This past week, the United States government, filed charges against its former President, Donald J Trump, for trying to overthrow the results of the 2020 general election, which he lost. Mr. Trump continues to tell the lie that he was cheated out of victory, even though it has been shown time and time again that he lost, and what he says is not true.
That has not stopped him. Instead, his popularity amongst the right-wing and craven Opposition Republican Party in the United States has continued to support him, and his crackpot theories and lies, continue to hold fast to the vast majority of those who will have to choose him to run for the Republican Party.
For those of us in the so-called Third World, this is an amazing spectacle to behold. The United States, the centerpiece of modern democracies, is in a violent division within itself, not seen since the Civil War in the 19th century. Some are predicting that this is where it will get to.
Mr. Trump is certain that he will defeat all of the charges. There is a distinct possibility that he will. His defence strategy is simply to poison the jury pool with propaganda; that he is being persecuted and that the Justice Department of the United States is engaged in a partisan witch hunt. It seems to be resonating.
On the other side are the liberal press wing in the U S who are making a fortune off, this with their pundits endlessly discussing and chewing over what it all means.
What it all means is that the U S government may well have overreached in this and given this man the platform he requires to get back into office. Then God help us all.
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Number of hits for the year 2023 up to Saturday 5 August 2023: 13,187,910;