Next week this time on Sunday 15 September 2024 at churches around the nation, the PLP will mark 3rd anniversary of its return to power in 2021. There is much to applaud on that anniversary. We are at the point where we are beginning to think about going to the electorate again. We have miles to go before we sleep. The Prime Minister has done an excellent job and we continue to support him and his team. Here is a summary of what’s been accomplished:
PM Davis got the hospital in Freeport started when FNM and Dr. Sands could not.
PM Davis upgraded over 51 healthcare clinics when the FNM could not see their way to upgrade 1 clinic.
PM Davis is fixing BPL when the FNM got nothing done in 4.5 years.
PM Davis signed 32 labour agreements when the FNM could not get one signed.
PM Davis is getting the houses in Abaco and Grand Bahama repaired when the FNM could not.
PM Davis is getting the Grand Lucayan sold when the FNM could not.
Over 29,000 jobs added to the economy in 21 months while the economy bled jobs under the FNM.
PM Davis delivered lower electricity rates when the FNM could not.
The tourism numbers are the highest and most impressive in history.
PM Davis Increased the minimum wage by 40%
PM Davis Reduced VAT by 2% from 12% to 10% when the FNM increased it by 60%
In what area of governance did the FNM out perform the PLP. I can’t think of any but if Dr. Duane Sands could produce and provide empirical evidence he is welcome to try.