Ivan Johnson of the down market rag The Punch made up another lie on Philip Davis, the Leader of the PLP. This time it is that Mr. Davis left the Chamber when Adrian Gibson, FNM MP for Long Island and Chair of the Water and Sewerage Corporation began to speak. The reason says Ivan is because Mr. Davis didn’t want to hear attacks by Mr. Gibson on Mr. Davis for the water situation in Cat Island. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mr. Davis has made it plain and simple: two people he will never listen to Marvin Dames, Minister of National Security and Adrian Gibson MP for Long Island who is also Chair of the Water and Sewerage Corporation. They are not fit and proper to be in the House of Assembly. So Mr. Davis walking out as Mr. Gibson spoke is no special thing. In any event, the Leader of the Opposition should be the last Speaker before the Prime Minister. Under the FNM though they have changed the rules as always destroying the civility and traditions.