Prime Minister Philip Davis with Bermuda’s Governor Rena Lalgie, 20 October 2022
There is this not so funny comedian who has a column on line called The Nassuvian and he raised the question of who paid for the Prime Minister Philip Davis’ trip to Bermuda. Not so quickly after, the intrepid Nassau Guardian and Eyewitness News were piling on. Who paid for the trip of the Prime Minister? This was to make a successful foreign affairs trip into something that it was not because Mr. Davis spoke at the PLP’s Convention in Bermuda. The Spokesman for the Prime Minister Latrae Rahming went to a press conference and said the Progressive Liberal Party paid for the trip. Well there’s a big effen surprise. But what if they didn’t pay for it? The Prime Minister was making a standard foreign affairs journey at the invitation of a foreign leader. A comment appeared online in response to some foolishness about the Prime Minister having problems landing in Bermuda. Nonsense. All the Prime Minister’s trips are organized out of the Office of the Prime Minister and at the end of the visit there is a reckoning between the personal and the public. There was nothing different or exceptional that we cans see about the visit. The real problem is the PLP itself gets so panicky about these accusations made with malice by FNM trolls. How about telling them go to hell?