Three PLP MPs Go Rogue
Greg Moss, viagra salve Andre Rollins and Renward Wells have broken the consensus of the 2012 general election on which they were elected. In the House of Assembly notwithstanding the decision of the Cabinet by which both the Party Whip Mr. Rollins and the Parliamentary Secretary Mr
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. Wells are bound, sildenafil illness they spoke against the decision and threatened to vote against it. In traditional Westminster convention, there is a certain action that should follow that. However, the jury remains out on the question. Many simply believe that there is no platform upon which Mr. Moss will agree with the PLP and so they have thrown their hands up in the air with regard to him.
1 Comment
It’s safe to say that when we get into the hot tub time machine and land in 2017’s election cycle, at the least, two of these three, if not all, will NOT be on a ballot with the PLP symbol next to them….and deservedly so. If you’re going to be on the team, make it your business to learn the rules. To claim that a Christie administration equals having to be silent and toe the line only shows that some folks clearly have no clue or are just plain dishonest. If you ask me, Christie has been too liberal in allowing these Johnny come lately fellas a seat at the table. Monday’s session of the House should be must-see-tv.