The following Monday Ms. Wilson’s television performance outside the Ministry of Education's head office eclipsed the performance at Anatol Rodgers. She told reporters that she was there to give the Minister of Education, Jerome Fitzgerald, “a little touching up.” These were her words for his refusing to meet with the union. She was accompanied by some of her members. At times, they blocked the door while singing and chanting an old spiritual, “We will not be moved.” At one point, a teacher sat on the ground fully clothed as Ms. Wilson paced the entrance gesticulating with her hands while the teacher on the ground exhibited the behavior of a toddler who wanted its own way.
Again, the poorly socialized President crossed the lines with this past Friday’s television performance when she displayed total disdain and disrespect to the Ministry of Education and the Minister of Education, in particular. She declared that the Minister of Education had lost it and she further extended the insult when she declared that she hoped the Minister was not talking about her for his sake when he spoke of the air condition units being sabotaged. This was an unfortunate use of the English language for an educator. The Bible declares that a little leaven leavens the whole loaf. These insults hurled by the B.U.T. President are damning and vile, and as such are counterproductive to the education and its advancement.
What about the children? How is it that the union’s industrial actions always take place between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.? Why is it that the important meetings with the teachers take place during these precious teaching hours? How is this precious time redeemed? Or, is it ever made up? The unintended consequence of lost time is the children’s disadvantage; or, could it be the goal of the union is to limit these hours of teaching.
The present model of public school education is not working. The union has lost its way. They are no longer partners in education but, instead obstacles to progress. Consideration should now be given for the Ministry to place the 4,000+ teachers under the management of smaller and private managerial contractors. Under this new system, accountability and personal responsibility would become the hallmark of this new authority and slackers who have lost their love for education will find themselves out of the system.
To the president of the B.U.T., we have a problem in the middle schools with young people having great difficulties expressing themselves. It would be advisable that you change your tenor and tone of your highly emotive rants. Today, a misguided young lady sits in Fox Hill prison for “touching up” the Principal of Jack Hayward High School, your words. Out of a feeling of great remorse, it would be wise for you to pay her fine of $800.00 for the damage of the principal’s property; it would be seen as an act of contrition. You, Ms. Wilson, are the leader of the union, and your behavior will be emulated by those of lesser learning. A beacon light that once shone bright over the B.U.T. has now been extinguished under your leadership.
Brian Seymour
Bahamas Information Services
September 22, 2013
Bahamas Delegation Heads to UN General Assembly Meeting
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– Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration the Hon. Fred Mitchell speaks at a press conference, on September 22, 2013, concerning The Bahamas delegation to the 68th Session of the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly heading to New York that day. Also pictured at the press conference, held in the Diplomatic Lounge of the Lynden Pindling International Airport, is Minister of Social Services and Community Development the Hon. Melanie Sharon Griffin. Minister Griffin will sign the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, on Tuesday, September 24th, on behalf of The Bahamas. (BIS Photo / Eric Rose) |
NASSAU, The Bahamas – The Bahamas delegation to the 68th Session of the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly left for New York, on September 22, 2013, with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration the Hon. Fred Mitchell serving as head of the delegation until the Prime Minister arrives in New York on the September 27th.
“This year the Prime Minister will deliver the country’s national statement to the general assembly for the first time during his tenure as Prime Minister,” Minister Mitchell said, at a press conference in the Diplomatic Lounge of the Lynden Pindling International Airport. “His address is scheduled for Saturday, the 28th of September at three o’clock in the afternoon. I invite all Bahamians to tune in.”
Also present at the press conference was Minister of Social Services and Community Development the Hon. Melanie Sharon Griffin. Minister Griffin will sign the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, on Tuesday, September 24th. The Bahamas will be joining Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago as a signatory, Minister Mitchell said.
“Mrs. Griffin will sign the Convention on behalf of the Government and people of The Bahamas,” Minister Mitchell said. “The Convention will be a precursor to the enactment of Disability Legislation in The Bahamas that is expected before the end of the year.
“This is part of what was promised in the Charter for Governance on which we were elected in May 2012.”
Minister Mitchell noted that this year marks the 40th anniversary of The Bahamas' membership in the United Nations.
“The country officially became its 133rd member on the 18th September 1973, with the late Sir Lynden O. Pindling as Prime Minister and the late L. B. Johnson as our first Permanent Representative to the United Nations,” Minister Mitchell said.
Minister Mitchell added that the annual gathering in New York is the opportunity for nations to exchange views both bilaterally and in the multi-lateral context on a number of important issues.
“Of particular interest to The Bahamas will be the high level dialogues on migration, on the millennium development goals and on sustainable development,” he said. “In this context, there will be a number of meetings with agencies in the UN responsible for migration matters.
“This will also be an opportunity for The Bahamas to continue to make the case in the national statement for a global governance infrastructure for the regulation and support of the financial services sector and to continue to make the case for Small Island Developing States and the adverse effects of climate change.”
Darron B Cash Wants Ingraham Back
Prime Minister Perry Christie in an aside to the House of Assembly this year said that the rumour that Hubert Ingraham is coming back may force him (Prime Minister Christie) to stay on. Perhaps he might get his wish since it is now reported that recently one of Mr. Ingraham’s main minions has been sporting a bumper sticker and decal with Mr. Ingraham’s picture say: “ It aint long now”. Word also has it that Darron B Cash, the FNM Chair, who up to recently, was the object of Mr. Ingraham’s scorn, has his close friends now campaigning for Mr. Ingraham’s return. His friends are saying, the conclusion is that the FNM cannot win unless Mr. Ingraham returns.
Demetrius Medal Is Recovered?
The website reported the following on Friday20th September:
The 24-karat gold medal, that hangs from a purple lanyard and has images representing the 2012 London Olympiad on both sides with 4x400m inscribed on the bottom portion of the front side, was stolen from his truck after he accidentally left it in the center console.
On Sept. 19, detectives located the man suspected in the theft, 22-year-old Allen Jeffrey Nichols, in the 2900 block of 6th Avenue West and he was arrested. At the time of his arrest, Nichols did not have the medal on him.
Good news came Pinder's way by nightfall though, when officials announced they found the medal and had it in their possession. We must thank God for this recovery. And now the Bahamas or someone responsible should take possession of the medal cause we could see Pinder ain't gat no damn sense!
Mitchell Presented With Thanks From Passport Staff
Members of the Passport staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ office in Freeport presented Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs , with a token of appreciation for his assistance in retaining them on the staff of the Ministry. The presentation was made on Friday 20th September in the passport office in Freeport in the presence of the Permanent Secretary Philip Miller, the Parliamentary Secretary Cleola Hamilton and the Head of the Passport Office in Freeport Superintendent Clarence Russell.
Minister Visits Staff In The Rand
The Hon. Frederick A. Mitchell MP., Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration paid a quiet courtesy call on a staff member from the Passport Office Grand Bahama; at the ICU Rand Memorial Hospital, while accompanied by his Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Philip Miller and Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry Ms. Cleola Hamilton.
Our hats are off to the Honorable Minister and his Executive Team, for taking time out of their busy schedule to show care and compassion to his staff member, while on Grand-Bahama today.
Also present was the Head of Department Passport Office, Grand-Bahama Sr. Superintendent of Police Mr. Clarence A. Russell 11 at her bedside. A full and speedy recovery is very much anticipated.
Perfect example of Leadership, by example.
Rev Sammy Saunders 80 Years Young
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill joined his old friend Rev. Sammy Saunders at his annual birthday bash which he has thrown for the children of the Ranfurly Home and for the children of the Emergency Hostel every year for the past 30 years. He marked his 80th birthday on Thursday night 19th September at MacDonald’s with the children and his family. Mr. Mitchell led the singing of happy birthday. Best to you Reverend.
This Business Of The Death Penalty
Leslie Miller made a statement in the press on Wednesday 18th September on the death penalty. Mr. Miller, the MP for Tall Pines, says that he will be moving presumably a private members resolution calling for MPs to say which side of the death penalty they are on: for or against. He said that if you are against the penalty then you have no place in Parliament. What is the law on this matter? The death penalty is already on the books of The Bahamas. In that then every Member of Parliament including Senators is pledged to uphold the laws of The Bahamas and so ipso facto support the death penalty. No vote however can bind someone’s individual conscience. The law in this country is that no execution can take place unless a judge determines that the case is the worst of the worst or the rarest of the rare murders and that there is no other means of dealing with the offender and that he is incapable of being rehabilitated and it requires a psychiatric report to determine the last factor. So you go figure if voting in parliament is going to change what the courts have said about the penalty in The Bahamas.
Basil Neymour Dies
We offer our condolences to the family of the late Basil Neymour, an icon of our times—Editor
Nassau, Bahamas - The following is a statement by Bradley B. Roberts, National Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party:
The Progressive Liberal mourns the passing of Bahamian son, Basil Ospert Neymour who passed away earlier today.
A native of Andros, Mr. Neymour is a renowned Road Builder, Sportsman and philanthropist as he always gave back to a country he openly acknowledged had done so much for him.
One of the more cherished and popular monuments to his skilled handiwork as a road builder is the East/West Highway, one of the first major thoroughfares constructed by the PLP government during its formative years. Basil would always proudly hold that highway as the standard for all road construction projects in this country.
As a politician, Mr. Neymour carried the banner for the Progressive Liberal Party for the Pineridge Constituency. The PLP thanks him for his contributions and faithful service.
As the chip never falls from the block, his son Phenton served as the Honourable Member for South Beach between 2007 and 2012 and was the State Minister with responsibilities for utilities in the last FNM administration.
On behalf of the Progressive Liberal Party I extend my deepest condolences to his wife and children during this very difficult period.
May his soul and the souls of all the dearly departed rest in peace.
Dara Rahming Performs In Freeport
The Bahamian diva, opera singer Dara Rahming was the special guest of Kevin Tomlinson at the Ascension Church on Saturday 14th September. She hails from Fox Hill but lives in the United States. She was in Freeport for a special workshop for the children of the choir. The photo is from Mr. Tomlinson’s Facebook page.
Keith Ellis Is Buried
Keith Ellis Sr. was part of the storied Class of 1970 of St. Augustine’s College in Nassau. He died at age 61 suffering multiple myeloma. A valiant struggle. He left behind his mother and siblings and children including Keith Jr. He was buried in St. Anselm’s Cemetery in Fox Hill on Monday 16th September. Classmate Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill, the constituency in which Mr. Ellis lived attended the service. Mr. Mitchell is also a member of the class of 1970. Rest in peace brother!
The cast of James Catalyn and Friends
We thought we ought to share with you this joyous photo of the cast of James Catalyn and Friends latest production held at the Dundas at the beginning weekend of the month of September. A great time was had by all, lampooning “how we does live”.
Complaints About The State of The Parks and Verges
PLPs are apoplectic that the parks and verges in New Providence seem to be growing up around their necks and no one is able to get it under control. Help!
How Welcome Was The Call
The story around town is that one of the FNM operatives was in Nassau Village and was surrounded by the fellows who told him that Hubert Ingraham needs to come back because the PLP does not know what it is doing. The operative made the call and Mr Ingraham reportedly answered the phone. " Chief," said the operative, " the fellows say they need you to come back." reportedly Mr.Ingraham said: " I hear that everywhere I go but they gotta remember that they sent me home." In the press last week Frank Watson, the former Deputy Prime Minister under the FNM and one of Hubert Ingraham's front men said that Hubert Minnis, the present leader has one year to put the party back together. That means that they are looking and as we reported elsewhere it is clear to whom they look. The PLP had better wise up if there is the thought that the next election is going to be a cakewalk.
Ed Moxey In Hospital