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Washington, viagra sale DC – Fashion designer for luxury brand Hardour Collection, Anthea Bullard was recognized and awarded in the United States capital of Washington, DC for Fashion Innovation and overall fashion contributions to the Caribbean community at large, by the Karib Nation non-profit organization in celebration of National Caribbean American Heritage Month. Anthea was being recognized for her iconic red dress that features colorful, buy cialis wooden hand- carved islands of the Bahamas at the back.
The Caribbean Style & Culture fashion showcase was held at the University of Maryland on Friday June 27th, 2014 and was attended by dignitaries and delegates from many Caribbean islands as well as our very own Bahamian representatives to Washington; Hon. Paulette Zonicle, Consular General of the Bahamas in Washington, DC and Dr. Eugene Newry – Ambassador to the Bahamas just to name a few. The Bahamas was the honorary country for the fashion event this year which is now in its 5th year and honored Bullard for her works in the Caribbean fashion industry
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. Bullard received tremendous accolades after her runway showcase and peaked interest with several buyers in attendance at the show.

Designers represented many Caribbean countries to include but not limited to The Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad, Haiti and Guyana. Each designer in attendance was personally invited to display their latest collections to represent the Caribbean community in this extravagant fashion showcase whose aim is to promote unity through fashion. Bullard states that she “felt privileged and honored to receive my award amongst so many amazingly talented designers from all over the Caribbean”.
While in D.C., Anthea visited the Bahamas Consulate General’s Office for a reception, where her honorary dress was on display and the main attraction for the evening. Ambassador Newry raved about Bullard’s dress which she considers art, and applauded Bullard on her creativity. She also had the honor of visiting Capitol Hill and attending a live US Senate hearing which she states was “an experience of a lifetime”. Bullard stated that “the power you felt just being in the room with so many politicians who make such important decisions was incredible and gave me goose bumps the entire time I was there.” She was also privileged to visit the Museum in Washington that displays garments of all the United States First Ladies throughout history which include the iconic red dress worn by Michelle Obama at her husband’s President Barack Obama’s inauguration.
Bullard felt accomplished to be one of the youngest designers invited to showcase at this international event and states that it was a humbling experience and she is now motivated more than ever to work harder and strive to make the Bahamas proud. “I am inspired, motivated and eager to grow, work and accomplish success for my brand and my country. I’ve built lasting friendships and relationships with the designers I met, and will be an experience I will always remember.