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. Carroll, Bahamas Consul General to New York, at Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street, on December 23, 2014. The Newmans are true Junkanoo enthusiasts who travel to Nassau every year to participate in Junkanoo and this year they introduced Ms. Khainovskaia to the Bahamian culture. Pictured from left: Ms. Khainovskaia; Mrs. Sandra N Mclaughlin, Bahamas Consul to New York; Consul General Carroll; Dr. Gerald Newman; and Dr. Barbara Newman.
NEW YORK — Mr. Ivan Butler, Principal of Eight Miler Rock High School in Grand Bahama, and wife Shirlee Butler, Principal of PACE School in Grand Bahama, along with their son Ivan Butler Jr., paid a courtesy call on the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll, Bahamas Consul General to New York, at Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street, on December 24, 2014. Consul General Carroll was one of the principals in a successful customs brokerage company in Freeport, Grand Bahama, before entering the diplomatic corps. Pictured from left: Mrs. Shirlee Butler, Consul General Carroll, Mr. Ivan Butler and Mr. Ivan Butler Jr.