17 January 2025
The Chairman of the PLP Fred Mitchell addressed the issue of the unlawful strike by the TUC last week on Monday and Tuesday 13 and 14 of January 2025:
The courts have now ordered the employees who broke the law these few days back to work. Their leader is unrepentant. In fact, he pronounced himself to the press pleased that his action was effective. He was able to stop teachers from going to school and the children not to learn their lessons on those days.
The union leader was pleased that the families could not collect the bodies of their loved ones from the Rand Hospital for 2 days up in Freeport. He was pleased that the patients may have died because doctors and nurses at his instance claimed falsely that they were sick.
The leader is a lawyer and by issuing a voice note was clearly encouraging an unlawful act. Does it not leave himself open to civil penalties for damage and also for disciplinary action before the ethics committee of the bar?
The leader pronounced that he was pleased or effective to use his word that tourists incoming and flights incoming to provide money for mother’s to buy milk for their children were disrupted.
The union leader said he was pleased or effective to use his word, where the taxes could not be collected for those 2 days, so the Treasury could not pay salaries and outstanding bills.
One employer called to say that he asked a union member who didn’t show up to work, why was she not going to work.
She said she didn’t know, but the union told them not to go, so she called in sick. Now when that employer dismisses her or doesn’t pay her or deducts her pay, one hopes that the union leader will also be pleased about how effective that was as well.
The country is making progress; egotism has no place in this dispensation, and megalomania is not a quality to be endorsed. What is to be preferred is truthfulness, and to be of good character; that when you say one thing in private your words can be relied upon. One should not develop a reputation that you cannot believe anything you say on social media.