There seemed to be a monumental cockup by the Government’s prosecutors over the last week with regard to the Chief Magistrate Joy Ann Pratt. The Government’s prosecutors went to court to ask that she recuse herself from the case involving the former PLP Assistant Secretary General Michelle Wreckley because she had visited Ms. Wreckley in prison. The Magistrate was not amused and though she ultimately did recuse herself, he said she did not know Ms. Wreckley from a can a paint and never laid eyes on any of the defendants in her life before the case. The Director of Public Prosecutions went into court and withdrew the request and apologized. Then there was the case of Christina Galanos which has received some traction in FNM circles, with Tanya Wright ,the attorney writing about the alleged abuse of Ms. Galanos by the Chief Magistrate that was alleged in a letter to the Chief Justice and the case even got the attention of an FNM Senator who raised it in the Senate and commented on it on Facebook. Ms. Pratt is believed to be headed to the Supreme Court Bench so perhaps all of this is designed by her enemies to stop that from happening. Very strange.