The way life goes in The Bahamas, generic cialis recipe the PLP has a relentless anti PLP narrative to fight at every turn. It is almost as if it robbed the church as opposed to being the party that is responsible for every significant social and political change in The Bahamas since its founding in 1953. We keep reminding people that the PLP got 47 per cent of the popular vote in the last election. That means 53 per cent of the people can make more noise than 47 per cent. It is exacerbated by the fact that the press is populated by those who make up the 53 per cent. They just can’t believe that they were defeated. Then within that group are the old codgers who simply can’t get over the fact that Pindling defeated them in 1967. That is an immutable fact of history that cannot change. Now to 2014. The Value Added Tax Bill has passed the House. The criticism that was heard before now was that it was rushed and the 1st July deadline could not be met. So the Prime Minister nice man that he is postponed the date to 1st January. They said that no details were released. Details galore were released: a white paper, viagra buy search seminars by the Ministry of Finance. The FNM as a party were invited to a seminar for Parliamentarians on VAT. Not one FNM parliamentarian showed up. Yet Loretta Butler Turner, healing FNM Deputy Leader was leading the grumbling that the bill was rushed and there was not enough information. What we know is if it becomes law notwithstanding that she and her colleagues voted against it 22 PLPs, 8 FNMs plus Greg Moss of the PLP and 6 people absent, the FNM will not repeal it. The bill passed the House on 20th August and now goes onto senate
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. O yes one last thing, a lot of noise about the fact that the Prime Minister was absent for the vote, because he was in Las Vegas on assignment. The show must go on. The Hubert Chipman of the FNM claims that the PM should have been here to vote for something which he is putting on the Bahamian people. Give us a break. If the Prime Minister dropped down dead tomorrow , the government still goes on. But we end where we began, there is always this anti PLP narrative and now we know that on this one there is nothing different. The usual suspects are at it again.