You know that you cannot dream this stuff up. There is the American President Donald Trump, excoriated by his own people as being a simpleton, under prepared, incompetent but entirely vain if not crazy, saying in the midst of the corona virus crisis, that he should have been in public health because he knows so much about it. He claimed the scientists were amazed. He said he should have been in that kind of work instead of running for President. Lord help us. How long? We have made the point elsewhere that all reason seems to have gone out of the response to this corona virus matter. Now the US President has spoken to the cruise lines to say they should not sail to the Caribbean, that means The Bahamas, for 30 days. So while the UK and Ireland get a by with the airline travel, no such by for The Bahamas. But we thought the FNM were supposed to be their friends. The whole craziness of banning public gatherings, cancelling commercial enterprises is crazy and the craziness has spread from the US to The Bahamas. So we have some questions to ask the Bahamian Government: where will the money come from to buy the food over the next 30 days for these vendors and taxi drivers; where will the money come from to keep the hotel workers on the job; where will we get the money to pay for the medicine to keep coming here if the tax base is eroded from this and already eroded from the hurricane. They have made no efforts it seems to lobby for the change in these policies. The Foreign Ministry is useless. The Ministry of Health is worse. The only sane voice in the room so far has been the Central Bank of The Bahamas who claimed in their statement last week that we have enough in foreign exchange to keep us going for a while since the foreign exchange is at according to them “historically high” levels.