Don Lemon turned out to be an arrogant dupe. You wonder what universe he was living in. Remember our column way back when there was that fake row over whether women are in their prime after menopause and the Republican female candidate Halley Babar. He got taken off air because he stuck to his point. The morality police were busy and said he had to repent. He did the appropriate mea culpas, went to political correctness school and was back on the air. Oh yeah we forgot he was taken off his long-running nighttime show and stuck with two women sitting on a breakfast show to idle talk over coffee. It was an insult to someone of his standing and he should have left as soon as they mulled that one. We said then that his days were numbered. Now he has been dismissed. They didn’t even have the decency to tell him he was fired, they just let him go. Then without a doubt they put out the stories in the press that he was difficult to get along with, that he was anti-female. This is an openly gay black man that they are talking about now. When Bill Cosby got into his problems, when Bryant Gumbel was fired from NBC’s Today Show, there was the same reaction from this side. This is a reward for uppity black people who think that because they have some money they have arrived. They pretty soon find out who’s in charge. Each had their wings clipped in big ways. Don Lemon is only the latest in this pattern in the very racist United States of America.