generic viagra generic times;”>On 25th March while appearing before a Senate hearing for her confirmation the US Ambassador to The Bahamas designate said the following statement. The question is how does that get to be her affair, cialis sale unhealthy inquiring minds want to know:
recipe times;”> “We [the Unite States] work in a coordinated effort with The Bahamas with both sea and surface patrols to deter irregular migration in the region and also to interdict migration when we have the opportunity to do so. It is my understanding that migrants coming through The Bahamas are principally Haitian and Cuban who stop off in the Bahamas, but ultimately want to make their way to the US.
“If I am confirmed, one of the things I will urge the Bahamian government is to ensure that they are following international standards in how they are managing irregular migration with the support of the US as we have supported them in the past.
“There are significant pockets of migrants in the Bahamas
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. There is a large Bahamian Haitian community in The Bahamas; as you are probably aware there has been a change in the policy, that went into effect November 2014, that now requires migrants who are in the country to have passports of their country of nationality and also have documentation that they can legally be there.
“There have been concerns that have been raised by the Bahamian Haitian community and human rights advocates that the implementation of the policy has unfairly targeted Haitian communities and that the detainees in the Detention Centre are not being treated to international standards. I will urge while I am there that The Bahamas follows international standards with how they are implementing their immigration policy and also how they are maintaining the detention facilities.”