discount cialis buy viagra times;”>Renward Wells, cialis generic medicine who was unceremoniously fired last week as a Parliamentary Secretary, sick was summoned before the National General Council of the PLP on Thursday 23rd October to explain himself. From all accounts, he did not. He simply stuck by his explanation given in public including the fact that he would leave if Andre Rollins, the other rogue MP were expelled from the party. As for Andre Rollins, well he is before a disciplinary committee of the party. He is represented by the former party Chair Raynard Rigby before that Committee. It appears that everyone is on a collision course. Of course many PLPs are now having buyer’s remorse about these two fellows and Greg Moss, the other rogue MP, up in Freeport. The fact is they should have thought about all of this before they bought them. The maxim is buyer beware. You could well have been the buyer of a bill of goods. The point is this party has to do what is necessary to win. We had to win that election in 2012, and we found allies in Mr. Rollins, Mr
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. Moss and Mr. Wells who could help us win. They agreed to join the party. The fact that they no longer seem to be on the same page is neither here nor there We won the government and that is what political parties do.
When election time comes again we will do again what is necessary to win. So expel them if you must , whatever to get equilibrium in the party if people really think they have destablised the party. Our guess is that they have not and while they can create exciting headlines, the fundamentals remain undisturbed. So our guess is we should just get on with the business of governing. Mr. Wells said he will be communing with God ; he his wife and six children. Andre Rollins well we know not what he will do but look for another explosion down the road or maybe his lawyer will give him wise counsel and he will listen. Whatever! A great time will be had by all.