The Story Of Damien’s Leaked Letter
sildenafil purchase times;”>Candia Dames, treat the Guardian’s Managing Editor, who does a piece every week called National Review wrote a piece last Monday in which she said that a letter written by Damien Gomez QC, the Minister of State for Legal Affairs decried the government’s lack of performance on tangible items in his constituency. This caused a few ripples because it appeared to confirm what the Opposition was saying about the government’s performance. Alfred Gray, the Minister for Agriculture, opined in the press that Mr
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. Gomez ought to address the matter of how the letter got leaked. He thought that the letter was not an unusual critique for an MP who wanted to see things done in his constituency but he thought the leaking ought to be addressed. Mr. Gomez told the Nassau Guardian that he had no comment and following the advice of Mr. Gray, he again he had no comment on the matter.