The FNM led a demonstration in front of the Department of Immigration on Thursday 29 June 2023, calling on Immigration Minister Keith Bell to resign. His alleged faux pas was swearing in a widow whose husband’s dying wish was for her to be sworn in as a Bahamian before he died and the children were granted citizenship. Unfortunately for Mr. Bell, he did it by swearing her in at the funeral service of her husband and then handing her the certificate. The FNM compares it to the special delivery they say that former immigration Minister Shane Gibson did with a certificate for Anna Nicole Smith, the hotty actress. First, what Keith Bell did was unorthodox and perhaps unwise. but not unlawful. In fact, Mr. Gibson weighed in to confirm that even the practice of a private swearing was not unusual. This of course came from Dr Duane Sands who had to resign because what he did was unlawful during the pandemic. But here is some truth as well about citizenship. The Minister can swear someone at any place and time once the approvals are in place and in this case, the approvals were in place. Secondly, the minister has the power to grant citizenship to any minor for any reason. So what the heck is the noise about?