With Winston “ Gus “ Cooper now dead, there is now no rival for the title of King of Junkanoo for Percy “Vola” Francis, the Leader of the Saxon Superstars and winner of the Boxing Day Junkanoo parade.
Sir Franklin Wilson wrote an interesting piece in which he said that the Saxons have in effect won the last five parades of Junkanoo. E put it another way, his corporations sponsored the winners of the last five parades between sponsoring the Saxons and the One Family groups.
One Family came out of the Saxons. The Saxons won this time, and One Family last year and this was an unbroken record for their corporate sponsors. Sir Franklin said that no other corporate sponsor can boast of that or surpass that record.
Such is the pride which people express and have invested in Junkanoo. This is Bahamian culture at its highest. We congratulate the Saxon Superstars for their victory in the parade.
We mention One Family because they in their post rush interview admitted that they were simply not ready. There were too many faults for them to have been seriously a contestant. That’s the way these things should be, not the accusation by the Valley that someone cheated or that they had been robbed. You take your losses and move on
Junkanoo is now up for a new uptick. It should be on the world stage, not just a gem on Bay Street.
The time has come for its expansion from Bay Street. This seems to us a combination of television and radio promotion, legal changes to protect the rights to intellectual property, and restraining the weatherman from always interfering with the parade.
The weather man was the laughing stock of the year when they persuaded the JCNP to cancel the parade on Boxing Day because it was going to rain. There was not even a drop.
Congratulations again on a great parade.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 30 December 2023 up to midnight: 252,145;
Number of hits for the month of December up to Saturday 30 December 2023 up to midnight: 1,258,053;
Number of hits for the year 2023 up to Saturday 30 December 2023 up to midnight: 21,300,686;