On Thursday 9 March 2023, a CNN video file was passed around The Bahamas. It contained a story by Erin Burnett a CNN presenter on her programme upfront. It was published on 8 March 2023. Ms. Burnett alleged, quoting a U S General Gen. Glen VanHerck that China had built the largest embassy anywhere in the globe in The Bahamas. Say what? The statement accepted uncritically by CNN shows why many of the right-wingers in the US complain about CNN. They did not fact-check. The story is false. It doesn’t make any sense on the face of it that in this tiny country of ours, that would be the case. In fact, the largest embassy in The Bahamas is the United States Embassy. It has a staff with the customs people of nearly 300. Chinese have a staff of 19 with a diplomatic staff of five. In that number. While there is this competition going on between China and the United States over China’s ascendency, the analysis of the situation is not the business of The Bahamas. What is of importance to us is that the facts must be correct. Within 24 hours of the erroneous report, the United States Embassy in Nassau published a retraction. The Chinese Embassy also published its response.