Warning To The PLP From A Commentator: Don’t Complain Fight Back

I note Brave’s ( the Leader of The Opposition Philip Davis) comments on the negative social media campaign. This campaign is being directed by that notorious billionaire of Lyford Cay on behalf of the FNM using intermediaries located in the US. Similar tactics were deployed in the 2017 campaign. What I suggest is the party launch its own social media platforms targeting the FNM. Social media is the most effective marketing tool to target voters under 40 especially millennials. The FNM used it effectively in 2017 and are resorting to it again. You guys need to counter attack rather than complain they are not going to stop just because Brave holds a press conference. The most effective way to reach young voters in on their cell phones especially in this Covid environment. I am available to assist the party in any capacity I can. Best