buy cialis buy viagra times;”>Sarkis Izmirlian picked a public fight with the contractor who is building the Bahamar hotels in Cable Beach, viagra usa cialis sale with the unions, with the government, with Breezes his immediate neighbour, and with the financiers. What could possibly be the strategy behind that? We came upon this idea. Perhaps the idea is to shame each and every one of these parties to capitulate in the face of public exposure? Interesting idea and sometimes it works except when you are dealing with the Chinese where money means nothing and time even less, and face is everything, how do you expect that to work? Bottom line is despite the intervention at the highest levels of the government it doesn’t seem like there is any movement on completing the Bahamar project. The workers on the construction site have left. The place has come to standstill. This project though is too big to fail and we must find an answer and soon because there is the threat to start laying off those people who left their good jobs to go join Mr. Izmirlian.