Sol Kerzner recalled how when he first came to The Bahamas in 1991 and saw the Paradise Island hotel, generic cialis ed then owned by a succession of folk Donald Trump, Merv Griffin and he thought it was in our words a dump. He knew it had to be improved. Mr
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. Kerzner and his son Butch took over the property and they transformed the place. Both the Kerzners were meticulous: they brought in a high end product, a clean high end product with excellent service. They had a publicly traded company and then they decided that they would take the company private. To do so it appears they got a huge mortgage over the Paradise Island property. The bottom fell out of the market in 2008 and they could no longer afford the mortgage and went into default. Now Brookfield an asset management company, read mortgagee has the ownership of the property. They say they care about keeping it a going concern but when you go to the product itself, there are obviously problems. There is a need for fresh investment which though promised is not forthcoming. The product itself is lacking in service elements; it is not as clean as it should be: how about the grunge under the table in Bimini Road. Its high high end property Ocean Club is now sold and Brookfield is interested in the money so it looks like the property may be sold off for the sum of its parts. Over in Grand Bahama, you check into the Grand Lucayan and the service has deteriorated markedly: it needs investment in the buildings, the service element, it comes off as bit tacky. So while Albany and Bahamar in Nassau are racing for the top end of the market, it appears that what we now have needs a lot of work and fresh investment. It would be worthy for the government to take note.