One wonders what exactly is it with the Tribune, best viagra malady its publisher Eileen Dupuch Carron, viagra usa and Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs? But boy! It is really a credit to Mr. Mitchell to be able to sustain the incredible onslaught by one of the country’s leading newspapers, its publisher and all of its columnists: Nicki Kelly and just this past week Andrew Allen, the son of former Finance Minister William Allen. Mr. Allen writing under the headline ‘ENOUGH POLITICS MR. MITCHELL’ says that Mr. Mitchell ought to “rein in the more mischievous side of his character”. This is an obvious attempt by various and sundry to isolate the Minister on the ground that he is on some personal frolic of his own. Interestingly, the party that has benefited the most from Mr
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. Mitchell has not come to the defence of their own minister. At so many times in the past, most recently in the ‘Mother’ Pratt photo affair, Fred Mitchell’s “isolated” voice rang loud in championing the party and its own. In any event we’re sure that Fred Mitchell can take care of himself. But where are his friends?