October 2013
Compiled, edited and constructed by Russell Dames... Updated every Sunday at 2 p.m.
Volume 10 © 2011
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED MITCHELL. Our photo of the week is that of Fred Mitchell marking his 60th birthday on 5th October 2013 at the home of his sister Carla and her husband Carlton Seymour. Best to you sir.The photo is by Natalie Bethel
The Cretin Or The Fiend: Eileen Carron And Larry Smith
The older you get the more amused you get at foolishness. There is a crabby old lady sitting in her redoubt in Camperdown, presiding over a media empire, and nursing old grudges from wars and skirmishes long gone past. She cannot see the forest for the trees and for every argument of rationality, she comes back with her sick prejudices and biases. It stems from one thing. Her father was black man. She is of mixed ancestry and this she cannot stand and hates everyone who is black and everyone who represents black. To this day, she is nursing the grudge bequeathed to her from her father that in 1956 he was defeated by what she and he called a “ mere plumber” in the contest for the House of Assembly.
The fact is today, the inheritors of the plumbers run The Bahamas and she cannot stand it. So there is nothing they can do or say that will satisfy her, even as she depends on the inheritors of those plumbers to make her as rich as she is. She is a disgraceful woman who ought to in her senior years be thanking God for his many blessings. Instead, she is busy at every turn attacking the PLP.
Last week, she was at it again: Fred Mitchell this, Fred Mitchell that. She has Fred Mitchell on the brain. And none of it makes sense
One argument that was most amusing is that Fred Mitchell is now responsible for the fact there is no U S Ambassador in The Bahamas. The obvious fact that the U S President cannot get anyone confirmed to come here and has not nominated anyone to come here, misses the wicked witch of the east. If you follow her logic, then Hubert Ingraham who was Prime Minister or Brent Symonette his Foreign Minister at the time was responsible for the last U S Ambassador leaving here in November 2011. But we are sure the old witch will have some smart ass answer for that.
And now for the cretin. Larry Smith too is a grudge machine. He is dispossessed he believes by dint of his race, one imagines or some other old grudge. The fact is this is another of these usual suspects who no matter what cannot see a logical argument in favour of anything that the PLP does. He too has –fixed his sights on Fred Mitchell. Again, he too is fixing blame for the vortex of events around the Cuban detainees largely of the making and invention of The Tribune for whom he writes. Cannot see the forest for the trees. So no lie: the usual suspects, you ignore and move forward.
So PLPs choose your poison. Eileen Carron or Larry Smith. The cretin or the fiend.
Week ending Saturday 2 October 159,357
Month of September ending Monday 30 September 695,462
Month of October ending Saturday 5 October 97,266
Year 2013 ending Saturday 2 October 5,628,414 |
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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell speaks at a press conference in the Diplomatic Lounge of the Lynden Pindling Airport, after he returned to The Bahamas, on October 4, from a “successful participation in the work of the United Nations General Assembly”. (BIS Photo / Eric Rose) |
October 4, 2013
NASSAU, The Bahamas – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell returned to The Bahamas, on October 4, 2013, from a “successful participation in the work of the United Nations General Assembly”.
“The work began with the High Level Debate on Disabilities and the signing of the Convention on the Rights of The Disabled on Tuesday, 1st October,” Minister Mitchell said at a press conference in the Diplomatic Lounge of the Lynden Pindling Airport.
Minister Mitchell added that this was followed by Prime Minister Perry G. Christie’s national statement on Sept. 28. He said in that address Prime Minister Christie “defended the financial services sector, put migration issues front and centre on the agenda, spoke to issues of gun control and crime and about the protection of the environment”.
“The speech was well received both at home and abroad,” Minister Mitchell said. “I stayed behind to participate in the high level debate on migration and development.”
Minister Mitchell said he spoke to the need for there to be a concerted effort on the part of all countries in the region to help The Bahamas deal with the migration issues it faces.
He added that he met with the International Organisation for Migration and they expect to settle shortly a Memorandum of Understanding on the way forward with the IOM over the near term and long term.
“While at the United Nations The Bahamas was able to get the backing of Caricom (Caribbean Community) nations in our fight against illegal immigration and the attempt to vilify our country,” Minister Mitchell said. “In addition, I note with great satisfaction the statement by the Bahamian Diaspora in Miami in support of The Bahamas.”
Minister Mitchell said he explained to the public that he expects to be on the road for the better part of the next year. The idea, he said, is to utilise the office of the Minster of Foreign Affairs to explore new country-to-country ties, with a view to finding new resources for the country’s development.
“I am pleased, therefore, and look forward with anticipation to the results of our bilateral discussions with Middle-Eastern countries while I was at the UN and who have expressed an interest in investment in The Bahamas,” Minister Mitchell said.
“During my time in the US, I spoke with the Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere in what I express as a continuing dialogue with US officials on matters of mutual concern,” he added.
“I am pleased to be back home.” (Story by Eric Rose BIS)
1 October 2013
The following statement was issued by Andy Ingraham on behalf of Bahamian American Federation, National Association of The Bahamas, Bahamas-U.S. Chamber of Commerce National Association of The Bahamas, all Concerned Bahamians Abroad
Contact: Andrew Ingraham
We are pleased today to issue this statement in support of The Bahamas, our people, our home country and that of our ancestors. We have watched with dismay the unwarranted attacks by certain elements in the South Florida community upon The Bahamas and its citizens and government over alleged abuses of detainees in a Bahamian detention centre. We condemn those attacks in the strongest terms. We ask these groups to cease and desist these attacks on The Bahamas, and not rush to judgment. We are satisfied having reviewed all the facts that the government of The Bahamas has done all that it could do in the circumstances and in conformity with local and international law to ensure that illegal migrants in the detention are treated fairly and humanely. Where there are specific allegations of wrongdoing, we are satisfied that the processes are in place to ensure that those allegations are properly investigated and dealt with according to law. We welcome therefore the announcement by the Minister of National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage that a disciplinary hearing will be convened into the allegations. We are satisfied that justice will prevail for all concerned.
We also welcome the review of the detention centre by the high level panel and look forward to its conclusions. We want to remind those elements in South Florida who have attacked The Bahamas that the city of Miami was formed and built on the labor of Bahamians, long before other groups of migrants came to Miami. Bahamians continue to live and work here and contribute to Miami and the greater South Florida community. Bahamians spend more than one billion dollars in the Florida economy per year. It is not in the interests of the South Florida community to attack The Bahamas. It is bad for business and it attempts to destroy the long and prosperous mutual relationship that our communities have enjoyed.
We need to work together to resolve our differences We think that it is important therefore, as Bahamians living and working in Florida, to show those who have attacked The Bahamas that we support The Bahamas. We will continue to work for goodwill in Florida between all peoples as we continue to strengthen and grow our relationship between South Florida and The Bahamas.
When the Prime Minister Perry Christie spoke at the UN in the General Debate in New York on Saturday 28th September one of the issues that he put front and centre for The Bahamas was the issue of migration. This set the stage for his Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell to speak in the high level debate on migration and development which took place at the UN in New York over two days on 3rd and 4th October. Mr.. Mitchell took time to explain what the Prime Minister meant with his concern over migration. He asked the world community to move to help The Bahamas resist the tide of illegal migration and defend itself in the vortex in which it often found itself without itself having a thing to do with its creation. There were two statements: one at the plenary and another at a lunch hosted by Switzerland and Bangladesh.
You may click here for the full statement .
You may click here for the other full statement .
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( There has been some back and forth the between the PLP and the FNM over the past week when Darron Cash attacked the appointment of the new Managing Director of the Bahamas Development Bank because she served as a former Chair of the Women’s Branch of the PLP. He forgot said the commentators that he was Chair of the Board when the former FNM Treasurer Anthony Woodside was the Managing Director. Thus Bradley Roberts’s statement below on behalf of the PLP)
Chairman, Progressive Liberal Party
I read with amusement this latest feeble attempt by Mr. Cash to manufacture the facts, chase shadows and whip up hysteria within his party’s base.
Firstly, lest Mr. Cash forgets, the FNM has not been the government for almost two years and does not call any shots or make any decisions in the governance of this country.
Secondly, lest Mr. Cash forgets, Prime Minister Christie is responsible and legally empowered to make decisions in the best interest of the Bahamian people.
The former administration, Cash’s party, made many decisions as the government that turned out to be disastrous for The Bahamas. Left in their wake was an economy in shambles where not one job created; our fiscal situation was left in dire straits where an additional $2.0 billion was added to the national debt; crime spiraled out of control as experienced and competent senior police officers were sent home and the FNM’s public works program was poorly managed and executed with hundreds of millions in cost overruns and airport terminals that cannot be occupied.
This along with much human pain and suffering represented the mess Mr. Cash’s FNM left behind for Mr. Christie and the PLP to clean up and he has the unmitigated gall to second-guess the Prime Minister? Mr. Cash and the FNM should hang their heads in shame, but they have no shame.
The last person to be talking about approaches to governance and its effects on the Bahamian people should be Darren Cash or anybody connected with the leadership of the FNM for that matter.
Almost as soon as the announcement was made last week, people started laughing at Hubert Minnis, the Leader of the Opposition. This is the man who said that he was conducting such a thorough search to find next generation FNMs who would take the party forward as he chose judiciously to find a replacement for the outgoing despond Bannister. Turns out that the more things change the more they remain the same. Mr. Minnis ended up just where the realities of FNM policies dictated. He chose Carl Bethel, a retread from the previous incarnation of FNM leadership, a torchbearer from the 1980s. No next generation there. It was just plain old simple FNM politics. He needed someone from the last FNM cabinet, who was not a Hubert Ingraham fan to mind the store and watch his back in the Senate. Carl Bethel is the man and so Carl Bethel with that London School of Economics education will be the new/old FNM Senator.
1st October 2013
The following statement was issued by the Ministry of Transport and Aviation of The Bahamas with regard to the grounded vessel Formosa Falcon.
Representatives of the Formosa Falcon have located a vessel to lighter the cargo from the grounded vessel. The Formosa Falcon has been grounded since 26th September 2013 with approximately 54,689.569 metric tons of alkylate on board. The lightering vessel, the Alga, is scheduled to arrive in Freeport Grand Bahama on Friday 4 October, 2013. The Alga is presently sailing from New York.
After three unsuccessful attempts to refloat the M/T Formosa Falcon, a decision was made by the master of the vessel to lighter the ship of some its cargo to assist in refloating the vessel. It is anticipated that approximately 6000-8000 metric tons of the cargo will be transferred from the M/T Formosa Falcon.
The National Oil Spill Advisory Committee convened a special meeting on 1st October, 2013 to discuss the issues relative to the grounded vessel including contingencies for the lightering and refloating operations. There is also a planned meeting with the Local Oil Spill Committee in Freeport, Grand Bahama, to coordinate efforts and to ensure that adequate safety precautions are put in place during these operations.
A Senior Port Officer was deployed to Freeport on Monday 30th September, 2013, and a technical team from The National Oil Spill Committee will travel to Freeport, Grand Bahama on Friday 4thOctober, 2013 to assist the Local Oil Spill Committee in monitoring the entire operation, and to ensure that safety mechanisms are in place to safeguard the marine environment. The team will remain in Freeport for the duration of the lightering and refloating operations involving the M/T Formosa Falcon.
Once the vessel is successfully refloated, the vessel will be transferred into deeper water where a comprehensive underwater inspection will be carried out. Additionally, the area where the vessel was grounded will undergo a survey to determine the extent of the damage, if any, to the marine environment. The BEST Commission and the Department of the Environment will lead this effort.
Safety precautions remain in place with one tug on stand-by and containment booms have been deployed. Authorities are maintaining constant communication with the ship’s technical staff to ensure that all issues are reported in a timely manner. The ship’s captain continues to ensure that soundings of the ship’s tanks are conducted every six hours, and the results are transmitted to the Senior Port Officer in Freeport Grand Bahama. Authorities have also requested that the classification society provide constant data on the structural integrity of the vessel under the present conditions at sea.
The Bahamas Government via The National Oil Spill Advisory Committee, the Ministry of Transport and Aviation and the Ministry of Environment and Housing remain focused on protecting lives at sea and preserving the marine environment.
Periodic updates will continue to be issued as necessary.
The country was all agog from the Prime Minister on down because the Miami Heat, the American basketball team from the National Basketball Association of the United States (NBA) was in town. They came at the behest of the Ministry of Tourism for a three day work out prior to the resumption of the team’s attempt to get three straight crowns as champions of American basketball. So as Pat Riley, the team President, arrived for training camp which took place at Atlantis, he was welcomed by Minister of Transport Glenys Hanna Martin. When the team arrived there was Junkanoo to meet them at the airport. The female reporters were in their faces at Paradise Island as the teams giants stood for interviews. Everyone from the highest officials of the government went to take a mug shot and watch the practices. The Heat’s players and officials for their part said that The Bahamas was a good place to be because people gave them space and did not crowd them. It was a boon for Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe. For the Foreign Affairs Ministry it showed and put the lie to the twist in the press who said that The Bahamas was suffering reputational damage because of the Cuban protestors. Clearly that did not affect the Heat’s decision to come to Nassau. Some pictures from Ministry of Tourism’s Facebook page with Dwayne Wade and Lebron James and Pat Riley, popular from the days when he was the Laker’s coach and Bahamians were all Laker fans.
It is incredible that reporters in The Bahamas at least the ones who work for the Nassau Guardian do not know what the expression “in camera” means. Serious times when the fate of information dissemination is left in such hands. So on Friday 4th October, the Nassau Guardian reported that the Commodore of the Defence Force Roderick Bowe contradicted Dr. Bernard Nottage his Minister when he said it was unlikely that the hearings would be recorded of the Defence Force trial of those accused of abusing Cuban detainees. Turns out they thought that when Dr. Nottage said “ in camera”, they thought he meant “on camera”. In camera of course means, in private. Dr. Nottage protested. The Nassau Guardian issued a grudging apology on 5th October but not groveling enough for our own liking. The ignorance would be hilarious if it were not so serious.
On Saturday, 28th September, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires John Dinkelman hosted the Fourth Annual Eunice Kennedy Shriver (EKS) Day at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence under the theme, "Play Unified to Live Unified!". The event, held in partnership with Special Olympics Bahamas, brought together more than 250 volunteers including members of the U.S. Embassy family, Special Olympics Bahamas coaches and athletes, as well as volunteers from local organizations for a day of inclusive sport and play. Among the invited guests on hand to support the event were Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Daniel Johnson and Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald.
Again this year, the front lawn of the U.S. Ambassador’s residence was a buzz of activity as it was transformed into a mini “Camp Shriver,” where the athletes and volunteers spent
most of the morning, enjoying food, fun, games, face painting and music. Activities included bocce, tennis, the egg and spoon race, and the sack race. Once again the featured attraction was the dunk tank, where dozens of athletes lined up to take turns at attempts to “dunk” the Chargé and other invited guests.
Each year, EKS Day is celebrated globally to honor Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s legacy of bringing people together with and without intellectual disabilities to participate in sports. The day is set aside to promote volunteerism while paying tribute to Mrs. Shriver for her inspiration, impact and indomitable spirit.
The U.S. Embassy wishes to express appreciation to the management and staff of Marco’s Pizza, the primary sponsor of the annual EKS Day celebrations, for its standing partnership to provide complimentary pizzas which helps to make the annual event a success.
29th September 2013
A delegation of parliamentarians returned from South Africa recently where they attended and participated in the 59th CPA Conference. The delegation was led by the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Member of Parliament for Englerston and the Minister of Transport and Aviation and included the Hon. Dr. Kendal Major, Member of Parliament for Garden Hills and Speaker of the House of Assembly, Senator Joseph Curry, Vice President of the Senate and Mr. Neko Grant, Member of Parliament for Central Grand Bahama and Leader of Opposition Business in the House. The delegation was accompanied and supported by Maurice Tynes, Clerk of the Parliament. The theme of the Conference was "Deepening the Commonwealth's commitment to democratic governance".
Glenys Hanna Martin is the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region representative on the International Steering Committee of the Commonwealth Women’s Parliamentarians (CWP). During convened meetings of the CWP, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda was elected as the new Chairperson of the CWP. The CWP was founded to devise ways to increase female participation in Parliament and work towards the mainstreaming of gender considerations in all CPA activities and programmes. It is expected that Minister Hanna Martin will host a meeting of regional women Parliamentarians in Nassau later this year.
The Hon. Dr. Kendal Major, one of the three Regional representatives on the Executive Committee of the CPA attended the meetings of the Executive Committee, the body vested with the control and management of the activities of the CPA.
All of the Bahamian delegates participated in the Small Branches Conference which constituted countries in the Commonwealth with a population of 500,000 or less. Topics discussed in the Small Branches Conference included: Separation of Powers and Good Governance in Small States; Is Education Meeting Local Employment Needs in Small States?; and Ensuring Technical and Legislative Capacity for Ethical Tax-Raising in Small States.
The Conference was officially opened by the President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma.
The Conference held workshops on the following matters;
Mr. Tynes also attended the meetings of the Society of Clerks at-the-Table.
During the conference, delegates learned that Nelson Mandela was released to his home after a prolonged hospitalization.
The Bahamas Development Bank (“the Bank”) announced last week the appointment of Arinthia S. Komolafe as the Bank’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer effective 16th September 2013. The appointment of Mrs. Komolafe, an Attorney and Banker, is timely as the Government seeks to refocus and reposition the mandate of the Bank by broadening its range of activities beyond its primary purpose of extending debt financing to small business owners to include the provision of equity, credit guarantees and marketing and accounting support.
“The Board of Directors fully supports this historic appointment of Mrs. Komolafe as the first female Managing Director of the Bank since its establishment in 1978 and we are hopeful that her appointment indicates the Bank’s commitment to providing opportunities to both young people and women to realise their entrepreneurial dreams. Mrs. Komolafe has also been guaranteed the full support of the Ministry of Finance as communicated to the Board of Directors” said Mr. Calvin Knowles, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Mrs. Komolafe said, "I am both delighted and privileged to lead The Bahamas Development Bank, one of the nation’s oldest institutions in a post-independent Bahamas. I look forward to working with the Board, the Executive Management team and the staff to bring about a renewed focus on the broadened mandate of the Bank and to revitalise this significant institution to serve the needs of 21st Century Bahamas, while addressing the current challenges facing the Bank. We will seek to reinvent the Bahamas Development Bank and promote the expansion of small and medium sized enterprises in The Bahamas. It is our goal to become more efficient and responsive to the needs of our clients by adding much needed value in the form of enhanced business support for our existing and potential customers while ensuring that the Bank contributes positively to the economic development of our nation.”
The Bahamas Mortgage Corporation (BMC) was established by an Act of Parliament in August 1983 and commenced business in October of that same year. Since commencing business BMC has expanded by opening a sub office in Grand Bahama in 1984 and another in Abaco in the year 2000. This year (2013) BMC celebrates its thirtieth (30th) year of service to the Bahamian people under the theme, “Building on the Past……Embracing the Future.”
Our theme reflects the modus operandi of which BMC is being managed. We are building on the work that has been done by those who came before us, where we find that adjustments or modernization is necessary we are doing so. As with any other company or institution operating in these times we have our challenges but we are raising to those challenges with the help of the talented Executives and Staff Members in all of our offices.
There can no doubt of the positive impact that BMC has had on many families in this country by assisting them in obtaining their own dwelling home. This has been done through the financing of the government’s housing programme and through the granting of private mortgages. In my view BMC has lived up to its mandate as per the Act which is to: stimulate, encourage and promote home ownership, encourage the construction industry, provide financial funding for the construction of housing units/projects, make loans to individuals of low to middle income for to purchase construction or repairing of their home.
To commemorate its 30th year BMC has planned events to take place in the month of October beginning this Sunday October 6th, when the Board of Directors, Executives and Staff Members of the Nassau office will be worshiping at the 8:30 am service at Evangelistic Temple, Collins Avenue. We invite the general public to join us at this service. We will also be holding Customer Appreciation Days at all of our office on October 7th, 8th, 30th, 31st and on November 1st, 2013. A special invitation goes to our customers and the general public at large to our Fun, Run, Walk scheduled for October 26th, 2013 beginning here at BMC head offices on Russell Road at 6:00 am.
We have also scheduled events for our Grand Bahama and Abaco offices which includes a church services at St. Jude’s Parish, Freeport Grand Bahama on October 13th, and Marsh Harbour Seventh Day Adventist, Abaco on October 19th, 2013.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our the Board of Directors, the Executive team and all other staff members past and present for the work they have done on behalf of the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation.
NEW YORK -- Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Mosko of Freeport, Grand Bahama, who are vacationing in New York, on Friday, October 4, paid a courtesy call on Bahamas Consul General in New York, the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll (centre), at the consulate in Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street. The Moskos own Mosko Realty Ltd. In Freeport. Before being appointed Consul General in New York, Mr. Carroll was one of the principals in a successful customs brokerage company in Freeport. — with Forrester J Carroll.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- En route back to their respective consulates after visiting New York for Prime Minister Perry Christie’s address on Saturday to the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Consul General to Atlanta Randy Rolle and Consul General to Miami H. Ricardo Treco stopped in Washington D.C. for an “briefing and discussion” on Monday with His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador-designate to the United States, and Deputy Chief of Mission Chet Neymour at the Bahamas Embassy, 2220 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Pictured from left during the briefing and discussion are: Mr. Treco, Dr. Newry, Mr. Neymour and Mr. Rolle.
New York, NY - Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell MP signing the book of condolences at the Kenyan mission to the UN today in honour of the victims of the attack on innocent civilians at a mall in Kenya on 21st September.
"On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upscale Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, resulted in at least 72 deaths, including 61 civilians, 6 Kenyan soldiers, and 5 attackers. The attackers held hostages and later engaged in gun battles with Kenyan security forces. Over 200 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting."
This is a copy of the letter sent to the staff of First Caribbean asking people to take voluntary retirement. If they don’t the clear action to follow is dismissals. So it appears that the turnaround in the region that we so desperately need is not happening.
As we are all aware, the Caribbean has been hard hit by the global recession that began in 2008. The performance of the financial services sector across the region has also been affected. At CIBC FirstCaribbean the recession has had a negative impact on our profitability due to increased loan losses and fewer revenue generating opportunities. Our operating costs have also increased.
To address these challenges, and to improve our profitability, we have increased our investment in customer service. Enhancements to our customer offer include improved branches; an expanded ATM network; improved lending decision turnaround times; and an expanded product suite - credit cards, cash management, merchant services and investment products. We have increased training for our staff to build our employees’ skills and knowledge, and this has improved our overall customer experience.
Throughout these challenging times, we have continued our commitments to the communities and charitable organizations in the territories in which we operate across the Caribbean.
Yet, there are still issues to address. Spans of control are fragmented and too small. Over the years too many layers of management have been put in place. These layers elevate costs and impede timely decision making and our responsiveness to our customers. We are therefore undertaking an 18-24 month initiative to improve our overall efficiency by simplifying our organizational structure and consolidating our operations.
Part of this initiative is a reduction in our workforce. We will start by offering a voluntary early retirement programme for eligible employees and a voluntary separation programme for those employees who may wish to leave the company, but are not eligible for early retirement. Applications received for consideration will be assessed to ensure our ability to deliver continually improving customer service. We will move to decisions on redundant positions only to the extent necessary. We will provide support for those employees leaving CIBC FirstCaribbean and ensure that everyone affected by this process is treated fairly and with the utmost respect.
This decision to restructure is clearly not one that we have taken lightly, but one that must be taken to enhance the competitiveness and ability of CIBC FirstCaribbean to service its customers better and more efficiently, and ultimately to grow. We intend to consult with governments, regulators and our union partners before executing this programme.
Our next step is to consult with your individual unions and other relevant stakeholders. We anticipate that it will take approximately three weeks to complete this process.
We will share with you the details of the programmes that will be offered thereafter.
Nassau, The Bahamas - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, Philip Davis, called on Grand Bahama business owners to include locally registered professional engineers in major projects from the onset and not as an afterthought, when plans are returned because of compliance issues.
In his address to the Northern Branch of the Bahamas Society of Engineers’ annual conference in Freeport on September 27, Minister Davis praised the engineering profession for hiring young, graduate engineers, initiating engineering internships as well as placing young engineers in responsible positions. He encouraged the engineers to join organisations such as the Bahamas Society of Engineers and to pursue registration with the Professional Engineers Board. He affirmed the government’s value for the engineering profession and pledged commitment to its growth and development for the benefit of all.
You may click here for the continuation of Mr. Davis’s statement.
The Prime Minister Perry Christie announced in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 2nd October that there is a new timetable for the holding of referenda to settle the changes in the constitution on the citizenship issues and the elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender. He said he hoped that this would find bi partisan support. It would be interesting to see how a referendum on these complex questions can be held in June 2014 and then a change in the tax system implemented by 1st July. Given the track record of the country and the fact that the enemies of the changes have already got a head of steam, one wonders if the political price is worth it. Particularly since all that we need to accomplish can be done by the statute law, a simple act of Parliament. Of the greatest concern is the continued insistence of the position put by the Constitution Commission that there must be language in the amending statues which will make it clear that the position on same sex marriage has not been changed in Bahamian law. The principle is this why fool with amending a constitution if the end result is to take away rights from people. Just leave the document alone. This is very troubling.
You may click here for the Prime Minister’s full statement.
(The single most vexing issue facing the PLP and the most potent in its potential to derail us is our inability to collect the garbage on time and to cut the verges on the parks. We are taking a serious drubbing because the town simply looks filthy and overgrown in weeds and no one seems to be addressing it. The small contractors who were doing the work are so pissed off at us , one wonders whether or not we can get them back into the fold. So the announcement from the Minister of Works that the roads are going to get face lift perhaps provided some relief. But for God’s sake when is someone going to cut the grass—Editor).
Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Works and Urban Development wishes to update the general public with regard to the Downtown Redevelopment Project.
*Utility works are being completed from Nassau Street to the British Colonial Hilton on West Bay Street. Once completed, resurfacing of this area will begin.
*Minor repairs to sidewalks on Bay Street are ongoing and must be conducted to carry out resurfacing.
*Bay Street from the British Colonial Hilton to Mackey Street will also be resurfaced.
*The Ministry anticipates commencement of the marking of Bay Street with pedestrian crossings, parking bays, centre lines etc. by October 15.
The work will be carried out during evening hours with minimum traffic interruptions or delays. Efforts will be taken to mitigate inconvenience to the motoring public. Motorists are encouraged to reduce speed and exercise caution when traversing the work areas and note the instructions of the signs posted.
The Ministry advises that while the main focus is presently on Bay Street, traffic management of Downtown is being viewed in its entirety.
Questions and concerns should be addressed to the Ministry of Works and Urban Development on John F Kennedy Drive.
Funky Nassau Reprise By Athama Bowe
Ortland Bodie Should Talk
A letter appeared in the Nassau Guardian on 27th September in which Ortland Bodie, the talk show host described Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration as inept. This can’t be the same man who was disbarred for taking other people’s money talking.
Ednol Wright Passes Away
We pay our respects to Ednol Wright, the former dancer, who in the heyday of his life as a young dancer for the New Breed Dancers of Alex Zybine, public school kids crafted into a magnificent entertainment. Mr. Wright died all too soon last month.
Jerome Fitzgerald Meets Commonwealth Official
Interim Director and Head of Gender, Mrs. Esther Eghobamien and Head of the Education Section, Dr. Pauline Aylward both of the Social Transformation Programmes Division from the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, UK paid a courtesy call on the Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald, Minister of Education, Science and Technology during their recent visit to The Bahamas.
The officials met with the local Steering Committee for the 19th Commonwealth Conference of Education Ministers (CCEM), which will be held in The Bahamas in June 2015. The Conference is a high level meeting of ministers with responsibility for Education in the 53 countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. Commonwealth education ministers meet triennially to discuss issues of mutual concern and develop ways and means to promote education and learning.
In addition, other education stakeholders such as teachers, youth, leaders of higher education institutions and civil society meet to discuss issues
relevant to their involvement in education. Discussions were held at the courtesy call about the way forward to establish clarity and understanding on both sides for expectations at the conference.
Foreign Minister With A U Official At The GA
Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell with Nkosasana Zuma President of African Commission of the AU and former Foreign Minister of South Africa at the reception hosted by the South African President Jacob Zuma during the UN General Assembly in New York Wednesday 25 September.
Danny Johnson With The Children
This was posted on the Facebook page of Gandhi Pinder, the radio personality, Atlantis Against illiteracy and GEMS 105.9FM team up & visit schools 2 read to the, before I read to the children, Minister of Youth, Sports & Culture, Hon Danny Johnson spoke to the students at Palmdale Primary today...He encouraged them to be the light & asked every student what their dream is... One student said "free education" lol too cute...Thank you, Minister for being more than willing to come by and spend quality time with the kids #National Youth Month
Fraser Is Dismissed As Pastor Of Pilgrim Baptist Church
Bishop Randy Fraser, the head of Pilgrim Baptist Church, who was convicted of an unlawful sexual act with a young woman, and is now serving a sentence of imprisonment, has been dismissed from his job as head of the church on Wednesday 1st October. The papers reported that the Board of Trustees were dissatisfied with his responses to their letter setting conditions for his return when he leaves prison on 28th November of this year. The press said that he showed no remorse for the unlawful acts. It is not known what Bishop Fraser plans to do in response to the dismissal claims.
Bimini Talks About The Pier
Minister Of Nationals Security Announces Observer Team
2nd October 2013
The public is advised that Madam Justice Cheryl Albury (Retired), Commander Leon L. Smith (Retired) and Rev. Dr. Ranford Patterson, President of The Bahamas Christian Council, have been appointed as Independent Observers by the Minister of National Security to observe the conduct of proceedings called by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to address the allegations of assault of Cuban nationals at the Detention Centre. Their responsibility will be to monitor the conduct of all phases of the proceedings for fairness and transparency.
People Frustrated With BTC And Its Performance.
On Friday 4th October, BTC, the Bahamian phone company owned by Cable and Wireless, announced that Bahamian female athlete Shaunae Miller was now a part of their public relations and promotional team. That’s all well and good and congratulations to her. Problem is, this is another shameless attempt by BTC to buy influence with the Bahamian public instead of paying attention to the service which they give which is so lousy. It has now become so unbearable to the public with dropped calls, poor quality lines, no connections, no texting, no data, calls going to voice mail and last week someone popped a cable into Grand Bahama so nothing worked up there. The fact is the company is going from bad to worse and no amount of shameless pandering to the public with beautiful women and handsome men is a substitute for improving the poor service. BTC must get a grip or the Bahamas government must take the company over. It has now become a matter of national security and survival.
FNM Women Helping Woman Who Attacked Teacher in GBI
April Crowther thought she was saying something when with the FNM Women’s Branch in Grand Bahama she announced that they were raising money to help pay the fine of the parent Latoya Denise Williams who was jailed for six months with another six months if she didn’t pay the order of compensation. The penalty was imposed on the parent for assaulting the principal of the Jack Hayward School in Freeport Yvonne Ward. Mrs. Crowther said they were raising money to help the children because the lady was the breadwinner and her children would be in distress if they did not help. It did not go over well in Grand Bahama, where the argument was from PLPs and it seems from the Principal who was attacked and her husband Donald Ward that this was not the thing to do. The thought is that the FNM was rewarding bad behavior. Bradley Roberts, PLP Chair, said he did not see anything wrong with helping children.
Renee Sherman Gets Clean Away
She was charged with adding and abetting the brutal slaying of her husband, a nicer fellow you never met Stephen Sherman. Last week despite the evidence led in confession statements that she was responsible for hiring the fellow to carry out the killing, the judge ordered her acquitted on a no case submission. The Crown got a lot of spalining to do.
Basil Neymour Buried
Basil Neymour, the road contractor and philanthropist, was buried on Saturday 5th October following a service at Christ Church cathedral in Nassau. The Prime Minister Perry Christie attended the service.
Leslia Miller Gets Married
Leslie Miller, the MP for Tall Pines and Chair of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, gave away the hand of his daughter in marriage at Living Waters Church in Nassau on 5th October. MPs from across the divide attended the service.
MPs Attend Service At St. Agnes
Prime Minister Perry Christie and Leader of the Opposition Hubert Minnis led MPs to St. Agnes Church where newly reinstalled rector Ranfurly Brown conducted a service to commemorate the 284th anniversary of the founding of our Parliament. The Speaker later in the day ordered remarks made by Leslie Miller MP about a private citizen accusing him of murdering Mr. Miller’s son struck from the record. He asked for serious consideration to be given to provide a right of reply for private citizens attacked in Parliament.
13th October , 2013 Welcome to |
Interesting Places... |
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THE NATIONAL HEROES DAY AND TENTH JAN HOLIDAY: it’s done. The 10th January is now formally a public holiday with the act coming into force on 11th October in a signing ceremony at Government House. A few seconds later the Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes flanked by the Prime Minister also brought into force the National Heroes Day Act. The act which was passed in March 2007 establishes an Order of National Hero and makes the second Monday in October and public holiday. The Prime Minister in his remarks welcomes those from the original 1967 parliament who were yet alive to the podium and he thanked the members of the National Heroes Day Committee for their work toward making sure that the holiday became a success. The Committee is headed by Rev. Canon Sebastian Campbell. The photo of the week then is that of the National Heroes Day Committee headed by Rev. Sebastian Campbell with the Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes and the Prime Minister Perry Christie. The photo includes some members of the Committee: Fred Mitchell MP, Rev. C. B. Moss, Freddie Munnings Jr. and Athama Bowe.
Pastor Wilbur Outten hosted what is called the Pastor’s Forum in Freeport on Thursday 10th October. The room was full in the meeting room of his church. They came to listen to the Minister for Immigration Fred Mitchell who was in town and had just that morning spoken to the industrial sector about the issues relating to the grating of work permits. The discussion in the afternoon was a lecture and more thoughtful presentation on the issues and challenges which face the Department of Immigration.
Mr. Mitchell spoke of the issues which face young men and women who were born in The Bahamas, know no other country but The Bahamas but they do not have citizenship of The Bahamas. This matter is to be revisited by a special commission to deal with citizenship in the coming months but there are practical problems on the ground which is causing social dislocation.
The speech was delivered extemporaneously and so a full transcript was not available but what is available is the mood or the impression that the whole speech gave to the group gathered there. The pastors stayed long into the evening after the even was over, talking about the implications of what was said and where the country actually is going.
One of the more interesting observations Mr. Mitchell made is that the processes of governance in The Bahamas are too deliberative and this means that policies do not get executed in a timely fashion. It has caused our system in too many areas to grind to a halt. It was the hope that younger politicians would be able to cut through the chase but it appears that many have become victims of the system that they came to reform.
What struck the pastors also was the need to elevate the level of debate, beyond recriminations, you say and I say, to what should be the way forward for the future of the best little country in the world.
Hubert Minnis of the FNM sought to make the same point in a piece which he wrote to rally the FNM troops about his commitment to young people and the dialogue with them about where the country is headed.
The Progressive Liberal Party has had a second chance at this, after the debacle of the 2007 general election. It may seem that as some careers head toward the sunset it does not matter whether the PLP loses or wins at the next election. That would be short sighted. The legacy of the PLP is intimately tied up in whether or not the successor to Perry Christie in 2017 will be able to win the next general election. That depends very much on what the PLP does now.
(The photo by Vandyke Hepburn of the Bahamas Information Services shows Fred Mitchell with the Pastors Forum in Freeport.)
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 11th October 2013 up to midnight:159,880
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 11th October 2013 up to midnight:257,145
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 11th October 2013 up to midnight:5,788,293
Michael Halkitis was all the way in Washington D C to attend the Commonwealth Finance Minister’s conference and then the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund along with the Financial Secretary when The Tribune printed an alarmist headline in the newspapers about The Bahamas being downgraded. He responded right way saying that they were engaging in a malicious falsehood. Here is the full statement by Mr. Halkitis:
10th October 2013
The headline in this morning’s Tribune IMF DOWNGRADE OVER ECONOMY is totally misleading and is a malicious falsehood. This is a typical case of a headline hungry newspaper seeking to create mischief by putting two and two together and making it five. Their math just does not add up. The IMF never downgraded the Bahamian economy. What they did was issue a revision of the growth forecast for the entire world of which The Bahamas is clearly a part. It is clear when you read the full report from which Tribune extracts their headline that the underlying basis of the economy continues to progress.
The IMF in its flagship publication World Economic Outlook released this month, revised its forecast of global economic growth downward. As a consequence its growth forecast for global, regional and individual economies including The Bahamas, its economic growth projections have been revised down, not downgraded.
The term downgraded has a more negative context and in financial circles relates to adjusting downward the assessment of credit worthiness by ratings agencies, not the same thing as a revision of a growth forecast.
The creditworthiness of a country's economy is based on a number of factors including growth but also including the management of the economy and steps taken to reduce deficits and improve the stability of the public finances.
In its annual budget published this year, the government of the Bahamas has included elements of its medium term plan to place the public finances of the Bahamas on a more secure footing. Early reports from the Central Bank of The Bahamas point to success in these efforts as we have begun to see a decline in the budget deficit for this fiscal year.
In its report, the IMF pointed to challenges faced by emerging economies of which the Bahamas is one.
These challenges include:
Putting in place the right policy mix and the ensuing that adjustment occurs at the right pace;
The need to safeguard financial stability;
The need to proceed with reducing deficits and the rate of growth of the national debt;
The need for fundamental reform in the way the economies operate.
Yesterday, October 9th 2013, I along with Ministry of Finance officials met with officials of the IMF in Washington DC at the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group. The meetings were positive and the IMF expressed confidence in the economic programme being employed by The Bahamas government to reverse the drastic deterioration of the public finances that occurred during the period 2007 to 2012.
The IMF will be in the Bahamas in November to conduct its annual review of the Bahamas. Following the review, the report will be published.
Prime Minister Perry Christie announced two new public holidays for The Bahamas and the fact that the legislation bringing them into force made the laws a reality. One was to make 10th January a public holiday and he did so with the PLPs who were there in 1967 for that famous run for Parliament and the victory and their spouses in Government House with him. He also announced that the second Monday in October will be National Heroes Day to celebrate the life of those Bahamians who had made an outstanding contribution to the growth of our nation. The Committee for National Heroes Day headed by the Rev. Sebastian Campbell was there for the occasion.
The photos of the event and the reception afterward are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
You may click here for the Prime Minister’s full statement:
(Editor’s note: Last week we reported on this site the fact that the newspaper reporters at the Nassau Guardian did not know what the expression “in camera” meant. The result was that they made a complete cock up of the story about what was to happen at the hearing of the tribunal into the charges brought against the RBDF marines for allegedly abusing Cuban migrants to The Bahamas. They reported that Dr. Nottage said that the hearings would be on camera which is of course the complete opposite of in camera. It took a letter to the Nassau Guardian by the Minister to get it corrected. In the same letter he pointed out that he did not give them a figure certain about the cost of the referendum on gambling. He did say he thought it was about five million but called them all to say that they should not go with the figure because he was not certain. That did not stop our intrepid press who went with the figure anyway and the FNM jumped on its right away. It turns out that the figure was actually 1.2 million dollars not five million at all. Well you know what they say: “Never let the truth interfere with a good story. The Minister issued the following press statement clarifying the matter)
7th October 2013
On Thursday October 3rd, when questioned about the cost of holding the National Referendum on Web Shop Gaming and a National Lottery in January, I inadvertently gave the figure of $5 million.
Almost immediately, I told the reporters, who were from the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas, Cable TV 12 and the Nassau Guardian, that I was uncertain about the actual amount. Nevertheless the figure was published in the Nassau Guardian in its Friday 4th edition.
As a result, in a note that I wrote to the author of the article and to his superiors on another matter, I pointed that I thought it was unfair for them to have used that figure.
I note that today several newspapers, including the Nassau Guardian and others, who had no personnel present at the interview, have also carried a story using the same figure.
I wish to point out that I am now in possession of the exact figures, which have been provided for me by the Parliamentary Registration Department.
The figure spent was $1,238,092.95. I regret any misunderstanding that I may have created.
( Editor’s note: As a result of the Nassau Guardian publishing erroneous data ( see story above Nottage On Real Cost Of Referendum), the Leader of the Opposition claimed that there was a variance between what the Prime Minister Perry Christie had said about the cost of the referendum ( about one million dollars and what Dr. Nottage had said. He called for Mr. Christie to resign as Minister of Finance. Bradley Roberts, the Chairman of the PLP, has this response in a public statement to Dr. Minnis’ call)
7th October 2013
Dr. Minnis told the media recently that he was so concerned about the management of public finances that the Prime Minister who is the Minister of Finance should resign from that post. In light of these comments and the standard he has now set, I find it necessary to put Dr. Minnis’ apparent care, concern, conviction and new standard about “the peoples’ money” to the test
Who was at the wheel when Minnis and his cabinet colleagues reported a figure on the national debt that contradicted Central Bank figures to the tune of $500 million? It was current Prime Minister Christie who alerted the public to this discrepancy. Further, Dr. Minnis reported that the newly constructed Critical Care Unit at the Princess Margaret Hospital would cost about $70 million, but the public now knows this structure to cost taxpayers twice that amount, thanks again to the current Minister of Finance. Dr. Minnis apparently did not know what was going on in his own ministry or he willfully misled the Bahamian people.
The public now knows about the fiscal improprieties and mismanagement that took place at the National Insurance Board under the watch of Minnis’ cabinet, thanks to the current Finance Minister and Prime Minister.
Dr. Minnis cannot call for the resignation of anybody when he stood in total silence in full support of cost overruns on the FNM’s jobs training program of around $25 million and more egregiously, on the New Providence road project of around $100 million.
Dr. Minnis and his crew reported one figure on the sale of BTC and later reported different amount actually received by the government on the sale, then left office failing to clear the air on sale of BTC.
In each of the above cases, the public has to wonder whether Dr. Minnis intentionally deceived the Bahamian public or simply did not know what was going on with the people’s money even though he sat silently around the FNM cabinet and made terrible decisions about the people’s money.
Given the reports communicated to the public by Minnis’ government and the official figures released by the current Finance Minister and Prime Minister, one has to wonder if other government departments and ministries were spending more than the Ministry of Finance and the cabinet of which Dr. Minnis was a member knew about. If Minnis was so concerned about the people’s money, why did he flatly refuse to speak up? If his cabinet colleagues opposed him on this, then why did Dr. Minnis not resign on principle? Or was it that Dr. Minnis knew all along about these fiscal discrepancies and acts of mismanagement but decided to deceive the public? Dr. Minnis and his cabinet colleagues should have approved the expenditures so he should have known what was going on, but his silence was deafening.
The problem with Dr. Minnis is that his ill-advised public comments and logic can be so effortlessly used against him to expose his duplicity and hypocrisy as a leader due to his checkered record in government. He should just keep his mouth shut because he absolutely cannot speak with any moral authority or credibility on many national issues, let alone public finances.
Every time he opens his mouth, he calls into question his personal credibility in addition to his integrity as a leader and guardian of public trust and confidence. His record in government exposes him as an absolute fraud and an abject failure on both counts.
Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson addressed the graduates of the Norman Manley Law School in Kingston, Jamaica, a tour de force of the responsibilities of a lawyer both to the profession and the client and then beyond that to the wider society, The photo shows Ian Wilkinson QC the President of the Jamaica Bar Association; Nicole Foster Pusey QC the Solicitor General of Jamaica; Carol Aina the Principal of the Norman Manley Law School; Jacqueline Samuels Brown QC the Chairman of the Council of Legal Education; Allyson Maynard Gibson Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of The Bahamas; Patrick Atkinson QC the Attorney General of Jamaica; Tonya Bastian Galanis the Principal of the Eugene Dupuch Law School.
You may click here for the full statement by the Attorney General
New York
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Pictured following the service held at Bethany Baptist Church in Harlem, New York, on Sunday, October 6, in front row, from left are Dr. Valencia Carroll, Attorney J. Machelle Sweeting and Mrs. Mary Sweeting. Back row, from left: Consul General Forrester Carroll and Mr. William Sweeting, a native son of Andros. |
Pictured from left following the service at Bethany Baptist Church are: Rev. Mayrant, Deaconess Deborah Robinson, Dr. Valencia Carroll, Attorney J. Machelle Sweeting, Minister Barbara Pugh and Consul General the Hon. Forrester Carroll. |
NEW YORK -- Bahamas Consul General to New York, the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll, gave a brief history of The Bahamas and its geographical dimensions during remarks delivered on Sunday, October 6, at Bethany Baptist Church in Harlem, New York.
The Consul General, who was accompanied by his wife Dr. Valencia Carroll, first paid respect to the church’s pastor, Rev. Dr. Kris F. Erskine, other officials of the church and the church’s congregation, adding that he was bringing “Christian greetings on this beautiful autumn morning on behalf of the Right Honourable Perry Gladstone Christie, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas,” and from the people of The Bahamas and the staff of the Consulate General in New York.
Expressing “sincere appreciation” to Attorney Machelle Sweeting for the invitation to meet “you lovely people very early in my tenure here,” Mr. Carroll outlined what his duties are as Consul General, noting that the jurisdiction of the Bahamas Consulate in New York “comprises 10 states, namely Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.”
Washington D C
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador-designate to the United States, and Mrs. Francoise Newry and Consul General to Washington, D.C. the Hon. Paulette Zonicle were among the guests who joined members of the Bahamas delegation currently in Washington, D.C. for the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at dinner Thursday night at the La Taberna de Alabardero, 1776 I Street, N.W. The Bahamian delegation to the WGB and IMF meetings, being held from October 11 – 13. is being led by Minister of State for Finance the Hon. Michael Halkitis. Above, at the dinner, from left are: Dr. Newry, Ms. Zonicle and Mr. Halkitis.
We present a photo essay of the reception and ceremony at Government House hosted by the Governor General on Friday 10th October marking the bringing into force of the National Heroes Day legislation and the legislation to make 10th January a public holiday known as Majority Rule Day.
Pictured are the survivors and or the spouses of those who were original members of the 1967 parliament elected on 10th January 1967. The photo is by Peter Ramsay.
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill and the Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke in the House of Assembly to second a bill moved by the Minister of National Security to create a new regime at Her Majesty’s Prison. The video lasts 30 minutes and 15 seconds and was captured by C Allen Johnson.
The last time the E Clement Bethel Opera Sammie Swain was performed in The Bahamas it was for the queen in 1985. Now his daughter Nicolette has revived the work with the able assistance of her husband Philip Burrows. The work was performed at the Dundas Centre for the Performing Arts over the last two weekends to sell out audiences. The lead role was played once again by Constanza Adderley.
The photo is by Peter Ramsay.
The Prime Minister Perry Christie visited the Summit Academy, the school owned and run by Gillian McWeeney Wilson, the daughter of the former Attorney General Sean McWeeney Q.C. The Prime Minister was peppered with questions, including does he have to pay for things? He described the visit of Wednesday 9th October as a wonderful and illuminating time.
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The photos of the visit are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
Nassau, The Bahamas – The Government’s dual lane Airport Gateway officially opened Thursday, October 10 during a special ceremony at John F. Kennedy Drive and Prospect Road.
Landscaping, installation of signage, display of public art and other minor work remain to be carried out on the Project which is described as 99 percent complete. It comprises, among others, construction of a carriageway (four lanes in total) from Windsor Field to Bethel Avenue via John F. Kennedy, construction of nine new roundabouts, installation of electrical, telephone and cable services.
A contract/loan agreement signing ceremony took place in September 2010 and groundbreaking for the highway was held in March of 2011, funded with a loan from the China Export-Import Bank and the China Construction Company.
At the peak of production in October 2012, a total of 125 Bahamians were employed on the Project.
Attending the event were cabinet ministers, members of parliament, senior government officials including Permanent Secretary Colin Higgs, Director John Canton, and other officials. Tiger Wu, executive vice-president of China Construction America Inc. and other officials from the Chinese Embassy were also present.
![]() Prime Minister Perry Christie delivers the keynote address at the official opening of the Airport Gateway Project, Oct. 10. (BIS Photo/Letisha Henderson). |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development Philip “Brave” Davis reminded the public that enhanced access comes with enhanced responsibility. “We do not like the convenience of the dual lane highway to be abused by reckless drivers,” he said.
In his keynote address, Prime Minister Perry Christie said there is no doubt that in the future governments in The Bahamas will need public/private partnerships for which the private sector is used to make capital contributions to development.
With regard to the Project, he said the Ministry of Works has been directed to ensure that Lake Cunningham is properly landscaped and the boundaries running along the highway are reconfigured.
“Before that happens, we have to do certain filling in to ensure that the road will have now a landscaped area which will enable Bahamians to better enjoy the beauty of that drive with the possibility of being able to park cars there.”
The vista of the enhanced ride from the Lynden Pindling International Airport to the city for both Bahamians and visitors will be a delight, the Prime Minister added.
Chinese Ambassador to The Bahamas Hu Shan said the road demonstrates the country’s image and strength, and great importance has been attached to the Project by both the Chinese and Bahamian Governments.
![]() Prime Minister Perry Christie (left) greets Chinese Ambassador to The Bahamas, Hu Shan, as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development Philip “Brave” Davis looks on during the opening of the Airport Gateway Project, Oct. 10, at John F. Kennedy Drive and Prospect Road. (BIS Photo/Letisha Henderson). |
“During the construction, the China Construction America Inc. employed as many local workers as possible, made great contribution to both the local employment and economic development of The Bahamas,” he said.
The Airport Gateway would further boost the development of the country’s tourism industry as well as the prosperity of the economy and lead to continuous improvement of the living standards of Bahamians, the Ambassador added.
Following the ceremony a ribbon was cut to signify the official opening of the Project. Nassau Classic Car Club led a motorcade to Lynden Pindling International Airport returning to the site of the official opening. Entertainment was provided by the Urban Renewal 2.0 Youth Marching Band.
This was posted on Facebook on 2th October:
Howard Johnson
Gossip Folks and Business Minders in my lovely hometown of Governors Harbour, Eleuthera please note...My 15 year old son in in Florida with me:YES! You want to know how? BAHAMASAIR JET. You want to know how he got in school over here? REGISTRATION and ENROLLMENT! He's here because people like yall refuse to change yall nasty and disgusting ways. Instead of trying to engage in social, educational and spiritual uplift of the youts dem yall constantly engage in the systematic and malicious marginalization and destruction of the youts with pure mouth murderin!
Imagine that yall had all the negative stuff to say about my son because of his behavioral and academic problems at Central Eleuthera High. Nevermind that yall hypocrites have children or had children who were teenagers and made mistakes as well! Nevertheless, plenty of yall wrote my son off just like yall did me all those years ago so ya know what? He's in Florida now with me. He has a new school, a new life, and a new sense of purpose! By the way haters--He's already excelling as evidenced by his grades, awards and glowing commendations from his teachers at his new school!
If yall mouth muderin was the fulfilling prophesy of his destiny, he would still be on the path to destruction as is the case with many young men in the topsy turvy concrete jungle aka da streets.
However, Emily Petty Simona Knowles and Howard MrBamboozle Johnson saw fit to intervene and give this young man a new lease on life and he is responding admirably to my joy and my pride! If yall have any further questions or comments about matters concerning my first born child, woman or man up and come ask me. Since yall dont write me no checks for him and I dont ask yall for charitable contributions for his care and welfare: PUSH OUT! Watch ya own children cuz mine aint perfect just like yall children aint either! Deuces!
Young Liberals Trip to South Andros
Picewell Forbes, the MP for South Andros had the Young Liberals in his constituency for the celebration of the anniversary of the Rev. James Pratt.
MPs At St Agnes On Wed 2nd October
They were at the Anglican Church in Grants Town to mark the 284 anniversary of the Parliament in The Bahamas. The photos are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
Stephen Sherman’s Killer Convicted
Despite his wife and now widow Renae Sherman getting off the charge of helping to murder her husband, the convict who was hired to kill the husband is now in the lock up duly convicted for the charge of murder. Young fellow said he killed Stephen Sherman, father of two children, because his wife wanted to collect the insurance money and supposedly he was abusing her. Well whatever. He is now facing a long time in the lock up for his foul crime. The wife has a lot of thinking to do. Her reputation is in tatters no matter what her brother now says about threatening to sue people who make adviser comments about her. The conviction of Jonaldo Farrington came on 9th October.
Congratulations To Rev. Sabrena Pinder
Nassau, Bahamas – The newly-elected President of the National Baptist Women’s Department, Rev. Sabrina Pinder, is calling on the women of the Bahamas to work together to save the nation’s young people by recommitting themselves to instilling Christian values into our homes. She called for the nation to get back to considering itself a Christian nation, so that the values and principles of Christianity could help to save the nation.
Rev. Pinder was officially instated as President in a Service of Praise & Thanksgiving on Thursday, October 3 at St. Mark’s Native Baptist Church. Her husband, Reverend Carrington Pinder is the leader of the church where the service was held and together, veteran Baptists from all over came together to congratulate them on their long-standing commitment to the Baptist Community, their church, and to each other.
Cancer Patient Meets Her Hero
This engaging photo of Bahamian cancer patient Nathalie Gordon who always wanted to meet Lebron James, the Miami Heat basketball player taken by Derek Smith of the Bahamas Information Services on 9th October. The photo was taken in Nassau at the Miami heat training camp last week. Ms. Gordon has salivary glands cancer.
PYL From Pinewood
This engaging photo of the Pinewood PYL appeared on Facebook on 8th October
Timothy Gibson, National Anthem’s Author, Honoured
Prime Minister Perry Christie along with Aunt Faith Callender, last daughter of the late Timothy Gibson, unveils a plaque to the honour of Mr. Gibson in Longley Newberry Park, Savannah Sound, Eleuthera on Oct 6. Mr. Gibson wrote The Bahamas' national anthem, "March on Bahamaland." (BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna)
Public Service Honours Retirees
RETIREES – Minister for Labour, National Insurance and the Public Service, D. Shane Gibson, M.P., is centre along with his wife and nine of the 10 retiring civil servants on Grand Bahama, Oct. 4. Also pictured right is Harcourt Brown, Undersecretary in the Ministry of Labour and National Insurance. Pictured left to right: Clinto W. Bootle, Foster Rose, Mrs. Janet Loretta Mills-Shepherd, Mr. And Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Jacqueline A.G. Fowler and Mr. Brown. Left to right back row: Anthony Forbes, Benjamin Franklyn Sands, Philip Ashwood Forbes, Edwin Oscar Hunt and Lincoln B. Dawkins. (BIS Photo / Vandyke Hepburn)
Fred Mitchell In Exuma
Fred Mitchell MP with Exuma MP Anthony Moss and Seventh Day Adventist Pastor Terry Tannis at the Moss Town Seventh Day Adventist Church International Day 5th October
Carl Bethel Receives The Instruments
Receiving the Instruments of Appointment as a Senator, from H.E. the Governor General is Senator Carl Bethel at Government House on 8th October. He is the newest FNM Senator.
ALEX 242
The Prime Minister’s daughter Alexandra Christie
Carlos Smith Marries
Carlos Smith, a former member of the PLP's Committe on Vision 2020, has tied the knot. He married the former Pricilla Carroll on Saturday 12th October at Evangelistic Temple. Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill, the constituency in which Mr. Smith resides attended the wedding.
Kanye West Does A Reprise of Strange Fruit
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LYNDEN PINDLING AIRPORT: well now Dame Marguerite Pindling was well pleased this time at the opening of the terminal serving domestic and international (other than U.S. departures) on Thursday 17th October. The Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes and Lady Foulkes, with the Prime Minister Perry Christie and Mrs. Christie and Glenys Hanna Martin, the Minister of Transport and Aviation present, Dame Marguerite clipped the ribbon which marked the opening of the new terminal. The kudos for this in part goes to Vernice Walkine, who is the Bahamian CEO, now running the facility. It came in on time, on budget and the place is simply a beautiful structure. Now comes the hard part of keeping it that way. For the moment though we bask in the glory of the execution of the public policy which led to the decision to allow the airport to be developed using a Canadian company with that company transferring its knowledge and technology to The Bahamas. A job well done. The photo of the week then is that of the opening of the Lynden Pindling International Airport domestic and international terminal in Nassau on Thursday 17th October. The photo is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
The headline in the newspaper The Nassau Guardian on 15th October read that the FNM was questioning the travel of the Foreign Minister. They wanted to know why he was travelling around the globe and what he was spending the country’s money on. This is a repeat of their arguments made during the 2002-2007 period and it appears that they think that it has some traction.
In response to the statement, Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said the following:
The FNM are profound jokers who are engaged in silly trivialities. Nitpicking at nonsense. They need to ask Brent Symonette what travel he did. When they let me know then perhaps I will go beyond pointing them to the country's budget which governs the expenses of the ministry. They voted for that budget so should have no quarrel with it. I understand though why they are nitpicking. The Bahamian people are asking for them to account for why they sided with enemies of the country when those enemies attacked The Bahamas just a few weeks ago. The FNM should account for their behavior. So again I say they ought to go get a life. This argument is the same stupidity and idleness they ran on with when the PLP was last in office. They must be brain dead .This minister will continue to defend this country's interests abroad and try to attract fresh money to The Bahamas to rescue us from the poor economy left by the FNM. They should be ashamed of themselves. They should repent.
Wonders never cease actually with the FNM. There you have people who supposedly are intelligent and have a world view. They have been trained at some of the best schools and travel themselves extensively around the globe on vacation and on business, yet in a shameless attempt to pander to the lowest common denominator; they are busy questioning what a foreign minister does. A foreign minister travels. That is part of the job.
The Opposition Leader Hubert Minnis who led in this nonsense has the chairmanship of the Public Accounts Committee so it is difficult to see why he needs to have any special accounting of what is spent on travel. He can call for persons and papers and examine what he wishes. The fact is he will find that the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is its budget and it would be difficult to see how in the present circumstances the Ministry of Finance would allow any ministry to blow its budget.
This is part of the FNM’s plan of death by a thousand cuts though. They mean to muddy the water and dirty people up by suggesting that somehow something untoward is happening. If the Minister did not travel that would be another thing. They never talk about the fact that they had their own Minister of Foreign Affairs Brent Symonette who did precisely the same thing.
The comments by the FNM are indeed trivial and silly. It is infra dig to be answering such a stupid comment but it should not go unanswered. What are we now to expect from the FNM. They will go over the expense records of the Minister and say: “oh the minister bought a Coca Cola and that cola cost five dollars. Why did he pay five dollars for a Coca Cola? ” It is entirely stupid and worthless. However that is the legacy of Hubert Minnis now, engaging in trivia and calling it politics.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 19th October 2013 up to midnight:192,377
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 19th October 2013 up to midnight:466,066
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 19th October 0213 up to midnight:5,997,214
It ended up being expunged from the record. Fat lot of good that did since the audio had already been captured and you can listen to it below. But the issue was this. Government House indicated to the FNM that with the presentation reception for FNM Senator Carl Bethel, the FNM would have to subsidize the Government House reception by contributing twenty five hundred dollars to the cost. Hubert Minnis, the Leader of the Opposition, saw something political in that and accused the government in a nasty letter to the Prime Minister which he published in the newspapers before speaking to the Prime Minster of orchestrating the whole thing. This is a hapless Leader of the Opposition who sees politics in everything or could it be that he is suffering from the attacks that Hubert Ingraham, his predecessor, has been wailing on him over the past week. According to sources Mr. Ingraham has been loudly guffawing all over the place that he cannot understand these Opposition leaders that they have been agreeing with the government on everything. Well Dr. Minnis, you have to be our own man and not listen to has-beens. Turns out there is a longstanding policy by Government House that if you request a reception for more than twelve people, you have to pay for the reception. That applies to everyone who is not the government. The Baptists were similarly informed last week as well. Why would Sir Arthur Foulkes deliberately embarrass his own son in law Carl Bethel? What you need to do is this Dr. Minnis. Take a chill pill. Always look to the rational explanation first before looking to the irrational. Maybe you won’t lose your way. In any event, the Prime Minister told Mr. Minnis that he could take the letter he wrote and shove it. Dr. Minnis responded by saying that he will tell him what dark alley to put that in next time. Both remarks were struck from the record.
The following announcement was made by the Cabinet Office on Monday 14th October:
Dr Bernard Nottage, the Minister of National Security, is out of office receiving medical attention in the United States and is expected to return home shortly. In the meantime the Prime Minister will act as the Minister of National Security.
The National Chair Bradley Roberts spoke to the North Abaco PLP branch on Saturday evening 19th October. You may click here for the full statement. Mr. Roberts reminded the party of the fiscal hole which was left by the FNM and how the PLP is dedicated to climbing out of it.
This was Ryan Pinder speaking to the Association of International Banks and Trust Companies in the Bahamas. At the Nassau Conference on tax and trade. He spoke extensively about the shift which has taken place in the way we book business for the sector in The Bahamas. He said: “We continue to be committed, as the Ministry of Financial Services, to a pursuing a modern, “development-focused” and progressive financial services industry, constantly evolving within the context of substance over form. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is part of the “Shift”. Openness to trade and to international partnerships created our centre. Continued openness will sustain and propel our centre. These are the facts of this Shift that we discuss today, these are the defenses against the evolving and intimidating international tax developments.” You may click here for the full statement by the Minister.
ANSWERING THE CALL – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, Philip “Brave” Davis and Minister of Social Services and Community Development, Melanie S. Griffin, gather for a photograph with the Brothers of King David’s Lodge No. 2, Most Worshipful Prince of Peace Grand Lodge. The Lodge answered Minister Griffin’s call for social partners and civic organisations to assist in ensuring that the country’s elderly are properly cared for by ‘adopting’ the facility as part of its outreach programme. Senator Alex Storr is at far right.
NASSAU, The Bahamas — The Administrator, staff and caregivers at the Demetrius Home and Care Centre for the elderly were Thursday challenged to continue to make the co-ed senior citizens facility “a happy home with caring, family members.”
Located on the corner of Fox Hill and Hard Hill Roads, the centre – which was first occupied in May, 2007, and became a co-ed facility four years later, was officially opened Thursday, October 17, 2013 by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, Philip “Brave” Davis, who was assisted by Minister of Social Services Melanie Griffin.
The facility is expected to provide “holistic, assisted-living to elderly male and female residents.” The Centre, is managed by the Department of Social Services and falls under the Senior Citizens Division.
“I expect you to provide the highest level of care to all residents,” Mrs. Griffin said. “I implore you to be patient with the residents and above all, to treat them with the respect and dignity at all times and under all circumstances that they deserve.”
Minister Griffin said the facility, which bears the Demetrius family name to whom the property belonged, will continue to be managed in accordance with “accepted principles for older persons.”
It was the wish of Mrs. Margaret Demetrius that the main house and other buildings on the property be utilised as a facility for the elderly prior to her death, “It is my intent that this facility will live up to its guiding philosophy of providing holistic assisted-living, while maintaining a home-like environment for the elderly,” Mrs. Griffin said.
“My ministry will continue to do its part when and where necessary, to ensure that our older persons are cared for and I call on families, individuals, social partners and civic organisations to do the same because even when it becomes necessary for facilities of this nature to be established, our intervention should serve to support, rather than replace the warmth and attentive care of family members or the community.”
Mrs. Griffin said it was during her first tenure as Minister of Social Services and Community Development that Mrs. Demetrius approached ministry officials regarding the possibility of utilising a self-contained building on the property as a home for older persons.
“I can distinctly recall visiting the site with officers from the ministry and being shown around by Mrs. Demetrius whom I had known for many years as a teenager going to her store (Modernistic Dry Goods) on Wulff Road. Little did I know that one day she would call me about the place she had built for a home for older persons, which she wanted Social Services to lease and manage.
“We arranged to meet at the site to see if we could use the place. It was purpose built as the kitchen had commercial utilities and the rooms were all furnished, except for one room which was to be for her own use as she wanted to be able to come over and spend time with the seniors and teach them how to sew.”
Minister Griffin said after some negotiations and “consultations with the Department of Social Services”, approval was given for the building to be utilised as a centre for older males. The first group, along with their caregivers, took up occupancy in May, 2007.
“Mrs. Demetrius continued to make it known her desire for the main house, her home, to become a residential care facility for older persons as well (and) stipulated this in her Will, with the further stipulation that the facility should be called the Demetrius Home and Care Centre,” Mrs. Griffin said.
“Following her demise, the home was made available to the Ministry for use as Mrs. Demetrius stipulated. The main house was occupied on March 9, 2011 and the facility became co-ed with men on one side and women on the other,” Mrs. Griffin added.
Mrs. Griffin applauded the work of Mrs. Janice Evans, administrator, the staff of the Demetrius Home and Care Centre and the staff at the Ministry of Social Services and Community Development and the Department of Social Services for their untiring efforts in “working so diligently in caring for this special group of persons.”
“I also wish to thank the chairperson and members of the National Council on Older Persons for their partnership and commitment to service as we continue to recognise the value of our elderly and keep them engaged in the family and society,” Mrs. Griffin added.
The official opening ceremony, originally scheduled for October, 2012, but postponed due to Hurricane Sandy, was held as part of celebrations commemorating National Older Persons Month.
You may click here for the full statement by the Deputy Prime Minister.
The photo of the week is that of the official opening of the New Lynden Pindling Airport terminal for domestic and international flights ( non-US) on 17th October. The opening included several Bahamian artists, amongst them Ronnie Butler.
The photo spread of the event is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
Consul General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to New York, Hon. Forrester J. Carroll, signs the book of condolences for the late former Deputy Prime Minister of Jamaica and Ambassador for Jamaica to the United States of America, Hon. Seymour Mullings which opened on Thursday, October 17, at the Jamaica Consulate in New York. The book will remain open until Friday, October 18, 2013. Ambassador Mullings served for 26 years as a member in the Jamaica House of Representatives, and also as Minister of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Health, Local Government and Agriculture. He died on October 9th at the age of 82.
Well Leslie Miller, the MP for Tall Pines and the Chairman of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation spoke passionately on the subject of the nastiness on talk radio. He spoke in particular of a programme which appeared on Guardian Talk Radio. The ZNS report of what he said is captured in the video below. The remarks were made on Wednesday 16th October.
(When the House of Assembly met on 9th October, Peter Turnquest, MP for East Grand Bahama, when speaking on the Corrections Bill, attacked Fred Mitchell and Senator Keith Bell taking with issue with how he said he was characterized as an enemy of the state and treasonous because of his position on the treatment of the Cuban detainees. Mr. Mitchell reserved his position in response to Mr. Turnquest’s remarks.
You may click here for the full remarks.
The Government of China and the Government of The Bahamas signed a technical cooperation agreement on 16th October. The agreement came out of the meeting which the Government of The Bahamas held with the Government of China in Trinidad in July of this year. At that meeting President Xi Jinping offered a gift of eight million US dollars to The Bahamas for development projects. This was in addition to the five million dollars that was offered last year. The total then is 13 million dollars. Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell signed on the behalf of the Government of The Bahamas and Ambassador Hu Shan signed on behalf of the People’s Republic Of China at the House of Assembly’s Committee Room.
The photo is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
National Heroes Day In Exuma
Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill with Anthony Moss MP Exuma at the Pompey Memorial in Steventon, Exuma today National Heroes Day. Pompey was an African slave who led a revolt in Exuma in 1829. With the PMs are Deputy Chief Councilor Leonard Dames and Commodore of the National Regatta Committee Danny Strachan
Jason Springer’s Toastmasters
Congratulations to Jason Springer who continues to flourish in Toastmasters. The photo was taken at the Paul Farquharson Building Royal Bahamas Police Force Barracks in Nassau on Wednesday 16th October.
Uselessness Of Expunging From The Record
Every once in a while, too often for our liking, you will hear the Speaker of the House Dr. Kendal Major say that the remarks of a certain MP made in the House are expunged from the record. That’s fine we suppose for the record and it operates for the print press. But once out there on the airwaves it’s too late. Nothing proves that point than this week his order to expunge from the record the remarks of the Prime Minister telling the Leader of the Opposition where he could shove his letter saying that he would not pay the Government House bill for the FNM’s reception for Senator Carl Bethel ( See story and audio above). It was expunged from the record but it’s all over You Tube. Go figure.
The Wickedness Of Eileen Carron
Each week, Eileen Carron, the Managing Editor of The Tribune does something more and more outrageous. It is what you call self-hatred. Here is a woman of part African ancestry that cannot stand that fact and can never find anything good to say about anything that is African connected: not the PLP, not the Bahamian people, not even herself. It is a shame. The editorials that she writes are replete with self-hatred. It is so sad.
What Is Steve McKinney’s Beef?
Steve McKinney was apoplectic by all accounts because Fred Mitchell told the FNM in response to their call for an apology for allegedly calling them treasonous ( which he denied) and an enemy of the state ( which he explained). On the radio on Thursday 17th October, Mr. McKinney as they say ran right out. What’s his beef do you think?
Greg Moss Marries
MP Greg Moss married the former at a ceremony on Freeport on Saturday 12th October. Congratulations.
Baptist Thanksgiving Service
Prime Minister Perry G. Christie brings remarks at the 55th Bahamas National Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention's Baptist Day Service of Thanksgiving, 15 October, at Faith United Missionary Baptist Church. (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel)
Mitchell At International Cultural Festival
The annual International Cultural Festival kicked off yesterday 19th October at the Botanic Gardens in Nassau. The event though held under the patronage of the Minister of Foreign Affairs is now effectively run out of the Ministry of Tourism by Janet Johnson. The event draws thousands of Bahamians and visitors alike to taste the food and experience the culture of other countries. It ends later today. The opening was done by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell on Saturday
19th October.
The photo is by Derek Smith of the Bahamas Information Services.
BTC Fires Its Chairman
There is a new man now heading Cable and Wireless Phil Bentley. That has been all the news. He replaces Tony Rice who has been jerking the Bahamian people around for the past year and a half and refusing to sell the majority shares back to The Bahamas government. Now it appears that Cable and Wireless want to play even harder ball by putting in charge a hard liner worse than Mr. Rice. There is some anxiety about it. The Prime Minister says this may mean the talks to get the shares back will be in limbo until it’s determined what this new man will say. Darren Cash, the FNM Chair, was in the press on Saturday 19th October saying that the PM should simply give up. No Mr. Cash. He should not. Here is what we think:
There is only one policy that should be followed in this matter. The government of The Bahamas in the public interest should acquire compulsorily the two per cent to get a majority shareholding. Once you remove that from your arsenal of policy options no one will take you seriously. The prep work should begin and visibly so. The legislation drafted. The valuations done. The financing secured. The letter of offer put. Then we are in a position to talk. Our humble view.
Craig Nicholls Resigns From NIB Freeport
The report is that without explanation Craig Nicholls has resigned from Freeport’s NIB where he was in charge of procurement and buildings.
The DNA Offers To Pay
DNA Chairman Andrew Wilson told the press last week that the DNA offered to pay the bill of $2500 for the FNM for the reception that the Governor General hosted for incoming Senator Carl Bethel. Government House reportedly declined.
The Cooper Family In Freeport Sorely Tested
The egg farm that was supposed to be the inheritance of one of the young generation of the Coopers as in Havard Cooper of Freeport, the man who founded the family fortune, is at risk reportedly of closing. Despite entreaties and meetings, it appears that no one is yet able to help them save the farm. This is sad.
Congratulations To Bishop Franklin Ferguson
It is long overdue. The time has finally come and we say congratulations to Bishop Franklin Ferguson on being installed as the new Presiding Bishop of the Church of God of Prophecy in The Bahamas. The installation took place on Wednesday 16th October.
Progressive Young Liberals Promote Communications Strategy
This photo was shot on Saturday 19th October at the PLP's National Headquarters as young PLPs met together to train themselves in a better communications strategy.
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THE ANGLICAN SYNOD: The Anglican Church used to be the official church of The Bahamas up to1869 when a confluence of Methodists in the Bahamian House of Assembly conspired to strip the priests of their stipends and the Church was then on its own. It was called the disestablishment of the Church, independent of the state. The reality was somewhat different in that through informal means the Anglican Church remained the church of the establishment in The Bahamas. This week, last Monday 21st October to be exact, the church held its 112th annual gathering of bishops, priests and laity. It began with a solemn mass at the Cathedral of Christ Church in Nassau. In the not so far away days, the church used to be packed and the country waited to hear what the Anglican Bishop had to say. Bishop Laish Boyd did not have such a full audience in the church. However, by way of TV and Radio he spread the word about the concerns of the Anglican Church on crime and on the referendum and on the state of the Turks and Caicos Islands. You may click here for the full statement. Our photo of the week by Peter Ramsay is that of the concelebrated mass with Bishop Laish Boyd, Archbishop (retired) Drexel Gomez and Assistant Bishop Gilbert Thompson accepting the gifts of the mass.
If you listen to the critics of the government over the decision to move the country toward Value Added Tax as the mainstay of the revenue collection system in The Bahamas, you would think that the world is coming to an end. You would think that The Bahamas government suddenly invented this new tax out of nowhere and that it is going to cause the collapse of the economy of The Bahamas. It is not revolutionary. It will not cause the collapse of the economy.
The argument is simple. Either we continue the way we do with endless red ink and borrowing money to pay the government’s expenses or we do something to get the money to pay our way. We know that continuing to borrow is to go to the graveyard of Jamaica. The government of The Bahamas is struggling as it is to make ends meet. It is holding back expenses in every way it can. It is searching for new money. Yet the country acts as if there is an endless pot and that there is not crisis.
The whole argument for V.A.T. is that it will equalize the tax burden on those who provide services, who basically get a free ride today on the tax side. The people who bear the burden are the merchants. You would have thought that in the face of this, people would embrace the idea. You would have thought that the idea of paying our way would be accepted by the right wing in their quest to do just that: pay our way.
But it has been the opposite. You have the usual suspects Dionysio D’Aguillar, Rick Lowe and various other business interests including the Free National Movement all predicting that there will be an apocalypse if we get V.A.T.
Part of the issue is the apparent aimless of the government on the point. This business of consulting can go too far. This is not a population to ask too many questions. This is a population that should simply be provided with a fait accompli. When they wake up the tax should be in place and who doesn’t like it will have to do the next best thing. It is the only way to move this place along.
The Anglican Bishop speaking in his Charge at the Synod on Monday 21st October essentially told the government it should slow down. The opposition FNM says that the government must not act too quickly. The business community is saying the same thing. We say exactly the opposite: let’s speed it up and pass the law and let’s get on with it.
If we do not; if we are not going to do it, then let’s move to plan B. What is clear is that the status quo on taxation and revenue is not acceptable because we cannot now pay our way.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 26th October 2013 up to midnight:104,564
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 26th October 2013 up to midnight:570,568
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 26th October 2013 up midnight:6,101,716
We are deeply saddened by the death by murder of Kurt McCartney, the younger brother of the head of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), in the late hours of Thursday 24th October. He was reportedly leaving a bar, Last Man Standing in Gambier in West New Providence when he was shot and killed at point blank range and left on the street where he died. Photos of the dead man surfaced on the web as he lay dead on the ground. His vehicle a Hummer was reportedly stolen by two women and later abandoned by the airport. The police are investigating. The murder sent shock waves though the elite community of The Bahamas. His father is William McCartney, known as Wilmac, owner of the Wilmac Pharmacies. The man was 40 years old when he was shot down. There are no words to express the deep grief of the society and we extend our deepest condolences to Branville McCartney, Leader of the DNA, on the death of his brother and no doubt his closest friend. Very sad.
Global United Fellowship is the new body that Bishop Neil Ellis has formed after having pulled out of the Full Gospel Fellowship of the United States following his not being elected the leader of that group. It appeared that his rejection as the leader was an act of discrimination because he was not an American. Bishop Ellis made this announcement over You Tube.
Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced in the House of Assembly that the government of The Bahamas had joined the Caricom consensus on the call for reparations for slavery. He announced that Alfred Sears, former MP and former Minister and Philip Smith, also a former MP, are part of an ad hoc committee with the Foreign Service Officer Charmaine Williams. Mr. Mitchell answered critics of the government’s efforts saying: “What strikes me is the fundamental disrespect of people of African descent which underlines all the criticism, notwithstanding for example the fact of recompense made to the Jewish people because off the injury done to them in the millions during the Second World War.
“Eric Williams, the late Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, wrote extensively on this subject. The record will show that tens of millions of Africans were brought to this hemisphere against their will, half of them as many as ten million some say, died in the middle passage.”
You may click here for the full statement by the Minister.
U.S. Embassy Donates Computers to The Bahamas’ Customs Department for Risk Analysis
The U.S. Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Office donated three computers valued at over $2,500 to The Bahamas Department of Customs on October 17. This donation is part of ongoing joint efforts under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) to combat illicit smuggling and transnational crime and follows the U.S. Embassy’s July donation of seven computers to the Customs Department for use in Freeport, Grand Bahama.
The three new computers will be used at The Bahamas Customs Department’s Risk Analysis Division in Nassau. The technology will enable the Customs Department to better identify risk factors for illegal contraband entering the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. This latest donation marks the continuation of a longstanding partnership between The Bahamas and the United States to jointly combat threats arising from transnational crime.
The Bahamas and Cuba have agreed on new procedures for the repatriation of migrants who come from Cuba illegally. The agreement as worked out in an exchange of visits and meetings between the two sides beginning on 12th September when the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell met with the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba in Havana. The agreement will facilitate the quicker return of illegal migrants to Havana. The agreement comes into force by an exchange of notes and that ceremony took place at the House of Assembly on Wednesday 23rd October.
The photo is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island – The Hope Ball was held October 19th, 2013 under the distinguished patronage of the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and Mrs. Bernadette Christie who were in attendance. Also in attendance was the Minister of Tourism, Obie Wilchcombe and the Minister of Grand Bahama, Dr. Michael Darville and his wife. The event was held to raise funds for the various cancer related programs coordinated by the Cancer Society Grand Bahama Branch.
FamGuard (Family Guardian) Corporation Limited graciously sponsored the Hope Ball for the third year. This well attended red carpet event featured vibrant live entertainment, fine dining, and of course wine and dancing. Musical entertainment was provided by the Apple Elliott’s band. Tony Lowe and Berlicia Saunders each sang a solo and Autumn Joy Dames performed a dance, “Hope”.
This year’s theme “Life is Beautiful, Live life Celebrate!” represented the strength of cancer survivors worldwide, as for many, cancer is not a death sentence. Often many of us take for granted the simple beauties of the world and the people around us; not showing appreciation until it’s too late. This year’s theme was to celebrate the beauty of waking up each day to breathe God’s fresh air, and to celebrate each day by sharing love, joy, kindness and hope with the people around us.
The Grand Ballroom, at the Grand Lucayan resort came alive with a cocktail reception and then a delicious dinner following. “Grand Bahama has such a wide spectrum of talent. We wanted to harness that in combination with our city’s playful side and create a fun-filled, memorable event that would essentially give back to the local community,” said co-founder, Pam Whyley-Ferguson. “Designer Judd Tosthig Williams transformed the ballroom into a memorable place of beauty reflecting the theme that represents the many ribbons of the varying forms of cancers that survivors fight each day of their beautiful existence”.
“Where there is sickness and despair, there is HOPE”, she said, “HOPE is a strong and powerful word that we should never forget”. Often many Cancer sufferers lose hope and choose not to disclose their illness to friends and love ones until very late in their illness and this is something we want to change”. Cancer is not a fight intended to be fought alone.
The Cancer Society Grand Bahama is a non-profit group of professionals advocating for people with Cancer. The society provides educational resources, free testing, and support services including guest speakers and referrals serving hundreds of individuals and families affected by Cancer.
“We are thrilled to again partner with FamGuard Corporation Limited as Sponsor/Executive Partner and as Media Partner of the Hope Gala Ball for such an amazing cause. The Cancer Society Grand Bahama Branch is not well-funded; therefore it is important that we can see where proceeds from the event go – education information and direct support. Our sponsors and supporters like knowing they will have a direct impact on our charity through their participation in the event,” Ferguson said.
Cancer survivors were also honoured at the Ball, and those lost to cancer were also remembered with the symbolic lighting of candles.
Peter Ramsay took these photos of the Synod of the Anglican Church on Monday 21st October. Attending the synod was the Governor General and Lady Foulkes, the Prime Minister Perry Christie, the Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis, the Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell.
You may click here for the full statement by the Bishop at the Synod.
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The following statement was issued by the Bahamas Information Services on behalf of Michael Halkitis, the Minister of State for Finance on comments issued by Peter Turnquest MP about an alleged reduction in the size of the public sector and public sector layoffs.
Sunday, 20th October, 2013
In 2011 and 2012 the Ministry of Finance engaged a number of individuals on a contract basis. Some of these individuals were attached to the business license and real property tax unit of the Ministry of Finance. These contracts were not standard public service contacts in several aspects.
Some of these contracts expired in 2012 and the remainder expired at various points during this year. All individuals were paid in accordance with their contracts including gratuities.
These individuals were kept employed notwithstanding that the contracts had expired, some expiring as far back as July 2012.
However, it is difficult to administer employees who are engaged in a manner not consistent with the public service norms. Therefore the decision was made to disengage these individuals and where employees were needed, new contracts consistent with public service rules would be issued. At disengagement these individuals were given remuneration which exceeded the legal requirement.
In the absence of new contracts, these individuals would languish in a proverbial no man's land. For many of the individuals concerned, this process that we are now undergoing represents the first steps toward eventual regularization of their employment status.
This is purely an administrative matter. The FNM knows this and in a roundabout way, in their statement, they admit that they know this.
But true to form with the FNM, they seek to confuse the issue and impute improper motives where there are none.
Furthermore in their statement, the FNM accuses me as Minister of State for Finance of harbouring some sinister plan to send public servants home by alleging that I made some speech to that effect at an international conference last year.
While I did attend an international conference in Trinidad last year, I gave NO speech at that conference. This fact can be easily verified with a simple check of the list of speakers at the conference which was the first high level Caribbean forum jointly sponsored by the IMF,World Bank, Caribbean Development Bank and the IDB. The Bahamas hosted the second forum in September of this year.
What did happen is that at the conference in Trinidad last year, a reporter from a Bahamian newspaper asked me in the hall outside the meeting room how much money from the capital budget of the Bahamas goes as cash transfers to public corporations. I gave him the estimate and the reporter asked if this number was ideal and if not, what would be an ideal figure? I told the reporter that it would be the goal of the government to gradually reduce the need for the public treasury to have to transfer such sums of money to public corporations by gradually making those corporations more efficient.
No speech given at the conference and no talk of reducing the public service. All of the matters raised in their statement could be easily verified if the FNM was interested in the truth instead of just getting up to political mischief.
NEW YORK – Ms. Romonia Sherwood and her son Isaiah Sherwood paid a courtesy call on Bahamas Consul General to New York the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll at the Consulate at Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street, on Wednesday, October 23, 2013. The Sherwoods are family friends of Mr. Larone R. Fawkes Sr. of Freeport, Grand Bahama. Before being appointed Consul General to New York, Mr. Carroll was one of the principals in a successful customs brokerage business in Grand Bahama.
ATLANTA, Georgia -- His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador-Designate to the United States, is pictured speaking to staff members of the Bahamas Consulate General in Atlanta during an official visit to the Consulate last Thursday, October 17, along with the Hon. Paulette Zonicle, Bahamas Consul General to Washington, D.C. In his remarks, Dr. Newry expressed the importance of working together as a team on behalf of The Bahamas. Similar sentiments were expressed by Consul General Zonicle in her remarks. Pictured from left are: Deputy Consul General to Atlanta Monique D. Vanderpool, Consul General to Atlanta Randy Rolle, Dr. Newry and Consul General Zonicle.
Continuing to develop relationships with key Florida contacts, Bahamas Consul General to Miami H. Ricardo Treco recently met with Key West Mayor Craig Cates at Key West City Hall, 3126 Flagler Street, Key West.
He was accompanied by Deputy Consul General Sandra Carey and discussions were held concerning the importance of the Bahamian influence and diaspora in Key West.
The Consul General and Deputy Consul General were formally introduced to the staff and Mr. Treco presented the mayor with a gift of a photo of Junkanoo costume by the Valley Boys entitled "Obeah Man" from Boxing Day parade 2012.
Mayor Cates, a descendent of the Bahamas whose grandparents were from Eleuthera, was absolutely delighted to receive the gift.
The Mayor invited the Consul General and Deputy Consul General to be VIP guest at the opening of the Bahamas Village Goombay Festival, a well-planned two-day event with an abundance of food, craft, and entertainment, including a "rush out" by a Miami-based Junkanoo group and a Bahamian band providing rake and scrape music.
Also invited to the festival as guests of Mayor were representatives from the Commissioners Office in Harbour Island, who were presented them with a "Street Sweeper" vehicle to assist in maintaining cleanliness on that island.
Mayor Cates informed Consul General Treco that they had developed a "Sister City" relationship with Harbour Island in order to facilitate ongoing bi-lateral events and opportunities for both Harbour Island and Key West.
Consul General Treco also met with the organizer of the event, which attracted an estimated 20,000 visitors, and encouraged him to include more "authentic" Bahamian food and craft stalls.
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Bahamas Ambassador to the United Nations His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming delivering a statement on behalf of CARICOM at the United Nations on Wednesday, October 23. |
NEW YORK -- His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming, Bahamas Ambassador to the United Nations, on Wednesday, October 23, delivered a statement on behalf of the 14 Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly on agenda item 21: Globalization and Interdependence.”
The Bahamas’ UN Ambassador emphasized that CARICOM “has consistently highlighted the persistent and ever widening inequalities between developed and developing countries, so we welcome the Secretary General’s report which notes that a leading objective of the post-2015 development agenda must be to target countries that have been left on the margins.”
“For far too long, our developing states have borne the negative effects of globalization, including climate change and the economic crisis, of which we are still reeling from the impact,” Dr. Rahming said.
Pointing out that the UN Task Team on post-2015 noted that “partnerships, including in the areas of trade, migration, ODA and technology, have direct implications for whether inequalities can be reduced or are exacerbated,” Dr. Rahming said, “Consequently, a post-2015 development agenda will need to include a strengthened global partnership framework to ensure fairness and equality across all borders and oceans.”
He added, “In addition, we have also been bombarded with the illicit side effects of globalization, including human trafficking, money laundering, narcotics, and the illegal small arms and light weapons trade. As a region with good governance and strong anti-corruption apparatus, CARICOM was very vocal in the negotiations of the Arms Trade Treaty. The adoption of this treaty has been a step in the right direction, and like the post-2015 agenda, can only be implemented with an effective and strong multilateral process.”
Declaring that the Caribbean Community “is extremely concerned with the issues of differentiation and graduation, and how they affect access to funding,” Dr. Rahming said CARICOM welcomes the Secretary General’s report on Development with Middle-Income countries, as it reiterates and expands on the point made on numerous occasions by CARICOM that “countries in this group are vulnerable to being caught in a ‘middle- income trap’, where they lose competitiveness compared to low-income countries, but lack the technological edge to catch up with high-income countries.”
“Our inherent vulnerabilities to increasingly frequent natural disasters, threatens our economic growth and sustainable development,” he said. “Any gains made are quickly lost.”
Referring to the Secretary General’s report, he said it notes that “Growing vulnerabilities have meant an increased frequency of crisis, and of countries, that remain in crisis and transition situations. These illustrate the changing demands of managing globalization,” declaring that these “demands that have yet to be met or even addressed despite frequent calls for such.”
It has been noted, he said, for example, in report A/68/265, that "in the Caribbean, a number of countries stabilized and even reduced their public debt ratios before the global financial crisis, underpinned by economic growth.”
“However, even though CARICOM’s contribution to the creation of these crises is negligible, there has been a disproportionately severe and negative impact on our countries because of the close linkages with the United States and Europe and a significant reduction in tourism income,” Dr. Rahming said.
CARICOM does not believe, Dr. Rahming added, that these specific vulnerabilities faced by Small Island Developing States are reflected in the economic classification of countries, and is very pleased to note the Secretary General’s observation that “classifying a country based solely on an average monetary value can justifiably be seen as incomplete and in need of refinement.”
“The Caribbean Community believes that a post-2015 development agenda must address these issues, and appeals to the international community to support the region’s call for the immediate review of the criteria used by multilateral financial institutions and some development partners to graduate small highly indebted middle income countries from access to concessional resources,” Dr. Rahming said.
He added: “CARICOM calls for a fair and equitable global trading regime, which addresses emerging issues of importance to small vulnerable economies, and reduces barriers to trade among developing countries. In that regard, CARICOM is extremely concerned about the effects originating from trade-distorting subsidies such as those provided to multinational rum companies. For some of our member states, as is well known, rum production is not only of historical value, but one of our last competitive industries.
Dr. Rahming referred to a declaration by CARICOM’s Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED), which noted that “the rum industry is a substantial employer and a major contributor to foreign exchange earnings and government revenues.”
“These subsidies create a blatant disadvantage to CARICOM distillers and threaten the long term viability of the rum industry in the Caribbean,” Dr. Rahming reasoned, in urging “the involved Governments to work with CARICOM to restore the competitive balance to the rum market.”
CARICOM, he said, reiterates that the United Nations post-2015 agenda “needs to address the increasing inequalities between countries, and ensure that globalization benefits all countries and not just a selected few.”
“We also are pleased to, for a second year in a row, to partner with AIBT (the Association of International Banks and Trust Companies in the Bahamas) to advance one of the initiatives I am most proud of, the provision of opportunities in the financial services industry for students at the College of The Bahamas seeking to develop their careers, much like many of you have done,” Minister Pinder said as he addressed the recent event, held at the British Colonial Hilton. His presentation was entitled “The Shift Has Occurred: The New Thinking on Tax and Trade”.
Minister Pinder pointed out that students from the College of The Bahamas were given the opportunity to attend The Nassau Conference 2013 at no cost. Secondly, he noted that his ministry’s partnership with AIBT has allowed for a summer internship programme to be offered to COB students at institutions in the financial services field.
“These real world experiences for future professionals in our industry are invaluable to their professional development,” Minister Pinder said. “AIBT also offers a language immersion programme in Mexico for COB students to advance their opportunities. This partnership between AIBT and my ministry has made a lasting impression on the lives of these young students.”
Minister Pinder noted that the theme for The Nassau Conference 2013 was “The Shift Has Occurred: How are You Positioned?” He added that the theme “perfectly captures the momentum of the day”.
“We at the Ministry of Financial Services have, for some time now, sensed this shift -- a shift in the way we do business; a shift in how we position ourselves; a shift in world expectations and a shift in expectations for ourselves,” Minister Pinder said. “We are pleased to be ahead of the curve, in our thinking and in our response to the world — but we have noted the shift nonetheless.
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Pamela Poitier and students are pictured carrying out their acting exercises. |
Cat Island, Bahamas – Pamela Poitier, daughter of Academy Award winning actor Sir Sidney Poitier, is working toward cultivating more great actors in Cat Island.
Ms. Poitier, a resident of Cat Island, where her father spent his early years, has taken on 14 acting students in North Cat Island. Through the classes, the high school students and one teacher are being indoctrinated into one of today’s most successful acting methods.
“I decided to teach these classes to share my knowledge of Strasberg’s Acting Method that I learned from Mr. Lee Strasberg himself and then was asked by him to teach in his school in New York City,” Ms. Poitier said. “I believe that there are many more talented people in The Bahamas like my father, Roxy Roker and Esther Rolle, who only need instruction and an introduction to a technique that will hone their skills. I believe the Strasberg method is a brilliant way to learn acting by learning about your instrument, you, your body, your humanness.”
In order to play any character, she said, one must first learn about oneself. The classes also help individuals relax and cope with stressful situations both on stage and in their personal life.
Ms. Poitier thanked Bahamas Film and Television Commissioner Craig Woods for his assistance with the classes. The Commission provided financial assistance for students who could not afford the classes.
The class will demonstrate their talent at a performance that will be determine at a later date, Ms. Poitier said. Meanwhile, she said she also has some general aspirations for performing arts in The Bahamas.
“Of course I have many hopes and dreams, such as I’d like to see Theatre Companies on every island that is inhabited in The Bahamas,” she said. “This would fulfill the precious need for the Arts and Culture, created as wholesome family entertainment on the Family Islands, which will simultaneously promote that island’s history and heritage. As well create a touring theatrical event on every island from other islands. I am hoping to create an Indigenous Arts & Science Summer Camp in Cat Island next summer when I find the funding and name it after my dad as the inspiration and role model many of us can follow to success.”
Ms. Poitier said funding is always the key to the longevity of any project because it enables advancement to continue. She welcomed the continued assistance of the Ministry of Tourism and the private sector to make the classes available to residents and tourists who wants to learn the arts and sciences on the island where Sidney Poitier grew up.
The method acting classes on Cat Island are four hours per class. There will be a total of 10 classes in the course that is scheduled to end in November.
Ms. Poitier said she believed her late cousin, Jackson Burnside, was right when he once said that by 2020, more people will come to The Bahamas for art, culture and heritage than for sun, sand and sea. She looks forward to the accomplishment within the next six years.
NASSAU, The Bahamas – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell said, on October 23, 2013, that relationship between The Bahamas and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is indeed an important one, with diplomatic relations spanning more than 16 years.
“Since that time the relationship has grown from strength to strength,” Minister Mitchell said during a courtesy call with the Bahamas China Friendship Association, in the Majority Room of the House of Assembly.
Also present were BCFA Vice President and Deputy Director of the Bahamas Information Services Anthony Capron, BCFA President-Emeritus Senator Joseph Curry and members Lloyd Wong, Gena Gibbs and Syann Thompson.
“What has been particularly key to the strengthening of the relationship is the very thing that we have now, which is the people-to-people ties because you can have ties at the governmental level and you can sign all sorts of agreements; but you really have to deepen those ties with the people themselves.”
Minister Mitchell said that he had watched over the years as citizens from the PRC have visited The Bahamas and he noted that those ties were important to them making the journey.
Minister Mitchell pointed out that a new Ambassador from the PRC will be coming to The Bahamas in the near future, as the current Ambassador His Excellency Hu Shan noted recently that he will be returning to the PRC next month. The BCFA, Minister Mitchell said, will be “key” in the transitional stage.
He added that the Association will also be important to “keeping front and centre” the themes of why The Bahamas should have a relationship with the PRC, what The Bahamas’ interests are and how the country should pursue those interests.
President of the BCFA Philip Simon said that 2014 will be the 10th-year anniversary of the Association.
“We want to increase and enhance our relationship locally, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Bahamas Government, as well, as we seek to really ‘tie down’ greater relations culturally, educationally and economically with China and this particular body represents in a very formal way the establishment of these relations with China,” Mr. Simon said.
In addition to that, Mr. Simon added, the BCFA was pleased to inform Minister Mitchell that The Bahamas currently holds the vice presidency of the China Friendship Federation of Latin America and the Caribbean. He won the position in elections at the
4th China-Latin America and Caribbean Region People-to-People Friendship Forum, Sept. 10, 2013, in San Jose, Costa Rica.
“We are deepening the ties, we have lots of items on our 10th anniversary agenda and certainly the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which sits as an ex officio of our body – and in fact our Governor General (Sir Arthur Foulkes) who sits as the honorary chairman of the Association, speaks to what we are seeking to achieve,” Mr. Simon said.
25th October 2013 |
Nassau, Bahamas – The Association of International Banks & Trust Companies in The Bahamas (AIBT) ratified its new Board of Directors at a meeting held on September 19th, 2013. The board – which will serve a two year term from 2013 to 2015 – will be led by newly appointed Chairman Antoinette Russell, Managing Director of Credit Suisse Trust Ltd. Mrs. Russell becomes the first Bahamian woman to lead the 37-year-old organization.
Chairman Russell assumes leadership of the AIBT at a critical time for the sector, as The Bahamas navigates the implementation of a Value Added Tax system, and faces an ever-changing and increasingly competitive global landscape for both customers and talent.
Delivering the opening remarks at this year’s Nassau Conference, for which she also served as Chairman, Mrs. Russell stated: “the AIBT continues to evolve and respond to the changing landscape by seeking to meet and exceed the professional development needs of our industry.” In taking on this new role, she reaffirmed that the AIBT will continue to work vigilantly on behalf of its members, in close consultation with Government, industry partners, regulators and other associations, to foster the growth and development of The Bahamas’ financial services sector. She thanked Jean-Marc Fellay for his exemplary leadership as the outgoing Chairman and extended her gratitude to the Officers and Directors who have provided and continue to provide their service to the AIBT.
Joining Mrs. Russell, the other officers appointed were: Ivan Hooper of Winterbotham Trust Company Ltd., as a Deputy Chairman; Bruno Roberts of The Private Trust Corporation Limited, as a Deputy Chairman; Ravi Jesubatham of the Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company (Bahamas) Ltd., as Treasurer; and Anastacia Johnson, Executive Administrator of AIBT, as Secretary.
Directors of the AIBT Board include: Beat Paoletto of UBS (Bahamas) Ltd; Jan Mezulanik of Pictet Bank & Trust Ltd., Jean-Marc Fellay of Julius Baer Bank & Trust (Bahamas) Ltd., Miguel Gonzalez of Syz & Co. Bank & Trust Ltd., Dominique Lefevre of Societe Generale Private Banking (Bahamas) Ltd., Colyn Roberts of Corner Bank (Overseas) Ltd., Ivanhoe Sands of Credit Agricole Suisse (Bahamas) Ltd., Fabrizio Tuletta of BSI Overseas (Bahamas) Ltd., Deborah Watson of St. James Bank & Trust Ltd and Claudine Farquharson of Andbank (Bahamas) Ltd.
Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett swears in Joy Pratt as the new Chief Magistrate.
Kendal Major’s Branch Meets On VAT
The Speaker of the House of Assembly Dr. Kendal Major and the MP for Garden Hills held a special meeting in his constituency to hear about the government’s plans for Value Added Tax on Thursday 24th October at S.C. McPherson School.
Adrian Gets The National Youth Award
We congratulate playwright Adrian Wildgoose on obtaining the Minister’s Cup at the Youth Awards by the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture on 24th October. Here is how Mr. Wildgoose describes his feelings: “Cant really describe how I'm feeling. ...sitting at the 2013 National Youth Awards amongst some great young people about to be given the Ministers Cup Award (that’s top in the country...) I’m humbled...a little emotional and all of that!! God is good and I’m thankful!”
Shane Dressed In White
Minister for the Public Service Shane Gibson was dressed in all white along with wife Jackie and friends for the all-white affair raising money for scholarships for his constituency. He raised 100,000 dollars for the fund. Congratulations. The event was held on Saturday 19th October.
Sky Bahamas Layoffs
Sky Bahamas is laying off staff. It appears that pilots who participated in the sick out on the holiday weekend 14th October have been furloughed indefinitely and some ancillary staff as well. The airlines CEO Randy Butler says that this is necessary because of the massive losses as a result of the strike on that weekend and the falling demand for airplane seats. It raises the spectre of whether the private carrier can survive. We hope that it does. Peter Turnquest MP for East Grand Bahama who is also a part owner of Sky was scored in the newspapers by the PLP for chiding the government on unemployment and the government allegedly firing people (see story on Michael Halkitis above) when Sky itself is laying off people.
Loretta Butler, One Rowdy Gal
Loretta Butler is one butu gal. There is simply no other way to put it after her latest performance in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 23rd October. From grace and dignity and a charming smile to the strike of an asp in one quick second. It is most amazing. Mrs. Butler can give but can’t take. She was busy interfering with the government, shouting from her seat any insult that she could think of and then when the Prime Minister got up and blessed her with few words, she went ballistic. He said something like he would not be intimated by might or by size. She said this: “I am not ashamed of who I am. When my grandfather Sir Milo Butler was leading the charge for the PLP, nobody has a problem with size. But because I’m on this side, you have a problem with it. Well face it. This is my size and I am a woman and I am proud of who I am.” With respect, Mrs. Butler Turner what you asserting is disingenuous. Your size is not the problem or your womanhood; it's your bad ways and crude behavior. And as your grandfather used to say: no one hates you; we simply hate your ways. Slapping people, violence in a society that is plagued by too much violence. Crude remarks issued from your seat then as in this case trying to make it seem when someone retaliates like you are the victim. No one falls for that. It is crude and it is unseemly and it has nothing to do with your size or with your grandfather. So don’t try and play that card. You and your granddaddy are not in the same league. What is particularly reprehensible though is that this is coming from a woman, who knows what it is to be the brunt of prejudicial remarks about womanhood and about her size, yet she perpetuates bias and prejudice and crudity out of her mouth at other people, then tries to play the victim.
The Prime Minister’s Response To Loretta Butler Turner
When Loretta Butler Turner, the Long Island MP, struck out at the Prime Minister (see story above), she accused him of not liking women. As she took her seat, she called him a misogynist. What she was quickly trying to do was to take the sting out of what she deliberately said by suggesting on her feet that he was gay but on her behind as she later put it she was saying that he simply disrespected women because of their gender in public life by using the word misogynist. The Prime Minister was having none of it and here was his response: “To those gladiators who sit along with her. They would know the tragic error of his her ways in applying an imputation, the suggestion to me, they would know better. And they would know better because we have met in the forum of activities before. My wife knows, she knows what I was when she met me, a man of distinguished reputation in the field of valor.”
The Unemployment Rate
The Department of Statistics released its Labour Force Survey, completed in May of this year, which showed that unemployment in New Providence increased from 13.1 per cent to 15.9 per cent, with unemployment in Grand Bahama increasing from 18 per cent to 19.5 per cent.
Of a total labour force of 195,660 persons, this represents 23,180 persons in New Providence, and 4,900 persons in Grand Bahama for a total unemployment figure of 31,665 people.
The unemployment among youth (15-24 years) on both islands continued to be considerably higher than any other age group, the report noted, with the overall rate reaching 30.8 per cent, a slight increase over the November figure. Jeffery Lloyd the talk show host said this on Facebook: “Unemployment has risen - a disturbing trend, especially among young people. To what degree, if any, can the PLP Government be held accountable? Is it fair to blame this Government for an increase in unemployment, considering the present world's economic plight?” The FNM like any opposition party and their friends were quick to condemn. But the unemployment stats are a snap shot of the country on a particular day. We think the Minister of State for Finance Michael Halkitis said it best when he said we solider on.
Trade Mission To Dubai
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell is leading a delegation of Bahamian officials in trade and investment mission to Dubai until 1st November. The mission will include Ministers of Grand Bahama, the Environment, Trade, Financial Services and officials. The trip is sponsored and paid for by the bid committee for the World Expo 2020 which is seeking the support of The Bahamas for the Expo.
The American Spy Machine
It is very interesting that every country in the west helped the United States block the passage of Edward Snowdon after he leaked to the press information that US intelligence agencies were collecting data on their own citizens and it turns out leaders of the world including their own allies. There was big blow up when the news leaked about the Americans tapping the Brazilian president’s phone. She cancelled a visit to the U S because of it. Now comes the news the Germany’s Chancellor’s phone was also tapped. The U S is unrepentant. We always thought that this was a bit of a storm in a tea cup. We thought that everyone knew that everyone was being spied upon. One U S official in the Bahamas had boasted that the U S was monitoring all the telephone traffic in The Bahamas. In the end who cares. Nothing is private any more anyway, or so we thought everyone had assumed. The question though is if the allies are now all up in arms over the news, why is Mr. Snowdon deemed to be an enemy when he did them a favour by letting them know that their privacy had been invaded.