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. One of the best presentation, that he so eloquently dealt with in his addressing the burning issues; that’s effecting the nation today that I can recall over the many years, being a product of the COGOP during my adolescent stage from the time of the beloved Bishop. Alvin S Moss, and the church’s 29 doctrines in that era, that I recalled that was LIVED in the Church at that time, has been good then, and have somewhat been relaxed for today’s modern times, with all its troubles and trials that we are faced with today, and unheard of during that time in our society. Despite my finding spiritual comfort with the Anglican communion over the last 45 years, my roots are still grounded with the COGOP, and have not lost contact with my peers of that time.
I look forward to this time every year in revisiting my roots, with joy in tuning in, and waiting Gods willing to the closing live TV broadcast on Sunday evening.