The United States is the host this year of the Summit of the Americas. It is a sub set of the Organization of American States and is supposed to include all countries in the hemisphere. This year it is being held in Los Angles. Two previous summits that are relevant were held in Lima, Peru in 2018 and in Panama City in 2015. In both of those summits Cuba was present. This year the United States does not intend to invite Cuba to the summit. The Bahamas in a meeting with the United States Vice President Kamila Harris on Friday 29 April 2022 indicated that Cuba should be invited to the summit and told the US that they need to solve their problems with Cuba because it is causing a security problem for The Bahamas. The Bahamas was joined by other Caricom states in this assertion. Instead, the Americans are barreling ahead as if the request is being made in the land of the deaf. Problem is they know, we suspect is that no Caricom country will do anything about it. How could they miss a trip to Los Angeles?