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try times;”>His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming (left) and American television personality Montel Williams after the joint signing of the terms of reference of Mr. Williams’ initial one-year engagement as SOSC Special Envoy at a luncheon hosted by Ambassador Rahming at the Permanent Mission of The Bahamas to the United Nations on Thursday, diagnosis October 9, 2014. |
NEW YORK — His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the United Nations and the Organisation of American States (OAS), in his capacity as Chairman of the Save Our Sharks Coalition (SOSC), hosted a luncheon at the Permanent Mission of The Bahamas to the United Nations on Thursday, October 9, 2014.
Guest of honour at the event was noted American television personality Montel Williams, former daytime talk show host and avid environmentalist, who under Ambassador Rahming’s chairmanship of the SOSC, has become the new Special Envoy of the SOSC.
Marking Mr
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. Williams’ new appointment was the joint signing by Ambassador Rahming and Mr. Williams of the terms of reference of Mr. Williams’ initial one-year engagement as Special Envoy, which took place during the lunch event. It is envisioned that Mr. Williams would assist the Coalition in advocacy, fundraising and programming efforts, using his influence to communicate to the public the vision and values that guide the Coalition’s work for shark conservation.
The event was attended by a cross-regional group of Ambassadors interested in Shark conservation and related issues. Mr. Williams and the Ambassadors were hosted to an authentic Bahamian lunch to mark the occasion, which also provided an opportunity for further dialogue on innovative ways to advance the Coalition’s work at the United Nations and beyond.
In his remarks to the group, Mr. Williams expressed appreciation for the leadership shown by The Bahamas, through Ambassador Rahming, on this important issue and encouraged the Ambassadors in attendance to seek the exercise of bold leadership and commitment on behalf of their respective Governments in the area of shark conservation efforts, including through the establishment of shark sanctuaries, like that of The Bahamas, reminding them that saving sharks was the morally, economically and environmentally responsible thing to do.
The SOSC has a membership of over 30 Member States of the United Nations.
Ambassador Rahming assumed the chairmanship of the Coalition in December 2013 and it was in 2011 that The Bahamas prohibited the fishing, sale and trade of sharks in its exclusive economic zone; recognising the need to permanently protect sharks for future generations. The estimated value of a dead shark is about US $108.00; by contrast, an individual reef shark is estimated to have a lifetime value of approximately US $1.9 million to the tourism industry.
1 Comment
[…] Under His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the United Nations and the Organisation of American States (OAS), Mr. Williams is the new Special Envoy of the SOSC. […]