Donald Trump is going to be described here charitably as unorthodox but he has set the cat amongst the pigeons yet again by saying with or without a vaccine the United States economy is going to reopen. In The Bahamas, the Prime Minister has every Sunday in the last two weeks been announcing the fitful opening of the economy. He has to do so because he is losing the support of the population for the health measures that have been put in place. We think that the basic principle that Mr. Trump espouses is correct. We must get this economy going otherwise there will be no economy. The balance between life and livelihood must a can be struck. The islands of our country can be opened. The churches should start going again. The vendors at Potters Cay, Montagu Ramp and Arawak Cay should be allowed to reopen for takeout. These are baby steps but we predict a social revolt if more is not done in this country soon. So while we don’t accept the nuttiness of a President disobeying the advice of his experts and encouraging social revolt, we say to the Prime Minister here, it is time to get moving. Jamaica even now is planning the opening of its tourism product. We see that Atlantis has started planning for reopening. All of these are good signs that the post Covid future is upon us. It simply means that we will have to learn to live with the virus. Mankind has been living with viruses for years and this one can be no different.