The Story Of Michael Halkitas And The Chicken Coop
cialis usa times, serif;”>
Last week we published a story about a chicken coop which MP and Minister of State for Finance Michael Halkitas, a Cat Island man, had built in his back yard. It was back to the islandish kind of thing we said. The story attracted some 400 views. Lots of people came up to him on the streets to express their curiosity and how they could get one. He is looking around for another chicken and gets 2 eggs a day from his hen. Someone said it probably cost him more than if he bought them from the supermarket. But think of it this way. There is a yearning in some Bahamians to reconnect with the soil and the heritage which they and their grandparents and parents left only a generation ago. The psychic value of it is what it’s all about plus you get real food to eat. So we think it’s great and he is open to helping others get a chicken coop.