discount viagra see times;”>Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport Hope Strachan is pictured with Anthony Kikivarakis, generic viagra buy Chairman of the Bahamas Maritime Authority, Peter Goulandris, Deputy Chairman of the BMA and George Pateras, Chairman of Bahamas Ship owner’s Association at the ship owner’s conference held in Nassau last week.
Bahamas Ship owner’s Association hosts a social event with students from the Bahamas Maritime Cadet Corps, university maritime graduates and students of the LJM Maritime Institute: Prime Minister Perry Christie addresses maritime students on a “career package” initiative between the Bahamas Maritime Authority and the Bahamas Ship-owners Association.
Graduates of the Maritime Cadet Corps:: from left Jawarad Greene, Chief Mate for Marine Tankers, Edley Swain, and Edvardo Humes, first Bahamian to qualify in ship watch keeping
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. The Maritime Cadet Corps began 10 years ago with a graduating class of 12 students: this year the Corps has a class of 512 students