Who spread the virus?

The Leader of the Opposition Philip Davis announced on 16 August 2020 that he and Senator Michael Darville had been hospitalized as Covid 19 patents. Four days later Mr. Davis announced that he was leaving for the United States for further treatment. He went to the special unit at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta
Mr. Davis said that his daughter Dr. Philippa Davis wanted him to be closer to where she was. She is a physician and she would be managing his care. She practices medicine in Washington D C
Ok so here was the line of thought of these FNM bums. Mr. Davis abandoned Bahamian medicine because he didn’t think that it was good enough. False. He went because his daughter wanted him to be near her and so she could manage his care.
That Mr. Davis was dying and that Chester Cooper his Deputy was taking over and that there was a fight for leadership of the PLP. False. The PLP ‘s leader wasn’t incapacitated and remained in charge of the PLP at all times.
They even attacked his wife saying that Mr. Davis was irresponsible by going out into the community knowing he was Covid positive. False. If you want to see who helped to spread the virus, look at the picture of the Prime Minister with his buddies in the bar with no mask on.
Let’s be serious people. This is an illness. While we know it is caused by a virus, no one knows how and when or who you get it from. Let’s not engage in silly talk.
By late week, the FNM had instructed its trolls to cut it out because it was backfiring on the FNM.
The worst was the slime balls at The Punch who printed confidential details from Mr. Davis’ personal health records in the press. We think that this should be criminalized.
We remind everyone that the decisions on healthcare are not anyone’s business but the person who is receiving healthcare. It’s as simple as that. It is an inarguable rule of thumb; you only let us know what you want us to know about your health care. Bottom line, you get the best health care that you can afford and can be provided to save your life.