We cannot say it enough about this character that has been elected to be President of the United States. What an absolutely bloody disgrace for their country to have the kind of crude and boorish leadership that they now have. Just when you think that it can get no lower, this fellow lowers the bar even farther. The latest was his 80-minute rant, aka press conference at the United Nations on Monday254th September. He talked so much foolishness. He has an absolute disregard for women. He has an absolute disregard for the truth. He is so full of himself that he just can’t see the forest for the trees. He lives in this life of privilege which makes Mr. Magoo seem like a sighted man in comparison. He is picking fights with their neighbor Canada. He has a total disregard for the norms of dealing with sexual assaults and sexual assault victims. The press conference let his nation down badly. All were left just shaking their heads saying “ what the hell was that?” and “ what next?”