They call it the “Oscar Wilde problem”. No not that one but rather the problem of knowing when to leave well enough alone. The singer says: “ know when you hold them, generic viagra thumb know when to fold them.” The Bible which Renward Wells, cialis canada the MP for Bamboo Town so reveres, says there is a time to speak and a time to keep silence. This is a time to be silent. Instead, intoxicated it appears by the headlines, perhaps the Betty Davis eyes of the reporters, he is yakking away at this or that about what he will or will not do. We say again this is a time to keep silence. Mr
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. Wells was having his say about the power of one MP and challenging George Smith the former MP who told him he Mr. Wells would pretty soon find out that he cannot act alone. With dreams of Hubert Ingraham dancing in his head, Mr. Wells presses on. He will find out that one is the loneliest number.
You may click here for the report from The Tribune of what Mr. Wells had to say last week.
For the benefit of Mr. Wells One Is The Loneliest Number by Three Dog Night: