The Results Of The COB Survey
viagra usa and times;”>The College of The Bahamas has an Economics Department and they and their professor and students did a survey of the College about the readiness of the College public to accept national health insurance. It appears that as a general proposition they accept the need to have national health insurance and the need to pay for it. They even seem to say they would be prepared to pay a new tax to support it because they think it would be better than the present way health care is paid for and provided. But according to the Nassau Guardian, cialis canada cialis the survey drew the line at accepting the present scheme. They do not believe that the scheme the government presently wants to implement is the one because they do not trust the government to implement it. Interesting, prostate it goes back to this point about the need for dialogue with the public about what it is that is being proposed. Needless to say, we support the government in whatever they do. Let’s start. The status quo is unacceptable. The DNA, headed by Bran McCartney has urged to government to begin, saying that there will never be a right time to do so.