Compiled, edited and constructed by Russell Dames... Updated every Sunday at 2 p.m.
Volume 8 © 2010
Those who thought Hubert Ingraham was going to be a push over for
the job of Prime Minister should take note. The old rattlesnake still
has a sting in the tail. It is deadly if it hits, and he hit the
PLP with a set of lies and obfuscations on Wednesday 29th September that
had the party on the back foot for two days as it responded.
Many PLP supporters thought that what their leader Perry Christie ought to have done was to barge into Mr. Ingraham’s press conference and haul off and hit him one backhand slap or cuss him for telling a bunch of lies. Now that would have been front page news.
Mr. Ingraham in his usual style blamed the PLP for the fact that he cannot close the Bahamar deal. He conveniently forgot the fact that the reason that the House of Assembly failed to do its appointed business that day 29th September was because he fumbled the ball.
You will remember that Hubert Ingraham made the claim that he was bringing a resolution to the House of Assembly for the House to approve the Bahamar deal. He said that this was a PLP baby and if the PLP did not support it, the project would not go ahead. That has now changed. Now he says that the Government will go ahead with the project anyway but at his Wednesday 29th press conference, he said by putting the resolution, he simply wanted the PLPs and his MPs to get up and say what they have to say so that the country will know what their views are.
That is absolute hogwash. The reason he was bringing the resolution was for political cover from the PLP because he was afraid to approve the 8,150 work permits required for Chinese workers to come in and build the hotel. The reason they are coming is because he allowed Bahamar to go and negotiate their own deal without speaking himself to the Chinese authorities about it and telling them that was a non-starter in The Bahamas.
Incidentally, he is to pay a state visit to China on the 22nd October and he is taking the Speaker of the House Alvin Smith, and Senate President Lynn Holowesko with him in addition to Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest. Unfortunately, the horse is already out of the barn.
Mr. Ingraham comes off as petulant, if not crazy; a mad man who simply does not know his mind and makes up things as he goes. He got angry the week before on 22nd September because the PLP voted against the government for borrowing money to build a road with Chinese workers. So he got up and said that a vote, which he had earlier said would not be scheduled until the Bank of Nova Scotia and Bahamar had settled their differences, would be held anyway. He did so in a fit of anger. The Bank of Nova Scotia and Bahamar have not settled their differences. They are close, but Scotiabank is arguing about fees that they want Bahamar to pay to get out of the first mortgage, typical chinchy bank, while badmouthing their own investment.
Here again Mr. Ingraham has fallen down on the job. He ought to put the squeeze on Scotiabank and get them to capitulate so this deal can go ahead. It is the only game in town.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 2nd October 2010 up to midnight: 122,787.
Number of hits for the month of September up to Thursday 30th September 2010 up to midnight: 506,451.
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 2nd October 2010 up to midnight: 15,212.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 2nd October 2010
up to midnight: 6,338,784.
The Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie held a press conference to
rebut what the Prime Minister had to say on Bahamar and the PLP’s position.
One Facebook page described what the Prime Minister had to say as one lie
per minute. Mr. Christie’s rebuttal was not carried live but instead
was carried in a series of clips on Youtube and we present the links to
the conference of Thursday 30th September. Mr. Christie was furious,
he said that Hubert Ingraham had betrayed a confidence and had deliberately
misstated the position of the PLP on Bahamar. The link:
In international diplomacy, it is called brinksmanship.
That is taking something right up to the brink in order to get it settled,
often threatening destruction. That is what Hubert Ingraham is now
playing at with the Bahamar deal. The Leader of the Opposition Perry
Christie is right; people are perplexed as to what Mr. Ingraham is up to.
We are not puzzled. We are clear. We think that he is up to
scuttling the deal for and on behalf of Sol Kerzner, the man who developed
Paradise Island and saved his Prime Ministership.
Hubert Ingraham owes Mr. Kerzner big time and is
going out of his way to sell the arguments of Mr. Kerzner and Paradise
Island in order to scuttle Bahamar. From the start, even when Butch
Kerzner, the son, was alive, there has been a relentless campaign by Kerzner
to ensure that they are the only game in town.
Mr. Christie in his press conference told how when
he was Prime Minister he rejected those arguments by causing a study to
be done by a firm of experts who said how quite easily Kerzner and Bahamar
could co-exist. Further, with the building of a new airport, the
numbers that were required to make the airport viable, there was also a
requirement for new hotel rooms and Bahamar was thus the only game in town.
Mr. Ingraham has to find 20,000 or more jobs within
the next five years for the young people of this country. If Bahamar
sinks, where is he going to find them? Or does he want there to be
such an imbalance in the tourism sector that the entire game is run by
Sol Kerzner? We are sickened by the Prime Minister's attitude.
This is not about whether we like the Izmeralians or whether they are crooks,
which they are not. This is not about whether the Bank of Nova Scotia
was told the whole story about the money that was being put into the project.
Banks cheat their customers every day and so tweaking at the edges, it
seems to us is part of business. This is about getting a deal for
The Bahamas that will get some fresh money into the country, which is dying
on the vine.
Hubert Ingraham did his best at his press conference
to try to kill the Bahamar deal. It appears to us that it is the
PLP's role to keep the deal alive. It is the sensible thing to do,
especially in the face of a stupid and obdurate Prime Minister who is a
rich and comfortable old man who does not give damn about anything but
himself and his own family.
[Former Member of Parliament Pierre Dupuch has written about Bahamar
in a follow up to his controversial first letter - see Letters to the Editor
- Ed.]
Fred Mitchell and Alfred Sears, the Opposition spokesmen
on Foreign Affairs and Culture respectively are planning a press conference
for Monday 4th October to press the cause of the nine straw vendors who
were arrested in New York for allegedly selling counterfeit goods.
The pair wants the government to do more than simply lecture the vendors
about selling counterfeit goods. The press conference will be held
at the Opposition Committee room of the House of Assembly at 11 a.m. on
4th October.
The vendors are pawns in a high stakes game between
The Bahamas and the American governments. They are political prisoners
being held by the United States and it is incumbent upon The Bahamas government
to see that they are freed. The Prime Minister has now changed his
mouth from his arrogant statement of 22nd September when he said he would
refuse to comment on the matter because Bahamians get locked up in the
United States all the time. Now he says that the government has sent
a diplomatic note to the Americans about it. We will see. But
the government must step up to the plate and help to solve this problem.
Senator Allyson Maynard Gibson, President of the
International Women’s Forum (IWF), led the largest delegation (other than
the Chinese delegation) to the International Conference on Women in Urban
Development and Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration
on Women. The Conference was held September 16th -18th in Shanghai, China
and was hosted by the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF), led by ACWF
President Madam Chen Zhilli who is also the Vice Chairman of the Standing
Committee of the ndp
National People’s Congress. Madam Chen Zhili is the 3rd highest national
office holder in government of the People’s Republic of China. Senator
Gibson also chaired the “Plenary: Ministerial and High-level Session” on
17th September, which included, among others, the Ministers responsible
for women’s affairs of Singapore, Thailand, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Fiji, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam and Bangladesh. A meeting
was also held with Madame Chen Zhili during which, among other things,
agreement was struck as to future cooperation between the IWF and the ACWF.
Shown in the front row of the photo from left to right are a member of
the ACWF; Madam Meng Xiaosi (Vice President and Member of the Secretariat
of the ACWF); Mrs. Carol Cox Wait (a past President of the IWF); Madam
Chen Zhili; Senator Gibson; Madam Song Xiuyan (Vice President and First
Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF); and Mrs. Fran Streets (a past President
of the IWF).
Latrae Rahming, the former Young Liberal who was
forced out of his position as an officer of the Young Liberals because
he issued a statement criticizing the Rev. Simeon Hall for attacking gays
and lesbians, at the age of 16 has a new job: leader of a new group of
young PLPs. This group is part of the Advisory Group to the Leader
of the PLP which is headed by Sidney Stubbs. It is called Make A
Difference Stand Up (MADSU). He was inaugurated in a brief presentation
at PLP HQ in Nassau on Tuesday 28th September. The photo is by Athama
Bowe. Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill joined the group for the brief presentation
and is shown with Mr. Rahming and Sidney Stubbs, former MP.
The National Democratic Party (NDP) which ran Dr.
Andre Rollins in the Elizabeth bye-election and then lost him in an as
yet unsettled war for his attention between the PLP and the FNM, is continuing
the promotion of its ideas. The head of the group seems to be Latore
Mackey and they have in the last week met with Robert Sands to get a sense
of the Bahamar project at Cable Beach, which they oppose and the Commissioner
of Police to get a handle on crime. The photo is from their Facebook
page. This is a well worn path, which will ultimately lead in our
system to the most prominent members of the group being swallowed up by
the leading parties.
Alfred Sears and Fred Mitchell MPs were the special
guests of West End and Bimini’s MP Obie Wilchcombe’s PLP Branch meeting
on Monday 27th September. They spoke about their work in defending
the teachers in Grand Bahama. You may click
here for the full statement by Fred Mitchell at the meeting.
The PLP continues to struggle with its public relations
strategy. How to offset a press that is anti PLP and most importantly
an electronic media, which even though nominally diversified and not a
monopoly may as well be, because the Opposition is simply not given equal
time. The PLP has to thank God for Wendall Jones who ran Perry Christie’s
press conference of Thursday 30th September in its entirety. But
the press conference, while the media touched all the points, did not get
the same play as the Prime Minister’s press conference.
The PLP did not appear to be ready for the one two
duck and feint of cancelling the debate on Bahamar scheduled for Wednesday
29th September and the Prime Minister calling a live press conference on
the issue right after he adjourned the House. What ought to have
happened is that the PLP should have interrupted his press conference and
told him live on television that he ought to stop telling lies and rewriting
In fact, Mr. Ingraham had the debate on the Bahamar
project without having the debate on the floor of the House. He did
so with the connivance of the Speaker Alvin Smith, who allowed him to abuse
the use of the Parliamentary channel. That channel must now be controlled
by the Members of the Broadcast Committee and not by the Speaker since
he does not look out for the members of the House who are not FNM.
Once again, he has proven to be an absolute disgrace to the name speaker.
The PLP has to act doubly disciplined and plot out
its work well in advance, while at the same time being a flexible instrument
to deal with wily foes. It should never be caught on the back foot
on an issue on which it should be the clear winner. This Bahamar
project must go ahead. The PLP must win the next election.
An effective public relations strategy is only part of the discipline that
the Party must inculcate if it is to win and not give the public the impression
that it thinks that things are simply going to fall into its lap.
The monster named Cordell Farrington who killed the four boys and his ex-lover
Jamaal Robbins of Grand Bahama has now been sentenced to life imprisonment
four times, once each for the death of each of the boys. The deaths
occurred in 2000. The crown accepted a guilty plea to manslaughter
on the basis of diminished responsibility, a disease of the mind that affected
the mental element of the crime that reduced the crime to manslaughter
and not murder for which he could have gotten the death penalty.
The final phase of his trial, the sentencing, took place before Justice
Jon Isaacs on Thursday 30th September. The confessions of Mr. Farrington
were read in gory and complete detail in the court and were reported on
Friday 1st October as follows from The Tribune:
“The court heard how Farrington, tired of killing,
walked into the Central Police Station in Grand Bahama, told police he
simply could not take it anymore and confessed to the murder of 22-year-old
Jamaal Robbins - who he claimed had been his lover - as well as the murders
of the four boys. Farrington is already serving a life sentence for the
death of Mr. Robbins.
Mackison Colas 11 years old
“Mackinson Colas went missing on May 16, 2003.
He was last seen by his mother.
“Farrington told police he had picked the boy
up on Pioneer's Way, Freeport. He confessed that he took Mackinson home,
ordered him to take a shower and told him he was going to kill him.
“According to his statement, Farrington said
that when the boy asked why he had to kill him, he replied by saying simply
that he "had to do it."
“Farrington told police he bound the boy by his
hands and feet with duct tape and struck him on the head several times
with a wooden plank. He then put the boy's body in the trunk of his car,
drove to Barbary Beach and buried him there. Two weeks later he returned
to collect his remains.
“An outburst by a sister of the deceased prompted
the judge to order that all relatives leave the court.
"You took my brother from me. You are supposed
to die," the woman shouted.
Deangelo McKenzie 13 years old
“Deangelo McKenzie was last seen by his grandfather
on May 27, 2003. Farrington told police he picked up the boy in the parking
lot of the Church of God while he was heading home from school. He said
he had asked the boy to go home with him to pick up some equipment for
the church. He confessed that he took the boy home and had sex with him
twice. He asked the boy about his family and told him he was going to have
to kill him. He said the boy told him that he only wanted to go to school
and have a good education.
“Farrington then bound the boy with duct tape
and hit him in the head several times with a wooden plank. He then put
the boy's body in the trunk of his car and drove to Barbary Beach where
he hid the body.
Junior Reme 11 years old
“Junior Reme was reported missing on July 29,
2003, and was last seen by his mother.
“Farrington told police he had picked the boy up at the rear of
Christ the King Anglican Church and took him home. There he ordered the
boy to take a shower but the boy refused.
“Farrington told investigators that he bound the boy with duct tape
and the child started to scream, so he stabbed him in the neck with a knife;
all the while his own son was in another room. He told police he took the
boy's body and put it in the trunk of his car. He then drove to Barbary
Beach where he hid the body. Farrington told police he was sorry the boy
had to die such a horrible death.
Desmond Rolle 14 years old
“Desmond Rolle was last seen by his mother on
September 28, 2003.
“Farrington said he picked the boy up at a park while heading to
William's Town. He told the boy he knew his mother and brother, and having
gained his trust, drove him to a bushy area where he handcuffed and raped
him. Farrington then slit the boy's throat, took his body back to his car
and committed a sex act. He took the boy's body to Barbary Beach, slit
open the chest cavity, removed his heart and severed his limbs. Farrington
told police he was trying a "new way" to kill.
Admitted to Sandilands
“Prosecutor Neil Brathwaite said there was evidence
that Farrington had also been involved in bestiality had been admitted
to Sandilands and had suffered physical, emotional and psychological abuse.
He said the prosecution had accepted Farrington's plea of guilty to the
charge of manslaughter as he had acted with diminished responsibility.
“When asked whether he had anything to say, Farrington
broke into tears in the prisoner's dock.
“He said: "I didn't fully understand what happened
but I ask for forgiveness from the family members."
“His attorney Ramona Farquharson noted that Farrington
had confessed to the crimes and had suffered from a severe personality
disorder. She submitted that prior to committing the offences he had been
a productive and law-abiding citizen.
“In sentencing Farrington, Senior Justice Isaacs
noted that the promising lives of four young boys had been snuffed out
and that the court could show no further degree of mercy to Farrington
other than what had already been afforded him. He also noted that Farrington
reportedly suffered from a severe personality disorder. Senior Justice
Isaacs described the killings as "horrific and not of someone who should
be readmitted into society."
“He sentenced Farrington to life imprisonment
on each of the four counts. The judge stated that while in prison he would
receive the counseling he needs. The court hoped that he would spend the
rest of his natural life in jail.
“Relatives of the deceased refused to speak after
the hearing.”
We report the press statement by Philip Davis, Deputy Leader of the PLP
who the Prime Minister tried to use to defend his indefensible position
of riding on the helicopter of the Aga Khan. Mr. Davis’s statement
“Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham
could be heard taunting his failed policies before a live national audience
and the press on Wednesday as he addressed matters of national concern.
“The Prime Minister's event came following news
that talks with Baha Mar developers and Scotia Bank had not been concluded,
and thus the Prime Minister thought it was the opportune time to present
a report to the people on where his government is taking the country.
“Ingraham proved at that press conference how
bad a manager he is when dealing with the affairs of state, giving examples
of his government’s reckless policies, which have crippled projects; stopped,
reviewed and canceled by his government of indecision, poor management
and bankrupt vision.
“Many would remember how the Christie led Government
not only attracted investments to The Bahamas, but also guided the continued
expansion of developments left in place by the previous administration.
The Christie led government worked tirelessly and accelerated the Bahamian
economy, created thousands of new jobs, stalled the growth of the national
debt, reduced unemployment to single digits and place more than 5,000 individuals
into their own home for the first time. We wiped away the tears from the
eyes of scores of Bahamians, proving to be better managers of the People’s
“Unlike the record of the PLP, Ingraham’s Government
has delivered the complete opposite. And his press conference on Wednesday
proved his government to be a failure with the ‘TRUST’ placed in their
care. They have resigned thousands of young Bahamians unemployed leaving
scores more in fear of losing their jobs. Businesses across the length
and breadth of the country under Ingraham’s Government are struggling;
and are being forced to make decisions never dreamed of before; closing
doors for good.
“Hubert Ingraham as like for the past three years
brought no new solutions to the country, delivered nothing new but his
old sad song of hopelessness and despair. He is preaching the gospel of
gloom, doom and borrows almost daily into the ear of Bahamians and is quickly
becoming a messenger of bad news. Surrounded by some of his own around
the Cabinet who are found wanting; bankrupt of ideas with penniless plans
for the road ahead? Hubert Ingraham finds it hard to lay the blame at his
own feet and is therefore, attempting to point fingers to the PLP.
“Recently, concerns involving a conflict of interest
have arisen against his own Minister for the Environment, Earl Deveaux,
who used the helicopter of a developer to his private event in Abaco. Ingraham
attempted to explain that he had no need to fire Deveaux from his Cabinet
despite the fact that the minister had a report on his desk to approve
the dredging of a protected Marine Park in the Exuma Land and Sea Reserves.
“Ingraham confirmed at that press conference
that he also rode the aircraft and one must wonder, is the Prime Minister
also eager to disrupt the protected marine park preserved for generations
to come?
“As a footnote, Ingraham sought to pair my recent
journey to Cat Island with landowners in my constituency to be equal to
that of the miscalculated decision of conflict with his minister, who is
being called by members of the public, including the press, to resign.
“My travel with the landowners was No Free Trip,
and it was not one for me to gain. As the Member of Parliament for Cat
Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador it is my duty to encourage stakeholders
in the community to uplift my people and expand our communities. My effort
in this exercise is to assist with the development of the island, to gain
an opinion from members of the community and to help build a brighter future
for residents on Cat Island. If the development is successful by the landowners,
I will welcome that project by the owners of the land who owned it since
“Unlike in the case of Minister Deveaux, I make
no decision in the matter of any development proposed by the landowners,
nor do I sit in the sacred office of the Cabinet of the Bahamas, which
has watch over such development.
“Therefore, the Prime Minister should not attempt
to minimize the actions by his minister, who has also breached the codes
of conduct in his party as outlined by his government.”
Last week in reporting on the Crabs For computers
Programme in South Andros, we neglected to carry a photo of the PLP’s MP
for the area Picewell Forbes. We do so now. Mr. Forbes presented
some of the computers, a programme initiated by Administrator Gilbert Kemp
to sell crabs from Mangrove Cay and use the money to buy computers for
the children there. The presentation took place on Friday 24th September.
Despite the boast last year at the end of their convention in November
that he would be back at the same place and time for this year’s convention,
Hubert Ingraham, Prime Minister and Leader of the FNM got his party to
hold up their hands on Thursday 30th September unanimously and vote “aye”
for no convention this year. That was diametrically opposed to what
Branville McCartney, the former Minister of State, had to say.
Mr. McCartney told the Nassau Guardian on Friday
1st October that there was a need for a transition in the FNM and it should
take place sooner rather than later. He told the paper that there
was a need for Hubert Ingraham to pass the baton to the next generation
of leadership in the FNM. He said that while he respected Mr. Ingraham
and what he had accomplished, there was a need for a new leadership.
Mr. McCartney has now thrown down the gauntlet to
Mr. Ingraham who claimed in his press conference on 29th September that
he is not afraid of a challenge to his leadership. He said that the convention
was being postponed because the FNM could not afford it. No word
on whether the PLP will hold its convention given the FNM decision.
The one often follows the other.
Mr. McCartney repeated his challenge to the establishment
in his party in The Tribune of Saturday 3rd October arguing it was not
in the best interest of the party to wait until the last minute to choose
a leader. We want to encourage Mr. McCartney, but a word of advice.
The time to have plunged the proverbial knife in passed at the time when
he resigned in February of this year. Once he pulled back at that
time, he gave the Gorgon an opportunity to recover. Now he, Mr. McCartney,
is on a slow death watch if he does not shuffle over to the PLP and fast.
He and Kendal Wright the Clifton FNM MP are on Mr. Ingraham’s hit list.
Hubert Ingraham is the most vindictive politician in the history of Bahamian
politics. Watch for it.
$50 Million More For Sports Stadium
The former Member of Parliament for North End Long Island, Rum Cay
& San Salvador Philip P. Smith writes about the real cost of the new
sports stadium at Oakes Field. Mr. Smith says "We have become a nation
of begging idiots!" You may click
here for Mr. Smith's letter to the Editor.
Former Member of Parliament Pierre Dupuch writes about Bahamar in a follow up to his controversial first letter:
By Pierre V.L. Dupuch
October 1, 2010
It is amazing what different impressions different
people get when reading the same thing. And every time I write it seems
to bring enough fodder for several more articles.
There are three statements which I feel should
be dealt with. It has been said that I am racist because they say I don't
like Chinese. This is absolutely stupid. I have nothing against the Chinese
people; in fact, some of my life-long friends are Chinese. I simply speak
of the "Chinese Government" which has recently been injected into the Baha
Mar equation.
My comments would be the same if any Government
American, Canadian or British ... were given the opportunity of taking
over an essential part of the Bahamian economy. But I especially object
to the Chinese Government because they are Communist and we are (or are
supposed to be) democratic. Their way of political life is diametrically
opposed to ours. And we want them to own a large portion of the industry
which runs the economic engine of the Bahamas? I say NO, a thousand times
The next point that was made was that I am always
critical of Ingraham or the FNM and never of Christie and the PLP. Amazing!
Every programme from the Crystal Palace fiasco to the Baha Mar proposal
was started by the PLP! The only part of the article which referred to
the FNM was the piece of the Baha Mar project where the Chinese Government
was injected. And that was injected by the FNM.
The fact of the matter is that I don’t like Ingraham
because I don't trust him. But what has that got to do with my comments
about the economy of the Bahamas? As far as I'm concerned, both the PLP
and the FNM are like two peas in a pod when it comes to the development
of the Bahamas. Their views seem to be the same. I differ. So what's so
hard about that? This is still a democratic country, is it not? Or do we
have a Communist dictatorship already, where you're not allowed free speech?
Some time ago Mr. Paul Moss Jr. compared our
present day leaders to real estate agents where there is one land deal
after another. I beg to differ with Mr. Moss -- real estate agents make
land deals and sell the land. Our present day leaders are like Santa Claus;
they give everything away. Just think, Santa wears red and has a guttural
laugh; Santa's helpers wear yellow.
I only have one piece of advice for Mr. Ingraham
and that is this: if he decides to put the Bahamian economy and its people
in bed with the Chinese Government, please make sure we're well covered.
The next point was the only constructive one.
They say "you say what's wrong, but what is the answer." My friend Sir
Cecil Wallace-Whitfield said that a good lawyer always knows the answer
before he asks the question. I am not a lawyer, but I take good advice.
We always admire beautiful buildings, but seldom
think of how they were built. Firstly a plan was drawn. Then a simple 8"
x 16" cinder block was laid, followed by another, and yet another, and
before long, before our very eyes stands a wonderful structure. But it
was created by many small blocks. And those are the two words, "many" and
"small" that create the solution.
Before we delve into this we must first understand
what "foreign investment" means. We don't realize this but every foreign
dollar that is spent in the Bahamas is a "foreign investment" in the Bahamas.
Every time a tourist spends a dollar here, a foreign investment is made.
So we don't have any difficulty getting the foreign
investment here; our problem is keeping it here. Yes, keeping it here.
For every dollar that is spent here by a tourist, at least 85 cents goes
out to buy food, souvenirs, T-shirts, etc. for that tourist. That's right
folks, we're creating employment in other countries, not our own. And this
is the problem.
For the twenty five years I was in Parliament,
I spoke of this. Since people seldom listened to the Parliamentary debates,
and most of the reporters apparently didn't understand them, I'll repeat
it here.
We have, or had, four million tourists visiting
our shores every year. If we could convince them to spend just $100.00
each on goods, made or grown in the Bahamas rather than goods made or grown
in Japan, China or Taiwan, the result would be a $400,000,000.00 (four
hundred million dollars) "foreign investment" in the Bahamas. Yes, that's
correct ... four hundred million dollars. In three years it would mean
a One Point Two Billion Dollar investment in the Bahamas. Not much less
than the Chinese plan to spend here in exchange for most of the engine
which drives our economy. In my plan we would not have given away a single
piece of land, or a single asset.
I'll let that sink in first, and then I'll tell
you how that can be done. Yes, four hundred million dollars!!! It's simple.
Stay tuned.
Crime Crisis...
Criminal activity in the Bahamas can only be
described as mayhem, at its worse. There are 52 weeks in a calendar year;
the week past marks the 39th of this year’s quota and we have already recorded,
what I believe to be, a history-making record of more than 70, at the time
of this writing. This equates to a sustained average of almost two murders
per week and what are we doing about it? Nothing that I can see. How much
longer are we to live in this jungle at the mercy of these thugs? Are we
to resign ourselves to living with two murders per week, armed robberies
and other crimes too numerous to mention, from here on? What is happening
with the two or three brilliant police plans announced by the FNM government
to tackle crime since coming to office? It appears that nothing is working
and that the situation is getting worse, not better, by the day. The only
thing we are hearing from the government is, when they tell us, that the
crime rate is unacceptable; well we know that fact already, but we need
to know, now, is what is being done about it. There were plenty solutions,
offered by the Free National Movement, during the political campaign. The
police’s big plan seems to be to see how quickly they can react and show
up on the crime scene, but nothing being done to actually prevent criminal
acts. What do I expect them to do you ask? I expect their continuous presence,
and patrols, in the hot spot areas, around ATM machines, at Banks and in
all those areas which are known for heightened criminal activity, as a
start. As it stands; “helpless,” is how I would summarize the Force’s policing
efforts, at the moment. No citizen would argue with me when I say that
the criminals have taken over and are in charge; not the country’s security
I have come to the point where I now expect each
morning to hear of one or two murders committed during the night before;
this is not living; this is existing. We are such a small country to be
burdened with this kind of criminal activity and, sadly, if the trend continues
given the law of average, this tragedy will eventually get to our door
steps. There is no escaping for any of us. A talk show host, on Monday
morning 27th September, made a statement which, in my view, sums up precisely
the precarious situation which we have come to regard as the norm, in our
Bahamas, nowadays. He opined that all those who were listening and were
able to hear him that blessed Monday morning, should have felt grateful
to be alive after another turbulent weekend of criminal activity. This
is so sad, a state-of-affairs.
The criminals have crossed over the line and
are getting bolder, each day, as they get more desperate, I suppose. Heretofore
these heinous criminal acts were confined to, and contained in, certain
depraved areas, but lately we see a trend of the activity spreading to
the more affluent parts of the country. Priests, pastors, places of worship
and the affluent have all been targeted, and are not off limits to these
thugs anymore. Many of those in the higher echelon in our society have
been victims lately and have felt the wrath of these animals.
It is not a difficult task convincing you, I
am sure, that crime is at an all time high and that no FNM government /
Police plan, to date, introduced since the FNM came to office, has had
any meaningful, positive affect. They (the FNM) bragged about having all
the answers, but their plans for more cars, community policing and occasional
walkabouts have done nothing to bring a halt to the madness. Clearly from
all the statistics-comparing the PLP’s period of governance when its Urban
Renewal Program( Urban Renewal as constituted by the Christie plan)was
in full force-to that of the FNM’s, the PLP’s plan was, indeed, more effective
in bringing criminal activity under control. It was foolhardy for Ingraham
to dismantle Christie’s Urban Renewal approach to fighting the criminals
head-on and we know he did it only because it a PLP idea. I am convinced
that the FNM now see their mistake but they are too stubborn to revert,
even if it will save dozens of lives before their term ends in 2012. No
plan announced so far, jointly, by the police and the national security
minister (and there have been at least three of them within the last 42
months) has had any effect on the heightened crime wave.
In the family islands, where it is normally quiet
and peaceful and where, heretofore, residents never bothered to, even,
lock their doors, we have seen, as well, an increased wave of bad behavior
in recent times; the likes of which was foreign to our family island way
of life. No one and nothing seems to deter these assaults on our very naive,
innocent Islanders. In Acklins and Crooked Island where, I repeat, life
has been quiet and tranquil and where doors and windows could be left unlocked
without any concern for being disturbed; the quiet life is now shattered
and is no more. Kidnapping and armed robbery are now common-place, it seems,
no longer foreign to these areas of our country. Recently we’ve had the
Government Administrator, in Crooked Island, kidnapped and some $200,000.00,
of taxpayer’s money, stolen. Once attractive, laid back and tranquil Abaco-the
first choice of foreign second home buyers and retirees in the Bahamas-is
now a crime-infested area. Housebreaking, murder, carjacking and boat stealing
has become commonplace, so much so that an inordinate number of foreign
residents have listed their properties for sale. As reported in the daily
newspapers, the excuse they’ve given is that Abaco is no longer a safe
haven for them and that they are fed up with the stealing, the housebreaking
and the apparent helplessness of the Police.
It appears that, as a people, we have totally
resigned ourselves to accepting the daily stabbings, armed robberies, carjacking,
burglaries, housebreaking and stealing as a way of life. It is what rules
our lives, with the only exception to this rule being an occasional news
item reporting that the police have had a quiet night. I cannot help but
recall how the FNM made crime a campaign issue; how they boasted of being
the ones with all the solutions. We can all agree, I suppose, that the
criminals who engage in the dastardly affair, do not observe and or restrict
themselves to any particular borders. They can care less who they kill
or cripple in the process of committing their despicable acts and this
should never be a political issue. However I believe that the approach,
to fighting crime and the hoodlums, is clearly a very important issue and
ought to be made very political. Compared with successive FNM Administrations,
the PLP has always done a far more effective job at policing criminal activity.
Figures don’t lie and the records are there for all to see that when ever
the PLP is in power crime abates tremendously; check the records, i.e.
if they have not been altered and or discarded.
Criminals are getting bolder, as I said
before, not caring when or where they commit their criminal acts. In broad
daylight on Bay Street last week, while tourists were browsing, shots rang
out as police had possible reason to open fire on a man. A young man, on
Robinson Road, last Saturday morning, was shot and killed by an unknown
assailant and in the same afternoon chaos erupted in the community of Yellow
Elder when siblings-a brother and his sister-were both shot and had to
be taken to hospital. Family members felt obliged to publicly request police
protection for the two in hospital and, as well, for the family members
who were still at home. Scenes like these are commonplace and are the rule
rather than the exception in this society. What is Tommy Turnquest’s defense
of his and the police’s responsibility to protect citizens? Parents are
not raising their children in the right way, he says, and therefore are
to be blamed for the crisis situation.
We know parents today are not the parents of
yesteryear, Tommy, but you said during the 2007 elections campaign, when
you were looking for votes, that the FNM could do a better job, at fighting
this menace, than the PLP. As a matter of fact you blamed the PLP for all
the crime in the country, at the time; notwithstanding the stats were the
lowest they have ever been for the period during 1992-2007. Besides you
didn’t promise us excuses, you promised solutions and so we ask you, Sir,
where are your solutions? Tell us how you and your FNM government intend,
dealing with the crisis.
The Clergy; members of the legal fraternity;
members of parliament and members of the judiciary have all be accosted
by these “criminals- at- large” and, it appears, we are helpless to do
anything about it. The criminals enter our homes; tie up husbands / fathers
while they rape their wives and or their daughters, forcing the husbands
/ fathers to watch. There has to be a solution or some solutions, somewhere
in the FNM cards.
I am not a part of the policy-making committee
of the PLP but I can assure the nation that when we resume governance of
the country in 2012, we will re-introduce Urban Renewal-Christie style,
immediately. This is the same plan which has been adopted and is being
implemented, by the Jamaican government, in the town of Tivoli, one of
the worse areas in Jamaica. Tivoli is the same hot spot area where they
extracted that drug king pin, who was wanted, so badly, by the United States
Authorities recently. It is reported that Christie’s Urban Renewal Program
is working very well, in Tivoli, rescuing that neighborhood from the scum.
Forrester J. Carroll J.P.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Death From Generator Fumes
A man has died reportedly after being overcome from fumes from a generator
in Nassau Village that he and others were using to get electricity.
The death occurred overnight on Saturday 2nd October. This is yet
another sign of the times in Hubert Ingraham’s Bahamas, where people are
dying because they can’t pay BEC and must try by some other means to get
electricity. The police have warned people about the danger of the
fumes from a generator. A young child survived the same incident.
Snag For Kerzner Knighthood
A story is circulating that Sol Kerzner, who was given a knighthood
by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, may not be able to get it after all.
Some snag with Buckingham Palace. Few details, but it will probably
come out in the wash. It is widely believed that Mr. Ingraham gave
the knighthood to Mr. Kerzner as an incentive for him to go ahead with
the fourth phase of the Atlantis resort development at Paradise Island.
Mr. Kerzner's people told the press last week that there would be no fourth
phase until Bahamar developments on Cable Beach are complete. This
would confirm that the arguments put by the Prime Minister that the two
developments cannot co-exist are the arguments of Kerzner being put in
the mouth of the Prime Minister.
Eddie Long In The Bahamas
The American Bishop Eddie Long, who is well known in The Bahamas, was
actually in Nassau reportedly on Tuesday 28th September in meetings to
arrange for religious tourism to be extended to The Bahamas from the black
American community. If that is so, then things are very much business
as usual for the cleric of the mega church in the state of Georgia who
was shocked by allegations by four young men that he enticed them into
sex with him while naming them as his spiritual sons. The Bishop
is 57. The men were in their teens at the time although above the
age of consent and are each now in their early 20s. As we uploaded
last week, the Bishop issued a statement saying that he would fight the
allegations and that while he is not a perfect human being, he is not the
man described by these young men. Whereupon one of the young men
took to the cameras and replied that the Bishop could not look him in his
face and tell him that; that there were not enough showers he could take
to get the smell of the Bishop’s cologne off him; that he was manipulated;
that he loved the Bishop; and that they all saw him as their father; that
the Bishop is a monster. Tough stuff. But the Bishop has decided
to fight, take no prisoners. It is still possible that it’s all made
up, but in American civil actions when its deposition time is when the
rubber hits the road. In the Michael Jackson case, he settled for
20 million after the young man was able to describe what his genitals looked
like and had to take pictures to match up with the young boy’s description.
So here we go! Bishop T.D. Jakes of the state of Texas who also has
one of these mega churches came to Bishop Long’s defence in a way by saying
that he has nothing to say because he does not know the facts and that
we should all just pray. Amen!
The Commonwealth Games
Minister of Sports Charles Maynard is in Delhi for the start of the
Commonwealth Games on 3rd October and the meeting of Commonwealth Sports
Ministers. The Bahamas has sent a squad of athletes to the quadrennial
contest of 70,000 athletes from 53 countries that were all former British
colonies or recent adoptees of the Commonwealth principles. The Indian
government has had to take emergency measures to get the facilities ready
for the games, with many complaints of the facilities not being ready so
some athletes opted not to go. But let the games begin is still the
The Chinese Reception
The Chinese celebrated the 61st anniversary of the establishment of
the Peoples Republic of China on Tuesday 28th September at a reception
at the British Colonial Hilton. The actual date is 1st October.
They have much to celebrate in The Bahamas with two big deals on the horizon:
a 60 million dollar deal for Chinese workers to build a road in The Bahamas
and a 1.9 billion dollar deal for Chinese to put up a new hotel in The
Bahamas. The photo shows the Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes
with Jason Springer and his team of the newest Toastmasters Club in The
Bahamas posed at the reception.
J.B. Carroll Is Buried
Joseph Carroll, the 92 year old patriarch of the Carroll family of
Deadman’s Cay, Long Island was buried following a service at the Brethren
Church in Cartwright’s Long Island. Mr. Carroll was one of the men
who it is said brought the PLP to Long Island. Among his children
and survivors are Norris Carroll, former Justice of the Supreme Court,
retired District Education Officer Clarence Carroll and Forrester Carroll,
a well-known civic activist and member of the Leadership Council of the
PLP. A special service was held in Nassau for Mr. Carroll at Grace
Gospel Chapel attended by PLP leader Perry Christie and Deputy Leader Philip
Davis on Thursday 30th September. Fred Mitchell MP represented the
party at the funeral service of Mr. Carroll at the service in Long Island
on Saturday 2nd October. Mr. Carroll was lauded as a great man, businessman,
philanthropist, retired soldier and a founder of Cartwright’s Gospel Chapel.
Larry Cartwright, the MP for Long Island spoke at the service. A
delegation from Freeport including Wallace ‘Rufus’ Allen and Kevin Russell,
Attorneys; Harvey Tynes Q.C. and Mrs. Tynes; Esper Major, retired hotelier.
Long Island Chief Councillor Calls For Road Name Change
Ian Knowles, who is sometimes mentioned as a successor to Larry Cartwright,
the FNM's now representative for Long Island, was outspoken at the funeral
for the late J. B. Carroll in Long island on Saturday 2nd October.
He said that he wanted the name of the now Queen's Highway, the main road
in Long Island to be renamed in honour of the late Mr. Carroll. He
said that he did not want to hear that it could not be done. He was
sick of hearing that and he hoped that during his lifetime, the honouring
of local people while they were alive could be done. Larry Cartwright
the MP did not respond to the request in his remarks at the funeral.
Mr. Knowles did not acknowledge Mr. Cartwright in his address. There
is said to be rocky relations amongst FNMs in Long Island over Mr. Cartwright’s
representation. Complaints are legion about the lack of cable TV,
water and the docks.
Mitchell’s 57th Birthday
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill will celebrate his 57th birthday on Tuesday
5th October.
Senator Anthony Musgrove’s Birthday
Happy birthday greetings go out to FNM Senator Anthony Musgrove born
this day 3rd October.
Rudy King In The News Again
He has been in the news for bilking American Express of $400,000; being
bankrupted for owing a contractor $800,000; being caught trying to bilk
the IRS in the United Staes of millions; then caught lying to police in
Nassau about his passport being lost (it appears that is stll pending);
but not one to be repressed, Rudy Laroda aka Dr. Rudy King, head of the
King Foundation and now something called the World Awards is still
holding his head up high. He is, according to The Tribune, giving
an award to the Prime Minister of Swaziland for his humanitarian work,
only to have the locals in Swazi attack the award as misplaced because
the man is an alleged human rights abuser. No locals are invited
to this event says The Tribune. The report appeared on Saturday 2nd
October. Since this story first appeared, a correspondent from our network
of contacts did call to say that some Bahamians were, in fact, invited,
and produced an invitation to boot!
The Speaker Flubs It Again
Despite a request from the PLP for live and equal coverage of the reply
by Perry Christie to the Prime Minister’s attack on him on the Parliamentary
Channel following the adjournment of the House of Assembly on Wednesday
29th September, the Speaker refused to respond and did not respond.
The result is that the PLP had to make do with a press conference of its
own, which was later played on Jones Television on Thursday 30th September.
Ingraham Defends Helicopter Ride
Hubert Ingraham, the Prime Minister, defended his decision not to accept
the resignation of his embattled Minister of the Environment Earl Deveaux
on the grounds that it was a judgment call and more importantly, he himself
had taken rides on the helicopter of the Aga Khan who is building a second
home in The Bahamas. The Aga Khan dispatched his lawyer Gail Lockhart
Charles to brief the Opposition on what he is doing in The Bahamas on Thursday
30th September. The Prime Minister said he too had been on the helicopter
when he took his grandchildren to meet the Aga Khan’s grandchildren.
That’s what you call a star struck Prime Minister.
Hubert Says Protest Filed With U.S.
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham speaking at his press conference on
Wednesday 29th September at the House of Assembly said that the government
has issued a protest to the United States government by diplomatic note
about the treatment of the straw vendors arrested in New York by federal
officials on the suspicion of selling counterfeit goods. The allegations
in the note were not revealed. However, the vendors have complained
that they were not allowed to see the Consul General of The Bahamas in
New York for three days after their arrest.
Road Signing Goes Ahead With Chinese
Notwithstanding the opposition of the PLP to the project, the Chinese
Government and The Bahamas government have signed an agreement that will
draw down 60 million dollars to build a new four lane high from the Lynden
Pindling International Airport that serves the city of Nassau. The signing
took place on Thursday 30th September.
Christie Says He Should Have Sold BTC
Former Prime Minister Perry Christie says that he now regrets that
he did not sell BTC, the Bahamian telephone company while he was in office.
He said that it took too long. He repeated that he had accepted an
offer of 260 million dollars but left it on the table because it was too
close to the general election. The government had to pay 1.9 million
dollars to settle a dispute with the company awarded the shares in BTC
when the FNM came to power and cancelled the deal left by Mr. Christie.
The Prime Minister in his press conference of Wednesday 29th September
said that the government is talking to Cable and Wireless, the Caribbean
wide phone company. Mr. Christie said that most people had agreed
that Cable and Wireless was not a company that we would want to do business
with and he said he is not satisfied with the kind of money they are reportedly
offering. He also distinguished his government’s position by saying
that the FNM proposes to sell controlling shares when his government had
Stalwart Councillors Installed
The PLP installed 100 new stalwart councillors at a gala banquet on
Saturday 2nd October at the Sheraton Hotel in Cable Beach. Party
Leader Perry Christie and Chairman Bradley Roberts did the honours.
Among the better known new Stalwart Councillors were businessman Franklyn
Wilson and his wife Sharon Wilson, chair of the Party's Platform Committee,
pictured above with Deputy Leader Philip Davis at left and Party Leader
Perry Christie at right.
You’re drunk again
Every weekend
Drunk again
Eugene Davis
PLPs should be forgiven if they sing another song, a hymn in fact, as an adjunct to that anthem to Hubert Ingraham who carried on like a total and complete jackass (sorry about the language) in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 6th October. “On Christ the solid rock I stand,” they should sing. “All other ground is sinking sand.”
The PLP’s supporters are concerned that their leader and leaders did not stand up to him in kind but that does not excuse the shameful, stinken, nasty, worthless outrageous behaviour of a man who is the Prime Minister of The Bahamas. What more can you say about this nasty dirty man’s ways. He is not a fool. He does it deliberately unless of course the other theory is correct, that he is of unsound mind.
You may click here for the YouTube link to his performance in the House.
Our concern, though, is not Mr. Ingraham. We keep saying with the PLP: it is not what Mr. Ingraham does but what the PLP does. It must simply continue to do its work. There is only a year and half left before this general election and if you were to judge by last week, you might guess that this is a party that thinks that these things are simply going to fall into its lap.
There are scores of people out there working their butts off, depending on the PLP to stop this madness that is going in this country: the rape of the treasury by absolute madmen; a government that simply does not care for anything other than public relations and of course roads, docks and buildings; they have no feel for people. But the PLP party has to act and look and feel like it is hungry to get this thing back.
The past week in PR terms felt to many like an accumulation of public relations disasters and missteps that must and need to be stopped, staunched and corrected. The only mantra in the face of it is forward ever backward never. It must be the policies, the issues, not simply reacting to the rantings of a madman.
Then also, it is simply not acceptable to be wringing hands, predicting doom and gloom. It is like the least little wind seems to throw people off when in fact we are all in this for the long haul.
Mr. Ingraham for his part told his Minister of Health Hubert Minnis that the FNM is back as a result of his attack on Mr. Christie last week and the apparent unwillingness or inability of the party and Mr. Christie to answer him. We think he is wrong but we want the party to prove us right. It shows the hubris that we are dealing with and that without a doubt he intends to lead that party into the next general election.
The PLP then must stiffen its spine, and inject into its programme a sense of national discipline and commitment to winning, the likes of which we have not seen since Pindling. That means all hands on deck. That means all of our friends have to so conduct their business that it does not bring the PLP into disrepute. It means cutting off the right hand if it offends you. The PLP must win. Too many are counting on it.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 9th October 2010 up to midnight: 103,027.
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 9th October 2010 up to midnight: 130,982.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 9th October 2010
up to midnight: 6,454,554.
The Member of Parliament for Fox Hill celebrated his birthday
with the people of the Fox Hill Constituency and the Fox Hill Village on
Saturday 9th October. His actual birthday was Tuesday 5th October.
The bash was a surprise on the public park and Mr. Mitchell thanked the
Committee headed by Charlene Curry for organizing the event. Other
Committee members included Michelle Francis, Tammi Ferguson, Jan Davis
and Laverne McPhee. The event was also attended by Bradley Roberts
PLP Chairman.
Photos/Keisha Oliver
We report below under a separate head, the PLP’s
press conference with Alfred Sears and Fred Mitchell MPs who denounced
the government’s inaction on dealing with the vendors arrested in New York
for buying counterfeit goods and then selling them here in the market.
You will remember that it was Mr. Market Forces himself, the Deputy Prime
Minister Brent Symonette who lectured the vendors about selling counterfeit
goods in the market, without acknowledging that the goods were sold with
the complicity of The Bahamas government. It did not take long for
the pressure to reach him and his boss Hubert Ingraham reversed him and
caused the appointment of the government's lawyers to help the vendors.
Not much in evidence has been seen since that time but the government's
lawyers did meet on Monday 4th October with the other court appointed lawyers
presumably to co-ordinate a defence. One vendor Tracey Davis pleaded
guilty on 5th October. She is to be sentenced on 14th October.
Brent Symonette would know how wealth is derived from illegality in The
Bahamas. In the bootlegging era millions were made running illegal
rum into the United States. This is not then a novel proposition.
We thought that the column by Philip Galanis, the
former Senator and MP, for Monday 4th October showed a lot of promise for
the themes of the campaign in 2012. It takes the theme of the FNM
that they ought to be trusted and turns it on its head. A sample
from the column:
“So how have they [FNM] done with their promised
Trust Agenda? It's pretty obvious how they feel about trust – and
how they feel about us…
• They trusted the Argentineans to build our roads.Who didn't they trust? The Bahamian people. Well, if they don't trust you, how can you trust them?
• They trusted the Dutch to dredge our harbour.
• They trusted the Chinese to build our national stadium.
• They trust the Chinese to change the face of Cable Beach.
• They also trust the Chinese to build the dual carriageway from the airport to the six way roundabout in Oakes Field.
• They trusted over 100 Cubans to teach a wide variety of subjects – not necessarily Spanish – to our Government schoolchildren.
• They trusted an Englishman to replace a Bahamian as the Director of Works.
• They trusted a Jamaican to overhaul our dysfunctional criminal justice system.
• They trusted a Pakistani to create regulations for the way Bahamians communicate, via telephone and in the electronic media.
• They trusted Sol Kerzner, a South African, so much that they gave him a knighthood.
• They are now preparing to trust more foreigners to occupy and possibly head our Court of Appeal.
• They continue to trust the Grand Bahama Port Authority, a body owned by two English families, to revive the Freeport economy after that company has considerably contributed to that city's comatose condition.
• They are preparing to allow another foreign company to purchase the Grand Bahama Port Authority from the owners who have done as much to stifle growth and real development in our second city.• They trusted EMERA, a foreign company with a great deal to do with the very dysfunctional Grand Bahama Power Company, to advise them how to "reengineer" BEC, and they are about to trust the same consultants with the ownership of that corporation.
• They are getting ready to trust BTC to Cable and Wireless, instead of the Bahamians who applied to privatize that corporation.
We reported two weeks ago about the continuing saga
of Rudy La Roda who is better known as Dr. Rudy King. Notwithstanding
the bad publicity dredging up all his various sins and peccadilloes (bilking
American Express of $400,000; being bankrupted, borrowing $800,000 then
being un-bankrupted; trying to bilk the US IRS of millions of dollars;
making a false passport report to the police here), he was able to produce
an event in Nassau with the pretty, the famous and the powerful attending
to receive an award, the pedigree of which cannot be determined.
Nevertheless, the folk were there in their white ties and he smiling from
ear to ear. The awards are the World Citizen Awards and Ashford
and Simpson, the American singers who sang the PLP theme song Solid As
a Rock were there smiling with Mr. La Roda (shown at centre) as was the
Prime Minister of Swaziland, who, critics say, should not have gotten an
award because of his own bad human rights record. Mr. King said that
the award was for the country not the Prime Minister. The event took
place on Saturday 2nd October.
Photo/Peter Ramsay
Arawak Homes, the company that is chaired by businessman Franklyn Wilson
but is owned by a number of shareholders including a company owned by Sir
Orville Turnquest, is in the news again because it exercised its right
during the week to demolish a home that stood on property that it owns
in the Pinewood Gardens Subdivision.
The matter has been a public relations nightmare
for the PLP. The party has made no official statement on it and it
would not have cause to had it not been for a full frontal attack by the
Prime Minister in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 6th October.
Mr. Ingraham like a drunken sailor started shouting at the top his lungs
that the PLP was intimidated by its Chairman (meaning Bradley Roberts who
is a shareholder) while Franklyn Wilson, who was honoured as a Stalwart
Councillor of the party was tearing down people’s homes.
Mr. Ingraham attacked Mr. Christie and said “Stand
up Christie! Stand up Farm Road!” In the face of it, no PLP
stood up and Mr. Christie himself was silent. The clip was played
on all newscasts and the press had a field day. The damage has been
done, however, and in public relations sense, the PLP once again finds
itself on the back foot. Many of its supports are apoplectic.
Add into that mix the usual suspects leading a demonstration
against Mr. Wilson at Arawak homes. The preachers, notably Bishop
Simeon Hall and Christian Council President Patrick Paul got involved saying
that there must be some intervention to save the families’ homes.
The commentary tried to give the impression that
there was going to be mass demolitions in Pinewood of innocent people who
had homes. It turns out that the story is much more complicated than
that, and at the same time very simple.
These people do not have title to the land; the
title they have has been obtained by fraud even though many of them have
been innocent purchasers from the fraudsters. In some cases when
Arawak homes tried to negotiate with them, they simply ignored the true
owners. Arawak Homes issued a detailed statement outlining all the
facts of the cases.
The difficulty for the PLP remains a public relations
one and Mr. Ingraham skilfully put the question of whether in this
case the PLP will be seen to speak up for poor people against a giant.
Put also into the mix, the dismissal of Lincoln
Bain one of the agents provocateur in the whole matter. He had a
programme called New Nation on GEMS radio that is owned by Debbie Bartlett
and Cyprianna McWeeney. He was reportedly dismissed from his employ
at the station after he led the subject on radio. No doubt, if such
a thing happened there was good cause and not the motive that is ascribed
to the separation that they were seeking to protect the PLP.
The question is whether Mr. Bain was within the
laws of libel on the matter. Orthland Bodie strangely enough tried
to make this point on Friday 8th October on his live radio show only to
be interrupted by Mr. Bain in his Controversy TV style who grabbed to microphone
and threatened a fight. Mr. Bain claims he is a champion for the poor in
this fight. No matter the merits or demerit, that added to the PLP's
You can understand why Arawak Homes takes this stand.
The atmosphere is too slack in the country where people think that they
can simply squat and get away with it, and refuse to simply accept that
certain things are business. Arawak does not run a charity. At the
same time, the company and the PLP have a serious public relations headache
which even with the best will in the world a report like the one they issued
in legalistic terms asserting rights will not solve. It has PLP supporters
quite worried that the result of the election may turn on how this matter
is handled. So Arawak and the PLP both have to go back to the drawing board.
You may click
here for the full report from Arawak Homes.
Tribune photo/Felipe Major
Bran McCartney, the Bamboo Town FNM MP, seems well
on his way to walking out of step with his Free National Movement party.
Mr. McCartney made a statement to The Tribune on Monday 4th October in
which he disagreed with the decision to cancel the convention by his party
this year. This is the convention at which he was going to make his
tilting at windmills run against Hubert Ingraham for the leadership of
the FNM. Mr. McCartney, who said that Mr. Ingraham should pass the
baton, is getting more and more isolated in his thoughts. The conventional
wisdom is that Mr. McCartney will not have a seat to run in or he will
not be re-nominated as Hubert Ingraham prepares the party for the next
general election. Mr. McCartney also told the press on 4th October
that the FNM will have a hard time at the next general election. He said
that the public relations of the party was bad and presumably that means
that people don't really see the good that the FNM is doing. We confess,
we don’t see it either, but then we are not FNM. Interesting though
that Mr. McCartney thinks that the FNM’s public relations is bad.
The PLP’s supporters share that much with him. They think that the
PLP’s public relations is also bad.
The Tribune of 4th October reports that registration
centres will be open at locations throughout the country on that day as
preparation of the new Voter Register for the next general elections begins.
In New Providence, voter registration will commence at the following
* Parliamentary Registration Department, Farrington Road 9.30am- 4.30pmOn Grand Bahama, a voter registration will be carried out during normal working hours at the Parliamentary Registration Department located in the National Insurance Building/Complex as well as the Administrator's office in Eight Mile Rock and High Rock Settlements.
* Town Centre Mall and Marathon Mall 10am - 4pm
* General Post Office, East Hill Street 10am - 4pm
* Sub-Post Office, Carmichael Road 10am - 4pm
* Sub-Post Office, South Beach 10am- 4pm
* Sub-Post Office, Elizabeth Estates 10am - 4pm
Progressive Liberal Party issued this statement to the press 6th October
“The PLP notes with great alarm the Government’s
intention to retain the services of discredited Errol Bethel as Parliamentary
“The Election Court criticized the Parliamentary
Commissioner in the Pinewood case, where it was found that the egregious
errors in the register threatened the “integrity of the electoral process”
and "the fundamental basis of our parliamentary democracy”. The scathing
criticism in the Pinewood case was sufficient in our view to (at the very
least) cause the Parliamentary Commissioner to be transferred to another
post. Most recently the same Parliamentary Commissioner was criticized
by the Election Court in the Elizabeth case.
“The Election Court in the Elizabeth case noted
the Parliamentary Commissioner’s admission under oath that he “may have
authorized the alteration of the voter’s oath” and the register. In plain
words, the Parliamentary Commissioner may have caused to be changed a document
that the voter swore to be true, without the knowledge or consent of the
voter. This is so serious that it is of itself grounds for immediate transfer
of the Parliamentary Commissioner.
“The Election Court also found that the Parliamentary
Commissioner could not lawfully remove the name of a voter from the Register.
The Parliamentary Commissioner admitted that he determined that the voter’s
name should be removed from the register. The Election Court said, “we
find his act in removing this voter’s name from the register after its
close, to be unlawful and incapable of invalidating her vote.”
“The Election Court also determined that his actions
violated the rules of natural justice. Again, the finding by the Election
Court in relation to the acts mentioned above and the violation of the
rules of natural justice are grounds for immediate transfer of the Parliamentary
“In the Elizabeth case, the Parliamentary Commissioner
admitted that he had a duty to continuously review the register and to
make provisions for persons to transfer. The facts of the case revealed
that he failed to carry out his duty.
“The Election Court said, “again, this process has
exposed failures, omissions and errors on the part of the Parliamentary
Commissioner which may, if not corrected, threaten the fairness of the
electoral process and ultimately our democracy.” This is not the first
time that the Election Court made similar remarks about this holder of
the office of Parliamentary Commissioner. In the Pinewood case, the Election
Court said, “This case exposed the most egregious failures in the parliamentary
registration system. The Parliamentary Commissioner failed, for whatever
reason, to ensure the integrity of the registration process in Pinewood.”
“The PLP, like thousands of Bahamians, do not have
confidence in the holder of the Office of Parliamentary Commissioner. We
note that the FNM has forced or is about to force into compulsory retirement
scores of skilled and competent Bahamians, including very senior police
officers and long serving and loyal ZNS employees, who, unlike the Parliamentary
Commissioner, have no judicial findings impugning their competence, but
the FNM intends to retain Mr. Bethel.
“We agree that the fairness of the electoral process
and our democracy is under threat. But despite this the FNM intends to
retain Mr. Bethel. We believe that the holder of the Office of Parliamentary
Commissioner should be beyond reproach and also beyond the appearance of
reproach. Unfortunately, despite the statements of the Election Court and
the admissions of Mr. Bethel, the FNM doggedly intends to retain Mr. Bethel
in the same way the Prime Minister refused to accept the resignation of
the Minister of the Environment. The current Parliamentary Commissioner
should be transferred, in the public interest, and a new and competent
Parliamentary Commissioner appointed so as to ensure the integrity of the
registration process and of the register.”
PLP Leader Perry Christie issued the following statement
expressing condolences on the flight crash tragedy:
“I am deeply saddened to learn of the fatal plane
crash earlier today near the Lynden Pindling International Airport that
claimed the lives of eight persons.
“On behalf of the Progressive Liberal Party,
I express my sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the
crash victims on their untimely loss.
“I hope that the relevant authorities can do
all they can to determine the cause of this crash in the public interest
and to bring resolution to this tragedy.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved
families during this very difficult period.”
From PLP Deputy Leader Philip Brave Davis:
“Ann and I mourn today the passing of eight souls
departed in the tragic plane crash bound for a weekend homecoming festival
in the quaint community of San Salvador.
“While we would like to pay tribute to all of
the families and friends who grieve at this time, I particularly wish to
convey personal tribute to my longtime friend and pilot Nelson Hanna, who
has taken me in my travels throughout the Bahamas. His service to people
of San Salvador is unmatched and today the people of that island stand
with his family in this time of testing.
“We would also pause to pay tribute to Devon
Storr, a focused young man who laid the foundation of promise to serve
his country as a pilot on the Royal Bahamas Defense Force. His family and
friends from the great community of Port Howe are all saddened by his passing
and today our prayers are with them.
“And to Bishop Clarence and Evangelist Barbara
Williams, we share your loss of a promising young son, Nat Williams. Nat’s
gift to the music industry of the Bahamas has left an indelible print in
the life of artists all across the region. His commitment to his ministry
inspired many. His passing today also causes us to pause in prayer.
“The Bahamas salutes all of them today as they
all have touched our lives and assisted in building our country.”
“May they rest in peace.”
The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. has
issued the above notice to the users of its voicemail application for mobile
phone users.
The following report appeared in the Nassau Guardian
6th October: “A magistrate yesterday sentenced a College of The Bahamas
student to eight months in prison for sending a woman threatening messages
on the social networking site Facebook.
“Crystal Kemp made a report to police after she
started receiving menacing e-mails and messages. One of the messages said,
“Leave my husband alone."Another read, “I hope you have a will."
“Kemp initially thought a love rival was behind
the messages, according to evidence.
“However, investigators did a reverse IP trace,
which led them to Vanlyn Bethell, 21, of Flamingo Gardens. Bethell had
reportedly once dated Kemp's brother, Deangelo Moss.
“She reportedly admitted the offense of threats
of death during an interview with police and was charged.
“Magistrate Derence Rolle-Davis convicted Bethell
yesterday and ordered her jailed for eight months. He also directed her
to undergo counseling for four months.
“Sergeant Godfrey Brennen was the prosecutor.
Bethell did not have a lawyer.”
We think that this sentence is unnecessarily harsh.
A branch training session was held for all elected
officers of the PLP branches in New Providence. Among the topics
discussed were the philosophy of the PLP, the Party's constitution &
bye laws, the role of the party branches and record keeping. Pictured
above are attending members of the Fox Hill Branch executive. From
left, Deidre Rolle; Chairman Charlene Marshall, Ellamae Collie and Altamese
A joint statement was issued by Alfred Sears MP
Ft. Charlotte and Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill on the straw vendors arrested
in New York as they were boarding a Jet Blue flight early Saturday 15th
September. The PLP's spokesmen accused the Deputy Prime Minister
of insensitivity and the Goverrnment of being complicit in the matter and
called for the government to support the vendors. You may click
here for the full statement.
Since the press statement, one of the vendors Tracey
Davis pleaded guilty in a Manhattan federal court on Tuesday 5th October
and was released on her own recognizance to the care of Beryl Edgecombe
head of the Bahamas Cultural Society of New York. She awaits sentencing,
which is to be done on 14th October, which can be anywhere form ten to
sixteen months in jail or to time served or some lesser penalty.
There is reportedly no plea bargain. The woman has a young baby of
four months and she told the Judge that she would like to get back to the
Alfred Sears MP travelled to New York on Friday
8th October to further investigate the matter.
Bradley Roberts, Chairman of the PLP issued this
Party statement on the Bahamar project. Hubert Ingraham, the Prime
Minister announced that he is changing his position on the matter: he will
not support the high foreign labour content; he will not support the building
of all the hotels at once. The PLP said that Mr. Ingraham was flip
flopping and we agree.
“The Prime Minister is making a mockery of the
whole process of investment in the country by this latest stumble in policy
as seen and heard in yesterday's press conference. His government
and his policies now come off as shifting sands, sinking ground.
His government's word is entirely undependable. What does someone
think of a Prime Minister who comes to Parliament asking Parliament to
approve a project, having negotiated a new agreement with Bahamar and then
unceremoniously abrogates that agreement by changing the rules in the middle
of the game?
“We warned him that there was a problem with
the high foreign labour content. He was dismissive saying that a
deal was a deal. We warned him of the consequences of default of
the project falling onto the hands of a foreign state. He was dismissive
and said a deal was a deal. Now it turns out that a deal is not a
deal and he is prepared to flip and flop at every turn to save his political
“The PLP is not fooled. The Bahamian people are
not fooled. This so called change of heart is designed simply to protect
the commercial tourism interests which he represents. Is there any
accident that the Kerzner operation was able to announce a position on
their project which was remarkably similar to what the Prime Minister had
to say?
“We give some free advice to the Prime Minister:
Stop thinking out aloud and making up public policy as you go. The country
needs a project that will provide jobs for people and long term development
for the country. We do not need a flip flopping Prime Minsiter who cannot
make up his mind about what he wants to do and keeps shifting the goal
posts on investors. His government is proving to be a whimsical and unreliable
“When we next need to hear from the Prime Minister
is not his thinking out aloud but when the project will start, how many
jobs will Bahamians get and what are the long term developmental results
that he expects The Bahamar group to obtain from the project. Until then
he should shut his mouth and not continue to embarrass himself and his
government by stumbling around from policy to policy as he wakes up from
day to day. How shameful and disgraceful can one be?
“The facts are that the Bahamar project is the
only major investment game in town and there is no other project of the
magnitude of Bahamar on the horizon that offers the level capital injection,
the level of jobs creation, the economic stimulation and public revenue
generation that the weakened and challenged economy of the Bahamas so desperately
“The Prime Minister must stop pussyfooting around,
get to work and get this deal done in the public interest.”
When the history of the Bahamar deal is written,
it will read like an exercise in perfidy on the part of the Government
of Hubert Ingraham. We agree with the PLP, Mr. Ingraham is like shifting
sands on this investment. It is clear that he is carrying a brief
for the people at Paradise Island. He is so anxious to please the
folk at Paradise Island that he is now openly preaching the words that
come from their mouths.
You will remember that Mr. Ingraham's first tack
was that if the PLP did not support the deal when he brought the matter
to the House, he would not support it. He was hoping to get political
cover to agree to 8000 work permits for foreign workers. The PLP
said no, so he then changed tack. He was no longer going to give
the veto the PLP but he was going to have a debate simply to hear what
all MPs had to say. He then promptly adjourned the House on
29th September went downstairs and began poisoning the well by seeking
to impugn the integrity of the investors saying that they could not pay
their bills to the Bank of Nova Scotia but as soon as that was done, he
was prepared to proceed.
The next week on Wednesday 7th October, the Bank
of Nova Scotia and the developers settled their differences, as we knew
they would, but Mr. Ingraham had a new tack. He said that he told
the Chinese Ambassador that he could not approve the project with the large
number of Chinese workers and he was not prepared to allow the deal to
go ahead unless it was done in phases.
The developers must think to themselves; what kind
of guy is this? Here is a man who scuttled the first financing by
the American group Harrah's after tinkering with the land in the deal,
now he is all but scuttling the financing with the Chinese, for something
that is the only deal in town. This is quite a serious matter when
a government cannot be depended on to keep its word. Mr. Stop Review
and Cancel is at it again.
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill used the line “Oh my prophetic soul” from
Shakespeare's Hamlet, when he spoke in the House of Assembly on Wednesday
6th October. He said that is what he said to himself after the plane
crash occurred on Tuesday 5th October. He said that it happened just
as he thought it would. A Prime Minister who refused to answer the
questions put to him on airplanes at the end of the summer and then a crash
happens that results in the deaths of nine people and suddenly the government
is now going to investigate. The deaths of these people might well
be on the hands of the government and the families should be lining up
to bring legal actions against the government for the negligence in this
case. Here are the questions that were put on the order paper of the House
of Assembly by Mr. Mitchell:
A few weeks ago in this column, we published some
damning remarks by Mark Turnquest who is a consultant in the area of small
and medium enterprises. It was a sign of the despair generally in
the economy but that despair seems to be getting worse if one accepts the
words of Mr. Turnquest quoted in The Tribune of Friday 8th October in the
Business Section. He said that the small business sector is
close to collapse. He said that the government was not doing what
they ought to be doing to boost the sector. He said that he too, was losing
confidence in the country's future, and he added: "I'm more disappointed
in the progress of our country than ever before."
According to Mr. Turnquest, Bahamian businesses
were in danger of being "reduced to a mere fraction" of where they were
in the so-called 2005 and 2006 'years of plenty' prior to the recession.
He said there appeared to be a general lack of "motivation, creativity
and innovation" to turn the sector around. Mr. Turnquest asked the
Government to clarify the status of its Small and Medium-Sized Business
Development legislation. Mr. Turnquest urged the Government to clarify
the proposed Act's status, and added: "Right now, it's so confusing, because
the small business owners are not motivated.
"The banks are not lending money, the Government
is not riding to their support, no innovation is taking place. Small businesses
were optimistic about the Small and Medium-Sized Business Development Act
earlier this year, but right now they're not highly motivated about that
because they've seen no [progress].
"Right now, the future looks bleak. I'm more disappointed
in the progress of our country than ever before. Last year, I said: 'Turn
the leaf and see what's going on.'..... But right now, I'm not personally
confident in our future. Where are the processes, actions, practical solutions?
"We will end up having a bunch of a few big businesses,
but when it comes to small businesses, we're regressing a lot. There's
a lack of opportunity when it comes to financing, and a lack of structure.
No one is saying this is how we are proactively going to develop a small
business community together."
"It's quite obvious that if we keep on doing this,
there's going to be an increase in crime, decrease in our GDP, a decrease
in our well-being and, of course, we're going to be reduced to a mere fraction
of what we were in 2005, 2006 and 2007," he said.
"We have to get back to those years of 2005, 2006
and 2007. That is our objective we should be aiming at. I know we might
not get back to those levels, but we need to use innovation and creativity
to get there. We are moving backwards as a nation right now."
Whether it is Scotiabank, RBC, Bank of The Bahamas,
First Caribbean or any of the consumer banks in The Bahamas, everyone has
a strange story to tell about the mistreatment of customers even in the
face of a long history of dealings and with lots of money in the bank with
no customers to lend it to.
This is the story of a customer who has a secure
contract with money coming in from a secure payer for another decade at
least. He has asked the Bank to pay his insurance on his building
for which the bank is mortgagee, a sum of $40,000. His account executive
said no. What if the building burns down, said the customer.
Well, said the account executive, there is enough equity in the building
for us to sell the property - even burned down - and get our money back.
Well that will hold him.
Then there is the fact that banks even with their
new fancy electronic platform are still holding people’s money for two
days before they release it. The other day, a $25,000 cheque, a manager’s
cheque from a clearinghouse bank was held for two days before they released
the money. Then add to that local management in the Canadian banks,
notwithstanding the fact that RBC is now to be locally incorporated, is
all done in Toronto. So in 2010 we are worse off than we were during
the days when Pindling was in power.
An Open Letter to the Management of BTC in Grand Bahama
It is with great disgust that I write this letter
that I was driven to write after having a horrible experience with my account
at BTC. I am a customer with an account at BTC, consisting of two
Vibe lines, internet service and a landline at one flat rate of $122.21
per month, which is a good price. On December 31st 09, even though
I didn’t get a bill in the mail, because of knowing the bill doesn’t change,
I went to BTC with the $122.21 and the person at the window said the bill
was only $62.23
I asked how come, she said she didn’t know but
that was the amount on the computer and that was all I needed to pay. I
told her; I would pay the amount that I was accustomed too in case it was
a mistake. Just as I suspected, the bill for February totalled $182.19
but it was already paid and the system had not picked it up by that time
BTC has a Web Site that you could go on line
and see your bill and you have the option of whether you want your bill
mailed or not and you also have the option of paying on line and that site,
went out of whack from early this year and to make matters worse, the phone
bills were not being mailed in a timely manner and sometimes not at all
and if personnel at BTC want to be honest they would admit that their billing
system is the Pitts and their web site was not posting bills like it did
when the Vibe was first set up and as we all know (out of sight out of
mind) and when you do get the bill, the due date has already passed.
The March bill came in April, totalling $62.23
again. I told the person at the pay window about my experience with being
billed that amount but it really should be $122.21, but because of being
unemployed, I was barely able to pay the $62.23 not to mention the right
amount so I paid the $62.23. April bill came in May and the same thing
happened. I continued paying the $62.23 because as I said earlier I was
unemployed. The person at the pay window told me to continue paying the
posted amount until it was sorted out which I continued doing.
I tried to keep up with the payments by paying
the $62.23 without receiving a bill. I went to BTC on June 18th to make
a payment and after paying the $62.23, the person in the pay window said
my balance was $313.14 because the computer dropped my Vibe account for
months and it was now sorted out. I made another payment of $62.23 on June
21st and another on June 29th 2010. I was temporally employed and it ended
on the 25th of June. I got no bill in July, which was no surprise. I went
to BTC on August 26th 10 at which time I could only afford to pay $50.00
that left a balance of $322.46. I explained my situation to the person
in the pay window who told me that was not sufficient and I would need
to make another payment before the next bill.
I was unable to make a payment, and my phone
was disconnected on Tuesday September 7th 10. I went to BTC and spoke
to an agent who told me I had to pay at least $160.00 in order to have
the phone turned back on. I told her the bill being out of hand was not
my fault and I boasted of my record with BTC as not one of being a delinquent
customer and in a situation where they (BTC) are at fault, there should
be an exception for my phone to be left on with a payment plan instead
of my being treated like someone who just allowed the bill to get out of
hand. I was turned over to the person in charge of credit & collection
to whom I repeated the same words that I said to the agent that I had spoken
to earlier.
I was told by that individual, that I knew what
my bill was supposed to be and I should not have only paid the $62.23 and
she had even worse news. To my surprise; I was told the system was not
showing my vibe account for August and September bill was already posted
so it was obvious the system had dropped my vibe account for those months
again and my new total was $502.48 and if I wanted the phone turned back
on, I would have to come up with no less than $250.00. I went on about
my payment history and what ought to have been considered but to no avail.
Again I say; if BTC faulty computer system dropped a customer’s account
causing them to be billed partially, resulting in the customer being in
arrears totalling hundreds of dollars; don’t you the general public feel
as if a payment plan should have been put in place instead of the customer
being cut off as if they were delinquent?
The problem with us Bahamians is the fact that
we complain to each other instead of using the print media and the internet
to expose whatever injustice we face in this country. I say that mainly
because every one that I met who told me they were trying to contact me
but was unable too because the recording on my phone said the number had
been temporarily disconnected had either the same experience where they
received an astronomical bill because of their vibe account being dropped
from the computer, not receiving a bill at all or some other horror story
about their experienced with BTC and they were all willing to run BTC down
to the ground to me who can do absolutely nothing instead of exposing BTC
like I choose to do in this letter.
My phone is still disconnected, and I may never
get the satisfaction I am looking for but I will have the pleasure of exposing
BTC. There are some of you out there who had the same experience and your
phone is off also or may be you were able to come up with the amount that
was required to keep the phone on, or you just went ahead and paid the
entire bill and saw no need to complain but I trust that I would motivate
some of you who are out there griping among yourselves over the exact experience
or some other problem with BTC or some other establishment, to speak out
through the print media and the internet.
Derek B. Russell-Sr
Freeport, Grand Bahama
A letter writer responds to the Chief Justice's remarks:
It certainly will be “exciting times” for all
if the justice system:
The public likes the justice system hearing cases quickly, but not if it is not thorough, which defeats speedy justice.
- Will not treat the lawyers who are not in a clique or ‘mucks’ in society, or who are born with a silver spoon in their mouths in a flippant manner;
- Will find out why only certain lawyers can get speedy dates as opposed to those who have to tow in line if they are not ‘influential’;
- Will stop getting into people’s business if the matter is not a part of the proceedings before the Courts;
- Justices will read thoroughly the files before hearing the matter or trial;
- Will ensure that all judicial officers do not hear cases where they have related party issues and thus possible conflicts of interest;
- Start being real with people - litigants who are not upper class or rich/influential;
- Will do something about the huge fees these type people have to pay - $100.00 for notice and affidavit --was only $7.74;
- Why is only one person responsible for giving dates in the registry?
[This letter had to be edited and amended to deal with possible libel concerns - Editor]
Forrester Carroll writes about customs abuses in Freeport, Grand
Bahama... You may click here for
Mr. Carroll's full contribution entitled 'Bahamas Customs &
The Finance Bully'.
Fred Mitchell MP Becomes Stalwart Councillor
Fred Mitchell MP of Fox Hill was formally inducted as a Stalwart Councillor
of the PLP on Saturday 2nd October at a ceremony at the Crystal Palace
Apology Required From The Tribune
The following note appeared in the editorial of the Gorgon of The Tribune
Eileen Carron on Friday 8th October:
“We apologise to our readers for an obvious slip of the fingers on the computer keyboard in Wednesday's editorial headed -- "Time for vendors to get their house in order" -- when we referred to Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell as "Fox Hill MP Fred Smith." Although we are certain our readers recognised it as a mistake and knew that it was Mr. Mitchell to whom we referred, we still want to officially correct the error.
"The sentence should have read: "Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell and Fort Charlotte MP Alfred Sears, both lawyers, should know that once a matter gets before the courts it ceases to be a government-to-government issue. Nobody can interfere with the judicial process."
Not only was the Editorial the day before the apology stupid and ill-advised and deliberate distortion of the facts but what she really needs to do is apologise to the people of Fox Hill and to Fred Mitchell MP for calling him Fred Smith ( the troublesome and quizzical Freeport attorney).
China Is Wrong On Nobel Laureate
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident.
The government of China had imprisoned the man for calling for more democracy
in their country and they described him in their response to the award
as a criminal. They also sought to threaten the Nobel Committee and
Norway if the prize were offered to the man. They blacked out the
announcement in China on CNN and their news reports when it was made.
Thankfully, their threats were ignored. China really needs to grow
up on these issues. This is a tired and worn out script that does
not befit a world power. They ought to free the man and allow greater
democracy in their country and respect human rights of their citizens.
Chinese Reception Photos
The Pinnacle Seekers, the newest Toastmaster Club headed by Jason Springer
posed with Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell and Elizabeth MP Ryan Pinder.
Mr. Springer's FNM friends will soon want to know what he is doing posing
with these PLPs.
Haitian Ambassador Leaves After 8 Years
Harold Louis Joseph has been the Haitian Ambassador to The Bahamas
for eight years. He was the Dean of the Diplomatic Corp here in the
Bahamas. He left The Bahamas on 6th October for a new post as Ambassador
to Washington, after the former Ambassador there announced he was running
for President of Haiti. Mr. Joseph will be succeeded by Antonia Rodrigue,
the former Deputy Ambassador to the OAS in Washington for Haiti.
Edison Key Returns
South Abaco MP Edison Key returned to the House of Assembly following
his convalescence from open heart surgery - a quadruple by-pass.
Mr. Key said that he is now doing well and pronounced healthy by his doctors
who did the surgery in Florida. He cannot drive but is otherwise
fit. In his statement to the House on Wednesday 6th October, Mr.
Key also scotched rumours that he plans to step down to create a bye-election
in South Abaco.
Post of Registered Charters Lynden Pindling Pilots
After the fatal crash of the Cessna 402 piloted by Nelson Hanna on
Tuesday 5th October, the Civil Aviation Department posted a list of registered
charter companies. They said that Mr. Hanna was not a registered
charter company. That means he was a hacker. The problem is
their list was a little too late and addressing registration is one thing
but registration has nothing to do with oversight and safety of the craft
that you are going on. Even if Mr. Hanna were not registered, there
is no way that he ought to be flying an unsafe aircraft; if in fact his
aircraft was unsafe. The other thing we find strange is the onus
the CAA now puts on the flying public to be sure that when they use the
Government's airport that they are flying on safe operators' aircrafts.
Something seems bit a wrong there. The Lynden Pindling Airport Airline
Pilots on their Facebook page had a message for Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham
after his condolences on the death of Captain Nelson Hanna: “Mr. Prime
Minister.... your apologies could have been prevented... we need ACTION
CAD Notice
Cat Is Air Ousted From the Airport
Cat Island Airlines owned by Bahamian Albert Rolle has been evicted
from the Lynden Pindling Airport as a result of a court order for failing
to pay their rent. The airport company said that they have been trying
to resolve the matter for over three years. No word from Captain
Rolle. The result is that all passes for the ramp have been cancelled
and Cat Island Air can no longer make flights from the airport. It
serves the Berry islands and of course Cat Island.
Sky Bahamas US Plans On Hold
Randy Butler, who runs Sky Bahamas, has announced that his plans to
start a service into the United States have been put on hold because of
the increases being charged at the Lynden Pindling International Airport
for use of the airport.
Arranging A Helicopter Ride For Crash Victims
The late Everett Bannister, a man who loved and dabbled in the airplane
business, used to say that airplane crashes always happen in threes.
This month, there have been two plane crashes: one with nine fatalities,
the other with serious injuries. The latter on which we now report
took place over Whale Cay in the Berry Islands. Larry Roberts, the
real estate man and members of his family were in a single engine plane
when they were making at pass over the strip on Wednesday 6th October to
let the caretaker know they would not be landing. A gust of wind
reportedly drove the plane to the ground with serious consequences.
Four people were hurt, one of them seriously who had to be airlifted first
to Nassau and then to the US. The whole thing had the Minister of
Foreign Affairs on a direct line to Eileen Carron, The Tribune's editor
who was asking for US helicopters to be sent to pick up the injured.
So said so done. The power of The Tribune. The passengers on
the plane: Larry and Elizabeth Roberts and Mark and Louise Roberts. Mark
was flown to the States.
Rick Hayward's Restaurants Closed In Freeport
We thought everything was hunky-dory at the Grand Bahama Port Authority
again what with the law suits settled and the St. Georges and Haywards
professing once again love for one another as they run the Port.
Not so it appears. One of the sideshows in the whole intra-shareholder
fight for the Port was the father-son fight between Rick Hayward and his
dad Sir Jack, the Chairman of the Port. Sir Jack had ordered his
son locked out by the Port from the restaurants that he owns in the Port
Lucaya recreational space owned by the Port for non-payment of rent.
We thought father and son had come to an agreement but it turns out not.
Father has ordered the son out and to pay the rent he owes for the food
places East, the Pub at Port Lucaya, and Dolce Vita. Seventy eight
people are now out of work. Rick, the son, says that he is enormously
upset. Dad is on a cruise around the world or is he? You can
never tell where he is from day to day these days. The decision was
taken on Thursday 30th September.
Ministry Of Youth Building Shakes
On Wednesday 6th October, the staff of the Ministry of Youth, Sports
and Culture were told that they ought to go home after the building reportedly
shook without explanation. The staff left and no public announcement
was made of what happened or what the explanation for the shaking is.
The building is one of the Hubert Ingraham boondoggles built during his
first term, which is full of mould and will require the staff to move out
entirely so they can rid the building of the mould, which is adversely
affecting the health of the workers there.
Reserves Plummet
The Central Bank reports that the country's reserves have plummeted
by 41 million dollars when compared to where the country's reserves were
last year. Of course, the reserves last year were propped up by a
draw down from the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights
facility. That essentially means that the government propped up the
reserves last year in part by borrowing money from the IMF.
Leon Williams In The Band In TCI
We knew that Leon Williams, the former CEO of the Bahamas Telecommunications
Company Ltd. was a talented man but we did not know that he played in the
Church of God of Prophecy's Band. That he does and performed with
the band on Friday 1st October, in the photo above at right with bandmates.
National Heroes Day
The National Heroes Day Committee headed by Rev. Fr. Sebastian Campbell
is hosting observances to mark National Heroes Day on Monday 11th October
at the Pindling Mausoleum at St. Agnes Cemetery on Nassau Street in New
Providence. The PLP passed an act that makes the second Monday in
October National Heroes Day. They did not bring the law into force
and the FNM refuses to do so and the country continues to call the holiday
Discovery Day. The ceremony is a public one to honour the founders
of our country.
Shooting In Bimini
There has been a shooting in Bimini. Late Friday evening 8th
October, two people were shot in a club in Bimini, one of them had to be
airlifted to Nassau, and the other came in on the commercial flight.
One of them is Glenrick Rolle, son of the late Bimini businessman Glen
Rolle. The shooter was killed by people on the scene in Bimini.
Details to come.
Ingraham Answers PLP
Hubert Ingraham issued a short statement attempting to shoot down the
PLP's assertion (reported above) that he is like shifting sands on Bahamar.
Mr. Ingraham claimed that the PLP cannot take a stand on the issue.
His statement was issued on Saturday 9th October.
Congratulations To Leandra Esfakis
After five years of fighting Doctors Hospital and the doctors who were
negligent in treating her brother Christopher and caused his death by negligence,
justice has come in some measure. Doctors Hospital has now admitted
its complicity in the negligent treatment of the brother of attorney Leandra
Esfakis who was admitted into their hospitals with burns, was given the
wrong treatment by Dr. James Inferenta, the attending physician and subsequently
died. She has tried a civil suit, tried to get the regulatory authorities
to discipline the hospital, and tried a coroner's inquest, all to no avail.
Now The Tribune reports that on 30th September, Justice Rhonda Bain entered
a judgment against the hospital and the doctor for negligence.
Congratulations to Ms. Esfakis, a study in dedication and persistence.
Now to assessing damages.
Trying To Stop Cheryl Grant Bethell
The Bahamas government continues to try to stop Cheryl Grant Bethell
by raising technical points in the judicial review process started by Mrs.
Bethell to challenge her removal from the post of Deputy Director of Public
Prosecutions and the appointment of a non-Bahamian to the post of Director
of Public Prosecutions. The hearing to dismiss her application was
heard on Friday 8th October. The Judge reserved his ruling.
Malachi Dean Customs Officer Wins His Case
Last year this time, Hubert Ingraham said he was ridding customs of
corrupt officers. He set off a witch hunt against customs officers
with lots of old cases that had died a slow death. Scores of letters
were sent out. So far, none of the dismissals have been upheld.
The latest is that of Malachi Dean who was fired in the public interest
with a reduced pension and gratuity because he accepted a cheque for $2400
that the Government alleged was tax revenue. The Public Service Board
of Appeal, headed by Senior Justice Anita Allen rejected the Crown's arguments
and reinstated the officer with full pay. You may click
here for the ruling in the matter. Mr. Dean was represented by
Kenneth Lightbourne of Gibson Rigby & Co.
World Day Against The Death Penalty
Today, Sunday 10th October is World Day Against The Death Penalty.
Baroness Catherine Ashton, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs
of the EU and First Vice-President of the European Commission has issued
an EU Statement. You may click
here for the full statement.
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill was in the Court Room for the sentencing
of the first of the nine Straw Vendors who were arrested by American Customs
agents on Saturday 17th September for trafficking counterfeit goods.
The list includes 23 Gucci bags, Gucci wallets, Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci
scarves. The value placed on them $62,000. Except that they
were the values notionally assigned to those items; they do not have those
actual values. They are supposed to represent the value of the infringed
or real good.
But this is an American government artifice to throw the book at nine young women who were simply seeking like Americans or any trader for that matter to get bargains and then come sell the bags and at home and make a profit. The Judge at the sentencing Richard Sullivan seemed a nice man but he had the job of being a bureaucrat and sentencing this woman for this offence. A sordid business.
The matter could have been settled on 5th October when Ms. Tracy Davis first appeared to plead guilty. The prosecution and the defence had agreed. Samuel Cohen the court appointed lawyer negotiated a deal that would give her time served; up to then she had spent 17 days in jail. The Judge then set her free to return home. The Judge said he was not a rubber stamp on 5th October and he wanted to review the papers and that people who wanted to write in support of her should do so. There would also be a probation report.
He released her on her own recognizance into the care of two remarkable Bahamians, who never met her before but opened her home up to her so that she could be free while awaiting the sentence. Their names Beryl and Wendell Edgecombe. Mr. and Mrs. Edgecombe run something in New York called the Bahamas Cultural Association, one of the Diaspora groups in the city. God bless ‘em.
In the court room with Ms. Davis, who is actually Mrs. McDonald but her passport has not changed since marriage, was her husband, her four month old daughter, and her sister. The Bahamas government’s lawyer was there and so was the lawyer for another defendant Roshandra Rolle.
The Judge asked what the fate of the other defendants was. The prosecution said that there were active negotiations to settle their matters. Bottom line though as of this reading, they are still in jail unable to make the bail conditions.
The question you keep asking yourself as nice as the judge was, as pleasant, as courteous: why was the book being thrown at these women in particular? Surely the whole rigmarole was disproportionate. The defence counsel said it right though, if these had been Americans it certainly would not have happened that way. In the jail, the people who are in jail for much more serious things could not believe that they are being held for buying some bags.
Here is the deal: how is it that the bags are freely available on New York’s streets and in stores? They are presumably licensed operations. Why then should these women be arrested for what appears to be a perfectly legitimate operation in New York City? But that is the U.S.
And so Mrs. Davis pleaded guilty to a felony, not a misdemeanour. It carries with it an automatic revocation of her right to travel to the United States. There was a great deal of confusion when the Customs people saw that there was no visa in her passport. What in God’s name would a Bahamian need a visa to come to the United States for is quite another thing but the fact is that even in this dispensation Bahamians do not (we are told) need visas if they are travelling on a police record through the pre-clearance departure lounge in Nassau. That settled, they agreed that she would have 24 hours to get out of Dodge on her own steam or be deported. In order to come back, she will have to apply for a visa and she will need to get a waiver for this so-called crime.
The Judge said he thought it was a serious crime but given her antecedents, the letters by Pastor T. G. Morrison and Pastor Newell McDonald and her sister-in-law Constance McDonald, and the report of the probation officer, he was inclined to let her go for time served. Unfortunately, he also added a supervised release for two years even though the immigration deportation contradicts that. How is it going to be done, if she is not allowed back in the U.S.? He acknowledged that and told her that if she did come back, she had to report to a probation officer within 12 hours of the return; that if she committed any other crimes, he could sentence her to up to two years for the offence that he was now releasing her to time served. This was simply overkill.
Who do we blame? In one sense we blame the individuals because they are individually accountable. But in another sense we do not blame them. We blame The Bahamas government for the lousy job which they have done on promoting intellectual property laws and protecting intellectual property in their own market in Nassau. We blame them for not having their lawyer stand up and get these women out on bail while they await trial. It is clear that if these women had the resources and the lawyers, they could blow these silly charges wide open. As the judge went through the reports of the prosecution, he himself doubted the values put on the goods, for example a Gucci bag at $1,000.
He asked the question: does anyone seriously think that at the 40-dollar price they are buying the bag for in Nassau, they are getting a Gucci bag? We and he think not. It is simply overkill.
The PLP issued a statement in support of Mrs. Davis and the hope that the other eight will soon be freed. The government must put its skates on and get this done so these eight women can be home for their family and friends and put this utter nonsense, this overkill behind us.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 15th October 2010 up to midnight: 137,614.
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 15th October 2010 up to midnight: 279,169.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 16th October 2010
up to midnight: 6,602,741.
The Progressive Liberal Party issued the following
statement 15th October 2010, through Fred Mitchell MP, Party Spokesman
on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Mitchell had just returned from New York.
“It was pleasing in one sense to witness the
release of Tracy Davis, the Bahamian market vendor, yesterday in the Federal
Court following sentencing to time served by Justice Richard Sullivan.
Sentencing took place at 2 p.m. on 14th October.
“In the aggregate, while the sentence was a relief,
it cannot be said that this was justice. It seemed that a cannon
was being used for the work of a fly swat.
“There is no question that there must be respect
for intellectual property, but throughout the halls in New York and even
in the Court, it seemed clear that if the defendant had been an American
that the issue would have been resolved in a different way.
“It is also important that in connection with
the eight other women that the Bahamas Government should do more to ensure
that their cases are disposed of with dispatch and that the result is that
they are home with their families in short order.
“…these people who are traders, who spend their
money with United Sates business people, in an era when the US is boasting
of free trade are now victims of state to state issues over intellectual
property. It appears that there is a double standard on the issue
of free trade by the developed countries.
“From the PLP’s perspective, we shall continue
to monitor and push that all eight will soon be free and home.
“Thanks is due to two Bahamians Wendell and Beryl
Edgeombe for their extraordinary gesture in opening up their home and allowing
Mrs. Davis the freedom to stay with them until the case was called and
disposed of. It goes to show that since she was released on her own
recognisance, there is no need for the US government and courts to have
imposed the harsh bail conditions on the other eight people who are still
in jail.
“Further, had the Bahamas government properly
mobilized and supported the Bahamian community in New York, the issue of
their continued incarceration could have been avoided. Finally, it
is important to thank the Consul General Carl Smith and his staff for their
work as well.
“Our concern continues to be the effect that
these charges will have on the ability to travel to the United States for
these small business people who depend on their ability to get cheap goods
out of the US to make money in the market. It is a shame that one
of the consequences of this decision on Mrs. Davis is that it affects her
ability to travel to the US in the future. The US government should
resolve this matter quickly in her favour.”
For once, the Nassau Guardian is good for something
and not good for nothing. In an editorial on Wednesday 13th October,
it agreed that notwithstanding the legal right of Arawak Homes to move
people off their land, the company has a major public relations headache
on its hands. (Click here for
last week’s story) It is now complicated by the threat from Wayne Munroe
that he will bring actions in the court against the company for destroying
the chattels of the Woods family on the land where their home was demolished.
But critically, the Nassau Guardian made another point: it described the
shareholders of the company as both PLP and FNM criticized the Prime Minister
as we did last week for singling out Bradley Roberts as one shareholder
and not Orville Turnquest and his son Tommy who sits in his government
and who are also shareholders.
The newspaper's editorial also drew a wider net,
saying that we cannot have a situation where people think that they can
simply squat on other people’s land. So the damage to Arawak Homes
and its Chairman has been done but there appears now to be a backlash against
the Prime Minister for the nasty, filthy way he behaved in the House on
6th October. We described it last week as acting like a drunken sailor.
The late Ena Hepburn used to say: “you can’t put a goat on a board floor
because it will prance.” That is an apt metaphor for Hubert Ingraham.
We keep asking what church did this country rob in order to get a man like
him leading this country.
Arawak Homes has some work to do to repair what
has transpired. We say again it cannot depend on the legalistic.
They have a compelling case in that area; given all the efforts they made
to ensure that the Woods no longer lived in the home. But the perception
it is of a heartless company who mashed up a local family and before that
a church. Not of a company that has a mortgage with the Royal Bank
of Canada on which they have to pay monies to the bank, that they are running
a business not a charity. No doubt the owners of the company are
smart enough to work on this problem so that it goes away. The PLP’s
fate can very well turn on how this is handled.
Carl Bethel, the representative for Sea Breeze,
where the disputed property of Arawak Homes and the Wood family is located,
brought a case before the courts and the Chief Justice on Friday 15th October.
The Woods family is seeking some kind of court order against Arawak Homes
which is based on an agreement for sale with the late Carl Braynen.
Report is that the Chief Justice has reserved his judgement until Monday
18th October. With Carl Bethel as the lawyer, one wonders then what the
motivations are behind all the attacks on Arawak Homes.
The Bahamas government once again has dropped the
ball by not bringing into force the legislation to designate officially
the second Monday in October as National Heroes Day. Instead, we
are still labouring with this business of Discovery Day. Discovery
for whom; and what was discovered? We provide a link with the Huffington
Post’s website that tells again the true story of Christopher Columbus
who was said to be the discoverer. He was an adventurer, plunderer
and a murderer. No amount of prettying up the picture will do.
So the National Heroes Day Committee, headed by Rev. Sebastian Campbell
held an observance of the day as National Heroes Day on Monday 11th October,
the second Monday in the month at the mausoleum of the late Sir Lynden
O. Pindling. We provide the video
of that event by Phoenix Productions, attended by PLP MP Fred Mitchell
and Bradley Roberts, Chairman of the PLP.
Photo/Tim Aylen
You have to wonder sometimes whether the whole business
of free trade being spun by the developed countries is not a hoax.
On the one hand, they have been touting that we in the third and developing
world must open up our markets to them and allow all their goods to enter
our markets freely, but at the same time, they are making it harder for
us to access their countries and their services.
Just one example of what we think is a new barrier
to trade is the difficulty that Bahamians have getting visas to be students
in Canada and in the United Kingdom. In both cases, there are problems.
Canada does not have an embassy here so all the
documents have to be sent to Jamaica and you have to allow six weeks for
the processing, including taking a physical including a Chest X ray and
sending it off to Trinidad for review. If there is any delay or question,
there is no real, live person you can speak to on the phone and they do
not respond to voice mail or e-mail messages. Appeals to the political
directorate though their High Commissioner have caused no improvement.
The British situation is even worse. They
closed down their embassy in The Bahamas in a cost saving measure.
The embassy is now in Jamaica, but the problem is that the embassy has
no say over visas. It is done by outsourcing in New York. A
couple of times a year, they send someone down here to take biometrics
but the instructions on line are confusing and several students have had
their visas turned down when in fact they were eligible. When they
resubmitted the forms and the Bahamian Consul General got involved, the
forms were approved.
Now the British have decided that the Bahamian Consul
General can no longer get involved and that the visas applications must
all be submitted by courier. Our advice is that getting a British
student visa can now cost you $750. This is a situation where Bahamian
students are being penalized in a process that thousands of Bahamians have
accessed before and where Bahamians pay their bills and make good hard
currency for the British. Again, appeals to the political directorate
through the British High Commission are to no avail. What are parents
to do? The Bahamas government must be more aggressive in dealing
with this matter on behalf of our students.
There is this persistent cry in the country; we
are not hearing from the PLP. Incredible really, because the evidence
abounds on Facebook, in the regular media, on the streets of a PLP presence
and a PLP view. No one is more prolific than the Party’s present
Chairman Bradley Roberts. Yet, never a day goes by when someone isn’t
saying; we don't hear from the PLP on this or that. Mind you, this
is the same PLP that was voted out of office having provided the Bahamian
people with the best economy the country had ever had. The momentum
in the economy when the PLP left office was so strong that it was inexplicable
how the people of the country would reject the PLP. In any event
they did, and they replaced the PLP with a group of has beens and rejects
led by a washed up, tired, deceitful and vengeful politician, who simply
lied his way back to office.
One story is that the folk at ZNS want the PLP to
come to the newsroom like Rodney Moncur did when the staff stormed the
newsroom on Thursday 14th October. They argue that the press statement
by Philip Davis, the PLPs Deputy leader, was not enough. They needed
to see the PLP in evidence at the site. Of course, they forget that
it was Fred Mitchell and Alfred Sears who led the way in Freeport when
the crisis first broke. The two men were up there trying to deal
first with education problems and then with a trucking problem.
Then it was Obie Wilchcombe and Bernard Nottage both former Ministers of
Broadcasting who appeared on the set of the Corporation when the crisis
first broke to express solidarity with the workers.
We think that people expect too much from the PLP
in this situation. There is no doubt, and the evidence is clear that
the PLP supports the workers at ZNS. The PLP would not support what
the government is doing and would not have done it the way they are doing
it. The PLP would not close the northern service in Grand Bahama.
But the PLP is not the government. The PLP was booted out of office
for these people who are now there and they believe they have a mandate
to support what they are doing. In fact, when the same thing was
being inflicted on policemen, on customs officers, on immigration officers
by the same government, the workers at ZNS did nothing. Some of the
news reporters would not carry scripts and messages by the PLP. So
what would they now expect the PLP to do for them in these circumstances?
Notwithstanding all of that, wherever people are
hurting, the PLP stands in the gap and will do what it can, but at the
end of the day, this is a matter of individual responsibility and response.
Get up stand up for your rights!
He has the reputation for being arrogant in his
work as a Minister, arrogant in his comments in the House of Assembly and
arrogant in his work as a Member of Parliament. The point most people
make is that this is simply a bumptious young man who does not know how
to talk to people, who thinks he knows it all and just does not know when
to shut up.
Some friends have been suggesting that they might
have a quiet word with Mr. Laing and tell him that he has to change his
attitude if his long-term prospects in this country are to improve.
It appears that he did not learn anything from his defeat in Ft. Charlotte.
He is caught again in trying to emulate Hubert Ingraham who is 62 years
old. Mr. Ingraham has all the money he can need or want and is getting
richer by the day and whose children are all grown.
Mr. Laing on the other hand will almost certainly
lose the next general election, and without one pot to piss in. After
that, what is to become of a man who while in office alienated everyone
who could help him? In other words, all of them should be warned
just as we warn Mr. Laing that in politics there is only so far that you
go. You cannot mash up everyone because you have the power and think
and expect then that when you lose that anyone will help you. And
losing is on the way. You only have to remember his experience when
he lost the first time and the economic sad case into which he was plunged
as a result of it.
This advice is given in the face of the exchange
of views that Mr. Laing had on radio with Wendall Jones, when Mr. Laing
sought to dismiss Philip ‘Brave’ Davis’ comments about ZNS and the economy.
The plain fact is Mr. Laing and Mr. Davis are not company. Mr. Laing
should stick with his level. Mr. Davis is a big grown man to him
and if something were to happen and Mr. Davis lost office, he would certainly
not be on that bread line where Mr. Laing is sure to be if he loses.
Things then must be done in scale. A word to the wise is usually
sufficient, but we think that he will ignore it. But all you can
do is discharge your duty. What the other fellow does in response
to it is his business. Surely, if you can’t hear, you will feel.
We did not see it, but what was described went something like this: Jerome
Sawyer, the news anchor, was about five minutes into the news when the
screen simply went dark. This was the result of the ZNS workers storming
the newsroom and bringing the entire proceedings to a halt. There
was no newscast that night. On Friday night, the police had to be
brought to the compound, as they had to be summoned on the Thursday night
to restore order. This is all about a decision by the FNM administration
to fire 90 people from the Broadcasting Corporation by offering them three
months more than the law requires, many after decades with the Corporation.
Amongst those reportedly fired were Charlene Ferguson
and Julian Reid both veteran newscasters. Others include Rudolph
Minnis, fired for the second time; this time under the FNM administration
he supports. You will remember he became a supporter of the FNM after
the first set of strife when Kendal Nottage was the Minister under the
PLP and Mr. Nottage reportedly referred to him in a dispute as “a mere
messenger”. He is gone again. Then there was Laura Lowe, another
FNM, who extraordinarily said as she was being led off the property after
23 years by the police, according to the Nassau Guardian, “…This is what
we voted for. We expected this.” Indeed, this is what most
of the crew at ZNS voted for, and now they have it. Look what you
could get when you are tired of what you gat.
These are the names of the people that have been
confirmed as dismissed by the Broadcasting Corporation that we know of
so far: the B Man; Audrey Deveaux; Bobby Deveaux, cameraman; Charlene Ferguson,
reporter; the janitorial staff; Charlene Johnson; Laura Lowe, camerawoman;
Rudolph Minnis, makeup artist; Julian Reid, newscaster; Kenneth Sands,
production; Debbie Sears; and Blossie Smith. There are believed to
be ninety people in all dismissed.
Former ZNS TV makeup artist Rudolph Minnis (centre in white hat)
stands among other fired, grieving and outraged ZNS workers.
The following statement was issued by Philip Davis, Deputy Leader of the
Progessive Liberal Party 14th October, 2010:
"The Tribune of 4th October 2010 reported “The
prime minister formally signed agreements for the $70.8 million highway
project with two China State Companies; the China Export Import Bank and
the China Construction Company on Thursday at the British Colonial Hilton”
referring to the signings on the previous Thursday, 30th September 2010.
"Since the government decided to give a contract
to a foreign state owned construction company to build some seven miles
of highway from the airport to the roundabout at Farrington Road, Thompson
Blvd, and JFK Drive at some $71Million after passing a resolution in the
House of Assembly the day before to borrow $58Million from the foreign
state owned China Export-Import Bank I have tried to understand what Citizens
of The Bahamas were getting for our investment of @ $10,000,000 (TEN MILLION
"Minister Zhivargo Laing said during the debate
on the government’s resolution for the loan from the Chinese Export-Import
Bank, in the House of Assembly that the government HAD to use the Chinese
state owned China Construction company to build the road BECAUSE we are
borrowing $58,000,000 from the Chinese government owned bank at a very
low interest rate.
"In the House of Assembly and at the subsequent
press conference for the contract signing, a lot of colourful renderings
were shown.
"I went to the government’s website and the Works
& Transport Ministry’s website in search of the airport highway description
in the hope that I could begin to fathom WHY seven miles of a four lane
highway with utilities being placed underground, government acquired private
land (I presume), and, landscaping along the highway, should cost $10,000,000
per mile. The government has not yet put the information online.
"In the absence of information to the contrary,
I concluded that the same road contractors hired by the government to build
the road are the people who designed the road and calculated the cost of
the works to be done. There has been no competitive bid on this massive
expenditure. How does the Bahamian tax payer know that she or he is getting
value for money?
"If we are overpaying to build the road then
the low interest rate has no real value. Maybe Minister Laing would kindly
explain this?
"Further, even if the work that is to be done
really does cost $10,000,000 per mile for a total of $71,000,000, what
were the alternatives considered by the government? Do we need to spend
$71,000,000 to build seven miles of landscaped road way from the airport
to Farrington Road? How is the Bahamian public to receive benefit for their
"I call on those Bahamians with the technical
and financial backgrounds to guide us on a full appreciation of this matter
to weigh in on the issue.
"The government is not supposed to be the overlord
but, rather, it should be the servant of the People answerable to the People."
Greg Moss who is the candidate for Marco City and
on track to defeat Minister of State Zhivargo Laing is staged a meet the
candidate day in Marco City on Saturday 16th October. Mr. Moss is
shown with two suporters C Allen Johnson and Partick McDonald.
The annual Anglican Sports day took place on Saturday
16th October at the Q.E. sports Centre. Churches from across the
diocese participated in the event. A fun time was had by all.
The church of the Holy Cross won the games, which were held at the Thomas
A. Robinson stadium.
Peter Ramsay photos
This week, guest columnist 'Funk On Da Corner' contributes 'Bang Bang':
Bang Bang! He shot him down, bang bang, he hit
the ground, bang bang Liberty Valance (Liberty Violence) shot somebody
The corner today is on Law and Order, a
little bit of law and plenty of order.
It brings to mind the movie "The man who
shot Liberty Valence"; Liberty was an outlaw of course, when Liberty Valence
rode to town women and folks would hide, oh they'll hide. When Liberty
Valence walked around the men would step aside, because the point of the
gun was the only law that liberty understood. And when it came to
shooting straight he was mighty, mighty good. From out of the east
came a stranger a law book in his hand, a man, the kind of man the west
would need to tame a troubled land. Just trying to build a peaceful
life where love and people are free to grow, but the point of a gun was
the only law that Liberty understood. When the final showdown came at last
the law book was no good in hand. The lawman understood to fight
Liberty Valence he needed violence. He drew his gun, bang bang, Liberty
was down, the man who shot Liberty Valence, they say was the bravest of
them all. But the man who shot Liberty Valance had first come with
the law book in his hand.
Politicians and people, the amount of mayhem
that the criminals are reaping upon our land could only be combated by
the same method of violence that they let out. I call on all Bahamians,
where criminality threatens your way of life; sometimes you must throw
out the law book and put gun in hand. Remember the lawman who shot
Liberty Valance, threw the law book out of hand. And that same law
book has murderers ‘on bail’ running free in our land!
Like a snowball running down a snow covered
hill, criminality and social disorder is growing. Like the size of
the fish the man claims broke his reel, corruption in our land is growing.
Like the rosebud glowing in the warmth of the summer sun, discontent among
couples because the lack of income is growing. Like the tale by the time
it has been told by more than one, murders in our land is growing and where
is going to stop I’m the next polls; ELECTION
that is.
Just a reminder to young challengers to
political leadership, remember, Bahamian political leaders are like potcakes
on heat, once they get on, they stay on until they stick. And usually you
have to beat them off, this goes out to Bran McCartney a budding politician
with great potential in his party and any other challengers from any other
Corner, outta here man!!!!!
The PLP had it right when, back in 1983, its
government caused legislation to come into force prohibiting foreigners
from hoarding and acquiring large acreages of Bahamian land for speculative
Had it not been that when Hubert Ingraham, came
to office in 1992, he repealed Pindling’s “Immovable Property Act,” as
a priority matter for his government at the time, we wouldn’t be having
these many conversations we are having today on the question of the sale
of land which successive governments have been allowing foreigners to hoard
since 1993; we wouldn’t be having these conversations at all.
My recollection of the facts is that the FNM’s
1992 general elections campaign was centered, for a great part, on their
promise to repeal that piece of legislation. Real Estate Agents were
complaining from the day the act went into force, saying that it was the
reason for plummeting land sales and the stifling of the economy.
I must agree that there was a bit of truth to what they were saying but
the PLP saw it as something it had to do, as a responsible government,
in protecting the interest of Bahamians for generations to come. Ingraham,
with his tunnel vision, was minded to acquiesce to his Bay Street Masters
and real estate agents and companies (H.G.Christie and the like).
He made the case that compliance to act presented huge roadblocks in the
way of foreign potential investors; preventing them from acquiring the
land needed for their investments. The economy did, in fact, take
a hit but the PLP saw that aspect as a price we ought to have been willing
to pay in order to keep our land sales to foreigners and or foreign governments
under government control. That was Ingraham’s excuse for immediately
repealing the act, but now we hear him talking nonsense about how much
land the PLP allowed foreigners to purchase.
The FNM’s 1992 policy, as enshrined in the piece
of legislation they brought to parliament to replace Pindling’s “Immovable
Property Act,” made it legal for any foreigner to purchase up to five (5)
acres of Bahamian land in a single tract, without the approval of the Foreign
Investment Board,” as a pre-requisite. That is when things went haywire
and began to go downhill in terms of abuse in unregulated land sales to
foreigners. I was told of a foreign family, (father, mother and two married
children) who came together and with the help of a smart lawyer was able
to purchase a single twenty acre track by using the names of each of the
different family members to do so; each purchasing up to the maximum of
five acres. That FNM policy has not changed, you should know, and it remains
in place to this day, so don’t let Ingraham trick you into believing that
he cares about how much of our country falls into the hands of foreign
individuals or governments. He is only against it when being so favors
the FNM, politically, but he is not really. Ingraham don’t give a damn
if the Chinese take over the whole Bahamas. I guess he figures that his
time on this earth is not as long as it had been, so for him it’s "never
no mine" as the old folks say at times.
Those well-connected rich Bay Street real estate
firms, like the H.G.Christies and others, were screaming at the PLP, because
their land sales had plummeted when the new act came into force. They were
not making the big bucks on land sales, any more, that they were up to
that point, accustomed to earning and that was their only narrow-minded
concern. Preserving land for future generations of Bahamians was not their
concern. I wish to add here that much of the land that was being sold by
some of these unscrupulous firms was stolen, by means of their clever “Quiet
Titling” legal tricks through the courts, from poor folks on Cat Island;
Abaco; Eleuthera and a number of the other family Islands. Unscrupulous
Bastards, they were. Bay Street’s high-priced crooked lawyers, were also
complaining that their income from legal fees in respect to land sales
had plummeted as well. Land sales, they all complained, were in the worse
slump ever and the Bahamas was about to go under, economically, they warned.
With the repealing of “The Immovable Properties
Act” and replacing it with his “International Persons Landholding Act”
of 1993 Ingraham’s law office, situated in Marsh Harbor Abaco, was allegedly
able to collect a windfall of around $900,000.00 in legal fees, they told
me, (between 2002-2007), when he was relegated to practicing law, while
in opposition those five years of the Christie Administration. He reportedly
represented all the big-wig foreigners who came to town, in Abaco, looking
to purchase cheap Bahamian land, and as much of it as they wanted; no questions
asked. Now I see him, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, pretending
to care and trying to convince us that he is so concerned about Bahamian
land falling into the hands of foreigners. But like he himself said, “The
Devil is a liar.”
Nicki Kelly in her column recently reminded her
readers, in her opening statement, that Sir Lynden did some things wrong
but, she said, he did a great many more things right. That piece of legislation
that his PLP government enacted into law in 1983, she alluded, was a huge
step in the right direction in preserving this land for Bahamian generations
to come. She wrote that the Pindling’s legislation, “anticipating that
a foreign state might someday come into possession of immovable property
in the Bahamas” incorporated a special clause which barred foreign governments
from owning Bahamian land. She reminded readers that when Ingraham repealed
the act, in 1993, he replaced it with something called “the International
Persons Landholding Act of 1993,” and the clause, barring foreign governments
from freely owning property in this country, was intentionally omitted.
The Chinese communist government, with the help of the FNM’s own law, can
now acquire and own as much of the Bahamas as it wishes and Ingraham wouldn’t
give a damn. I have no doubt that if they can get us to sell the whole
damn country to them, they would plunk down the money and Ingraham would
allow them to purchase us. I see this non-patriot as having no special
allegiance to the people of the Bahamas. He cares little for us,
who reside within the borders of this archipelagic Nation, whether we live
or die; whether land remains available for Bahamians yet unborn or not.
“Of all my children I love myself the best and when I get my gut full,
I don’t give a damn about the rest; this, my readers, is the code by which
Hubert Ingraham lives, I submit.
The PLP’s land legislation (The Immovable Properties
Act) sought to put the brakes on a situation that was spiraling out of
control. Hubert Ingraham and his FNM government, acquiescing to their Bay
Street masters as I said before, repealed and replaced the act with one
that now permits the wholesale disposal of the country’s land resources
to foreign individuals and or foreign governments without any checks and
balances. Just think a foreign person, no matter where he or she hails
from, can come here on a plane for one day, and for the first time in their
lives I might add, walk into a lawyer’s office and sign for the acquisition
of up to five (5) acres of property; no government oversight necessary
and no questions asked. This cannot be the right thing for a nation to
do. I stand to be corrected but I don’t believe the person would even be
required to prove good character or to prove the source of funding. Yet
a Bahamian citizen cannot go to a bank in this country to deposit a lousy
$5000.00 without being hassled and required to prove the source of the
funds. Ingraham do all this to us while we just sit and grin with him and
then go on our merry way thanking him for screwing us.
Article 6 sub-clause (3) of the PLP’s 1983 act
provided for the Treasurer of the Bahamas to automatically claim any and
all property found to be owned by any foreign government in the Bahamas.
The act permitted the Treasurer to do so, no matter how or by what means
the land was acquired by that government, in the name of the people of
the Bahamas. If Ingraham had at least ensured that that particular clause
remained enshrined in his 1993 Act, there would be no question now about
the Chinese government possibly coming into possession of the 264 acres
in respect to the Bah mar deal, but he didn’t. The puppet sold us out again,
Esau style, for the proverbial bowl of porridge.
Forrester J. Carroll J.P.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Nelson Hanna’s Funeral
A massive funeral service was held for the late Captain Nelson Hanna
who died in a plane crash with eight others shortly after takeoff from
the Lynden Pindling Airport on 5th October. PLP Leader Perry Christie
attended the funeral conducted by Bishop Samuel Greene of Zion Yamacraw
Beach. Mr. Hanna was eulogized by A. Loftus Roker, the former Minister
of National Security. The funeral took place on Friday 15th October.
The funeral of C.N. Williams Jr. took place at the Church of God of Prophecy
on East Street, New Providence on Saturday 16th October.
PJ Marries
Daryl Bartlett Jr and Samara Munnings tied the knot at a wedding ceremony
held at A Stone’s Throw Away in Tropical Gardens, New Providence.
Mr. Bartlett is the son of Darryl Bartlett, banking executive at Bank of
The Bahamas and mother Albertha (nee Williams) who is an attorney at the
Attorney General's office. Fred Mitchell MP attended the ceremony.
He is a long time family friend. The aunts of the groom were all
present Sharon (or Mrs. (Rev.) Timothy Stuart); Veronica McIver (the dentist)
and Elaine Williams (of Bamboo Shack and La Rose). A great time was
had by all.
Mitchell Meets Bahamian Community In New York
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill and the Opposition’s spokesman on Foreign
Affairs met with the Bahamian American Association at their headquarters
in Harlem on Thursday 14th October to brief them on the fate of the nine
Nassau Market Vendors. The Association is headed by William Dames.
Joy Carey Jibrilu Is Coming Home?
We have not followed the issue since she was whisked out of town on
a mercy flight to Miami, after doctors here were reportedly thought to
have negligently performed an operation which led to grave consequences.
That was then. We now understand that after many ups and downs, Mrs.
Jibrilu who is the government’s Director of Investments may have come home
on Saturday 16th October. She is the daughter of Kenris Carey, past
president of the Methodist Conference in The Bahamas.
Four Billion Dollar Bid For Atlantis
It was reported in The Tribune that Sol Kerzner has received an unwelcome
bid for four billion dollars to buy his company. This is a company
that was taken private with the help of Dubai money a few years ago.
The company is said to have financial problems even as it continues to
shine in the Bahamian firmament, with a Prime Minister in its thrall.
No comment was reported from the Kerzner company on the bid. Many
commentators say that this is the real reason that the fourth phase of
Atlantis cannot go ahead rather than being afraid of competition from Bahamar
on a developing Cable Beach.
Juliette Still Struggles
Juliette Barrett, the Director of the Aids Foundation, is still struggling
in hospital in the intensive care unit of the Princess Margaret Hospital
following a stroke on a few weeks ago.
Thelma Forde Dies
The consort and patient wife of former PLP representative for Inagua
and Mayaguana T. Joe Forde, Thelma Forde (nee Gomez) was buried on Friday
15th October following a service at St. Agnes Anglican Church in Grants
Town, New Providence. The service was concelebrated by the Bishop
of The Bahamas Laish Boyd and the retired Archbishop of the West Indies
Drexel Gomez, who is also the brother of the deceased. Roger Gomez,
the Chief Magistrate, another brother paid a funny and touching tribute
to his sister who gave a lifetime to education as a primary school teacher
and administrator but who was also a fierce partisan of the PLP’s cause
even as she was known for her great humour. The late Mrs. Forde was
a close friend and confidante of Beryl Hanna, the late wife of former Governor
General Arthur Hanna, who attended the service along with the Prime Minister
and Mrs. Ingraham, Opposition Leader Perry Christie, former Governor General
Dame Ivy Dumont and PLP MPs Philip Davis, Melanie Griffin and Fred Mitchell.
Peter Ramsay photo
Judge Rules In Cheryl Grant Case
The Judge Jon Isaacs agreed with the submissions of Thomas Evans Q.C.
on the application made by him on 8th October that the application process
for judicial review was defective. But he did not order that the
proceedings be struck out as Mr. Evans requested. He ordered instead
that Mrs. Grant Bethel be allowed to cure the irregularity and that the
application should then proceed as he had previously directed. He
made it clear that if his latest order was not strictly compiled with,
the matter would stand struck out.
Two Female Lawyers Respond To Uncensored
Two women lawyers contacted BahamaUncensored.Com last week following
the article about the young woman from the College of The Bahamas who was
sentenced to eight months in jail because she sent some messages on Facebook
which Magistrate Derence Rolle accepted as threats of death. They
thought as we did, that it was excessive and vowed that they would help
to appeal the matter. That would be an excellent civic service.
New Haitian Ambassador
The new Haitian Ambassador Antonio Rodrique presented his credentials
to the Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes at Government House on Thursday
14th October. The PLP was represented by Ryan Pinder MP, who is co
chair of the PLP's committee on foreign affairs and foreign trade.
He is shown speaking with the Foreign Minister Brent Symonette and the
Roman Catholic Archbishop Patrick Pinder. The group shot shows the
ambassador at fourth from left and the GG at fifth from left.
Peter Ramsay photos
House of Assembly became a bit of a circus, a zoo in fact last week when
it met on Wednesday 20th October and Thursday 21st October. It was
a direct response to the behavior of the Prime Minister the week before.
The PLP’s leaders had heard from the faithful that they did not like the
fact that the party sat back and did nothing in the face of the withering
attacks by the Prime Minister directly at the leader of the PLP and its
other members. Last week was a bit different.
If you read the Facebook responses and the e-mail traffic, it appears that as a result of the performance of the PLP last week, the spirits of the party faithful were buoyed. That is what they like to see, the people who lead them standing up as they themselves like to stand up in public to the FNM.
We support what the PLP did. Later in the week, the PLP held a definitive press conference on the Bahamar project with a paper by Dr. Bernard Nottage, and a presentation by Leader Perry Christie. It showed that throughout the process, the Prime Minister misled the country and misled the developers on progress of the Bahamar project. The question one asks oneself after reading the piece by Dr. Bernard Nottage (shown above right at the podium during the PLP's news conference) is: how do you trust this prime minister; who simply does not tell the truth; who is constantly shifting ground as he goes along?
The developers of the Bahamar project must be thoroughly depressed. They have worked long and hard on this project. When the PLP left office, the developers had the money to put the project in motion. The Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham got up in the House of Assembly and said that he had no confidence in the project, that they did not have the money. The next thing, the Harrah’s entertainment group wrote a letter withdrawing from the project stating that in part the Prime Minister’s comment was the cause.
The developers went out and solicited money from the Chinese Export Import Bank. The deal was signed in full public light and gear. The Prime Minister took the view that he would not get involved. In fact at one point he told Perry Christie that he did not care. The developers got the money. Mr. Ingraham told them that he intended to bring the matter to the House and if the PLP did not approve it then the project would not go ahead. Then he began to do a back flip: suddenly talking like he was the advance man for the Kerzners at Paradise Island: saying that he could not approve the high Chinese labour content. Then he decided to formally adopt the view of the Kerzners that the number of rooms could not be done all that the same time, all the while materially misstating the number of rooms that the project entails.
The PLP’s position paper points those facts out. But it points to a larger issue: what is the alternative to enlivening and refurbishing the tourism product nationwide and at Cable Beach? What is the alternative when we need to find jobs for the tens of thousands of young Bahamians now unemployed and who are coming into the job market? What has Mr. Ingraham to say beside that silly grin and laugh that he employs to almost everything this time?
This is truly a case of those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. How do you trust anything that Hubert Ingraham has to say?
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 23rd October 2010 up to midnight: 99,790.
Number of hits for the month of October up to Saturday 23rd October 2010 up to midnight: 378,959.
Number of hits for the year of October up to Saturday 23rd October up to midnight: 6,702,531.
Prime Minister David Thompson was an ally of the people of The Bahamas
and he will be sorely missed. In the short term, the Deputy Minister
Freundel Stuart is likely to continue as Acting Prime Minister (he was
sworn in as Prime Minister immediately following the death on Saturday)
but two weeks ago Mr. Thompson promoted Chris Sinckler his former Social
Services Minister and former Foreign Minister to the position of Minister
of Finance. This sent a signal to Barbados that the person to watch
is Chris Sinckler. We expect that he will emerge as Prime Minister.
Owen Arthur has just retaken the helm of the Opposition Barbados Labour
Party hoping to take advantage of the death of David Thompson but the polls
suggest that his party is not popular with the people at this time.
This is how the Barbados Advocate newspaper announced
the death of the Prime Minister of Barbados on Saturday 23rd October:
Breaking News: Prime Minister David Thompson has passed
Official sources have confirmed that the Honourable
David John Howard Thompson, Prime Minister of Barbados passed away at approximately
2:10 a.m. today Saturday 23rd October, 2010.
He was 48 years old.
Prime Minister in May disclosed that he had been
receiving medical treatment for an at the time undisclosed illness. Last
month, he announced to the country that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic
On September 30, the Prime Minister addressed
the nation for the final time, at which time he announced a Cabinet reshuffle
and devolved several of his portfolios to Cabinet members.
He became Prime Minister of Barbados in January
2008 when the Democratic Labour Party won the government.
Reliable sources indicated that he spent his
last moments at his home in St. Philip, surrounded by his family.
He leaves to mourn his wife, Mara, and three
Statement from Rt. Hon. Perry Christie MP
Leader of the Opposition
The Progressive Liberal Party is saddened to
learn of the death of our friend and brother in the region Prime Minister
David Thompson. At 48 years old, he is gone too soon. We knew
that he was ill but did not expect that he would be taken away so quickly.
He spent a lifetime working to lead the people of Barbados and sadly, cancer
took his life a short time after achieving his lifetime goal. But
in all things we must give thanks for a life of service to the people of
Barbados and the region. I remember him fondly when we were both
Opposition leaders together and worked to have a conference of Opposition
leaders meet in conference from around the region. I extend to his wife
and family, the people of Barbados, the heartfelt condolences of the Progressive
Liberal Party my own wife and family and all colleagues. May he rest
in peace.
[Mr. Thompson is shown in this file photo above at right during a
2000 meeting with Perry Christie and Fred Mitchell - Ed.]
PLP and Opposition Leader Perry Christie held a
news conference at the House of Assembly on Tuesday 19th October on the
dismissals at the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas. Mr. Christie
and the Party condemned the government for the "callous and heartless manner
in which (they) treated the long serving staff of the Broadcasting Corporation
of the Bahamas".
"This government", said the PLP, "continues to demonstrate
an uncanny lack of respect for ordinary working Bahamians, a commitment
for putting things before the welfare of people, and placing the desires
and ambitions of special interests above the needs of the many."
You may click
here for the full statement.
Photos/Rodney Moncur
Fred Mitchell has been in the United States for almost ten days monitoring
the situation and the treatment of the nine straw vendors arrested in New
York on 8th September. He was dispatched by the PLP to see what could
be done to mobilize Bahamian public opinion for the cause of the straw
Slowly and one by one, the vendors have been released.
Mr. Mitchell has let the country know by statement when the releases would
occur. The first was Tracy Davis McDonald. She was then followed
by Margaret Pierre and Judy Duncombe; then Shamone McKell Thompson; then
on Friday 22nd October the fifth, Patricia Hanna, was released. Mr.
Mitchell said that he was delighted that she had been released but that
it had simply taken too long. He continued on behalf of the PLP to
urge the government to work to get the straw vendors released. On
Monday 25th October, two others Gayle Rolle and Marvette Ferguson will
appear for sentencing.
Mr. Mitchell has been concerned about the quality
of the representation. The vendors have been left in the dark about
the status of their cases from their court appointed lawyers in some cases.
He said that the government's lawyers were not aggressive enough in co-ordinating
events. He praised the work of Consul General Carl Smith in New York,
but said that the Bahamian officials had been disrespected by the American
court system. When the sentencing of the two takes place on Monday,
there will be two left: Rhoshandra Rolle and Marvette Ferguson. We
hope that they are released forthwith and without conditions.
Mr. Mitchell said that he was concerned that these
women will not be able to travel to the United States where they need to
go to assist in their businesses. As usual, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs Brent Symonette was silent.
Sunday evening, Mr. Mitchell released this statement:
"The Progressive Liberal Party asks all Bahamians
to remember in their thoughts and prayers the four remaining vendors in
New York who were arrested and are in jail having been there since 18th
September. It has been too long. We remember in particular
the two women who are scheduled to go to court on Monday 25th October Gayle
Rolle and Marvette Ferguson. They need the support of all Bahamians.
If the sentencing takes place as scheduled there
will be two Bahamians remaining to be sentenced. The Bahamas
government must step up its efforts to secure the settlement of all the
remaining cases."
We really hope that people take the time to read the presentation by B.
J. Nottage, the MP for Bain and Grants Town, who was appointed by the PLP
to lead the group to put together a paper on the question of the PLP’s
position on Bahamar. The paper was put to the Council of the PLP
and the country by a live press conference held at Gambier House at the
Lynden Pindling Centre on Thursday 21st October. The difference between
the PLP and the FNM is that the PLP's position is usually a studied position.
When you read it, the paper is quite a thorough explanation of what transpired
and why the project should be supported.
The FNM on the other hand led by Hubert Ingraham
simply makes it up as it goes. We really hope that the Bahamian
people look at it this time, because there is a need for the Bahamar project
to succeed. The country has no alternative and it is inexplicable
why the Prime Minister has consistently and persistently talked this project
down and tried to destroy it. We warned him several weeks ago to
stop his silly ruminations in public about this project and simply sit
his lazy behind down, clear his mind of nonsense and get to the hard work
of making this deal work and stick. Instead, as he wanders off to
China to close out the exposition there in Shanghai, he is talking
the project down. It must leave the investors in a foul and sour
mood. In fact, privately, they have pronounced the issue dead.
Just as we were going to upload, there was a story
circulating on the web from FNM sites that Rodney Moncur and the Prime
Minister were in possession of information that the Scotiabank lenders
were investigating the Izmeralians (the developers) on where the 200 million
dollars they lent them went. If Scotiabank has to do that, then they
are a terrible bank because they were not watching over their shareholders’
money. To Mr. Moncur’s credit, he denied that he was part of the
spin. But that is what the FNM is doing, spin, spin and more spin
instead of seeking to make the deal work.
We commend Dr. Nottage for a job well done.
We hope that you read it and digest it. Here is summary of the PLP’s
position on the matter:
“For our part, we expect that any deal would
include the following:
i. Maximize the participation of Bahamian construction and related labour content including both skilled and unskilled workers“We further urge the Prime Minister to discontinue playing politics with this project, which, successfully implemented will help to revitalize the tourism industry. His recent flip flopping on so many of the conditions of this project is reason for much alarm and uncertainty among hotel workers and among potential investors.
ii. Minimize the foreign construction labour content to that which is required for the successful completion and implementation of the project
iii. Ensure training and skills transfer for Bahamian construction workers during the course of the entire project
iv. Ensure that Bahamians are trained and available for permanent jobs in the operation of the resort
v. Ensure that there will be a myriad of opportunities for Bahamian entrepreneurs to benefit from in the resort when completed
The annual Anglican Synod is the occasion when people
gather to hear the charge of the Anglican Bishop: the views of the church,
which used to be the state church before it was disestablished in 1869
at the behest of the angry Methodists in the House of Assembly. But
each year, the leaders of the country both civic and political come together
at the Cathedral to hear what the bishop has to say.
Laish Boyd is in his second year as Bishop of the
Diocese and Peter Ramsay was there to capture the photos of the congregation
including Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes and Leader of the Opposition
Perry Christie, Leader of Opposition business in the Senate Senator Allyson
Gibson and Senator Anthony Musgrove of the FNM (a former altar boy) and
Danielle Dorsett 16 year old student at St. John’s College who is the godchild
of photographer Peter Ramsay and former Governor General Arthur Hanna.
The annual Anglican Synod is an occasion for the
women to show off their finest haberdashery. Peter Ramsay was there
and photographed some of the more memorable hats at the Synod’s opening
Mass on Monday 18th October at the Christ Church Cathedral in George Street.
Ryan Pinder, the outspoken PLP MP for Elizabeth
was at his best when he ripped into the government for their callous disregard
of the national infrastructure. He was speaking in the House of Assembly
on a resolution to allow BEC to avoid paying customs duty and stamp tax.
This is said to be one reason why the company is unable to meet its obligations.
As usual, the FNM’s chief mouthpiece Zhivargo Laing
was telling the country ‘it’s the PLP’s fault’. One day, he will
realize that this excuse is wearing paper thin. The PLP has been
out of power for almost 4 years and it’s still the PLP’s fault.
You may click
here for Mr. Pinder’s full statement.
When Joy Ann Ferguson Pratt sat down on Friday 22nd October, after facing
Dame Joan Sawyer in the Court of Appeal and after saying that she (Ms.
Pratt) could no longer offer any assistance to the Court, many lawyers
knew exactly how she felt. There have been complaints from no less
a place than the House of Assembly about the decorum in the Court and the
way that lawyers are disrespected in the Court. It has been a complaint
for years.
The PLP’s leadership had an opportunity to object
to the continuation of Joan Sawyer as the President of the Court of Appeal
and did not do so, so we are in fact stuck with this situation, which is
not pleasant at all.
There are too many examples where the Privy Council
has criticized the judges of the Court and in one case there was a decision
on notice which is a seminal case on the question of fairness or more properly
the lack of fairness in that court.
Joan Sawyer ends her term as President of the Court
of Appeal next month and it will not be a minute to soon.
The press reported that after a back and forth between
the AG’s office represented by Mrs. Pratt who was seeking to keep non-nationals
in the jurisdiction and in prison awaiting trial on serious capital charges,
and Dame Joan interrupted her and appeared to disrespect her, Mrs. Pratt
simply said that she could offer no further assistance to the court.
This is the usual courtesy expression when a lawyer is finished and wishes
to say to the court that she is finished. Mrs. Burrow sat down.
The next thing the newspaper said is that Dame Joan
ordered her arrest for contempt because it appears she refused to stand
up when ordered to do so. Franklyn Williams, the Deputy Director
of Public prosecutions had to rush down in order to rescue Mrs. Pratt.
Let us be clear we sympathize with Mrs. Pratt on this one. We also
know that this is iron meets iron. Mrs. Pratt is a Church of God
of Prophecy woman and Joan Sawyer has met her match in this one.
November cannot come a minute too soon.
Mario Bannister, who is one of the PLP’s voices
on Facebook, had this to say about the case itself, and this is so against
the backdrop of the anger that Bahamians feel, with these straw vendors
being kept in jail for buying some fake bags while we in The Bahamas are
bailing American accused murders and now with the help of the Court of
Appeal allowing them to leave the jurisdiction:
Mario Scott Bannister from Facebook - Two Americans
charged with murder, dangerous drugs with intent to supply and possession
of an unlicensed firearm ... the AG Office say they may not return ...
the court gave them bail with the right to leave The Bahamas. Our
straw vendors did not kill anyone and can't leave the USA!!! DAMMIT!
The Board of Directors of Arawak Homes and the Chairman
Franklyn Wilson in particular must feel some sense of vindication with
yet another judgment in their favour with regard to the land that they
own in Pinewood Gardens, which they bought fair and square and which though
the subject of all sorts of tests and encroachments has come through as
being the land of Arawak Homes.
The land is mortgaged to the Royal Bank of Canada
and they have to pay the mortgage. They do not run a charity.
Carl Bethel, the MP for Seabreeze, many of whose
constituents are contesting the title of Arawak Homes represented one of
them in court and the Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett in a long judgment
that was a tour de force of Bahamian property law, soon hopefully to change,
ruled in favour of Arawak Homes on Friday 22nd October. The Chief
Justice said that the plaintiffs in the action had neither documentary
nor possessory title to the land they were claiming, their title in fact
was obtained fraudulently.
Arawak Homes’ Franklyn Wilson issued a statement
saying that they were pleased that the Court had again ruled in their favour
and indicated that those who were claimants on land bought in similar circumstances
could always approach Arawak Homes to seek some non-litigious resolution
to the problem.
You may click
here for the Judgment and for the full statement of Arawak Homes.
The news was so important for the FNM to contradict
that the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham did not wait on the regular edition
of The Tribune to contradict it. Their web posted the Prime Minister’s
response right away to the report, which surfaced on Friday 22nd October
on the web and through the Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union
that BTC, the Bahamas’ government-owned telephone monopoly company is to
be sold to Cable and Wireless, thought to be the worst telephone company
in the West Indies.
This was the company that Hubert Ingraham swore
at the beginning of the process to whom he would never sell BTC.
But then he went and fooled around, spending nearly 200 million dollars
to downsize and prepare BTC for privatization, only to stop, review and
cancel the 260 million dollar deal that the PLP left in place. He
will now have to sell it to this company Cable and Wireless for much less.
He was so embarrassed by it, that he could not tell The Tribune how much
they are going to pay for it, only that it is a ‘fair price’. This
means that there will be a big loss. What a shame. Hubert Ingraham
has once again been an unmitigated disaster to the Bahamian people.
We think what really got Hubert Ingraham's goat,
hot on the heels of letting go with so much pain and suffering 90 ZNS TV
and radio employees, was the report from the Union president that BTC would
be subject to a 30 percent downsizing of the staff, which means 360 employees.
The Prime Minister said that he had told Cable Wireless no go on that one.
We don’t believe a word he says. We will see. He said that
the government will downsize voluntarily but he does not have the money
to give generous packages as they did the last time to the BaTelCo workers.
Here is the story
published by The Tribune on Friday 22nd October.
The country was appalled at the shocking insincerity
and insensitivity of FNM MPs as the PLP’s Leader of Opposition business
in the House of Assembly Obie Wilchcombe and the MP of West End, Grand
Bahama spoke about the issues relating to a cancer cluster in the Lewis
Yard/ Hunters area just outside of Freeport. That is the centre of
the industrial sector of Grand Bahama and Mr. Wilchcombe reported that
there have been several reports of cancer to young people that need to
be investigated. He said that in one case a teenager had grown
breasts like a woman. This brought howls of laughter from FNM MPs.
A family member of the man did not take it lightly and told the press that
they did not appreciate the response of the FNM MPs.
It is very interesting that as we get closer to
the elections, with so much pressure on FNM MPs to turn around the economy,
they continue to act as if nothing is happening and to take everything
as a joke. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham spoke to The Tribune, saying
that the health issues had been investigated and the cleanup of the area
had taken place. Environment Minister Earl Deveaux claimed that they
were taking it seriously and that there are plans to move the school in
Lewis Yard to another area.
Click here
for the Tribune story.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Burton were married at St
Ambrose Church on Gladstone Road on Saturday 23rd October. The Reception
was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Cable Beach. The newlyweds
are pictured with their daughter Brianna Burton and PLP Deputy Leader Philip
‘Brave’ Davis and Mrs. Davis. We wish Mr. & Mrs. Burton all the
Photo/Peter Ramsay
The following statement has been issued by the Ministry
of Halth:
“The Ministry of Health was notified by the Pan
American Health Organization on 22 October 2010 that it has received laboratory
confirmation of cases of Cholera in Haiti. So far PAHO has informed
of more than 1,500 cases and 138 deaths. Efforts in the Ministry of Health
are focused on preventing the introduction of and/or containing and treating
any cases that may be identified in The Bahamas. There are no cases
of cholera or suspected cases of cholera in The Bahamas at this time.
“Cholera is a disease caused by ingestion of
food or water contaminated with faeces or infective material. The symptoms
of cholera include the abrupt onset of profuse, painless watery diarrhoea
(rice water stools), with nausea and vomiting early in the disease.
Untreated cases may result in severe dehydration and may even result in
death. Any such symptoms should be reported immediately to your nearest
healthcare provider or clinic. Washing hands and safe water are critical
to stopping transmission.
“The Water & Sewerage Corporation informs
that it is committed to ensuring that the public drinking water supply
is safe. Its Water Quality Laboratory conducts routine sampling and analyses
of water following well-established protocols. The public is advised that
tap water is safe to drink.
“In cooperation with NEMA, the Ministry of Health
and its international partners are taking steps to ensure the availability
of information and necessary supplies for a comprehensive national response.
“For further information contact the Ministry
of Health and/or the Department Of Public Health at 502-4790 and 502 4776.”
Meanwhile, Opposition Spokesman on Foreign Affairs
Fred Mitchell MP is calling on the Ministry to say what steps are being
taken to protect Bahamian personnel in Haiti:
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Bahamas
must say what steps it is taking if any with regard to the protection of
all Bahamian personnel in the Republic Haiti given the reports of a cholera
outbreak in that nation. The Ministry should take steps to protect all
Bahamian personnel in Haiti at this time.
“The Ministry of Health in The Bahamas must also
say what if any implications there are for The Bahamas as a result of the
outbreak there. Will The Bahamas assist Haiti in any way? The PLP expresses
its concern at the plight of the people of Haiti at this time.”
Is The Airport Highway Of Value To Bahamians?
I should be grateful if you would consider publication
of the attached letter to the editor with reference to questioning the
value to the Bahamian taxpayer of the contract to build a new four lane
highway from the airport to Thompson Blvd. This letter follows on
a letter from Mr. Philip Davis recently published in some of the media.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Philip P. Smith
[You may click here for the full letter from Mr. Smith. - Ed.]
Mrs. Thelma Forde’s funeral was on Friday 15th
not Saturday 16th.
In last week’s column (10th October) it was mentioned
that the plane crash of the 9 victims was a ‘fiery’ plane crash; again
this week (17th October) the same is being reported. Is it for sensation,
or being unable to distinguish truth from fiction?
While the FNM may not be as popular in Grand
Bahama at this time due to a very depressed economy, unemployment, and
crime being out of control, the PLP’S candidates for Marco City and Pine
ridge - who are two quality candidates - unfortunately, will not be triumphant
against Zhivargo and Kwasi.
Kelly D. Burrows
[Mrs. Forde’s funeral was in fact on Friday and thanks, we made the
correction as soon as you pointed out the error last week.
The plane crash was, in fact, fiery. It was reported that
fire came from the engine of the plane just before it crashed into the
As for the FNM or PLP being victorious: we say PLP, Burrows says
FNM. You pays your penny and you takes your choice. -- Editor.]
Is Ingraham Against BahaMar?...
The man is unstable, as the Bible says about
his type, in all his ways. He seems now to possess two or more personalities;
a jackal and a Mr. Hyde.
Unfortunately for BahaMar, and indeed the country
by extension, their Cable Beach redevelopment deal was not fully finalized
and consummated while the PLP was in office. This shouldn’t be held
against them though for it has always been understood, in our system, that
some things that one government may initiate, while in office, may not
be concluded and so would of necessity be left to its successor to complete;
BahaMar being a prime example.
The attitudes of both Ingraham and his FNM government
toward BahaMar’s project indicate, now very clearly, that they were never
on board with the plans for the Cable Beach Strip, from day one.
Statements attributed to Hubert Ingraham, from his press conference, in
the aftermath of BahaMar’s successful negotiations with the Bank of Nova
Scotia in settling their outstanding indebtedness to that financial Institution
and their subsequent public announcement to that effect, told volumes of
Ingraham’s and his FNM government’s strong negative feelings. The
fact that they seem prepared to move the goalpost, each and every time,
in their attempt to scuttle the program tells me that Ingraham and the
FNM government are not, and have never been, on board and are not committed
to this venture, whatsoever. Why?
Aren’t governments expected to develop certain
policies by which they intend to operate and go about the methodology of
how, and by what guidelines, they wish to govern? And shouldn’t the
country know what those policies are, at all times with respect to their
ideas for the country’s ongoing development?
We don’t know, at this stage, the reason (s)
for the FNM’s obvious, negative mindset toward BahaMar, but this is not
the way prudent governments handle serious Investors or how they do business;
period. Their conduct is a recipe for disaster and for deepening
the lack of confidence by any investors.
When this man came to office in 2007, all he
needed to do was to tidy up the few loose ends left on BahaMar’s project
and sign off on the deal, already struck by the Christie Administration.
But no, what he did instead was to go to the parliament and insult the
principal financiers (Harrahs), with his derogatory and disparaging remarks
about them resulting in them giving up on the partnership.
Remember that Kerzner International sent a number
of subtle messages signalling their objections to a rival touristic project
the size that BahaMar was proposing. They inferred that the government
should not sanction another project that rivals Atlantis; that two such
giant touristic ventures, like Kerzner and BahaMar, were unsustainable
side by side. Perry Christie and the PLP thought that they were talking
foolishly and so ignored them. What is now very obvious to me is
that Hubert Ingraham took Kerzner very seriously. I believe that
Kerzner supported the FNM in the general elections campaign, more heavily,
because he thought that Atlantis’ fortunes would be secured with an Ingraham
Administration in place, as opposed to a Christie Administration.
Hence, Ingraham’s attitude and his deliberate act, I am convinced, of driving
Harrahs out of town.
What Ingraham didn’t count on, however, was BahaMar’s
fortitude and commitment to the investment deal, and their determination
to get funding.
Let us look at how Ingraham dealt with this entity
after they secured China’s government’s commitment to financing.
He declared that his government would not consider approving 5000, proposed,
work permits unless, when it was brought to parliament, the PLP voted in
favour of the measure, as well. This is highly unusual a procedure
for the approval of work permits, of course, as the question of the issuance
of work permits - whether it’s one permit or one hundred thousand permits
- is a matter for the cabinet of the Bahamas and the policies of the government
of the day. This is not a matter for parliament and certainly the
opposition has no role, whatsoever, to play in approving them.
Then the time came when he was obliged to bring
the resolution to parliament but declared, to the shock and surprise of
the official opposition and the country, that it would not be debated until
BahaMar settled their differences with the bank of Nova Scotia over the
$200 million debt they have outstanding (I am still wondering what the
one has to do with the other, but that was the FNM’s condition for proceeding).
So back to the drawing board BahaMar went.
Then they resolved their differences with Nova Scotia and announced their
success, publicly, in a press release. BahaMar was sure and expected
then (I am sure) that Ingraham would immediately announce his government’s
agenda, for the next sitting of the house of assembly to include debate
(albeit a mockery of a debate) on the proposed deal. What Ingraham
did instead, though, was to announce, in a press conference, that his government
(meaning him alone) was unprepared to debate the project in the form that
it has been proposed. The man seems now to have a problem, for the
first time, with the labour component (which was always the PLP’s position).
Ingraham seems now, also, to have a problem with
the fact that the construction is proposed to be done in a single phase,
as opposed to three or more stages. This is hilarious in that what
he has done, in fact, (which he has castigated Mr. D’Aguilar the former
Chamber of Commerce President for accusing him of) was to move the goalpost
again, as Mr. D’Aguilar has charged. It does seem like every hurdle
BahaMar crosses, the Ingraham Administration keep changing the qualifying
Ingraham is now off to China, with a large Bahamian
delegation, for a state visit. If he was serious about BahaMar’s
project and serious about needing and wanting the PLP’s input, with respect
to the large labour component etc., he would have invited the PLP’s leader
to select one or two PLP members of parliament to accompany the government’s
delegation. This in an effort to show the Chinese that there was
bipartisan agreement, by the government and the official opposition, against
their demand for 8150 work permits. But he did no such thing and
now I am convinced that he is counting on the Chinese to provide him with
another excuse to further frustrate BahaMar and move the goalpost.
The man is playing musical chairs with this major investor, the only one
in the works. This should teach BahaMar a valuable Bahamian political
lesson, I hope. They backed the wrong horse when they put all their
campaign finance contributions, in the Elizabeth bye-election, on Duane
Sands’ candidacy.
But yet again, the man has sent a terrible message
to investors who might wish to come here to invest. I doubt, though, whether
there are many (if any) who are breaking down our doors as long as Ingraham
remains prime minister and holds sway over every decision his government
Forrester J. Carroll J.P.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
The $110,000 Trip
This is the happy photo of a smiling prime minister and his minions
as he set off to China on Friday 22nd October. The country is in
a mess. His people have record unemployment. He has no strategy
for investment. He is constantly seeking to insult the leader of
the opposition with personal attacks. The latest was saying as he
left that the Mr. Christie was weak. Of course, the only who is weak
is the one who has the weakness in the head - who shall remain nameless.
He left smiling and happy in the midst of all this trouble, spending the
good, hard-earned money of the Bahamian people in the midst of their suffering.
Mitchell At Harvard’s Memorial Chapel
Fred Mitchell MP and the Opposition’s spokesman on Foreign Affairs
attended the morning services at the Harvard Memorial Chapel at Cambridge,
Massachusetts at Harvard Yard. The sermon was delivered by Plummer
Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister of the Memorial Church
Harvard Dr. Peter Gomes on Sunday 14th October. The subject of the
sermon was “Expectations and Experience” and was based on the Beatitudes
in the gospel of Matthew. Professor Gomes said, “Expectations are
the fuel of moral truth.”
Sharlyn Smith and Cheryl Bazard Nominated
Congratulations to Sharlyn Smith, attorney-at-law and wife of MP Frank
Smith and daughter of Arawak Homes Chair Franklyn Wilson, who has been
nominated as Executive of the Year by the Financial Services Board.
Also to Cheryl Bazard, the Vice Chair of the PLP, who was nominated for
Professional of the year by the Board. We wish them good luck.
Pinnacle Has Success With Cancer Commemoration
The Toastmasters group, Pinnacle, headed by Jason Springer had another
success at an event held to mark the month of October as Breast Cancer
month and to honour and pay tribute to cancer survivors. The photo
shows the event on Wednesday 20th October. Attending in addition
to representatives of the Bahamas Cancer Society were Senator Jerome Fitzgerald
whose wife is a cancer survivor and speaking on behalf of the PLP was Ryan
Pinder MP.
Prime Minister Grumbles Into His Blackberry
On the day Wednesday 20th October, that one Shamone McKell Thompson,
straw vendor, was released, Hubert Ingraham was playing with his Blackberry
in the House of Assembly. Then he raised his head and said: “They
just free two”. Of course, it was not two, it was one but we won't
quibble. “I bet you Fred didn’t tell you’ all that… he been trying to see
these people but they aint guh let him see these people. He can’t
see them”. What a silly fellow. Instead of worrying about Fred
Mitchell, why won’t he simply do his work and get the people free since
he has the power and authority to do so. We hope that the straw vendors
remember that the Prime Minister was asked on 22nd September in the House
of Assembly by Fred Mitchell whether he proposed to make any statement
on the matter of the arrest of the vendors, he said that thousands
of Bahamians get arrested in the US every year and no statements are made
about them so he proposed to make no statement. He quickly changed
his mind once the PLP put pressure on him and he realized that he had better
do something about or lose the political initiative.
Mia Is Out In Barbados and Owen Is Back In
Just as we thought last week, Mia Mottley, the former Leader of the
Opposition of Barbados was dumped by her once mentor and benefactor Owen
Arthur. Taking a page from the script of Hubert Ingraham, when he
savaged Tommy Turnquest to take over the leadership of the FNM, which he
said he was giving up after two terms; Owen Arthur who resigned after the
loss of the election in 2008 is back in Barbados as Leader of his party
and Leader of the Opposition. It has caused some bitterness.
But in their system, the MPs decide who leads the Party and five to four
they decided to dump Mia and go with Owen Arthur. Mr. Arthur summoned
Ms. Mottley to a meeting to say that they were changing her. She
refused to come and they went ahead anyway and revoked the appointment
on Monday 18th October. This comes off as completely opportunistic
after abandoning the party when he lost. Observers are saying that
he thinks that he can make comeback now with David Thompson, the Prime
Minister dead, he is said to feel that it will be a shoo in.
Fox Hill Young Liberals
Fred Mitchell MP joined the Fox Hill Young Liberals at their inaugural
meeting on Friday 15th October. Mr. Mitchell encouraged the PYL members
to get involved, told them that politics can be fun and said that he would
be working with the Young Liberals in Fox Hill on their various projects.
The meeting was held at the Fox Hill Community Centre.
PLP Was There Before Moncur On ZNS
Rodney Moncur on his Facebook page said in the photo caption at the
Perry Christie press conference about ZNS something like, ‘at last the
PLP comes to the support of the people at ZNS’. Wrong again, Rodney.
The PLP was there from day one, before the matter became a public issue
both Alfred Sears and Fred Mitchell made public statements on behalf
of the PLP in Freeport at a press conference, live and in living colour.
The moral of the story is not to believe your own propaganda but get the
facts before you speak.
Ingraham’s Travel To China
The word is that Hubert Ingraham’s ticket cost to China and back with
the hordes that he is taking is costing the Bahamian taxpayer $110,000
in airline ticket charges alone. Talk dat!
The High Commissioner Reports From Canada
Last week, we carried a piece about barriers to trade which erroneously
reported that Bahamian students still require an X ray to be taken in order
to get a student visa to study in Canada. The Bahamas had been listed
as a tuberculosis country by the Canadians. The High Commissioner
Michael Smith reports that in fact this is no longer a requirement.
The matter changed about two months ago. Good job.
Fr. David Cooper
The Catholic Church has instructed former Attorney General Alfred Sears
MP for Ft. Charlotte to represent one of its priests David Cooper as an
interested party in a Coroner’s Inquest into the death in a fire four years
ago of Nicola Williamson Gibson whom The Tribune reports the evidence at
the hearing was that a priest had a relationship with the dead woman.
The matter has been adjourned to 1st November. The coroner William
Campbell also took exception to the report of the matter in the down market
rag The Punch, which he described as shocking, shameless and using intentional
lies. Alfred Sears said that the matter ought to be referred to the
Attorney General for criminal prosecution.
World Food Day In The Bahamas
Minister of Agriculture Larry Cartwright announces the celebration
of World Food Day in The Bahamas. The primary focus of this annual
event is the eradication of world hunger which is said to effect one billion
people. Under the theme ‘United Against Hunger’, the Ministry hosts
a series of activities at the Gladstone Road Agriculture Centre. It is
estimated by international experts that 40 years from now the population
of Earth will be nine billion people. As a result the production of food
globally would have to increase by 70 per cent above present levels in
order to prevent widespread hunger and malnutrition, said Mr. Cartwright.
A highlight of this year’s commemoration will be the presentation of gift
certificates and bins of food to homes for senior citizens and under privileged
children.The photo shows Philip Miller, Under Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture,
the Minister and Permanent Secretary Creswell Sturrup.
PLPs Sending A Message To Bran McCartney
Things don't look good on that side so you are welcome to cross over
now to the PLP. Once an election is called, our hands are tied.
Decision Day In Antigua and Barbuda
The Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean will rule Wednesday 27
October on the appeal of the Prime Minister of Antigua Baldwin Spencer
and his two Ministers about whether or not they have to vacate their seats
in Parliament. Earlier this year, an election court ruled that the
three seats had to be vacated because of election irregularities in the
March 2009 general elections. The seats were declared vacant.
The appeal had the effect of staying the decision. If the court of
appeal upholds the lower court ruling, the majority of the government will
be reduced to six seats with one ally from Barbuda giving them seven seats.
The opposition Antigua Labour Party headed by Lester Bird has seven seats.
Mr. Bird insists that if he ruling is upheld he should be asked to form
the new government. But the Prime Minister’s party plans to have
the PM resign before the announcement as PM and appoint one of those whose
seats is not affected as PM, just in case the ruling goes against him.
That acting PM will then advise the Governor General to hold bye-elections
rather than a general election and thus hold off the possibility of making
Lester Bird the Prime Minister again. Needless to say, it will be
a sleepless night in Antigua tonight.
[An earlier version of this post had, in error, set the Court of
Appeal ruling for 25 October. --Ed.]
Election For New Premier of Bermuda
Terry Lister, Paula Cox, Dale Butler are in the running for the office
of Premier in Bermuda. The PLP, the ruling party in Bermuda, will
hold a special convention to elect a successor to outgoing Premier Ewart
Brown on Thursday 28th October. Ms. Cox who is the Deputy Premier
looks set to win by a wide margin. The voting begins at 10
a.m. Bermuda time.
![]() |
EXUMA BUSINESS OUTLOOK: - The fifth Exuma Business Outlook Seminar took place at the Sandals Resort at Ocean Bight in Exuma on Wednesday 27th October. The daylong seminar was attended by the business and civic leaders of Exuma and they talked about the present and the future of Exuma in what Chester Cooper of British American Financial called: ‘the new normal’ (see address below). But the interesting thing about this picture is that all of these people are involved in litigation over Mona Vie, the allegation made that the Minister of State Zhivargo Laing used his influence to allow a relative to get special treatment from Customs, the department which he superintends. Mr. Laing is suing the two standing next to him and the lawyer for one of the defendants in also in the picture. The irony of the moment was too much and got a good laugh. So our photo of the week shows from left Minister of State Zhivargo Laing, John Rolle, former Comptroller of Customs, Frank Smith MP PLP and Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill who is the attorney for one of the defendants Bernard J. Nottage MP in the lawsuit for libel brought by Mr. Laing. Photo/The Counsellors Ltd. |
A cri de couer went out last week from a civil servant who was quite
simply shocked at the information that was written about her on the web.
First on one of the more adventurous news sites, there was an attack on
the department where she worked, but the real damage was done when in the
comments section someone actually accused her of some pretty unseemly stuff,
which might even be illegal. She was devastated and wanted to know
what to do.
The problem is that this kind of “new normal” that exists in the public domain leaves very little that you can do. The instruments of the past available in law are blunt and difficult instruments and one wonders whether or not the person risks even greater harm by seeking to address it. Most often, most people choose to ignore it.
That certainly is the decision of most politicians. They would be filing writs in the courts and reporting matters to the police every day, if they decided to take up every challenge or crude remark that is printed in the press or in the web.
What are the alternatives? You can of course write your own comment. You could report to the domain owners the fact there has been an abuse. You could report the matter to the police. We have seen two recent cases in The Bahamas where successful prosecutions have come to the courts; one man who libelled his wife by posting unflattering photos on the web and the other a young woman from the College of The Bahamas who received an eight month sentence for making threats of death on the web.
There is still the threat of a libel suit if you can find the person who is behind it and that person has assets.
For example, one of the reasons that The Punch has been able to successfully libel so many people is that they are masters at hiding their assets and so it is difficult to know how to enforce any judgment against them.
The law will probably have to be looked at in this area to protect the reputations of individuals as the web becomes even more powerful and people think that they can say nasty and false things with impunity because the web allows a great deal of anonymity.
There is a well known FNM operative on Facebook named Voices Bahamian who engages in the most salacious attacks on PLP politicians. The attacks are supported and circulated by FNM MPs, amongst them FNM Chairman Carl Bethel. The irony is that the man behind it suffers from the same disease that he is always accusing others of having. He is also a well known and pathological liar and thief. Perhaps the PLP ought to make an example out of that one and add the FNM MPs as conspirators in a private prosecution for criminal libel. But most people see it as a waste of time. Some suggest that someone will one day simply go out and break his legs. That would be a pity if things get to that.
There also needs however to be a discussion on the whole tenor of public discourse which has become so nasty under Hubert Ingraham that the country suffers from this nastiness generally.
We are constantly amazed at the young kids, some of them clearly below age and the overt sexual material on the web that they expose about themselves. You wonder where the parents of these kids are. Do they know what the kids are actually doing? Do the people who expose their private business in the way they do actually know the harm that this causes? Is there anything such as ‘private’ any more?
This clearly is a situation of evolving standards. And you have to note also that what is there on Facebook, the profiles and photos, does not have to be the truth. Just like a Hollywood movie, the whole thing could be a work of fiction, created by the author of the fiction who could be disclosed or undisclosed. So what is on Facebook does not have to be real.
We on this site try to confine ourselves to matters of public policy and matters in the public domain. The column is based more generally than most on public sources although it is fed by information from private sources but we try not to dumb down the commentary. We also make a distinction between someone who puts their business in the public domain and someone who is a private person and not a public figure. However, ‘public figure’ has changed so much with the coming of the social websites.
In Britain, a problem came when people were being attacked with impunity from the House of Commons by MPs as they can be here in The Bahamas in our Parliament. Some suggested that private individuals who were attacked in that way ought to have the right to reply. Perhaps it is something we should think of as well.
We wish the civil servant luck and our advice to her was to take the matter to the police. Chances are it is some FNM operative who is seeking to discredit the PLP by making it look like it is the PLP that did it.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 30th October 2010 up to midnight: 126,628.
Number of hits for the month October up to Saturday 30th October 2010 up to midnight: 525,489.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 30th October 2010 up to midnight: 6,849,061.
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was in the middle of his trip to Beijing,
the Chinese capital last week when a statement was issued from the government
of The Bahamas reported in The Tribune on Thursday 28th October.
Note that the government of The Bahamas issued the statement to the Chinese.
The statement was full of double speak.
First of all, the Prime Minister did not meet the
Premier of China, nor the President of the country. He raised it
with an official at a lesser level, the issue of Chinese workers in The
Bahamas for Bahamar. We are not sure that was appropriate anyway
since it is the China Export Import Bank, a commercial entity that makes
the decision, not the government. He went there with a fundamental
misunderstanding of what the deal is.
That fundamental misunderstanding was also evident
in the silly column by a man named Anthony Hall that was paraded in the
local press who claimed, based on who knows what, that the Chinese are
trying to put the squeeze on The Bahamas because of Bahamar. What
utter rot. There is no evidence anywhere to suggest that. Further,
Mr. Ingraham certainly cannot be accurately portrayed (Mr. Hall tried to)
as a national hero fighting for Bahamians. In fact, he is quite the
opposite, a simple party political hack who changes and shifts with the
tide as politics determines. No principals whatsoever.
The Bahamas government’s statement is tepid even
by Chinese and Hubert Ingraham’s standards. Mr. Ingraham would work
well in China since he is like the old style Communist Commissars who say
something is what it is not all the time. Mr. Ingraham's statement
from China said that the Chinese government noted the concerns of the government
of The Bahamas about labour and that they were committed to having the
maximum Bahamian participation in the project. What does that say?
Nothing except what it says. It certainly does not seem to mean that
anything has materially changed.
Anyway, Mr. Ingraham said from China that he would
make a decision by the end of the year on Bahamar. He has his personal
amanuensis from the press in the form of Candia Dames with him so presumably
he won’t lie to her as he has been lying to the Bahamian people on other
things to do with Bahamar in recent times, well not lie that’s unparliamentary,
misled the country.
Former Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition
Perry G. Christie will travel to Barbados on Tuesday 2nd November for the
official funeral of the late Prime Minister of Barbados David Thompson.
He will be accompanied by Opposition Spokesman on Foreign Affairs Fred
Mitchell. They will be out of the country until 4th November.
The funeral will be held in the Kensington Cricket Stadium. The Government
of Barbados said that it wanted as many Barbadians as possible to participate
in the funeral. There has been a spontaneous outpouring of affection
for the late Prime Minister who died on 23rd October at the age of 48 after
only two years in office.
Picewell Forbes and Ryan Pinder, two PLP MPs were
the flavour of the week for The Tribune. During the week, the paper
ran speculative stories about both men.
Mr. Forbes, they say, is losing ground in South
Andros (see story on Whitney
Bastian In Passing). We believe that this is part of the propaganda
effort by Mr. Bastian to discredit Mr. Forbes. The fact is, South
Andros is one of the most PLP parts of the country and it will be cold
day in hell with the swing toward the PLP in the country expected in 2012
that South Andros will vote against the PLP again. This is not the
situation that obtained in 1997 when Sir Lynden left office nor the debacle
that led to the PLP losing again in 2002 to Mr. Bastian despite a nationwide
sweep in the PLP’s favour.
Mr. Pinder was quoted in the press as confirming
that someone in the PLP was trying to get him who was a former employee.
Unfortunately, The Tribune used Mr. Pinder's own words to pursue their
propaganda line. Again, this is small potatoes. One line the
FNM is also pushing is that Mr. Pinder will be moving to North Eleuthera
running there instead of in Elizabeth in New Providence. Not so.
The story on Mr. Forbes appeared on 27th October
and on Mr. Pinder on 26th October.
“We cannot effectively develop and sustain businesses
or get enough taxes or NIB contributions unless we double this island's
population from 7,000 to 15,000 in the next ten years."
Those were the words of Chester Cooper, the
head of British American Financial as he spoke to the Exuma Outlook seminar
on the “new normal”.
Mr. Cooper challenged the people of Exuma to shift
the paradigm by looking to the expansion of their society. The 2010
census reveals that the population of Exuma grew by 105 percent over the
last ten years from 2500 to 7000. Mr. Cooper wants the population
to double again. That, of course, would shake up the culture in Exuma
and he challenged the people to be ready to accept and embrace the changes.
Mr. Cooper spoke on Wednesday 27th October.
You may click
here for the full statement.
We like to show what the future of the country is
like from time to time and the representatives who have been chosen by
their fellow students at the College of The Bahamas are likely to be the
leaders of the country within a decade. Here are some of the faces
who were exposed on Facebook during the week:
After weeks of speculation and denial by Bahamas
Supermarkets, the company owned by Trinidadian company Neal and Massey
and which has been struggling to make it in the Bahamian market, a cryptic
announcement was made that the company has been sold.
Fred Mitchell MP, who brought the issue to the attention
of the public, issued a statement in response to it. While Bahamas
Supermarkets did not disclose who is behind the new owners Associated Grocers
of The Bahamas, the speculation is that it may be Craig and his brother
who is Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette. The name is the same
or similar to the company that got a licence to do wholesaling in Freeport
and then went belly up. First the announcement from Bahamas Supermarkets
and then Mr. Mitchell’s statement both made on 28th October:
BSL Holdings Limited signs Memorandum of Understanding for sale of
controlling stake in Bahamas Supermarkets Limited
BSL Holdings Limited (“BSLH”) announced
today that it has executed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) for the
sale of its 77.762% shareholding in the ordinary share capital of Bahamas
Supermarkets Limited (“BSL”) to Associated Grocers of The Bahamas Limited
(“AGBL”), a Bahamian company.
The transaction, which is subject to regulatory
approval and due diligence, is expected to close on or before November
5, 2010. After closing, it is expected that BSL, under its new ownership,
will continue to operate the City Market stores while it develops a rationalization
plan. .
Derek Winford, BSL CEO said “The Bahamas food
retailing landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years and
AGBL brings the necessary tools and resources to reengineer and revitalize
BSL’s operations to make it a viable, competitive and profitable company.
We expect that after the transformation, a significant number of jobs will
be preserved, and this was the main motivation behind the transaction”
A spokesperson for AGBL said, “City Markets
has a long history of food retailing in The Bahamas and is part of the
fabric of the community. We are confident that the company will thrive
under our stewardship and will regain the prominence it enjoyed in years
BSL is owned 22.238% by the Bahamian public and
their ownership under the transaction is unaffected. Mr. Winford
added that he was optimistic that the company would be restored to profitability
quickly and shareholder value would soon reflect the improvement in the
company’s financial position.
Fred Mitchell’s Statement On City Markets
My concern about the state of this company is
well known.
It does not matter to me who buys the company
at this stage once the individuals and entity are bona fide and legal.
The important issue is the saving of Bahamian jobs for the loyal employees
of this company and a return to the kind of company that supplies quality
merchandise at affordable prices with an adequate supply chain. The
business model that was utilized by the former owners did not deliver any
of the security that Bahamians had come to expect from this company.
We must also not forget the Bahamian shareholders
who own the company as a public company. They had come in the past to expect
regular dividends. That ceased. I hope there is a return to that.
It is important however that there be full and frank disclosure as to who
are the individuals behind the company that is buying Bahamas Supermarkets
in order to make a proper judgment. I visited the stores today and
the shelves were bare, the employees indifferent. This did not seem
a happy place. Let us hope that this now changes. I will continue
to monitor the situation on behalf of my constituents who work at City
John Pinder of the Bahamas Public Services Union
is fit to be tied with the announcement by the rival Trade Union Congress
headed Obie Ferguson that he has obtained a certificate of registration
from the Registrar of Trade Unions for a new union to represent the combined
Departments of Immigration and Customs.
Right now, Mr. Pinder’s union represents the customs
and immigration officers. Those officers got upset because Mr. Pinder
concluded a deal with the government to stop overtime and move entirely
to a shift system for the pay of customs and immigration officers.
This is something that was negotiated under the PLP and Mr. Ingraham settled
The overtime pay, however, was the backbone of the
pay for customs and immigration officers and the new deal has set back
the officers many, many thousands of dollars in income. Mr. Pinder
did not seem to understand the extent of the anger over it. The result
was a new union was formed and now they are seeking recognition as the
bargaining agent for the union. Mr. Pinder is betting that his ties
with the FNM administration will frustrate that effort.
It may well be that the new union will have to depend
and hope for a PLP victory before the matter is resolved. Mr. Pinder
said he is confident that the new union will not get the recognition agreement.
The announcement was made on Wednesday 26th October.
The Advisory Group of the Progressive Liberal Party
headed by former MP Sidney Stubbs held a meeting to allow its youth arm
to get some exposure. That youth arm is headed by Latrae Rahming,
who was ousted from the Young Liberals, because he made a statement, which
opposed the attack on gays and lesbians by Baptist Bishop Simeon Hall.
Mr. Rahming and two of his colleagues spoke at the meeting Alverez Morley
and Dominique Bain. Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill attended the meeting
held on Tuesday 25th October, as did Senator Hope Strachan and Manita Wisdom,
Chair of the PLP Women’s Branch.
Photo/Athama Bowe
The PLP has cancelled its convention for this year.
This is not a happy result nor a good decision in our view but that is
what it is. The party announced that instead it would engage in a
series of meetings across the county, the first of which is scheduled for
Grand Bahama on 18th November. Bradley Roberts party Chairman made
the following announcement:
“Last evening the National General Council of
the PLP accepted and approved the recommendation of the Party’s Convention
Committee that the Annual Convention scheduled for this year be suspended
and in its place the party will host a series of Family Island regional
Conventions under the theme ‘The Voice of the people”.
“The Island gathering of PLP’s will take
place across the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Each gathering will bring
the PLP Leadership closer to the Bahamian People. It will mark the first
time that any Political Party would have staged mini conventions on each
of the major islands in the Bahamas. The series of mini Island conventions
will culminate with the National General Convention for a date to be announced
in 2011.
“The PLP is committed to meeting with and
talking to the Bahamian People across the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
Such gatherings take on greater meaning as we near the critical time in
our Country when the people will decide who will govern The Bahamas. The
PLP believes that the people must be heard. The PLP is cognizant of the
fact that while Bahamians have common issues, some issues differ from Island
to Island. The Party Leadership will attend each event and will listen
to the Voices of the People.
“The mini conventions will feature the
voice of the people, their plight, their thoughts and their ideas. The
people will hear from the Leadership of the party who will speak to vision
for the 21st century.
“The mini convention series will kick off
in Grand Bahama next month. Grand Bahama has been hardest hit by the neglect
of the FNM. The unemployment rate is at an all-time high, crime is at an
all-time high and the economy is at an all-time low. The future of Freeport,
the concessions under the Hawksbill Creek Agreement and the continued and
unabated damage to the environment are matters that will face the Grand
Bahama electorate. These critical items will be on the agenda for the Grand
Bahama mini Convention.
“The full schedule which will be announced next
week will include a series of regional conferences slated for New Providence.”
The Elizabeth Branch of the Progressive Liberal
Party hosted the Miss Elizabeth PLP 2010 Beauty Pageant, on Saturday 23rd
October at the Rainforest Theatre at the Wyndham Crystal Palace Hotel.
It was an evening to remember!
Elizabeth MP Ryan Pinder extended personal congratulations
to the contestants Miss Sage Alcove, Diondra Smith; Miss Tuvalu Court,
Bronique Wilson; Miss Orchard Close, Karina Glinton; Miss Riviera Lane,
Gabrielle McKinney; Miss Pollen Close, Derricka McDonald; and Miss Opaco
Way, Janelle Hart.
“All the contestants demonstrated their beauty,
character, talent, intellect, and commitment to the Elizabeth community,”
said Mr. Pinder, “After 8 weeks of preparation, each contestant was a stellar
representative of the great constituency of Elizabeth.
“The contestants are all winners but unfortunately,
only one is able to be crowned as the ultimate winner and carry the title
of Miss Elizabeth PLP 2010.
“As the Member of Parliament for Elizabeth, I
congratulate Ms. Karina Glinton as the newly crowned Miss Elizabeth PLP
2010. I am confident that Karina Glinton will represent the
Elizabeth Constituency well.
“In Elizabeth my team focuses on community building.
It is for this reason that the pageant was designed as more than a traditional
beauty pageant. The host committee ensured that the pageant was structured
so as to include events that focused on community development and commitment,
as well as character building in our young ladies.
“The contestants participated in a number of
community events, including visits to the Willie Mae Pratt Centre for Girls,
local educational institutions and churches. I am pleased with the
personal growth of all the contestants. Each contestant is a future
leader in the Elizabeth constituency and a true asset to the community
as a whole.
“Crowned Miss Elizabeth PLP 2010, Ms. Karina
Glinton will receive a two-year scholarship to The College of the Bahamas
to continue her current studies in Accounting. In Elizabeth, we believe
that education is an important element in the development of our youth,
and encourage all to pursue their dreams through education and training.
“Congratulations to all contestants.”
Miss Elizabeth Karina Glinton is pictured above
in costume and accepting the crown.
We present a full photo spread of the event:
Correspondent Forrester Carroll takes on Hubert Ingraham's attempts
to hassle the Freeport business community...
It was last year sometime when Hubert Ingraham and Zhivargo Laing declared
that they were committed to teaching the Freeport business community a
lesson. This was in response to our (Freeport business community)
not sitting back and allowing them to infringe on our rights as licensees
of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, to concessions under the Hawksbill
Creek Agreement. Ingraham tried this nonsense once before -a few
years ago- when he inferred in a speech, to a group of Freeport businesspersons,
that the Customs Department had the sole authority to determine and to
dictate the type of motor vehicles Port Authority Licensees could import,
conditionally duty free, for use in our businesses.
The venue was a business luncheon held at the
Lucayan Golf and Country Club when he told businesspersons in attendance
that all those fancy and expensive vehicles they had driven to the luncheon
that day would be hauled in by Bahamas Customs the following morning and
that they would be required to pay the customs duties before the vehicles
would be released to them. Well I don’t have to tell you, am sure,
that the business operators went berserk, so intensely that he had to recant.
Eventually, he had to back down; the coward. Why, you ask? Because
he was proposing something that he must have known to be illegal and unlike
our black business persons, who would have let him get away that nonsense,
the dominant white business group told him, ‘hell no, not this time’.
No tin god, the likes of Zhivargo Laing and or Hubert Ingraham can tell
us, legally, what kind of vehicles we are permitted to import for our business
purposes. That call is for the individual business owner to make; not Bahamas
Customs, not Zhivargo Laing and certainly not Hubert Ingraham; it’s none
of their damn business.
If the truth were revealed, you would know that
neither Ingraham nor Laing has any working knowledge of the Hawksbill Creek
Agreement. The puppet who Laing had installed in position, in the
customs department, for the sole purpose of feeding him garbage, doesn’t
have a clue either as to how the agreement works, having been transferred
from Nassau only a few years ago. I suspect he has never bothered
to become fully acquainted with the very broad rights that licensees do
enjoy under the agreement. It is very obvious that the Comptroller
of Customs himself, as a matter of fact, has very little knowledge (if
any) of the terms and conditions of the agreement. The problem here
is plain for all to see, that they don’t read and if they do read and study
this complex agreement, they have never understood it. Their decisions
seem to be based on gut feelings and are almost, always outside of any
law. Hence, the reason for them losing every lawsuit brought against
them to date.
Hubert couldn’t get us then, so last year sometime,
he threatened to fix the Customs Management Act so that it would be crystal
clear(as he said) on the kind of authority that customs does have, under
the act, to deal with us Freeporters. That is what Ingraham threatened
and so he and Laing embarked on this vendetta, to get us.
To make matters worse, for us to do business,
they ordered that the ten-day bond facility be cancelled immediately and
without any notice whatsoever. This threw the business community
into turmoil as the bond facility, which we enjoyed for years, enabled
business persons to take delivery of their merchandise immediately upon
arrival (provided all the relevant documents to clear the merchandise were
in order) as opposed to having to wait long periods, (in terms of days),
for customs brokers to prepare the necessary customs entries and then for
Bahamas Customs to get around to processing the paperwork. We screamed
about what they were doing, but it had no affect as this was their way,
I gathered, of (as the tin gods said) teaching us a lesson. Businesses
threatened to close their doors, but that didn’t faze the Ingraham Administration
either; their attitude? We don’t give a damn what you do. It
didn’t matter to them if we had a case to argue or not, as they were on
their already stated mission to bring us in line with the rest of the Bahamas.
A couple months ago, another letter was sent
to all licensees concerned, that if they failed to submit their dutiable
sales reports and have the customs duties (due and payable) paid by the
15th of each month, then the customs department would suspend their duty
free concessions as provided for under the Hawksbill Creek Agreement.
Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous, illegal and stupid? First
of all the Bahamas Customs department did not grant these concessions and
therefore has no authority to suspend them. How can one suspend a
right when one did not grant that right, in the first place? The
decision taken, to circulate such a letter, could only have come from the
novice in customs who is there, primarily, to feed Zhivargo Laing the garbage
and bad advice he gets fed to him. It is of interest to note that
they waited until the Assistant Comptroller of Customs, responsible for
Freeport, left for his annual vacation, to make their foolish move on business
operators. Mr. Lincoln Strachan, who is eminently qualified for the
post he holds, is very knowledgeable in the ways of Freeport and would
never have sanctioned, I submit, the circulation of that foolish, illegal
letter. Nonetheless, since the buck stops at his desk, he had to
accept responsibility and take all the blows from an angry, frustrated
public. The comptroller himself opined, later to the media, when
questioned by Tribune’s business writer that the letter should not have
gone out.
Recently again, though, (for the licensees who
are obliged to submit dutiable sales reports monthly) they began squeezing
Freeport’s business community further, by requiring them to submit, in
addition, a monthly report for the total bonded sales they make each month.
This is something that has never been required before and for a number
of these companies, their computers were/ are not set up to produce such
a report. To add insult to injury these department heads, in their
quest to force us to comply, began refusing to accept the money due on
the monthly dutiable sales reports until, they say, such time as they are
in receipt of the said reports. Here again is another illegal move
on the part of customs. They refused a cheque, for more than fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000.00), from Kelly’s Lumber Yard (FPO) Ltd, but
they certainly met their match, I am told, when the Principals of Kelly’s
Freeport Ltd, refused to accept what they determined was another illegal
blunder by the revenue collectors, and opted, instead, to take the matter
to court for a judicial review. I predict that the customs department
will lose yet another court case when the judge declares that (yes) Kelly’s
rights have indeed been violated.
All this to prove what? That Bahamas Customs
and the ministers of finance are all powerful? That they are above
the law? Well no one is above the law and no one is all-powerful
because no one is an island unto himself. They apparently believe
that when they speak, the laws of the country are automatically suspended
to accommodate the foolish decisions they make. Unfortunately, I
believe, the Assistant Comptroller, in charge of Freeport, isn’t always
briefed on these matters and when the stuff hits the fan, is when he is
made aware only, by that time, the damage would have already been done.
He needs to get a firmer grip and clamp down on his out-of-control executives.
I submit that they are requiring both these sales
reports in an attempt to carry out Audits, which they were legally prevented
from performing, by the courts, in a judgment handed down by His Lordship
Ganpatsingh in his ruling in a case brought by Fred Smith Q.C, on behalf
of a client, against the Customs Department about five years ago.
These month-end reports can facilitate back door audits, which are the
only reason, I submit, for the department requiring them. Once these
reports are in hand all that needs to be done, to achieve an audit, is
to determine the inventory left in a client’s warehouse for which the client
would be accountable. That would be done by adding up the values
as totalled from all the copies of the importers’ import entries (which
they maintain copies in files retained for each importer) and then subtracting
the totals of the two monthly sales reports (duty & bonded) for the
period they wish to inspect and an audit would be achieved. This
is certainly a clever way of performing these audits without being, at
the same time, in contempt of the judge’s ruling; a very clever plan indeed.
As if that wasn’t enough they have now come up
with another way of making life miserable for us and to teach us a lesson,
as they said they would do. They are now requiring that when applications
are submitted, by Port Authority Licensees, to the customs department for
the usual annual letter, which heretofore facilitated Licensees and permitted
them hassle-free purchases of bonded supplies from the various vendors
in the wholesale and retail business in Freeport, we would, as of January
2011, be required to secure a letter, from the National Insurance Board,
confirming that all our NIB contributions are up-to-date. This letter
will have to accompany applications, for the same, and in the absence of
NIB clearance, no “over-the-counter sales” letters would be issued.
Clearly, this is another tactic being used to
frustrate Licensees and in addition to, as Ingraham and Laing said, teach
us a lesson. These two tin gods actually believe that by requiring
this NIB letter, as a pre-requisite, many licensees will be unable to comply
due to the fact that many of them, I am quite sure, are either not up-to-date
with their contributions or have never been registered with the national
insurance board. The finance duo believes that this would reap some
additional revenue, benefits, for the Public Treasury but not so.
While I believe all employees should be registered
with the NIB and make their payments regularly, one thing has nothing to
do with the other, and the customs department does not have the legal authority
to suspend our concessions under the Agreement under any circumstances.
If the NIB has a difficulty getting companies to register their employees
and or getting them to make the required payments, then the board has the
means at its disposal, in law, to pursue the lawbreakers through the courts.
Bahamas Customs has no business getting involved in NIB’s affairs.
The Grand Bahama Port Authority, who alone issues licenses, is alone empowered
to suspend benefits and concessions, under the Agreement, and I call upon
them, now, to protect their Licensees from these political thugs.
The exercise will be made more difficult, as
well, because my information is that these letters, required from national
insurance, will have to be sent to us from NIB’s Nassau office; how do
you like that for gridlock? These guys are masters at making things difficult
for small business operators and it seems to me that they have developed
a huge dislike for businesses operating in Freeport. It seems, as
well, that they are struck with this long held “myth,” out of Nassau, that
Businesses in Freeport, somehow, by virtue of operating under the Hawksbill
Creek Agreement, have an unfair advantage in that they have been getting
away with not paying customs duties for years, like Nassau folk are obliged
to do. This, of course, is pure rubbish and foolish jealousy.
It prompts me to say to them, “then relocate your business operations to
Freeport and start paying $10,000.00 license fees, to the Grand Bahama
Port Authority, each year plus the thousands of dollars in service charge
fees that we are obliged to pay. In addition, we are saddled with
a built-in three-yearly cost of living escalation clause besides.
There is no free ride for any of us, guys, believe me when I tell you that.
I offer my congratulations to the principals
of Kelly’s Lumber Yard (FPO) Ltd for pursuing their rights, in the courts
of law. I congratulate them, as well, for not allowing themselves
to be intimidated, by the likes of Ingraham, Laing and the comptroller,
into accepting all the crappy decisions that customs has been making lately
which, we are convinced, are in contravention (if not outright illegal)
of age old traditions set from the beginning of the practical application
of the Agreement, more than fifty (50) years ago. The Government
and its departments, must begin to recognize that they operate under statute
laws and set precedents, and must observe all when making decisions which,
drastically changes the status quo, affecting the public adversely.
Forrester J. Carroll J.P.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Paula Cox New Premier of Bermuda
The Progressive Labour Party (PLP) of Bermuda has elected Paula Cox,
the former Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier to succeed the outgoing
Ewart Brown to the office of Premier. The elections took place on
Thursday 28th October at a special convention. Ms. Cox won over two
other opponents with 124 votes to 39 for Terry Lister and 2 votes for Dale
Butler. Congratulations to the PLP’s sister party in Bermuda.
She was sworn in as Premier on Friday 29th October.
Who Will succeed Joan Sawyer?
If Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham does not relent and rise to the occasion
of statesmanship (a farfetched idea), the Court of Appeal of The Bahamas
will once again have no Bahamians on the court. The talk is that
he intends to appoint Christopher Blackmun, from Barbados as president.
That would not be wise. We think that Anita Allen should be promoted
and given the job. We also think that Cheryl Albury should be offered
a job on the Court of Appeal as a justice.
Ingraham To Attend The Funeral
He cancelled plans to attend the partying in London with the Governor
General Sir Arthur Foulkes and the Prime Minister's buddy Alphonso Elliot
aka Bugaloo at their investiture with the British Queen’s Honours and is
instead now going to stop on the way back from China to the funeral for
David Thompson in Barbados.
Halloween In Nassau
Here was a great suggestion for a costume for PLPs on fright night
in Nassau last night Saturday 30th October: dress up in a red shirt that
said FNM on the front of it. People would know that you are dressing
up as the devil. LOL.
Nicki Kelly Attacks Fred Mitchell In The Punch
Some correspondents to this column sent notes asking us if we had seen
a response to Nicki Kelly’s attack on Fred Mitchell MP because he was helping
the arrested Nassau Vendors in New York where Brent Symonette, the Foreign
Minister, failed to do so. Our response: Nicki Kelly writes in The
The British Attack US Security Airport Rules
Many of us think it as we go through it, the silliness that comes with
security at American airports in the name of security: take off your shoes,
your belt. You know the drill. Now a British report says that
some of these things are redundant and unnecessary. We agree and
hope the US gets the message now that their European kith and kin have
said it, but we doubt it. It has become such a travail going to their
country these days.
Obama’s Fate
It looks like the quizzical voters who make the decisions in the United
States of America are about to cripple Barack Obama, the first African
American President who was elected with great euphoria just two years ago.
Now all his policies are about to be repudiated in an election on Tuesday
2nd November. No one quite knows why since from a logical point of
view he has been quite effective and seemed to answer all the issues that
they were complaining about with George Bush his immediate predecessor.
But it appears that a loony tune fringe has taken over American politics
and we are going right back to where we were two years ago with this kind
of muddled view of life that passes for public policy in the States.
On 2nd November, the polls are predicting that Mr. Obama's Party will lose
control of the legislature and with it, his ability to move any of his
policies forward and it may even mean the repeal of several of the limited
initiatives he has been able to pass.
African Heritage Day
Bishop Simeon Hall marked African Heritage Day at his Church the new
Covenant Baptist Church at 11 a.m. today. The Bishop said in the
PR run up to the service that Bahamians are ashamed of their African heritage.
This is an annual event for the church. The Bishop was in the news
over the past week attacking politicians about their conduct in the House
following Perry Christie, the Leader of the Opposition telling Prime Minister
Hubert Ingraham to “sit your backside down”. Bishop Hall said it
did not set a good example. He was however silent when the week before
the Prime Minister attacked the Leader of the Opposition in a personal
and defamatory manner. Bishop Hall supports the FNM.
Whitney Bastian To
Run In South Andros
Former MP (Independent) and Mangrove Cay native Whitney Bastian has
told The Tribune that he intends to run again in the South Andros seat
now held by PLP MP Picewell Forbes. The story came at the end of
a week long campaign in The Tribune saying that Mr. Forbes was weak in
his constituency that most people suspect was inspired by Mr. Bastian.
Mr. Bastian cannot get a nomination from the PLP because of old allegations
of an involvement in drugs. He also tried to get the FNM’s nomination
and was not accepted. So forces close to him have been planting stories
that Mr. Forbes has no money and so he cannot serve the constituency.
Interestingly though, in his statement announcing his plans, Mr. Bastian
said that he would not be spending the money he spent in past campaigns.
He said that if people want to vote for him they will and if they don’t
then too bad. Sounds like the he’s learned a lesson that money isn’t
everything because despite his money he lost. So one wonders why
he is putting all the emphasis on money with Picewell Forbes. Go
Ian Strachan On Bahamar
Ian Strachan, the COB lecturer took issue in his weekly column in The
Guardian on 28th October with the statement by Perry Christie supporting
the Bahamar project. He claims that Mr. Christie’s assertion that
given the country’s economic situation Bahamar is the only game in town
means that Mr. Christie has no plan B for The Bahamas. That is simply
not true, but what is interesting is that when a fellow decides that he
is against you, you can’t do or say anything that is right in his eyes.
The Fight Amongst The Haywards
Sir Jack Hayward and his son Rick are scheduled to be in court opposite
each other sometime in November. Most people thought that the feuding
within the family or families that own the Grand Bahama Port Authority,
the licensors of Freeport was over. But Rick Hayward’s restaurants
have been closed down in Port Lucaya, the recreational facility owned by
the Grand Bahama Port Authority, for non-payment of rent. It appears
that Mr. Hayward is not able to pay the rent nor is the Port willing to
come to some accommodation even though the Port is owned by Mr. Hayward’s
father. In fact, the report is that Sir Jack specifically ordered
his son locked out. The younger Mr. Hayward accuses of his father
of squandering his inheritance and imperilling the family trust.
The talk is that there is not so much money in the elder Hayward’s hands
any more. Meanwhile the elder Hayward has promised to do anything
to get rid of the FNM as the government of The Bahamas.
Maurice Glinton QC Decision
The lawyer said the case moves the jurisprudence of The Bahamas another
step forward. The judge Jon Isaacs said that the Prime Minister Hubert
Ingraham did not have the authority to remove Mr. Glinton from the list
of those submitted by the Bar Association to the Prime Minister and onward
transmission to the Governor General. That seemed a just result but
the result was not what was expected. We expected that the Court
would order that Mr. Glinton's name be restored to the list, sent to the
Governor General and he be granted the honour of being a Q.C. The
Court seemed not to be able to go that far. This shows inadequacy
of the remedy, particularly in the face of an executive that acts in a
borderline unlawful fashion and with extreme prejudice against individuals
they do not like. You may click
here for the full judgment delivered on 15th September.
The Chelsea’s Choice Bottles
Marketing is an interesting thing. Those who visited supermarkets
recently would see that Chelsea’s Choice has started selling redesigned
bottles in blue and with the shape of the Fiji water bottle, a rectangle
with a pyramid on top. This seems in direct response to the Echo
water (bottled by a consortium that bought the Bacardi water distillation
plant headed by former MP Tennyson Wells) which is in a fancy blue bottle
and the Fiji water which has a fancy design known for use in up market
restaurants. Only thing is the plastic for Chelsea’s Choice bottle,
while it looks good is not strong enough so when you open it, your hand
tends to squeeze the bottle and the water at the top spills out. They need
to go back to the drawing board.
Kamari Charlton Case
It appears that former athlete Kamari Charlton who is being held without
bond in a Singapore jail is in a whole heap more trouble than at first
let on. It is not a simple matter of overstaying his time.
He is wanted for an attempted fraudulent telephone scam. Mr. Charlton
who is also a US citizen has been appealing to the Bahamian government
for help but The Bahamas does not have an embassy in Singapore and being
a US citizen that probably is enough consular assistance. What has
shocked the country is the fact that a man with so much promise has ended
up in this trouble and for overstaying his time may be caned as a punishment.
Buggering Up Mayaguana
The I Group that had a joint venture deal with the Bahamas government
when Perry Christie was the Prime Minister to develop 10,000 acres in Mayaguana
is stills struggling to get the project going. Vincent Vanderpool
who is now the Minister responsible for the project says that the FNM government
wants out of the joint venture and are taking back 5000 acres of the land.
This is again part of the Ingraham government’s stop, review and cancel
programme and the propaganda that Mr. Christie gave the country’s land
away. But that is not true, just propaganda. Watch this though:
in the announcement that they were taking back the 5000 acres last week
in The Tribune’s business section, Mr. Vanderpool said that if the development
got going there was a plan to allow them to have access to the 5000 acres
that were being taken away.
Court Of Appeal Overturns Antigua Election Court Decision
In the end, all of the anxiety about what was going to happen if the
Court of Appeal upheld the decision made in March of this year to vacate
the seat of Antigua’s Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer and three of his Ministers
because of election day irregularities, was all misplaced. The Eastern
Caribbean Court of Appeal ruled on Wednesday 27th October that the Judge
at first instance got it wrong. They said that even if there were
irregularities given the turnout at the election, the statistical evidence
is that even if 100 percent had turned out to vote, the election result
would not have been any different. They then set aside the result.
Bottom line; Mr. Spencer and his three ministers are still in office and
they can continue to govern. Lester Bird, the Leader of the Opposition,
who was hoping to get the chance to serve again by the court’s ruling said
that he was disappointed at the result but promised resistance to the new
government, a comment that landed a summons from the Commissioner of Police
for him to explain.
Owen Bethel’s Bank
Owen Bethel, the CEO of Montague Securities announced last week that
he has started an internet bank that offers services to St. Kitts and Nevis
and the investors there.
Obie In Fox Hill
The Fox Hill branch of the PLP held its monthly meeting at the Sandilands
Primary School in Fox Hill on Monday 25th October. The special guest
was Obie Wilchcombe, PLP MP for West End and Bimini and the Leader of Opposition
business in the House. The photos show the audience in part and the
Chairman of the Branch Charlene Marshall at centre with Mr. Wilchcombe
and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell.
Glenys Hanna Martin MPs Fzcebook Note To Her Daughter:
Congratulations to Dr. Indira Beryl Martin awarded PhD in Neuroscience
University of Sheffield - my daughter and proud Bahamian.
Stan Burnside On The BTC Sale
The announced memorandum of understanding between the Government and
Cable and Wireless, the British owned Caribbean-wide telephone company,
that they are to buy 51 percent of BTC, the Bahamian telephone company,
has not gone down well in The Bahamas. Stan Burnside the cartoonist
seemed to make the point in his cartoon in the Nassau Guardian.
Call To The Bar
Congratulations to former Foreign Affairs Officer Marco Rolle on his
being called to the Bar of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas by Chief Justice
Sir Michael Barnett on Friday 29th October. He will join the Attorney
General’s chambers for his pupilage. The photo shows Mr. Rolle with
his former Permanent Secretary A. Missouri Sherman Peter and former Minister
Fred Mitchell MP.
Photo/Calvin A. Williams
Utah Taylor Rolle Still In Seventh Heaven
It is still obviously a thrill after all these years to have discovered
his father and to be able to commune with him and his brothers and sisters.
Utah Taylor Rolle, the rough and tumble extrovert who runs Controversy
TV, shows the softer side of his nature in this photo from facebook exercising
with his Dad, Deputy Superintendent of the Prison Charles Rolle.
Mr. Rolle, the younger wrote a book, which tells the story about the “Tears
He Cried” searching for a father and finally at a mature age, he ran into
his real biological dad proved by DNA tests to be Charles Rolle, the Deputy
Superintendent. Nice photo.