It appears that there never seems to be an end to one gory story after the next. There appears each day some sad story of mainly young men getting shot down in cold blood in front of their families. One particular one which drew our attention was that of someone said to be an employee of Government House. This is the third Government House employee to be murdered within a decade. There was a Defence Force officer who was killed and the jury acquitted the alleged killer, so that crime is not solved. Then there is the killing of the aide de camp to the Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling Inspector Blatch. And now there is the Government House messenger. Apart from that is the fact that it is alleged that his father was murdered as well some years ago. There is simply too much violence and we seem not to have one idea at all whether in this Bahamas or elsewhere in the Caribbean as to what to do stop it. Somehow we think it is has to do with the ease with which weapons are available in this country, despite the so called strict gun laws. Point to the US that has this second amendment in their constitution which gives people the right to bear arms and that seems to be the problem, because although it’s their constitution, it is have an extra territorial effect.