Arrival in Nassau on 24 March 2022 William and KateTaking the Royal Salute at the airport in Nassau 24 March 2022Inspecting the honour guard 24 March 2022 at LPIAWaiting for the cultural show with the Prime Minister the Royal Couple, Mrs. Davis and Sports Minister Mario Bowleg 25 March 2022Ann Marie Davis, PM’s wife arrives at the State Ball 25 March 2022The Prince holds the umbrella for the PM at the cultural show Bay Street with Junkanooer Darren Bastian and Leon Lundy Parliamentary SecretaryPM’s wife Ann Marie Davis with Princess Kate downtown at the cultural show 25 March 2022Airport arrival of Princess Kate 24 March 2022Official welcome at the OPM for the Royal couple 24 March 2022Prince William at the Montagu Slop races on Friday 25 March 2022Princess Kate at the Montagu Sloop Races 25 March 2022Urban Renewal Band performs Bay Street, Pubic Square 25 March 2022Prince William speaks with Covid Doctors and medical personnel 25 March 2022Princess Kate and Mrs. Ann Marie Davis speak to the medical doctors on 25 March 2022Police Force Band performs in the Public Square for the Royal visit on 25 March 2022Junkanoo in the public square for the royal visit 25 March 2022