It is now a full part of the FNM’s narrative to preach doom and gloom about the PLP. Each day brings another statement, best cialis remedy press conference and diatribe against the PLP and some sin alleged or otherwise that has been committed. The one that seems to really get their jollies is the fact that Renward Wells, the Parliamentary Secretary, signed a letter of intent which appeared to commit the government to a waste to energy proposal for some 650 million dollars. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry said in a formal note that the letter of intent means nothing in law. That means then that while Mr. Wells did an unwise, pharm perhaps even a foolish thing, this does not rise to resignation. Particularly since we all know that this demand by the FNM is a fake one, just designed to draw blood of any kind and once they have Wells’ body, go crowing from the rafters and set their eyes on another target. The problem with all of this is the dithering by the PLP in the public domain. There is a Hamlet like character to this. Perhaps it was no accident that Hamlet was in fact being performed at the Dundas last week. To be or not to be indeed. The issue was never that complicated. The answer was and is simple. The PLP should say that it does not propose to ask Mr. Wells to resign. He has been reprimanded and warned about the incident. The PLP should say what Mr. Wells did was foolish, health unwise and wrong but not corrupt; that he made an honest mistake. Then there should be an announcement that in the changes coming in the government, he will be moved to new responsibilities. Bran McCartney should be allowed to twist in the wind. He has now been given some legitimacy by the Prime Minister’s response about suing The Tribune over a headline that made the allegation that accused the Prime Minister of directing Mr. Wells to sign the letter. Mr. McCartney looking for any kind of air says that the Prime Minister must bring it on. All of this tends to make the PLP look feckless. Quick note to the PLP then: there is nothing you can do to please Candia Dames, Eileen Carron, Hubert Minnis, Loretta Butler Turner and Branville McCartney. They are all politically incorrigible, untrustworthy and not interested in helping the PLP in any way
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They are opposed to the PLP, so fuck ‘em. And tell them piss off. Here is the statement that Renward Wells issued on Wednesday 6th August: “It has come to my attention that an allegation has been made that I said that the Prime Minister told me to sign the alleged LOI in respect to the proposed waste-to-energy plant. I categorically deny that I ever told anyone in the media or anyone at all that I had been asked by the Prime Minister to sign the said LOI.
“The Prime Minister never asked me to sign the said LOI,”