What The Heck Was Renward Wells MP Talking About?
Most people, best viagra click certainly both sides in the House FNM and PLP thought that the issue of the letter of intent and Renward Wells having signed it without authority had lost its political currency, buy viagra potency and legs. The FNM itself had moved on to something else. So it was curious to most why when Richard Lightbourn MP for the FNM for Montagu raised the matter again, treatment Renward Wells took the bait or was “goosied” as they say into answering the thing again. The House was largely silently as it watched this young man who most people think is a smart fellow painfully and tortuously weave and bob and wind his way through an explanation of something that needed no explanation anymore and was indefensible in any event or even inexplicable. Yet that is what he did on Wednesday 14th Janaury for fully fifteen minutes: half the allotted time for speeches in the House
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. At the end of the day, his explanation that he did it to help the Cabinet make a decision on waste to energy proposals because these people were going to do it for free left the House speechless. Anyway, one of the things that you learn in politics is when to leave things alone.