Two BAIC Board Members Fired By The Minister
This picture of the happy gang of Board Members of the Bahamas Agricultural Industrial Corporation (BAIC) is no more happy gang. Seventeen months into the FNM’s term, and after firing everyone they thought was PLP in the Corporation, Michael Foulkes, the chairman who is smiling broadly third to right in the picture is smiling no more. Mr. Foulkes is reportedly locked into a battle with the Minister for the Corporation Michael Pintard. Mr. Pintard wants to run the Corporation himself, even down to attending Board meetings. Two Board members were not going along with their programme it seems, so they were bounced by letter on Monday 15 October. Bernard Adderley, Mr. FNM in Long Island, who cussed out the lousy Long Island MP Adrian Gibson for threating him with rumours, and Mark Turnquest who never hurt anyone but has always stood up for the ordinary man, were given their walking papers without explanation. Victimization is alive and well under the FNM.