The following statement was read as a communication in the House of Assembly by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell MP:
29 January 2025
On 22nd January 25, at member’s statements the Member for St Anne’s made certain statements alleging, by innuendo, improper financial expenditure by the ministry of foreign affairs.
I have received a transcript and here is what he said in part: “My constituents should know that between 2022 and 23, the government has spent over $400,000, just to provide vehicles to The Bahamas embassy in Washington DC alone”. He then listed the cars and amongst them were BMWs.
He continued: “In tough times while we can’t get fire trucks on the island [he meant in Grand Bahama]. It has been 3 years, and we have over $300,000 US price BMWs up in DC to be driving around the VIPS .”
First, Grand Bahama was never without the ability to fight fires and in speaking, myself, at the material time, to the fire department in Grand Bahama, the officials there pronounced themselves satisfied that at all times they had the ability to meet any fire emergency. In any case, they now have a fully functioning fire truck today.
But as a result of the comments of the Member for St Anne’s, the press ran a story saying in its headline that the member had criticised the “purchase “ of BMWs for $300,000. The only problem is that isn’t what he said but what he said was so juxtaposed in language as to precisely cause that press error and thereby inflict political damage through inaccuracy..
The embassy in Washington DC has not purchased any BMW cars. I am advised and verily believe, the embassy is using the same leasing company and leasing arrangements that the FNM’s ambassador Sidney Collie used when he served in Washington for four years. The terms of the use of the cars have not changed. I am advised and verily believe that there is no difference in this matter between when the FNM was in power and now the PLP. The member then could well have said that these BMWs were used to ferry the FNM’s ambassador and VIPs during the height of Covid when the country had extreme money problems and the FNM was in power. Times were even tougher then but the FNM kept the cars.
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Thank you madam speaker.