MIAMI, cialis check FL – The Bahamas Consulate General hosted a dinner in honour of Reverend Dr. Timothy Stewart, on Tuesday 22nd July, 2014 at the Ancient Spanish Monastery, North Miami Beach, FL.
Reverend Dr. Timothy Stewart is vying as a candidate for 1st Vice President during the upcoming Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC) in Ft. Lauderdale, ampoule FL, August 3rd – 9th, 2014. The election is scheduled for August 7th, 2014. He currently serves as the 2nd Vice President, the first international person to hold this position at the Executive Board level.
The PNBC began in 1961 as a movement which reflected the religious, social and political climate of the time. Its membership was undergirded by such leaders as Rev. Dr
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. Martin Luther King Jr., who for many years was the champion for the civil rights of African Americans, and Rev. Dr. Gardener C. Taylor, who later became one of the early presidents of the PNBC. Its mission was to transform the traditional African American Baptist Convention as well as society as a whole. The PNBC now comprises over 2.5 million members, (1.5 million in the United States and over 1 million around the globe). The PNBC is a Christian movement which incorporates an array of social and political concerns embodied in its founding principles of fellowship, progress, peace and service.
The dinner, hosted by Consul General Ricardo Treco, was attended by noted Bahamian members of the clergy in South Florida, who pledged their support in assisting Reverend Dr. Stewart in his endeavour.
If you are interested in attending the convention for spiritual empowerment, or supporting Reverend Dr. Stewart with a physical presence at the elections, please contact The Bahamas Consulate or The Bahamas Tourism Office – Plantation, for further information.
Pictured: Consul General Ricardo Treco with Reverend Dr. Timothy Stewart and members of the clergy.
On Friday, 25 July, 2014, H. E. Rhoda M. Jackson, paid a courtesy call on Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The High Commissioner expressed appreciation for the increased presence of Caribbean representation in Geneva calling for greater participation in the work of the Human Rights Council. She noted the need to collaborate on human rights issues both at the political level in New York and the technical level in Geneva. Among those matters discussed were the rising operational costs of addressing inhumane situations in many of the conflict areas around the world, including places like Gaza and the Sudan, despite the limited resources available. On the matter of migration and human rights, Ambassador Jackson took the opportunity to inform the High Commissioner of the challenges faced by The Bahamas in dealing with illegal migration and also highlighted the difficulty in accessing financing as a middle income country.
The High Commissioner reiterated the commitment of her Office to assist The Bahamas in meeting its treaty obligations particularly with respect to the training of experts and the preparation of national human rights reports.