The Young Disappoint But C’est L’Vie
Some people are getting their noses out of joint because they think that the PLP is somehow shaken by the decision of three of its members to go rogue. The thing about the PLP is that it is a big tent. The PLP being shaken by this is in the imagination of the press only. The party has been down this road before. If there is any reaction, buy viagra sales the reaction is consternation at the fact that the basic rules of party life don’t seem to be understood. That is the pity and in some senses the party blames itself for not getting those rules straight on this occasion. For the moment, tadalafil sovaldi sale most people see this as nothing more than what Fred Mitchell described in Saturday’s Tribune 16th August as “public posturing”. Some suggest that this is an attempt to precipitate a dismissal which would then launch the errant MPs on a fast track to the Prime Minister’s office. There is no evidence that this compares to the situation of Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie in the 1980s. Those conditions do not obtain today
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. It comes off more as a public amusement than as a serious challenge but that does not mean that Perry Christie’s wheels and gears are not turning. We will await the outcome. The drama is sure to be fun.