Where is Sandra Dean Patterson, the advocate for women who condemned former PLP MP Leslie Miller for his comments about beating women? She was nowhere to be found as the sordid story of Hank Johnson the FNM MP unfolded across the press. There was silence from every women’s group and no criticism from the anti PLP press about the fact that Hank Johnson, MP for Central and South Eleuthera, is alleged to have battered his wife. The police charged his brother in law for beating him up. There is a complaint on file with the police that Hank Johnson beat his wife up and she filed a complaint that he beat her up. Yet charge or no charge there is a need for Hank Johnson who has a history of the use of abusive langue and abusive physical actions in public to come clean with a public accounting of what happened. Instead we have in the Nassau Guardian on Monday 18 January 2021 a studied no comment from the MP who usually has his big mouth open and spouting out lots of idle words.