To quote Andrew “ Dud “ Maynard, viagra sales cheap we believe that these preachers must smell their top lip. Of all the woes in this world, poverty,hunger, civil strife that they have to pray about, they are still barking like potcakes about the fact that the government passed a gaming bill which will allow Bahamians to gamble. Jesus Christ! Get an effen life. Here was their latest salvo on 29th September as reported by The Tribune, led of course by Senator Carl Bethel of the FNM’s brother Lyall:
“Mr. Prime Minister, we believe God has waited for you and your government to either abandon your reckless course of action or to store up His wrath against your unprincipled and immoral decision to ignore the voice of the people despite your solemn promise to heed it.
“However, you and your government have decided to store up God’s wrath against yourselves. Accordingly, we state for the record that you have not gotten away with this heinous act; God will have the last say in this matter
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. We leave you to His righteous judgment, and judge He will.”
(The fact is God will be the Judge anyway, whether or not the Gaming Bills had been passed by the PLP. That argument is specious. Editor)
“During the debate, we heard the ungracious and irrelevant comments from Prime Minister Christie that ‘no religious leader can give him a passport to heaven,’” the pastors wrote. “What does going to heaven have to do with this public debate? Why did the prime minister not instead focus on giving the Bahamian people a credible explanation for ignoring the results of the gambling referendum?
“DPM Davis on the other hand inexplicably stooped to the lowest level and tried to cast aspersions on the pastors leading the charge against gambling by questioning whether we had numbers accounts, if we had received money, and if the real concern was whether gambling proceeds make it into the collection plates.”
We thought that the DPM was completely relevant. What are we dealing with, with these Pastors is rank hypocrisy. They accept donations in their collection plates without any thought whatsoever of its source. It is God’s money after all. Give us a break. (Editor)
“Minister Griffin’s ministry (Social Services) already feels the effects of irresponsible living, and this reckless act will precipitate the further destruction of many homes that will overwhelm her ministry. Minister Griffin is old enough to know of the horror visited on this country during the reign of the Hobby Horse Racetrack.
“To our beloved sister in Christ we say that this gambling bill was a principled matter worth resigning over if need be, as was demonstrated by the late Carlton Francis, who like you was a minister in the government and in the church.”
The pastors added that while there is no biblical command that prohibits gambling, the practice goes against biblical doctrine that says to love your neighbour and work for a living.
(This is simply bad theology. There is no moral element to gambling per se. None whatsoever. It is not immoral to gamble. And that is that. Please why not pray for hunger to end, for there to be world peace and for poverty to cease. There’s a good set of fellows. Be gone with ya. (Editor)