Memorial for First Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force
London, viagra sales England – A memorial was held for the first Commodore of The Royal Bahamas Defence Force, the late William Swinley, O.B.E. The service took place at the Parish Church of St Mary The Virgin in Gloucestershire, England. Commodore Swinley passed away on June 24th in Guernsey; he was buried on July 8th. During the memorial in Gloucestershire, illness High Commissioner of The Bahamas, His Excellency Eldred Bethel and Mrs. Dawne Bethel gave condolences and greeted Commodore Swinley’s sons Philip and Ben along with other family members.
In October 1975, then Commander Swinley formed The Royal Bahamas Defence Force where he became the first Commodore and served from 1976 to 1981. Former Prime Minister, Sir Lynden Pindling mandated Commodore Swinley to design The Royal Bahamas Defence Force to be patterned after The Royal Navy. As a former British Naval officer, Swinley as Commodore used his skills to implement systems and structures used in The Royal Navy for The Royal Bahamas Defence Force.

LONDON, England – Officials from the Ministry of Education in Nassau, Bahamas, are in London for planning meetings in preparation for the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM) meeting to be hosted in Nassau from June 22 to 26, 2015.
Mr. Marcellus Taylor, Deputy Director of Education with responsibility for Planning and Development, and Mr. Reginald Saunders, Administrator for Scholarships and Education Loan Division, held meetings on Monday, September 15, at Bahamas House and will participate in additional meetings in the upcoming week.
Some fifty-three Commonwealth Education Ministers, senior officials and stakeholders are expected to attend the CCEM in The Bahamas next year. The Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers is the second largest Commonwealth Meeting after the Heads of Government meeting.
Press Release
The High Commissioner for The Bahamas hosts Meet and Greet for Bahamians Living in Toronto
Toronto…The Bahamas High Commissioner to Canada – H.E. Dr. Calsey Johnson recently hosted a Meet and Greet with Bahamian residents and students in Toronto on 12 September 2014.
Some 120 Bahamians attended the event held at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel Downtown, where the High Commissioner addressed the audience, bringing greetings from the Prime Minister, Hon. Perry G. Christie, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Fred A. Mitchell.
High Commissioner Johnson also highlighted the role of The Bahamas High Commission, future plans and some of the recent activities of his office including diplomatic meetings and events occurring within The Bahamas. The event also provided an opportunity for the High Commissioner to introduce the newly-arrived diplomatic staff at the High Commission to the Bahamian community in Toronto and surrounding areas.
L-R: Bahamas Deputy Chief of Mission Mrs. Roselyn Horton, Third Secretary/Vice Consul Ms. Marjorie Julien, High Commissioner Dr
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. Calsey Johnson, Mrs. Dulcena Johnson, Bahamas Tourist Office National Director, Paul Strachan
High Commissioner to Canada H.E. Dr. Calsey Johnson addresses the gathering of Bahamians in Toronto, Canada.
High Commissioner with staff of The Bahamas Tourist Office – Canada. L-R: Ambrose Morris Stephen Johnson, Errolee Conlifffe, Janet Cuffie, H.E. Dr. Calsey Johnson, Mrs. Dulcena Johnson, Paul Strachan and Steven Johnson
Bahamians attending Bahamas High Commission’s Meet and Greet in Toronto
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