Most Bahamians if you ask them today would not know the name Godfrey Kelly. He is an old man now, a conchy joe Bahamian from the ancien regime of the United Bahamian Party. He served in the Cabinet of The Bahamas as the Minister of Education. So it is he who was responsible for the under education of Black boys and girls in The Bahamas before the advent of Majority Rule in 1967.
Before Majority Rule in 1967, Godfrey Kelly and his friend in the racist UBP government had one public high school called the Government High School which took in 25 students per year and you had to pay to go to this pubic institution. That is what existed.
So it was fascinating to see the government of Hubert Minnis announce that some 52 years after the UBP was voted out of office, they have come back with a vengeance. Brent Symonette is the successor to his crooked pa who as a former Premier has now been named a National Hero of the country. The irony that a man who opposed the creation of the nation could be named a national hero is a complete joke if it were not so serious.
This year the Queen’s Honours for the New Year announced that Mr. Kelly is to be knighted and given the same honour as Lynden Pindling, the father of the nation. Just as Roland Symonette, the head of the racist regime was named National Hero , the same honour given to Lynden Pindling. So this is nothing less than rewriting the history of The Bahamas.
The PLP has to share in the blame for this by being too tentative about its history. When it was in power, it had the power to abolish these silly British Honours which speak about the British Empire which does not exist. They did not. They had the opportunity to honour Sir Lynden Pindling effectively and put him above all others and did not.
Now we have the Cabinet of The Bahamas with Black men and one woman and they are complete Uncle Toms in that they worship slavishly the words of the former UBP regime which was ousted for discriminating against Black people.
This must be denounced as hopeless revisionism. We are so sick and tired of being ashamed of these FNM leaders who are taking our country back two generations.
What a shame and disgrace.