Then Candia Dames, The Lessons In Ethics
Last Monday 11th August, cialis generic buy viagra Candia Dames the Nassau Guardian’s Managing Editor let loose in an opinion piece a savage attack on Perry Christie, cialis generic order the Prime Minister. It was unbecoming and nasty. The piece came just days after she was seen speaking with Hubert Ingraham, mind the former Prime Minister , at his favourite haunt Olives in Cable Beach. The drop line in the story, a quote about deer being headed by a lion being more threatening than lions being headed by a deer was a favourite of Hubert Ingraham’s. The drop line was a sure sign. This is the problem always: too impressionable, by politicians and people with power that she likes, too easily swayed by political prejudices and driven to excess by some inner dislikes which have no place in journalism. Some said the piece was worse than the nasty John Marquis at The Tribune. The point is this stubborn fact, a fact which Fred Mitchell often points out to Eileen Carron another prejudiced journalistic hack. In Mrs
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. Carron’s case, no matter what she now says after the fact Mr. Mitchell says the fact is Pindling (the first Prime Minister) black as he was beat the UBP and her father in 1967 and beyond. That fact is immutable and cannot change. In the case of Ms. Dames and by the same reasoning, no matter what you say or do, the fact is Perry Christie beat Hubert Ingraham in 2012, after all that Mr. Ingraham said and did to Mr. Christie. He got beaten. That is an immutable fact in the history books. So cuss, fume and make up stories all you want. As the New York Times motto says: publish and be damned.
1 Comment
In any other country, a journalist’s integrity would be on the line if they got involved sexually with the people they cover more than once. This one has done it at least twice that we know of and yet, she gets applauded, lauded and given statues. Says a lot about what we accept in this country.