ATLANTA — Bahamas Consul General to Atlanta Randy E. Rolle (left) pictured with Bahamian Chef Simeon Hall, generic viagra recipe Jr. who is among the two dozen chefs in Atlanta, viagra canada online Georgia for the National Black College Alumni
Hall of Fame Foundation 10th Annual Chefs of the World: A Taste of Fame event and the only one from the Caribbean representing The Bahamas. (Photo: Arthia Nixon)
LONDON–The delegation of The Bahamas to the Caricom/Germany Foreign Minister’s conference on 2nd March Berlin is pictured. What do we get out of it? That is a question that many ask about foreign minister’s meetings but there is a great value in dialogue and exchange of ideas on the international economic and political arena. The benefits are often incremental but always invaluable. Behind The Bahamas’ flag from left: Cleola Hamilton MP, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nassau; Fred Mitchell Minister; standing Desmond Taylor, Foreign Service Officer, Clifford Williams, Foreign Service Officer and Ambassador to Germany for The Bahamas Ed Bethel
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