The Leader of the FNM Michael Pintard lost again in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 22 January 2025. The government came to debate the bills to revolutionize the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The FNM had weeks to prepare what were really technical bills. But they could have used it as an opportunity to debate their own foreign policy and speak up for FNMs who work in the Foreign Ministry.
Those FNMs in the Ministry sat there for four and half years while Darren Henfield was their minister and did nothing to help advance the law or their careers. But never mind, they have plenty of what shoulda, coulda, woulda to say about what the PLP proposes. All of that opportunity was lost because the debate never took place
Why did it not take place? Because Michael Pintard is so hard headed, stubborn and inept that he cannot pivot when he faces a debate in Parliament. He kept insisting on talking about the violent act they fomented in December last year.
The Minister Fred Mitchell moved cloture on the debate and Pia Glover Rolle seconding. The Speaker put the question and the matter came to an end before lunch.
All you could hear was wow, wow, wow from the FNM other side. A shocked FNM side could not believe what happened.
Had they had a more adept leader, they could have pivoted and won the day but he is simply too slow to change course. They lost again.
There is a TikTok video of Michael Pintard promoting the fact that he was working during the time he was serving the penalty for disrupting the House. It shows him signing papers in his suit and looking ministerially out the window of the Leader’s office. It got him 3000 views. People must not have had anything to do that day.
But here’s the thing : paper will stand still for anything to be written on it. Anyone can do a video TikTok. But does it mean anything if behind it all is emptiness and parking space?
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 25 January 2025 up to midnight: 762,548;
Number of hits for the month of January up to Saturday 25 January 2025 up to midnight: 2,209,550;
Number of hits for the year 2025 up to Saturday 25 January 2025 up to midnight: 2,209,550;